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Mr. Rives to Mr. Tree (telegram).

1888. Oct. 20

146 Same to same..

406 Mr. Tree to Mr. Bayard..... Oct. 31

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Extradition of Adolph Sambolino. Instruction to
request his detention at Antwerp, upon appli-
cation of authorities of the State of New York,
until arrival of extradition papers charging
Oct. 24 Extradition of Adolph Sambolino. Recites tele-
gram of same date that papers were forwarded;
formal application to be made for his surrender
upon charge of forgery in State of New York
and as a fugitive from the justice of the United
States, to Mr. Charles Heidelberg, as agent of
this Government; warrant and authenticated
papers will be sent to Mr. Heidelberg.
Extradition of Adolph Sambolino: Mr. Tree has
received telegrams, and reports his personal
call upon the minister for foreign affairs of
Belgium, and incloses copy of his note asking
for Sambolino's detention. Mr. Leopold Aban,
director-general of Belgian department of for-
eign affairs, promises compliance with request
for detention of the criminal, but remarks that
in doing so he goes beyond the extradition
treaty. Count d'Arschot's proposition to the
United States Government for addition I clause
providing for temporary arrests on information
by telegraph. Mr. Tree asks for precise infor-
mation as to Count d'Arschot's proposition,
and is promised an answer in writing; the
answer inclosed; detention of Sambolino granted
without hesitation.

Nov. 10

Nov. 23


18 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Park- Jan. 28 burst.

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Extradition of Adolph Sambolino: Mr. Heidle-
berg's call with papers in the case; speedy
action asked of the Belgian minister for foreign
affairs by note, copy of which is inclosed; Mr.
Tree believes that Sambolino has been sur-
rendered to Mr. Heidelberg, and that the latter
sailed with the prisoner in charge on the 10th

Extradition of Adolph Sambolino: Incloses copy
of note from Belgian minister for foreign
affairs giving formal notice of the surrender of
Sambolino to Mr. Heidelberg on the steamer
Westernland on November 10.

Extradition of Adolph Sambolino: Observations
of the Prince de Chimay, Belgian minister for
foreign affairs, on the case, and upon the con-
vention of June 30, 1882, as to feasibility of
securing arrest of fugitive, upon telegraphic
request, to be held for extradition pending ar
rival of papers by mail; refers to the case of
two fugitives named Mandelius and Edelhausen;
decision of the Secretary of State under section
5270, Revised Statutes of the United States;
decision of a judge in New York in conflict
therewith; it does not appear from records of
the Department how the case came before a
New York judge; in the Department's view
these considerations are not material; the De-
partment's notice to Belgian minister in the
case of Mandelius and Edelhausen, that issn.
ance of preliminary certificates to obtain pro-
visional arrest had been discontinued was after
such application had been made by other Gov-
ernments and refused; the issuance of such
warrants not required by statute, but became a
practice in consequence of an opinion of certain
judges who disavowed jurisdiction in such cases
until a requisition should be made upon the
President and his authority obtained; in recent
years a change of opinion in this respect has
occurred and the President's authority is not
regarded as necessary; so the Department has,
except in cases of express conventional obliga
vion, abstained from issuing preliminary certifi
cates or warrants; decision of Supreme Court
in the case of George Benson alias M. R. Mayer,
whose extradition was demanded by Mexico in
1886; recapitulation of the correspondence in
the case; judgment of the Supreme Court
quoted; this judgment settles the point that
under section 5270, Revised Statutes, a fugitive

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Brazilian Parliament, close of the, and speech from the throne: Copy of speech inclosed; the Emperor's grateful acknowledgments to the people for their affection; Prince José, whose death is alluded to, was the third son of the Emperor's youngest daughter (now dead), who married the Duke of Saxe-Coburg. Attempted assassination of the Emperor: Reports the communication of the President's telegraphic congratulations to the Emperor, on his escape, to the minister for foreign affairs by note, copy of which is inclosed. Attempted assassination of the Emperor: Incloses copy of reply of minister of foreign af fairs to congratulatory note. Revolution by army and navy reported.

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position of the ministry and of the imperial dynasty. Republic declared-order maintained. Revolution: Departure of imperial family, Goverument de facto with ministry established. Importance of acknowledgment by United States first.


