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Publishes instructions for the government of, in the field.........
Commanders of, receiving persons in excess of legal organization to be
tried for neglect of duty and disobedience of orders. (See VOLUNTEER

Acting chief signal officers of, authorized to appear before examining board
in Washington city upon obtaining permission from their respective
commanding generals.



Commanders of, in which signal parties are serving, may appoint a board
for the examination of officers and men prior to their detail on signal
duty (See SIGNAL OFFICERS).............
Commanders of, to detail three officers and six men from each three years
regiment to receive and conduct to their respective regiments the drafted
men assigned to them; to order the detail to report to the commander
of the rendezvous for their State; to make a judicious selection of offi-
cers and men (See RENDEZVOUS).


......July 3


Inspectors of, to make a thorough inspection of baggage and means of
transportation (See INSPECTION).
Commanders of, may in certain cases order transportation in light or spring
wagons to be furnished Paymasters. (See TRANSPORTATION, WAGONS)...278
Medical directors of, in the field to forward duplicate reports of killed and
wounded (See MEDICAL DIRECTORS)....

Commanders of, charged with execution of order relative to musters out
of service, re-enlistments, and re-musters of veteran volunteers (See

Commanders of, authorized to grant furloughs to veteran volunteers (See




Commanders of, charged with execution of orders relative to musters out
of service, re-enlistments and re-musters of six-months troops (See
December 23


Military, not to be sold, pledged, or given away (See CLOTHING)........ [VI] 73
Volunteer regiments leaving the field at expiration of term of service
allowed to take their, and accoutrements to place of discharge if their
officers assume the responsibility; to be delivered to the Governor or
officers appointed by him; to be held subject to reissue to the men on
re enlistment in their former companies and regiments.......
Authorizes issue without payment of necessary, and equipments to officers
detailed on special service requiring them to be mounted, and for which
they receive no additional compensation; to be receipted and accounted
for by the officers receiving them...




And accoutrements of men transferred to the Invalid Corps may be sent
with them or not as the corps commander may deem best.
Prohibition of exportation of, modified so as to allow arms imported into
the United States to be exported to place of original shipment............. 300



Enlistment of volunteers into the regular, not allowed
(See Cooks).

Amends paragraph 1142 General Regulations for the,.................................................
Modifies paragraph 1341 General Regulations for the,.....
Rescinds order authorizing the enlistment of volunteers in the regular,..
Publishes an act making appropriations for the support of the,
Persons in the, connected with fraudulent claims upon the government
liable to trial by court-martial; discharge or dismissal prior to arrest no
bar to trial (See CLAIMS)......

[blocks in formation]

[[V] 73
[VI] 73
[VII] 73

...[XIV] 73, 163

Enlisted men discharged from the, within two years from date of enlist-
ment by reason of wounds received in battle entitled to same bounty
as paid to those discharged after two years' service
Officers and men of the, taking or receiving abandoned or captured prop-
erty to turn it over to the regularly appointed agents, (See AGENTS);
failing to do so, triable by court-martial.
Publishes rules to govern officers and other persons connected with the,
in regard to commercial intercourse with insurrectionary States and
collection of captured or abandoned property

[XV] 73



Amends paragraph 1385 General Regulations for the,......

Amends paragraph 156 General Regulations for the, (edition of 1861)
Amends paragraph 1420 General Regulations for the, edition of 1863, (1389,
edition of 1861)...

Modifies paragraphs 931, 933, and 934 Revised General Regulations for the,..170
Modifies paragraph 156 General Regulations for the,....
Modifies paragraph 1106 General Regulations for the,.





Commanders of, to detail a commissary of musters for their corps and one
assistant for each division therein; to report their names to the Adjutant
General; to see that each regiment, independent company, &c., is as-
signed to one of the assistant commissaries; to exercise supervision
over the musters made within their respective commands (See COM-

Commanders of, to select the officers to be retained on consolidation of
volunteer regiments; selection to be made from among the most efficient
officers of the respective regiments......

