Imágenes de páginas

Civility, I see a wild, 168.
Clad in blue and gold, 430.

in complete steel, 208.
Claims of long descent, 579.
Clamours, Jove's dread, 134.
Clapper-clawing, 228.

Claret is the liquor for boys, 344.
Clarion, sound the, 494.
Clasp his teeth, drunkard, 153.
Clasps, that book in gold, 83.
Classic ground, 267.
Classical quotation, 345.
Clay, blind his soul with, 583.
Cæsar turned to, 124.
if, could think, 450.
of humankind, 244.
porcelain of human, 534.
tenement of, 234.
wraps their, 366.

Cleanliness next to godliness, 331.
Cleanness of body, 145.
Cleanse the stuffed bosom, 105.
Clear as a whistle, 323.

deep yet, 175.

in his great office, 98.
Clerk foredoomed, 301.
me no clerks, 682.

ther was of Oxenforde, 2.
Clever man by nature, 431.
Clicked behind the door, 373.
Clients, nest-eggs to make, 231.
Cliff, as some tall, 372.
Cliffs rent asunder, 471.
Climate, cold, or years, 201.
Climb, fain would I, 17.

how hard it is to, 402.
why then, at all, 17.
Climber upward, 88.
Climbing sorrow, 126.
Clime, cold in, 523.

deeds done in their, 523.
in every, adored, 311.
in the eastern, 196.
ravage all the, 402.
soft as her, 529.
some brighter, 409.

Climes, humours turn with, 292.
Clink of hammers, 263.
Clip an angel's wing, 547
Cloak, martial, around him, 549.
Clock, finger of a, 393.

Shrewsbury, hour by, 66.
the varnished, 373.
worn out, 243.

Clod, kneaded, 28.
Clog of his body, 222.
Cloistered virtue, 220.
Close against the sky, 555.

of the day, at the, 402.
the shutters fast, 392.

Close-buttoned to the chin, 395.
Closeness, all dedicated to, 22.
Clothe a man with rags, 622.
my naked villany, 75..
Clothed and in his right mind, 637.
in black or red, 2.
Clothes, tattered, 127.

wantonness in, 168.

when he put on his, 376.
Clothing the palpable, 476.
Cloud-capped towers, 23.
Cloud, choose a firm, 293.
joy the luminous, 474.
like a summer's, 102.
of witnesses, 643.
out of the sea, 610.
pillar of a, 609.
sable, 207.
that's dragonish, 137.
through a fleecy, 215.

which wraps the present, 349.
with silver lining, 207.
Clouds, castles in the, 329.
fought upon the, 91.

he that regardeth the, 626.
hooded like friars, 574-
impregns the, 194.
looks in the, go.
plighted, 208.
robe of, 529.
sees God in, 286.
sit in the, 67.

that gather round, 458.
that lowered, 74

thy, dispel all other, 545.
trailing, of glory, 457.
Clouted shoon, 209.

Cloy the edge of appetite, 58.
Clubs typical of strife, 393.
Clutch the golden keys, 585.
Coach, go call a, 259.
Coal and salt, 546.

Coals of fire on his head, 623.
Coast, rock-bound, 542.

was clear, 666.

Coat buttoned down before, 605.
Coats, hole in a' your, 420.
Cobham, brave, 293.
Cock, early village, 77.

this is a, 12.

Cockloft is empty, 222.

Coffee which makes the politician
wise, 300.

Coffin, adds a nail to our, 408.
Cofre, litle gold in, 2.

Cogibundity of cogitation, 258.
Cogitative faculties, 258.
Cohorts were gleaming, 526.
Coigne of vantage, 97.
Coil, not worth this, 56.

Coil, shuffle off this mortal, 116.
Coinage of your brain, 121.
Coincidence, strange, 535.
Cold in blood, 523.

in clime, 523.
indifference came, 273.
iron, meddles with, 226.
neutrality, 384.

on Canadian hills, 408.
the changed, 518.

the effect of fire, 188.

waters to a thirsty soul, 623.

Coldly furnish forth, 108.

heard, so, 565.

sweet, so, 522.
Cold-pausing caution, 422.
Coleridge, mortal power of, 457.
Coliseum, when falls the, 520.
Collar, braw brass, 421.
College, endow a, 294.
College-joke, 261.