Revolution: Foreign minister announces formation of Government. Treaties intact. Continuance of relations requested. Revolution: The revolution entirely unexpected by the Government or people. Its accomplishment without bloodshed, riotous proceedor interruption of business. Events which led to the change. Refusal of the republicans to accept the results of the elections of August 31. The Emperor's measures to se cure the succession to Princess Isabel. Distrust of the army by the Emperor's Government; formation of National Guard and transfer of regular troops to the Interior. Friday, November 15: Assemblage of troops, sailors, and offi cers of the navy, city police, and firemen, all armed on the great square in Rio and republic declared. Ministry arrested and deposed. Baron Hadaris, minister of marine, alone resists. He is wounded, but will probably recover. His service in the United States Navy during the southern rebellion. Formation of a provisional government by Marechal Deodoro, and issuance of a proclamation, copy of which is inclosed Emperor summoned from Petropolis, on resignation of ministry at midnight, endeavors to form new ministry. He is made prisoner in the palace and the imperial family is ordered to leave Brazil in twenty-four hours. Steam-ship Alegoas placed at their service with iron frigate Riachudo as escort. Censorship of telegrams. Prohibition of cable communica tion for twelve hours-Saturday night until Sunday midday. Constitution promulgated on Sunday. Departure of imperial family on Sunday afternoon; United States Constitution and flag copied. Copies of Diario Official inclosed, containing decrees of provisional gov ernment. Settlement in money conferred on late Emperor, and his acceptance thereof regarded as an abdication.




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Maintenance of diplomatic relations with provis
ional government.

Recognition by Argentine Republic, Chili, and

Revolution: Continuance of the minister's report
on guaranty to ex-Emperor by provisional gov-
ernment of continuance of his present income
until meeting of new assembly, and grant of
$500,000 offered and accepted. Decree contirni-
ing the grant inclosed. Proposal by diplomatic
corps to make demonstration in behalf of the
Emperor. Mr. Adams declines to participate;
but calls alone at the palace where admittance
was refused by guard. Monday, November 18,
Rio quiet again. Names of the officers of the
provisional ministry. Copy of circular from
foreign office inclosed. Provisional govern-
ment informed of Mr. Adams's instructions to
maintain diplomatic relations, and consul gen
eral of the United States advised and requested
to notify consuls thereof. Copy of decree in-
closed concerning the new national colors. Pro-
visional government continues to perfect its
organization; order continues meanwhile in the
provinces. Removal of former presidents and
appointment of others in the provinces; aboli
tion of provincial assemblies. Many prominent
men of affairs stand aloof.

Recognition of Brazilian Republic by the United
States to be given on its establishment.
Revolution: Continuance of Mr. Adams's report
on change of government. Recognition of the
Republic by Switzerland, France, and the Pope.
Resumption of diplomatic relations by Enro-
pean powerS Abolition of requirement of pass-
ports for foreigners; Mr. Adams's letter to Bra-
zilian secretary of exterior relations inclosed
by copy, together with copy of reply of that
minister to notice of maintenance of diplomatic
relations. Brazilian Government's appreciation
of the friendly attitude of the United States.
Decree inclosed. Commission of four appointed
to draught constitution. Arrival of the United
States frigate Richmond at Rio, and her depart
ure for Bahia on December 5.


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Mr. Da Costa to Mr. Blaine. July 18

Attempted assassination of the Emperor; a Por-
tuguese the criminal; the Emperor unhurt;
the Portuguese arrested.

Mr. Wharton to Mr. Da July 20 Attempted assassination of the Emperor; Preși-

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dent's congratulations on Emperor's escape tele-
graphed to our minister at Rio.
Revolution: Brazil constituted a republic under
the denomination of the United States of Brazil
and the provisional government. Chief of the
provisional government, Marshal Deodoro de
Fonesca. The ministers' names and titles. The
new government will meet all engagements of
the state. General satisfaction, and adherence
of the provinces to the new political situation.
Confirmation by the provisional government
of Mr. Valente's power as minister to the
United States and delegate to the International
American Congress, and also of the powers of
Messrs. Lafayette and Mendonça on special
mission as delegates. Copies of telegrams in-
closed. Mr. Lafayette declines renewal of his
powers. The powers of the Captains T. A
Cordovil Mauritz and Luis Felippe Saldanta da
Gama as delegates to the maritime conference
also renewed.

