Imágenes de páginas


7659. Doctrine that it is necessary to

allege corporate existence.

7660. Necessary when suing for rights

which can only inhere in a


7661. What averments of corporate
existence sufficient.

7662. Whether necessary to repeat
averment of corporate exist-
ence in successive counts.
7663. Declaring against a corporation
which has changed its name.

7664. Question of corporate existence

must be raised by defend-


7665. Plea to the merits admits cor-

porate existence.

7666. How question of corporate exist-
ence raised in pleading.
7667. Statutory rule in New York re-
quiring plea in abatement or
in bar.

7668. When must be raised by a de-
nial under oath.

7669. Question raised by plea of nul
tiel corporation.

7670. This plea raises only question

7674. Particularity in replication to
plea of nul tiel corporation.

7675. Burden of proof under this plea.
7676. Plea of nul tiel corporation de


7677. Nul tiel corporation defendant,

how pleaded.

7678. Stage of the proceedings at
which defense of nul tiel cor-
poration pleadable.
7679. Amendments in case of failure
to plead corporate existence.
7680. Defense that plaintiff corpora-

tion was organized for un-
lawful purposes.
7681. Corporate existence how put
in issue in actions before jus-
tices of the peace.

7682. Manner of pleading dissolution.

7689. By proving charter and user


7690. Proof of the charter.

7691. Judicial notice of charters and
general statutes of incorpora-

7692. Distinction between judicial no-
tice of charter and judicial
notice of corporation.

7693. Presumption of ancient charter.

7694. Proof of corporate existence by


7695. Proof under statutes by show-

ing that the body acted as a


7696. Proof of user under a charter.
7697. User proved by proving a cor-
poration de facto.

7698. User under a general law.
7699. Proving corporate existence
where corporation is organ-

ized under general laws.

7700. Filing of articles and election

of officers.

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7779. To enjoin State railroad com-

missioners from enforcing

unreasonable rates.

7780. Whether a bill for an injunc-

tion against railway commis-

sioners is a suit against the


7781. At the suit of private persons
to compel corporations to
perform their public duties.
7782. Injunctions against strikes, boy-
cots, and other combinations
among workingmen.
7783. Other decisions illustrating the
use of injunctions in the case
of corporations.

7784. Cases where such injunctions

not granted.

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