Collied night, in the, 37.
Collier and a barber fight, 333.
Cologne, wash your city of, 475.
Coloquintida, bitter as, 131.
Colossus, bestride the world, 89.
Colours, all, a suffusion, 474.
idly spread, 58.

of the rainbow, 208.
Columbia happy land, 464.
sons of, 505.

to glory arise, 418.
Combat deepens, the, 484.
wit in the, 503.
Combination and a form, 121.
Combine, when bad men, 380.
Come and trip it as you go, 213.

as the waves come, 492.
as the winds come, 492.
gentle spring, 327.

home to men's bosoms, 141.
in the rearward of a woe, 140.
like shadows so depart, 103.
live with me, 20.
one come all, 492.
perfect days, 592.
rest in this bosom, 499.
send round the wine, 497.
to the bridal chamber, 545.
to this, that it should, 108.
unto these yellow sands, 22.
what come may, 96.
what may, 523.
when it will come, 91.
when the heart beats, 545.
when you call them, 64.
Comedy, the world is a, 364.
Comes, so, a reckoning, 318.
the blind fury, 212.
the brick-dust man, 333.

Comes this way sailing, 205.
to be denied, 321.
unlooked for, 310.
Cometh al this new corne, 5.
al this new science, 5.

Comets seen, no, 91.
Comfort be to my age, 45.
continuall, in a face, 18.
flows from ignorance, 258.
Comforted, would not be, 633.
Comforters, miserable, 612.
Coming events, 483.

eye will mark our, 531.
Command success, 265.
Commandments, set my ten, 72.
Commend, another's face, 348.
Commends the ingredients, 97.
Comment, meek nature's, 450.
Commentators each dark passage,
shun, 283.

plain, give me, 416.
Commercing with the skies, 214.
Commit the oldest sins, 69.
Commodity of good names, 61.
Common as light is love, 539.
growth of mother earth, 444.
he nothing, did, 231.
make it too, 67.
men, crowd of, 169.
people of the skies, 148.
souls, flight of, 379.

sun the air the skies, 361.
use, remote from, 531.
walk, beyond the, 279.
Commonplace of nature, 439.
Commonwealth, lie abroad for the,


Communicated, good the more, 197.
Communications, evil, 641.
Communion sweet, quaff in, 197.

with nature, 556.
Compact, imagination all, 38.
Companies, busy, of men, 231.
Companion, even thou my, 647.
Companions, his best, innocence
and health, 371.

I have had, playmates, 467.
musing on, gone, 489.
of the spring, 409.
thou'dst unfold, 135.

Company, crowds without, 389.
shirt and a half in my, 65.
villanous, 64.

Compare, beautiful beyond, 479.
great with small, 666.
Comparisons are odious, 150, 666.
are odorous, 32, 666.
Compass, I mind my, 322.

narrow, 179.
of a guinea, 510.

Compassed by inviolate sea, 579.
Compassion, bowels of, 644.

courage and, joined, 267.
Compelled sins, our, 28.
Competence, peace and, 290.
Complete steel, clad in, 208.
Complexion, mislike me for my, 41.
Complies against his will, 231.
Composture of excrement, 88.
Compound for sins, 225.

of villanous smell, 26.
Comprehend all vagrom men, 31.
Compulsion, a reason on, 63.
Compunctious visitings, 96.
Compute, what's done, 420.
Comus and midnight crew, 357.
Concatenation accordingly, 377.
Conceal, talk only to, 283.
Concealment like a worm, 53.
Conceit, wise in his own, 623.
wiser in his own, 623.
Conceits, wise in your own, 639.
Concentred in a life intense, 517.
Conception of joyous prime, 14.
Concerted harmonies, 558.
Conclusion, a foregone, 134.

lame and impotent, 131.
of the whole matter, 627.
Concord holds, firm, 188.
of sweet sounds, 44.
sweet milk of, 103.
Condemn the fault, 27.

the wrong, 603.

you me, 172.

Condemned alike to groan, 353.

the wretch, 377.

Condition, wearisome, 18.
Conduct and equipage, 259.
his, still right, 374.

of a clouded cane, 301.
Confabulate, if birds, 398.
Confer, minds nothing to, 438.
Conference a ready man, 142.
Confidence, filial, inspired, 394.
of reason, give, 455:
plant of slow growth, 346.
Confident to-morrows, 461.
Confine, hies to his, 107.
Confines of daylight, 220.
Confirm the tidings, 268.
Confirmations strong, 133-
Conflict, dire was the, 198.
heat of, 455.
irrepressible, 564.
rueful, the, 446.
Confusion his masterpiece, 100.
on thy banners, 355-
worse confounded, 191.
Congenial to my heart, 373.
Congregate, merchants, 40.

