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If the choice between ȧyaráw and pikéw was, in biblical usage, a matter of taste, then there was a literary, though not didactic, difference. What was that literary difference?

3. One would like to have the examples from the different writers considered separately. It is certainly supposable that one writer should, always or occasionally, use the two words with discrimination, and others always without.

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4. Ought not special importance to be given to passages where both words are used in close connection? Thus the familiar words of Wisdom, 'I love them that love me," are in the Septuagint, 'Eyù roùç kμè piĥovvras ayan (Prov. viii. 17). The Hebrew word for "love is the same in both cases, and the rhetorical contrast would make for the same word in Greek, as in Matt. v. 46, ἐὰν γὰρ ἀγαπήσητε τοὺς ἀγαπῶντας ὑμᾶς. Could the shade of difference be expressed by "I love them that are fond of me "?-thus suggesting φιλοσοφία. So in Hos. iii. I, we find ἀγάπησον.....ἀγαπῶσαν..... ἀγαπᾷ..... και φιλοῦσι.


The fact that a word is being superseded by another would not show that it was used without discrimination. Sometimes it is the antique air itself that recommends it, as in the English quoth" for "said" and "token" for "sign.' It seems not unlikely that ȧyaráw gained an advantage over pićw by the rise of the noun áɣámŋ. This was always latent in the verb ayamáw, but does not appear in early literature. Certainly the two words together would be less likely to go into disuse than either alone. tw is derived from píños, and has no noun-duplicate; for piñía is the abstract of φίλος.

6. When a word after long fluctuation settles down in a narrow corner of its former usage, it is natural to see in its earlier uses a tendency towards the final use. According to that, pikko, meaning at last only “to kiss," might during its later previous history express distinctively fondness, tenderness, or devotion.

7. If we assume that the dialogue between our Lord and Peter was not spoken in Greek, does that affect the importance of the discussion of the Greek words?

These remarks are offered not so much in the way of criticism of Professor Ballantine's article, as of suggestion to any who have time and inclination to pursue the matter further.

Adelbert College, Cleveland, Ohio.




THE following are the most important recent issues of the German press which we find favorably reviewed in the standard German reviews :


Baldensperger, Lic. W. The Self-consciousness of Jesus (i. e. the knowledge Jesus had of himself). (Das Selbstbewusstsein Jesu im Lichte der messianischen Hoffnungen seiner Zeit. Strassburg, 1888. v. 193 S. M 2.50.)

Baumgärtner, P. The Unity of the Shepherd of Hermas. (Die Einheit des Hermas-Buches. Gekrönte Preisschrift. Freiburg, 1889. vii. 95 S. M 2.) Bethge, Dr. Fr. Paul's Addresses as found in the Acts of the Apostles. (Die paulinischen Reden der Apostelgeschichte. Historisch-grammatisch und biblisch-theologisch ausgelegt. Göttingen, 1887. vi. 336 S. M 6.)

Carriere, Mor. Jesus Christ and Modern Science. (Jesus Christus und die Wissenschaft der Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1888. vii. 92 S. M 1.80.)

Döllinger, I. v. Academic Addresses. (Akademische Vorträge. I. Bd. Nördlingen, 1888. v. 427 S. M 7.) These addresses, mostly of an historical character, represent the ripened fruit of the life of this aged Catholic historian, who came at last, from purely historical grounds, to reject the claims of the papacy to infallibility, and to join in the so-called “Old Catholic" movement. We translate one interesting paragraph quoted in the "Literaturblatt": "For myself, I must confess, the series of events which occurred in Germany from 1507 to 1552 has been for a long portion of my life an uncomprehended riddle, and at the same time an object of sorrow and of pain; I saw only the result of division, only the fact that the two halves of the nation, separated, as it were, by the stroke of the sword, condemned to eternal hate, stood in hostile opposition to each other. Since I have examined more accurately the history of Rome and Germany in the middle ages, and since the events of the past few years have confirmed so clearly the results of my researches, I believe I have come to understand that which was before enigmatical to me, and to adore the ways of Providence in whose all-controlling hand the German nation has been an instrument, a vessel in the house of God, and no ignoble one." The principal contents of the book are: The Significance of Dynasties in Universal History; The Relations of the City of Rome and Germany in the Middle Ages; Dante as Prophet; Germany's contest with the Papacy under the Emperor Lewis of Bavaria; The Oriental Question in its Beginnings; The Jews in Europe; On the Political and Spiritual Development of Spain. -Also by the same: The Re-union of the Christian Churches. (Über die

Wiedervereinigung der christlichen Kirchen. Sieben Vorträge, gehalten zu München im J. 1872. Nördlingen, 1888. v. 140 S. M 2.)

