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meafures to preferve it from the in, juries of time, and from the attacks of authority itself. Guarantee once more the oblivion of errors, of injuries, and even of crimes. Quench in every breast every the finalleft with of private revenges, which we are refolved to reprefs with feverity. Tranfmit to us the public will as to the regulations which are calculated to correct abuses, the reform of which will be the conftant object of our folicitude. Apply all your attention to prevent the return of that regime of blood, which has coít us fo many tears, and with which our wretched fubjects are ftill menaced. Direct the choice they are about to make, towards men of worth, friends of order and peace, who are at the fame time incapable of betraying the dignity of the French name, and whofe virtues, intelligence, and courage, may help us to reftore happiness to our people. Promife rewards proportioned to their fervices, to the military of every rank, and to the members of the administrations who fhall cooperate towards the re-establishment of religion, laws, and the legitimate authority.-But, in the re-establishment of them, avoid the employment of the atrocious means which were practifed to overthrow them. Expect from the public opinion a fuccefs which it alone can render folid and durable; or, if it should be neceffary to have recourse to force of arms, do not at least employ this cruel force until the laft extremity, and to give it a juft and neceffary fupport.

Frenchmen! all the documents you may meet with in conformity to these fentiments, we fhall glory in avowing. If any fhould be pre


fented to you in which you not recognize these characters, reject them as the production of liars; they are not in conformity with our heart.

Given on the 10th of March, of the year of grace 1797, and of our reign the second. (Signed) Louis.

This was to have been published previous to the Entry of the Pretender into Paris.


PROVIDENCE has permitted for the inftruction of Kings, and for the punishment of nations, that the monarchy of France fhould be overturned by a handful of factious men, whose conduct has been stained by every fpecies of guilt.

The clergy, the nobility, and all the perfonages of the highest diftinction and probity, have been either perfecuted, exiled, or maffacred.-Our auguft Brother, and a part of his family, have been the victims of this cruel tyranny.

Frenchmen, your hearts are now opened and foftened. They are returned to thofe fentiments of love for their King which have ever diftinguished them beyond all other nations; they have recognized our facred right to govern them: they have recognized us, in the perfuafion that we fhall not fuffer the diadem on our brow to be dif honoured.

Yes! we take the Most High to witnefs, that we fhall forget the faults of aur fubjects who have been mifled by the feditious. Far from marking our acceffion to the throne by any terrible difplay of vengeance, I thall fhew myself like a tender father, who pardons the

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Art. I.

HERE fhall be


Tfriend hip, and good understanding between the French Republic and Pope Pius the Sixth. Il. The Pope revokes all adhefion, affiftance, and conceffion, open or fecret, given by him to the coalition armed against the French Republic; and to every treaty of alliance, offenfive and defenfive, with whatever power it may be. He engages himself not to furnish, either for the prefent or any future war, to any power armed against the French Republic, any fuccours in men, fhips, arms, warlike stores, provifions, or money, under any title or denomination whatever.

III. His Holinefs fhall difband, within five days after the ratification of the prefent treaty, the troops of the new formation, retaining only the regiments exifting before the treaty of armistice figned at Bologna.

IV. The fhips of war or corfairs of the powers armed against the French Republic, fhall not enter, or at least shall not make any ftay during the prefent war, in the ports or roads of the ecclefiaftical states.

V. The French Republic fhall continue to enjoy, as before the war, all the rights and prerogatives which France had at Rome, and

fhall be treated in every respect as the most refpectable powers, and particularly fo as to what relates to its ambaffador or minifter, its confuls or vice-confuls.

VI. The Pope fhall renounce abfolutely and entirely all the rights which he may pretend to have in the cities and territories of Avignon, the Comtat Venaiffin, and its dependencies; and fhall transfer, give up, and abandon the said rights to the French Republic.

VII. The Pope in like manner

renounces for ever, and gives up and transfers to the French Republic, all his right to the territories known by the title of the Legation of Bologna, Ferrara, and Romagna; and no attack shall be made on the Catholic religion in that quarter.