Congregation of vapours, 114.
Conjectures, I am weary of, 266.
Conquer Love, they that run, 158
our fate, to bear is to, 484.
twenty worlds, 176.
we must, 536.

Conqueror creates a muse, 179.
proud foot of a, 58.
Conquerors, beats all, 176.
Conquest, ever since the, 249.
Conquest's crimson wing, 355.
Conscience avaunt, 264.
coward, 77.

does make cowards, 117.
hath a thousand tongues, 77.
have vacation, 228.
is corrupted, 72.

of her worth, 200.

of the king, catch the, 115.
wakes despair, 192.
with gallantry, 416.

Conscious water blushed, 173.
Consecration and the Poet's
dream, 456.

Consent, will ne'er, 531.
Consequence, deepest, 95.
trammel up the, 97.

Consider too curiously, 124.
Consideration like an angel, 69.
Considereth the poor, 615.
Consistency is a jewel, 663.
Consoler, death the, 576.

Conspicuous by his absence, 650.
Constable, outrun the, 227, 675.
Constancy in wind, 511.

lives in realms. 471.

Constant as the northern star, 91.

Constellations, happy, 200.

Constitution, one, 509.

Construction, inind's, 96.

Consumedly, they laughed, 274-

Consummation devoutly to

wished, 116.


Consumption's ghastly form, 545.
Contagion to this world, 120.
Contagious blastments, 109.
Contemplation, formed for, 193.
sundry, of my travels, 49.
Contemporaneous posterity, 662.
Contempt upon familiarity, 25.
Content and poor is rich, 133.
farewell, 134-

humble livers in, 78.

if hence the unlearned, 299.
measureless, shut up in, 99.
to dwell in decencies, 293.
Contented, when one is, 11.
Contentions, fat, 219.

Contentious woman, 623.

Contentment of noblest mind, 13.

Contests from trivial things, 300.
Contiguity of shade, 390.
Continent, boundless, 486.
Continual dropping, 623.
plodders, 34.

Contortions of the sibyl, 385.
Contradiction, woman's a, 294.
Contrary, runneth not to the, 379.
Contrive, head to, 170.

Controls them and subdues, 455.
Convents, happy, 308.
Conversation, brisk in, 341.
coped withal, 118.
Conversation's burrs, 590.
Converse, formed by thy, 291.

with the mighty dead, 329.
Conversing I forget all time, 195.
Convey the wise call it, 25.
Conveyed, bud to heaven, 474.

the dismal tidings, 373.
Convolutions of a shell, 459.
Cooks, devil sends, 669.
Cool reflection came, 494.
sequestered vale, 359.

shade of aristocracy, 510.
Cope of heaven, 196.
Copy, leave the world no, 52.
princeps, 430.

Corages, nature in hir, 1.
Coral, his bones are, 22.
lip admires, 158.

Cord, a threefold, 624.

silver, be loosed, 627.
Cordial, gold in phisike is a, 2.

to the soul, 221.
Core, in my heart's, 119.
Corinthian lad of mettle, 62.
Corioli, Volscians in, 82.
Cormorant, sat like a, 193.
Corn, reap an acre of, 437.
two ears of, 261.
unbending, 298.

Corne, cometh al this new, 5.
Corner, headstone of the, 618.
of the house-top, 622.
sits the wind in that, 31.
Corners of the world, 58.
Corner-stone of a nation, 576.
Coromandel, black men of, 562.
Coronation day, kings upon, 238.
Coronets, more than, 579.
Corporal sufferance, 28.
Corporations have no souls, 10.
Corpse of public credit, 508.
Corrector of enormous times, 158.
Correggios and stuff, 375.
Correspondent to command, 22.
Corrupt good manners, 641.
Corrupted freemen, 363.

the youth of the realm, 73.

| Corruption, honour from, 80.
lighter wings, lends, 294.
wins not more, 79.
Corsair's name, he left a, 525.
Corse, unhandsome, 61.
Cortez, like stout, 548.
Costard, rational hind, 34.
Costly thy habit, 110.
Cot beside the hill, 436.
Cottage might adorn, 373.
of gentility, 463.
poorest man in his, 347.
stood beside a, 559.
the soul's dark, 179.

with double coach-house, 463.

Couch, drapery of his, 556.
frouzy, in sorrow steep, 421.
grassy, they to their, 194.
of war, steel, 130.

Could bear to be no more, 479.
ever hear by tale, 37.
I flow like thee, 175.
I fly with thee, 409.

not the grave forget thee, 520.
we forbear dispute, 180.