Eisele, Eugen. The Ten Commandments according to the Jesuits. (Die zehn Gebote nach den Jesuiten [und anderen Kasuisten]. Halle, 1889. 58 S. 80 Pf.)

Frank, Dr. F. H. R. The Ecclesiastical Significance of Ritschl's Theology. (Über die kirchliche Bedeutung der Theologie A. Ritschl's. Conferenzvortrag. Nebst zwei Beilagen. Erlangen, 1888. iv. 77 S. M. 1.20.) Freidensburg, Walther. The Diet at Spires in 1526. (Der Reichstag zu Speier 1526 im Zusammenhang der politischen und kirchlichen Entwickelung Deutschlands im Reformationszeitalter. Berlin, 1887. xiv. 602 S. M 15.) Gloël, Joh. The Holy Spirit in the Preaching of Paul. (Der Heilige Geist in der Heilsverkündigung des Paulus. Eine biblisch-theologische Untersuchung. Halle, 1888. viii. 402 S. M 7.)

Harnack, Adf. The treatise De Aleatoribus falsely ascribed to Cyprian. (Der pseudocyprianische Tractat de aleatoribus, die älteste lateinische christliche Schrift. Ein Werk des römischen Bischofs Victor I. [saec. 11.] Texte u. Untersuch. etc. Leipzig, 1888. v. 135 S. M. 4.50.) Hartmann, Ed. v. Hesse, Dr. F. R.

Lotze's Philosophie. (Leipzig, 1888. xii. 183 S. M 4.) The Origin of the Pastoral Epistles. (Die Entstehung der neutestamentlichen Hirtenbriefe. Ein Versuch. Halle, 1889. vii. 340 S. 8vo. M 6.)

Kaftan, Dr. Jul. The Essence of Religion. (Das Wesen der christlichen Religion. Basel, 1888. vi. 490 S. M. 8.)-Also by the same: The (Die Wahrheit der christlichen Religion.

Truth of the Christian Religion.

Basel, 1889. x. 586 S. M 9.)

Kinzler, Adolf. (Teacher in the Missionary House at Basel). Selecta Patrum Latinorum. (Basel, 1889. xlv. 176 S. 8vo. M 2.) A well-selected reader from church writers, especially Tertullian and Augustine, with additions from Pliny, the Reformers, and Anselm. It is provided with notes, and has especial reference to the discussions of the Fathers with the heathenism of their time.

Knoke, Dr. Karl. Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles. (Praktischtheologischer Kommentar zu den Pastoralbriefen des Apostels Paulus. 2. TI. Der erste Brief an Timotheus und der Brief an Titus. Göttingen, 1889. viii. 336 S. M 6.40.)

Krause, Karl, Chrm. Fr. System of Ethics. (System der Sittenlehre. Leipzig, 1888. xxii. 706 S. M 15.)

Nippold, Dr. Fr. Catholic or Jesuitic? (Katholisch oder Jesuitisch? Drei zeitgeschichtliche Untersuchungen. Leipzig, 1888. xvi. 213 S. M 4.) Certain chapters of this book, which pertains more closely to German than American affairs, will be found useful in gaining an understanding of the general plans of the Catholic church. For example: "The inner development of the Catholic church in the year 1887" (history-writing in the interests of the infallibility of the pope, philosophy, science, jurisprudence, etc.); "Catholic Unions of the present day, and the Jesuitical principle'

of the same."

Nöldechen, Dr. E. The Times of the Composition of the Writings of Tertullian. (Die Abfassungszeit der Schriften Tertullians, etc. 'Texte und Untersuchung ' of Gebhardt and Harnack. Leipzig, 1888. 184 S. M 6.) Pesch, Chrn. S. J. The Idea of God in the Heathen Religions of Modern Times. (Der Gottesbegriff in den heidnischen Religionen der Neuzeit. Eine Studie zur vergleichenden Religionswissenschaft. Freiburg, 1888. viii. 112, u. III. 140 S M 3.30.)