Auxiliary boards to be appointed for the examination of officers on signal
duty in,; commanders of, in which signal parties are authorized, to ap-
point a board for the examination of candidates for enlistment in, or
transfer to, the Signal Corps, (See BOARD); commanders of, authorized
to transfer men on signal duty to the Signal Corps (See SIGNAL Corps,

Commanders of, receiving persons in excess of legal organization to be
tried for neglect of duty and disobedience of orders (See VOLUNTEER






Commanders of, in which signal parties are serving, may appoint a board
for the examination of officers and men prior to their detail on signal
Commanders of, to transfer men to the Invalid Corps on receipt of rolls to
be furnished by commanders of regiments, batteries, and independent
companies, (See ROLLS); to cause the men transferred to be sent under
proper officers, with descriptive lists and clothing accounts, to points
designated; may authorize the men to take with them their arms and
accoutrements (See RETURNS).
Announces maximum amount of transportation allowed, in the field, (See
TRANSPORTATION,; commanders of, held responsible for the execution
of this order; inspectors of, to make a thorough inspection of baggage
and means of transportation (See INSPECTION)..


Rescinds authority given to commanders of, to transfer officers of active
regiments to the Invalid Corps (See INVALID CORPS)....




Discharge of men of the Invalid Corps may be ordered by commanders of,
for disability, promotion, or by sentence of a court-martial....... December 17

Assigns Major L. C. Easton as acting chief quartermaster of the,.....

A military board to assemble in Washington city for the examination of
officers on signal duty in the, (See BOARD)..



Order of the President for any, during present rebellion to bar all suits
against officers for such acts.......
.......[XI] 73
Of paymasters to be immediately reported to the Paymaster General.........395

Committed by persons in the military service triable by military courts in
time of war, rebellion, or insurrection; punishment not to be less than
that inflicted by the laws of the State or Territory in which offence was


Volunteer batteries of artillery allowed each two,..........


[VI] 73

Publishes regulations for the care and management of, in field-works...............45
Volunteer regiments of, reduced to one-half legal maximum organization
to be consolidated into six or less batteries; colonel, two majors, and


one assistant surgeon to be mustered out; companies formed by con-
solidation to be of maximum strength. and designated by the first let-
ters of the alphabet; supernumerary officers and non commissioned
officers to be mustered out at date of consolidation; officers retained to
be selected by division and corps commanders; appointments to vacan-
cies not to be made except upon notification from the Adjutant General
Volunteer regiments of, to consist of twelve batteries; one major allowed
for every four batteries; regimental adjutants and quartermasters not
extra lieutenants; one quartermaster sergeant, one commissary ser-
geant, one hospital steward, and two principal musicians allowed each
regiment; field and staff not to be mustered in without special authority;
batteries to consist of 122 privates; allowed one quartermaster sergeant,
two artificers, and one wagoner; one 1st lieutenant, one 2d lieutenant,
two sergeants, and four corporals may be added by the President to
above organization of a battery.

Volunteer regiments of, reduced below legal minimum to be deprived of
the colonel, one major, and one assistant surgeon, batteries of, to be
deprived of the additional officers authorized; minimun for, fixed at
1,044 aggregate for a regiment, and 86 for a battery; officers of grades
enumerated, now properly in service, to be retained until gides become
vacant; vacancies in such grades to be filled only on notification from
the department or corps commissary of musters, that the company or
regiment is above the minimum............


Of officers of the Quartermaster's Department..

Of brigades in the field allowed ten pounds of candles per month; of di-
visions, twenty pounds; of corps, thirty pounds; of a separate army of
more than one corps, forty pounds

Volunteer, to report inonthly by letter to the Adjutant General (See RE-









Weight of officers', to be brought within the schedule established; no, to
be carried in the wagons or on the pack animals assigned to transpor-
tation of commissary stores and forage; no extra, to be carried on cav-
alry horses or in knapsacks (See KNAPSACKS)...



