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Regiments of the, about to be discharged to be returned to the States in
which raised for payment and mu-ter-out; to turn over their arms and
equipments before leaving the army in which serving (See TRANSPORTA-


Announces organization of regments and companies of the, (See CAV-
ALRY, ARTILLERY, INFANTRY); above to be strictly adhered to except
when consolidation has been made; no officer or man in excess of legal
organ zation recognized; no person acting as supernumerary to receive
pay or allowances (See PAYMASTERS)..

Regiments of the, leaving the field at expiration of service allowed to
take their arms and accoutrements to place of discharge, if their officers
assume the responsibility (See ARMS)..

Republi hes a resolution to encourage enlistments in the, (See BOUNTY,

Announces rules to govern whenever regiments of companies of the, are
reauced below legal minimum strength (See CAVALRY, ARTILLERY, IN-
FANTRY); rules not to interfere with General Orders No. 85 of 1863
relative to regiments reduced to one-half the maximum strength





Staff officers of the, to report monthly by letter to the Adjutant General
(See REPORTS)...


Rescinds order authorizing enlistment of, in the regular Army.....
Prescribes mode of proceeding in cases of, dropped from the rolls or re-
ported deserters..



...February 16

..... [VI] 73

Allows bounties to, now in service who may re-enlist for one or two years
(See BOUNTY); regulation respecting officers of, absent without leave;
enlistment of, in the regular Army not allowed....
For nine months or less who enlist for one year in a regiment from the
same State under a requisition of the President for militia, entitled to
$50 bounty...

[VII] 73

Discharged within two years of date of enlistment by reason of wounds
received in battle, entitled to same bounty granted those discharged
after two years' service.

..[XIV] 73, 163

Taking or receiving abandoned or captured property to turn it over to a
regularly appointed agent (See AGENTS); failing to do so, triable by
Court Martial...

· [XV] 73

Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons of, not on duty with their regiments, to
join them at once (See SURGEONS)...

Now in service, and who may re-enlist under the provisions of section 18
of act of March 3, 1863, to be allowed furloughs (See FURLOUGHS)
On muster out of, the entire regiment or organization to be considered as
mustered out at one time and place, except prisoners of war (See PRIS-
ONERS OF WAR); absentees on detached service, sick, or paroled, to be
furnished transportation to the place where the regiment is to be dis-
charged (See) RANSPORTATION); republishes rules respecting muster
of, or final discharge (See DISCHARGE, FINAL STATEMENTS)..
Enlistment of, after May 1, 1863, to be under the charge of the Provost
Marshal General (See PROVOST MARSHAL GENERAL); officers of regi-
ments of, going out of service, who re-enlist their regiments for three
years within thirty days from expiration of original term, with consent
of the Governor, to be restored to their rank from date of original com-
mission, but not entitled to pay between muster-out and re-entry in
service; enlisted for three years entitled to one month's pay in advance
and $100 bounty, $25 of which to be paid on enlistment
Expenses of transportation furnished, detailed on or relieved from the
recruiting service chargeable against appropriations for the Quartermas-
ter's Department (See RECRUITING SERVICE) ....

Bounty due, and remaining unpaid, to be credited upon their final state-
ments and paid by the Pay Department; suspends power of Medical
Inspectors to discharge, for disability..

Premium allowed for accepted recruits of regiments of, to be charged
against the fund for "collecting, drilling, and organizing volunteers,"







VOLUNTEERS- Continuel.

(See PREMIUM); re-entering the service for three years or the war, after
expiration of their term, to receive same premium, bounty, and advance
pay as allowed men enlisted from civil life



(See VETERAN VOLUNTEERS)...... 191, 216, 305, 324, 345, 376, 387, December 23
A medal of honor to be provided for certain, (See MEDAL OF HONOR)....
105, 130, 173, 212, 304, 348
Publishes rules to govern acceptance of resignations of officers of, (See