VIII. The citadel and villages forming the territory of the city of Ancona, fhall remain in the hands of the Republic till a peace with the continent fhall be concluded.

IX. The Pope engages, for himfelf and his fucceffors, not to transfer to any one the tities of Seigniories attached to the territory by him ceded to the French Republic.

X. His Holinefs engages to pay and deliver, at Foligno, to the treafurer of the French army, before the 5th of March, 1797, the fum of 15,000,000 of French livres Tournois, of which 10,000,000 shall be in fpecie, and 5,000,000 in diamonds and other valuable effects; befides the fum of 1,600,000 remaining due according to the 9th article of the armiftice figned at Bologna on the 5th Meffidor, in the fourth year of of the Republic, and ratified by his Holinefs on the 27th of June.

XI. In order to fettle finally what fhall remain to be paid, in order to the complete execution of the armi

ftice figned at Bologna, his Holiness fhall provide the army with 800 ca valry horfes accoutred, and 800 draught-horses, bulls, and buffaloes, and other objects produced from the territory of the church..

XII. Befides the fum mentioned in the preceding articles, the Pope fhall pay to the French Republic, in fpecie, diamonds, and other valuables, the fum of 15,000,000 of French livres Tournois, of which 10,000,000 livres fhall be paid in the course of March, and five in the courfe of April next.

XIII: The 8th article of the treaty of armiftice figned at Bologna, concerning the manufcripts and objects of art, fhall be carried into complete execution as fpeedily as poflible.

XIV. The French army fhall evacuate Umbria, Perugia, and Camerino, as foon as the 10th article of the prefent treaty fhall be executed and accomplished.

XV. The French army fhall evacuate the province of Macerata, excepting Ancona and Fano, and their territories, as foon as the first five millions of the fum mentioned in the 12th article of the present treaty fhall have been paid and delivered.

XVI. The French shall evacuate the territory of the city of Fano, and the duchy of Urbino, as foon as the second five millions of the fum mentioned in the 12th article of the prefent treaty fhall have been delivered, and the 3d, 10th, 11th, and 12th fhall have been executed. The last five millions, making up the whole of the fum ftipulated to be paid by the 11th article, shall be paid at fartheft in the courfe of April next,

XVII. The French Republic cedes to the Pope all its right to the different religious foundations in the city of Rome, and at Loretto; and the Pope cedes entirely to the French Republic all the allodial property belonging to the holy fee in the three provinces of Bologna, Ferrara, and Romagna, and particularly the eftate of Mefola, and its dependencies; the Pope referving to himself, however, in cafe they fhall be fold, a third of the fums arifing from fuch fale, which shall be remitted as part of his contribution.

XVIII. His Holinefs fhall difavow, by his minifter at Paris, the affaffination of the Secretary of Legation, Baffeville; and, in the courfe of the year, the fum of 300,000 livres fhall be paid to and divided among thofe who have fuffered by this event.

XIX. His Holinefs fhall fet at liberty all perfons in confinement on account of their political opi


XX. The Commander in Chief fhall permit all the prifoners of war from the troops of his Holiness to return home, as foon as he fhall have received the full ratification of this treaty.

XXI. Until a commercial treaty fhall be concluded between the French Republic and the Pope, the commerce of the Republic fhall be re-established, and treated by the ftates of his Holinefs on the fame footing as the nation most favoured in its commerce.

XXII. Conformable to the 6th article of the treaty concluded at the Hague in April, in the third year, the peace concluded by the prefent treaty between the French


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Republic and his Holiness, is de- the Republic of Genoa; thinking

clared to extend to the Batavian Republic.

XXIII. The poft of France fhall be re-established at Rome, in the fame manner as exifted before.

XXIV. The school of arts, inftituted at Rome for all the French, fhall be re-establifhed, and fhall continue to be conducted as before The palace belonging to the Republic, where this fchool is held, fhall be restored without wafte.

the war.