Of persons arrested for being concerned in fraudulent claims against the
government not to exceed $2,000, and twice the amount of damages
sworn to by the suitor (See CLAIMS, FRAUDS, SUITS)..


..[IV] 73


Commanders of, in the field accountable for all surplus and reserve ord-
nance stores (See ORDNANCE STORES).


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Commanders of, authorized to grant furloughs (See FURLOUGHS).......[VI] 73




[VI] 73, 110

BOARD (Military.)
Secretary of War to appoint a, for the examination of persons appointed
additional Paymasters (See PAYMASTERS).................


For the examination of engineer and ordnance officers fo promotion, and
of officers for appointment in the Ordnance Corps to be composed of
three officers of the corps senior in rank to the officers to be examined
.... [VII] 73
Secretary of War to appoint a, for the examination of officers and men
for the Signal Corps

[VIII] 73

A, to assemble in Washington City for the examination of officers on sig-
nal duty in the Army of the Potomac, Middle Department, and Depart-
ments of Washington and Virginia; how composed; hereafter to ex-
amine candidates for commissions or enlistments in, or transfer to, the
Signal Corps; to examine enlisted men on signal duty in Department of
Washington; to hold its sessions in Washington City; prescribes mode

of calling officers before it; auxiliary boards to be appointed for examina-
tion of officers on signal duty in Army Corps, Departments of the South
and West, and of candidates for commissions in the Signal Corps; how
composed; comma ders of Army Corps and Departments, in which sig-
nal parties are serving, authorized to appoint a, for examination of candi-
dates for enlistments in, or transfer to, the Signal Corp; how composed;
prescribes rules for the government of examining,; principal and auxili-
ary to make weekly reports of proceedings, (See REPORTS); revising,
how constituted; to assemble in Washington City; duties of revising,

Publishes rules to govern in examining applicants for commissions in the
Ordnance Department of a grade not higher than captain........
Two signal officers at least to be members of, for the examination of offi-
cers and men prior to their detail on signal service; may be appointed
by commanders of Departments, Armies, and Army Corps, in which
signal parties are serving



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To be conv ned for the examination of candidates for commissions in the
colored troops; authority to appear before it to be obtained from the
Adjutant General; reports to specify grade of commission for which
each candidate is fit
Announces rules prescribed for guidance of, in examining applicants for
commissions in colored troops
A, to be appointed by the officer in command of the troops present to de-
termine the value of horses returned to the Quartermaster's Depart-
ment; sum allowed not to exceed price originally paid by the officer......171
Commanders of the Departments of North arolina. South, Gulf, Cumber-
land, and Tennessee on the arrival in their respective departments of a
captain of the Signal Corps to appoint a, for the examination of acting
signal officers, and candidates for appointment in the Signal Corps;
how composed; examination to be conducted as prescribed in General
Orders No. 105, of 1863; reports of proceedings-how made, (See RE-
PORTS); regulates mode of application to appear before the examining,...223
A, to consist of the three officers next in rank to the commander of a cavalry
regiment to examine candidates for appointment as Veterinary Sur-

For examination of drafted men and substitutes disabled prior to entry
into service-how composed; to make a special report, giving full his-
tory of the case and names of board of enrolment, State, and district to
which they belong



October 5

Members and recorder of a, to retire officers and witnesses called before
it allowed same extra pay and travelling allowances as in the case of a
general court-martial
Enumerates subjects on which candidates for appointments or promotion
in the Ordnance Department will be examined.........................
In each district to consist of the provost marshal and two other per-
sons appointed by the President, one of whom shall be a physician
and su geon; duties of, defined; claims for exemption from military
service to be presented to the, whose decision shalt be final; surgeon of
the, making false report or imperfect inspection, liable to trial by court-
martial (See COURT-MARTIAL).......
••••••••••[VI] 73

Publishes lists of qualifications and disqualifications for admission into the
Invalid Corps for the government of surgeons of,..