Counsel, darkeneth, by words, 613.
in his face, 187.

sometimes, take, 300.

took sweet, together, 616.
Counsellors, multitude of, 620.
Counsels, maturest, 186.

monie, sweet, 419.

Count our spoons, 343.
that day lost, 606.
their chickens, 229.

time by heart-throbs, 569.
Countenance, bright, of truth, 218.
disinheriting, 415.

man sharpeneth the, 623.
more in sorrow, 109.
Counteraction, action and, 382.
Countercheck quarrelsome, 50.
Counterfeit a gloom, 215.

presentment, 120.

Counters, such rascal, 94.

wise men's, 159.

Countless thousands mourn, 422.
Country, dared to love their, 313.
die to save our, 266.
for the good of my, 274.
God made the, 390.
he sighed for his, 484.

his first best, 369.

I loved my, 530.

in another, 209.

left for country's good, 425.
my bleeding, 481.

my, 'tis of thee, 568.

one, 509

our, however bounded, 559.

Country right or wrong, 506.
the undiscovered, 116.
undone his, 266.
Country's cause, but his, 315.

wishes blessed, 366.
Countrymen, hearts of his, 427.
Counts his sure gains, 478.
Courage and compassion, 267.
mounteth with occasion, 54.
never to submit, 182.
screw your, 98.

stout will be put out, 17.
Couriers of the air, 98.
Course, I have finished my, 643.
of human events, in the, 405.
of justice, 43.
of nature, 282.

of one revolving moon, 236.
of true love, 37-

westward the, of empire, 273.
whose, is run, 363.
Courses, steer their, 226.
Courted by all the winds, 205.

in your girls again, 602.
Courteous, the retort, 50.
though coy, 417.

Courtesy, heart of, 19.

very pink of, 85.
Courtier, heel of the, 123.
Courtier's scholar's eye, 117.
Courts, a day in thy, 616.

other, of the nation, 228.
Courtsied when you have, 22.
Covenant with death, 629.
Coventry, march through, 65.
Cover my head now, 555.

the friendless bodies, 172.
Covert yield, try what the, 285.
Covetousness, cause of, 21.
Coward conscience, 77.

flattery to name a, 429.
on instinct, I was a, 63.
sneaks to death, 317.
stands aside, 593.

that would not dare, 489.
thou slave thou wretch, 56.
Cowards, conscience makes, 117.
die many times, 91.
may fear to die, 17.
mock the patriot's fate, 557.
plague of all, 62.
Cowslips wan, 212.
Cowslip's bell, in a, I lie, 24.

Coxcombs vanquish Berkeley, 349.
Coy and hard to please, 490.

submission, yielded, 194.
Cozenage, strange, 243.
Crabbed age and youth, 139.

not harsh and, 209.

Crab-tree and old iron rang, 226.

Crack of doom, 103.

your cheeks, blow wind, 126.
Cradle, changed in the, 11.
little one's, in my, 592.
of reposing age, 303.

our, stands in the grave, 153.
procreant, 97.

Cradled into poetry, 539.
Cradles rock us, 281.
Craft so long to lerne, 4
Craftiness, wise in their own, 611.
Crams and blasphemes, 210.
Cranny, every, but the right, 401.
Crannying wind, 516.
Crape, saint in, 292.
Cream and mantle, 39.
Create a soul, 209.
Created equal, all men, 405.
half to rise, 288.
Creation, amid its gay, 327.
false, 99.

of some heart, 519.
ploughshare o'er, 282.
sleeps, 277.

Creation's blank, 365.
blot, 365.

dawn beheld, 521.
heir, 369.

Creator drew his spirit, 240.
glory of the, 145.
remember thy, 626.
Creature, drink pretty, 437.
every, drink but I, 177.
every, shall be purified, 20.
good familiar, 132.
heaven-eyed, 457-

is at his dirty work, 302.
misgivings of a, 458.

not too bright or good, 440.
small beer, 67.

smart so little as a fool, 302.
Creatures base, 14.

millions of spiritual, 195.
of the element, 208.
these delicate, 133.
you dissect, 292.

Crebillon, romances of, 361.
Credit, blest paper, 294.
his own lie, 22.

Creditor, glory of a, 27.
Credulity, ye who listen with, 340.
Creed, Calvinistic, 347.

of slaves, 416.
outworn, 445.
sapping a solemn, 518.
Creeds, half the, 586.

keys of all the, 584.

Creep in one dull line, 297;
into his study of imagination,


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