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likewife that the happiness of the Genoefe nation requires that it fhould regain poffeffion of the depofit of its fovereignty; the two ftates have agreed upon the follow, ing articles:

I. The government of the Republic of Genoa acknowledges the fovereignty to refide in the aggregate of all the citizens of the territory of the ftate.

II. The legislative power fhall be entrusted to two reprefentative councils: the one compofed of three hundred, and the other of one hundred and fifty members. The executive power shall be delegated to a fenate of ten members, over which a doge fhall prefide; the fenators fhall be in the nomination of the councils.

III. Every commune shall have a municipality, and every district an administration.

IV. The mode of election of all the authorities, the limits of the diftricts, the portion of authority entrufted to all the different bodies, the organization of the judicial power and the military force, fhall be determined by a committee of legislation, charged with the task of framing the conftitution, and all the organical laws of the government, with the referve of doing nothing Contrary to the Catholic religion, to guarantee the confolidated debts, to preferve the free port of the city of Genoa and the bank of St. George, thall permit, to provide for the fupand to take meafures, as far as means port of the poor nobles who at prefent exift. This committee fhall be obliged to complete its work in the fpace of one month, reckoning from the day of its formation.

V. The people finding them

felves reftored to the enjoyment of tinguish all factions, to unite all the citizens, and to convince them of the neceffity of rallying round public liberty, and fhall therefore grant a general amnesty.

their rights, every kind of privilege and exclufive eftablishment which breaks the unity of the ftate is ne

ceffarily annulled.

VI. The provifional government fhall be entrusted to an executive committee, who fhall be compofed of twenty-two members, over which the reigning doge fhall prefide, and which fhall be inftalled upon the 14th of the prefent month of June, 26th Prairial, the 5th year of the French Republic.

VII. The citizens who fhall be called upon to compofe the provifional government of the Genoefe Republic, are not at liberty to refufe the office without being regarded as indifferent to the welfare of the country, and condemned to a fine of two thoufand crowns.

VIII. When the provifional government fhall be formed, it fhall determine the neceffary regulations for the forms of its deliberations; it fhall appoint, within a week after its inftallation, the committee of legiflation, empowered to frame the conftitution.

IX. The provifional government fhall fix the juft indemnification due to the French who were pillaged upon the 3d and 4th Prairial.

X. The French Republic, defirous of giving a proof of the intereft which it takes in the happiness of the Genoefe people; defirous of feeing them united, and free from factions, grants an amnefty to all the Genoefe against whom it has grounds of complaint, either on account of the tranfactions of the 3d and 4th Prairial, or on account of the different events which took place in the imperial fiefs. The provifional government fhall employ its utmost endeavours to ex

XI. The French Republic fhall grant its protection to the Genoefe Republic, and even the affiftance of its armies to facilitate, if neceffary, the execution of the above articles, and to maintain the integrity of the territory of the Genoefe Republic.

Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the French Republic and Her Moft Faithful Majefty the Queen of Portugal.

THE French Republic and Her Moft Faithful Majefty the Queen of Portugal, defirous of re-establishing the bonds of commerce and friendship which exifted between the two powers before the prefent war, have given full powers to enter into negotiations for that purpose, viz. the Executive Directory, in the name of the French Republic, to citizen Charles Delacroix; and Her Very Faithful Majefty to M. le Chevalier d'Aranjo Dazevedo, of her faid Majefty's council, Gentleman of her Household, Knight of the Order of Chrift, and her Envoy Extraordinary and Minifter Plenipotentiary to the Batavian Republic; who, after having exchanged their respective powers, have concluded the prefent treaty of peace.

Article I. There fhall be peace, friendship, and good understanding between the French Republic and Her Moft Faithful Majefty the Queen of Portugal.

II. All hoftilities fhall ccafe, as well by land as by fea, reckoning from the exchange of the ratifications of the prefent treaty, viz. in


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