..130, 212


..[VI] 73

Volunteers or members of the militia in service re-enlisting for one year
after expiration of present term to receive $0; how paid; re enlisting
for two years to receive $25 of the $100, provided by Congress.
Advance, paid to men discharged before exp ration of their term of ser-
vice to be allowed in settlement of paymaster' accounts; hereafter to
be cha ged against the man, unless discharged on surgeon's certificate
for woan is or sickness incurred since last ealistin nt; upon requisition
of the President for militia, persons dratted, or who volunteered for nine



[VII] 73

months or less, enlisting for one year in a regiment from the same State
entitled to $50; how paid......
Enlisted men discharged within two years from date of enlistment, by
reason of wounds received in battle, entitled to same, as granted those
discharged after two years' service...
..........[X[V] 73; 163
Advance, should be paid by the mustering and disbursing officer at
time of muster; not paid then, to be entered on the muster-in rolls and
subsequent muster and pay-rolls until paid; not paid before discharge, to
be entered upon the duplicate certificates of pay



Enlisted men in the Signal Corps re-enlisting for one or two years entitled


to, provided by section 18 of act of March 3, 1863....
Volunteers enlisted for three years entitled to $100, $25 of which to be
paid in advance...



Enlistment or re-enlistment in the Invalid Corps does not entitle men to,....130
Due enlisted men, and remaining unpaid, to be credited upon their final
statements, and paid by the Pay Department.
During the continuance of the war $25 of the $100, to be paid to every
accepted recruit for the regular and volunteer forces; to recruits for
the regular service to be paid from the recruiting fund after the recruit
has been passed; amount to be entered on the recruiting account cur-
rent, and on the soldier's first descriptive list, if the latter is given
before payment of bounty; to recruits for old volunteer regiments to be
paid after inspection and muster into service; for new regiments after
organization of the company, and after the muster-in rolls have been
completed and certified by the mustering officer; amount to be entered
on the muster-in roils, (See MUSTER-IN ROLLS); to be accounted for
under the head of "Bounty-Volunteer Recruiting Service," (See RE-
CRUITING SERVICE); in cases of re-enlistment entry as to payment or
non-payment-how made, (See RE-ENLISTMENTS); volunteers re-en-
listing for three years or the war after expiration of their term of service
entitled to same, as allowed men enlisted from civil life; prescribes
rules to facilitate payment of advance, in individual cases of enlist-
ment, and to discharged soldiers who have not received it..
An extra, of $300, to be paid for enlistments and re-enlistments in the
veteran volunteers; how paid; legal heirs of volunteers who die in ser-
vice to receive the whole, remaining unpaid at the date of the soldier's

Amends paragraph 8, of General Orders, No. 191, of 1853, granting, to vol-
unteers in three-years organizations on re-enlistinent (See VOLUN-

First instalment of, to veteran volunteers increased to $60; remainder of,
payable at expiration of term of service, reduced to $40..
Men ensted under the President's call for 300,000 volunteers to receive,

The 00, to be paid by paymasters to veteran volunteers upon usual dis-
charge papers from their first enlistment....
Advance, not to be paid by recruiting officers







8300, allowed to six-months men re-enlisting for three years or the war;
how paid; not required by the government for full term to receive the
whole, remaining unpaid; legal heirs of such as may die in service to re-
ceive the whole, remaining unpaid at the date of the soldier's death. December 23
Publishes joint resolution appropriating twenty millions for the payment
of advance pay and,; No, except as now provided by law, to be paid
after January 5, 1864.......



President authorized to confer, on such officers of the volunteer or other
forces as may distinguish themselves; such, not to entitle holders to in-
crease of pay or emoluments........


.......[XII] 73

Commanders of, to give personal attention to the detail of officers and men
to receive drafted men (See DRAFTED MEN, DEPARTMENTS) ......... July 3
'Announces maximum amount of transportation allowed, in the field, (See
TRANSPORTATION); commanders of, held responsible for the execution

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