Preiss, Dr. Herm. The History of Religion. (Religionsgeschichte. Geschichte der Entwickelung des religiösen Bewusstseins in seinen einzelnen Erscheinungsformen, eine Geschichte des Menschengeistes. 2-4 Abtlg. Leipzig, 1888. V. 129-548 S. M 9.)

Schlottmann, Dr. Konstantin. Compendium of the Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments. (Kompendium der biblischen Theologie des A. und N. T. Hrsg. von Dr. Kühn. Leipzig, 1889. vi. 192 S. M 4.) Commended by Delitzsch.

Tatiani Oratio ad Græcos. Rec. Ed. Schwartz. (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur, von O v. Gebhardt und A. Harnack. 4 Bd. I. Heft. Leipzig, 1888. x. 105 S. M 3.60.)

Vatke, Wilh. The Philosophy of Religion. (Religionsphilosophie oder allgemeine philosophische Theologie. Nach Vorlesungen herausgegeben von Dr. Herm. G. S. Preiss. Bonn, 1888. xvi. 647 S. 8vo. M 6.)

Windelband, Dr. W. History of Ancient Philosophy. (Geschichte der alten Philosophie. Nördlingen, 1888. vi. 220 S. M 4.)

Wünsche, Dr. A. The Talmud. (Der babylonische Talmud in seinen haggadischen Bestandtheilen, wortgetreu übersetzt und durch Noten erläutert. 2. Halbbd. 2. Abth. Leipzig, 1888. IV. 224 S. M 7.)

A valuable bibliography of the most recent literature upon the history of the protestant churches on the continent of Europe in this century may be found in the "Theologisches Literaturblatt " for 1889, No. 22.

Numbers 17 and 18 of the "Historians of Early Germany" (Geschichtsschreiber der deutschen Vorzeit in deutscher Bearbeitung, Leipzig, 1889) are out. They contain Einhards Jahrbücher, and Ermoldus Nigellus.

A number of works of earlier or more recent origin upon the textual criticism of the LXX deserve mention here. The earlier are Dutch: Stekhoven, “De Alexandrijnsche Vertaling van het Dodekapropheton," Leiden, 1887, pp. 137; Wolff, "Observationes du textu masorethico Veteris Testamenti comparato cum versione græca alexandrina," Amstelodami, 1858; van Soelen, "Over den oorsprong der Geriksche vertaling van den pentateuch volgens de LXX," Leiden, 1864; Doorninck, "Bijdragen tot de tekstkritiek van Richteren I-XVI," Leiden, 1879; Hooykass, "Jets over de Grieksche vertaling van het Oude Testament," Rotterdam, 1888. To these Dr. Mark Sebők has now added "Die syrische Übersetzung der zwolf kleinen Propheten und ihr Verhältniss zu dem massoretischen Text und zu den älteren Übersetzungen, namentlich den LXX. und dem Targum." Breslau, 1887, 75 S. M 2.

An interesting group of books, illustrating the condition of historical investigation at the present day, is furnished by Zahn and Harnack. Zahn has published a "History of the Canon of the New Testament" (Geschichte des neutestamentlichen Kanons, I. Bd. Das N. T. vor Origines, Ite Hälfte. Erlangen, 1888. v. 452 S. 8vo. M 12), in which with a perfect mastery of all the historical materials, he has sought to present a view of the condition of the canon in the year 200. The result of the book is in general that the New Testament arose under the process of normal development, and was by the year 200 substantially as we now have it. Harnack replied to the work in a small pamphlet entitled, "The New Testament about the Year 200" (Das Neue Testament um das Jahr 200. Theodor Zahn's Geschichte des Neutt. Kanons geprüft. Freiburg, 1889 112 S. M 2), in which he characterizes the book as full of contraditions and distortions, and as a specimen of the work of an advocate rather than an historian. In fact Zahn would seem to have lost all credit with Harnack as a scholar and a man. Zahn has replied ("Einige Bemerkungen," Erlangen,

1889), and the whole goes to show how much the treatment of the earliest church history still depends upon the position a man takes with regard to the supernatural.

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