Regulates appointments and muster of non-commissioned officers of com-

..August 28


Publishes instructions relative to examination of deserters belonging to
regiments of, out of the service (See DESERTERS)
Enlisted under the President's call for 300,000, to receive advance pay,
premium, and bounty; quotas to be assigned by the War Department
through the Provost Marshal General; a draft to be made January 5,
1861, should States or Districts fail to raise their full quotas
Transportation and subsistence of recruits of new regiments or compa-
nies of,-how furnished (See TRANSPORTATION, SUBSISTENCE, RE-
When three-fourths of a regiment or company of, re-enlist as Veterans,
the individuals not re-enlisting to be assigned to other regiments or com-
panies until expiration of their term of service



November 16

Detached for duty in the Western Gunboat Service in 1861 and 1862, to be
dropped from the rolls of the Army.....
Transportation to, returning from furlough-how obtained (See TRANS-
..... December 24



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In settling officers' accounts for clothing and other military supplies, their
affidavit may be accepted in lieu of lost, (See AFFIDAVIT).
For transportation by private conveyance to be approved by the Superin-
tendent of the Recruiting Service or Chief Mustering and Disbursing
officer; to be made out as passes for railroad transportation (See PASSES);
certificate to state the prices charged were current rates at the places
where expenses were incurred, and that public transportation could not
be obtained; for subsistence to Volunteer recruits to specify date of
contract, by whom made and approved, and be supported by a certifi-
cate from the Superintendent or Disbursing officer ordering the issues;
for commutation of fuel and quarters to Recruiting officers to be accom-
panied by a certified copy of order of detail and copy of order assigning
them to duty, or Superintendent's certificate that they have been so as-
signed; with final accounts-a copy of the order of relief; certificates
prescribed in Form 21, Quartermaster's Department, to be signed by the
proper officers...


[ocr errors]

[I] 40


Allowed companies of Volunteer Cavalry and Infantry and batteries of
Artillery-one to each.........................



Light or spring, may be furnished Paymasters ordered on duty over routes
where public conveyances are not available; not more than one to be
furnished any one Paymaster for any one journey (See TRANSPORTA-

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Enumerates crimes which in time of, are triable by military courts when
committed by persons in the military service (See MURDER, ROBBERY,
ARSON, RAPE, &c.); in time of, spies to be tried by military courts (See
[VI] 73
Secretary of, to furnish lists of all political prisoners confined by order of
the President, acting through the War Department, to Judges of Circuit
and District Courts (See DISTRICT COURTS)...


...[XI] 73

Principal and revising Boards for examination of officers on signal duty
to meet in. (See BOARDS)

Publishes regulations to prevent abuse of legitimate trade to and from,
and Georgetown (See GOODS)...





Announces names of Commissioners appointed to examine claims of
officers and men who have been actually employed in the,.....
Report of Commissioners to examine claims of officers and men actually
employed in the, to be made within six months from February 16, 1863.[1] 73

No more enlistments to be made in, under the call for militia for six-
months service..........



Depositions of,-when admissible before Military Courts (See DEPOSI

[VI] 73

Judge Advocate of a Court-Martial or Court of Inquiry, may compel the
attendance of, (See JUDGE ADVOCATE).

.[VIII] 73

Before Military Boards to retire officers allowed same extra pay and travel-
ing allowances as in the case of a General Court-Martial....


(See NURSES)..


Paymaster General to take immediate measures for the prompt payment
of sick and, soldiers...


.351, 390

Medical Directors of Armies in the field to make duplicate reports of the
killed and (See MEDICAL DIRECTORS).....

Respecting transportation of private physicians and nurses to attend sick
and, soldiers (See TRANSPORTATION).

[IX] 73





No. 1.

Washington, January 2, 1863.

The following Proclamation by the President is published for the information and government of the Army and all concerned:



WHEREAS, on the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, a Proclamation was issued by the President of the United States, containing, among other things, the following, to wit:

"That, on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever, free; and the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom:

"That the Executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States and parts of States, if any, in which the people thereof, respectively, shall then be in rebellion against the United States; and the fact that any State, or the people thereof, shall, on that day, be in good faith represented in the Congress of the United States, by members chosen thereto at elections wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such States shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimony, be deemed conclusive evidence that such State, and the people thereof, are not then in rebellion against the United States:"

Now, therefore, I, ABRAHAM LINCOLN, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-in-chief of the Army

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