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the arrival of a very pretty equipage at the door, from which an elderly gentleman alighted, who soon after came into the room.-We fell from the commonplace salutation of travellers, into a pleasant, though desultory conversation, upon their remarks and exaggerations.

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I was in the right mood for such a discussion, for I had been reading that very day the "Northern Summer of Sir John Carr, and was deeply interested in the story of the "distinguished Batavian." In recalling the history to his recollection, I unconsciously touched a string in the stranger's heart, which answered the tone of mine. In a moment, his reserve was exchanged to familiarity. We made ourselves known to each other, and I found I had the pleasure of conversing with Mr P, a gentleman remarked for his commercial connections with Hamburgh, his opulence, and his liberality. He remarked that having been much on the continent, and being intimately acquainted with the circumstances alluded to, he could vouch for their authenticity, and for the truth of the narrative he was about to relate to me. I listened to it with deep interest; and I give, as nearly as possible, his own words:

"FREDERICK DE B, was the friend of my youth; I can never cease to love, and deeply have I lamented him. He was the only son of a mother who adored him, and who more than once wept over him with maternal sorrow, as he sought for danger and distinction. cares and perils which follow the life of a soldier. He was formed "for deeds of arms," and I cannot wonder at the determination which he formed, even at an early age. He entered the regiment of hussars under the command of the confidential friend of the Stadtholder, Prince Louis of Brunswick. I frequently met him at Altona, where the regiment lay in quarters, and very soon discovered that he was the favorite of both men and officers. Constantly engaged in the duties of his difficult profession, with an industry equalled only by his ambition, he succeeded admirably. He became an able tactician, as well as an accomplished man, and every thing about him gave promise of what his after life verified, that he would neither be

In vain did she warn him of the

"A laggard in love nor a dastard in war.'

No one could have been more impatient for service, or more anxious for the honors of the field.

The call of his country came-his quarters were broken up, and the regiment was ordered into active service.

I took my last leave of him in the stirrup; and I heard him give the final order for departure in the same breath in which he bade me farewell. I waited on my return to town to catch one more glimpse of him at the public square, where the Prince of Brunswick was to resume the command, and the Stadtholder was to receive the usual military honors.

The balconies were crowded with spectators; and

some of the finest women in Hamburgh did not hesitate to join in the general applause which the noble appearance of the hussars excited, and to fling wreaths of flowers upon their young favorite as he passed.

The German cavalry have always been celebrated for their strength and martial appearance. Their helmets shining in the sun, their long blue cloaks that reach to the saddle crupper, and their heavy equipments, give them a most imposing effect. It was a splendid sight to the inhabitants of that commercial city, to see a thousand sabres drawn, and hear the trampling of a thousand horses.

After a grand manœuvre in the public square, Prince Louis rode to the head of the regiment,

amidst the display of banners, and the most enlivening airs, and the troops took up the line of march for the seat of war.

They were soon engaged in the duties of an arduous campaign, in which Frederick greatly distinguished himself. He was always first in the charge on the French artillerists, and had the good fortune to signalize himself in the presence of his commander, by whom he was instantly promoted. In short, so brilliant was his career, that at the close of that year, he became the aid and confidential friend of Prince Louis.

Almost immediately on the cessation of hostilities, they returned to the Hague, where the Stadtholder then was, the one to resume his post at the court of his friend, and the other to receive the honors due his valor and achievements. At a crowded levee, which was held at the government house, Frederick was presented to the Prince of Orange, and received from him, as well as the Princess Wilhelmina, the most marked and flatttering attentions. The latter, turning to a lady of high rank and distinction, who stood near her, in the brilliant circle of courtiers and attendants, presented him in a manner that proclaimed him a favorite. More than a mere look of respect


passed between them at the moment of introduction; and to the nobles who were sighing in the train of the lady, a rival seemed all at once to arise, whose pretentions and whose character seemed to throw all others in the shade.

He was the handsomest man I ever saw; but his was the beauty of strength, as well as symmetry. The lady herself was the perfection of female loveliness. Of the first family in Germany, and with a mind unusually cultivated, she was as conspicuous for her mental, as her personal charms. They met under happy auspices, a strong attachment was the result of their acquaintance:

"For he was bravest of the brave;
She, fairest of the fair."

Preferring him to the crowd of suitors, to whose entreaties she had listened with unaltered sentiments, from his warm vows and honorable avowal she did

not turn away. They were married-Prince Louis gave her away, and pronounced her "the happiest woman in the world."

It was delightful to observe the gayety and splendor in which the young lovers moved, and yet with what gentleness of manner and what purity of feel

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