Revolution: Encloses copy of telegram stating
that all the provinces have signified their ad-
herence to the republic and provisional govern-
ment. Rapid organization of state governments.
Extension of the franchise. Benediction of the




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Mr. Denby to Mr. Bayard... Oct.


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Oct. 19


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Misionary troubles at Chi-Nan-Fu: Copy of Mr.
Denby's note of September 27 to the Tsung-
li Ya en inclosed asking assistance in the set-
tlement of the difficulties.
The T'ung Wen College: Under the superintend-
ence of His Imperial Highness and others. Its
American president; its courses of ins ruction;
classification of students. The minister's ex-
amination of the students. Rewards; degrees
of official rank; promotion in the public service.
Duties of students; allowances to them. Dr.
J. Edkins's translation of primers, which the
Emperor is supposed to be studying.
Missionary troubles at Chi-Nan-Fu: Incloses re-
ply of the Yamen to Mr. Denby's last note on
the subject. The Yamen willing to aid the
missionaries, but it does not issue positive or-
ders. Advice to Mr. Reid. Substance of dis-
patch communicated to Mr. Reid. Little prob-
ability of a settlement. Shall the minister go
to Chi-Nan-Fu himself, or send second secre-
tary to confer with local authorities! If he is
to go or send, he desires authority to draw for
Marriage certificates and mixed marriages: Their
issuance by diplomatic officers abroad; impor-
tance of such questions. The case of Mr.
Thompson, a missionary of the American
board, but a subject of Great Britain, who
made a contract of marriage with Miss Vetter,
a citizen of the United States. Mr. Thompson
and Miss Vetter anxious for an immediate mar
riage. Requirements of British statutes as to
residence and publication of binus before sol-
emnization of marriage by a consul. Possi-
bility of immediate marriage at British Lega-
tion. Complications in the case of Mr. Thomp-
son and Miss Vetter, the question of validity
arising by reason of their different nationalities.
Mr. Denby advises ceremony at British lega-
tion, and later he advises prior ceremony at
United States consulate. Circulars to Ameri-
can and British ministers on the subject. Mixed
marriages between British and Swiss citizens
in Paris declared null and void in Switzerland.
Complication by lex loci. Marriage may be cele
brated at British embassy if form of marriage
valid in foreigner's country has preceded, and
representative of foreigner's nation will recog.
nize it as valid, then no certificate is required.
Mr. Denby proposes to give such recognition, and
in this way he regards the difficulty as settled.
The lex loci limited by circular in its application
by reason of polygamy. The effect upon it of
the doctrine of extra-territoriality. Silence of
United States Consular Regulations touching
mixed marriages. The case in China. Neces.
sity for instructions to ministers and consuls as
to mixed marriages.

Oct. 20 Population of China: Estimate prepared by the
imperial maritime customs. Inaccuracy of
official censuses in China.
Railway in China: Inspection by Viceroy Li,
under orders to report to the Throne; the cero-
mony accompanying he inspection; success of
the trial; an account of the proceedings re-
cited from the Chinese Times; rate of speed
attained; troops drawn up at stopping places;
inspection of the colliery at Tong Shan; re-
turn to Tientsin; distances traversed; pro-
jected extension of the road; the road as far as
completed designed and constructed by Mr. C.
W. Kinder, C. E.; the management of the
company in the hands of Mr. Ng Choy, a bar-
rister of the English bar; rolling stock; per-
formance of locomotives; one engine from
America; noticeable adaptations of Ameri-







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Oct. 23

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can improvements; "bogie-trucks" and "Jan.
ney" couplers and buffers; Westinghouse
brakes; excellence of work in the road; pro-
vision against annual flood along the route;
cost of the line.

Nov. 12 Marriage of the Emperor: Decrees inclosed
whereby he has chosen an Empress and two
secondary wives.

Nov. 26

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Railway carriages: Six presented to Prince
Chun for the Emperor's use by M. Thevenet,
chief of French syndicate in China; descrip-
tion of three elaborate carriages for the pri
vate use of Emperor, Empress, and high court
officials; estimated cost 150,000 francs; pro-
jected trial of them; special engine to draw
the carriages constructed for use on projected
short line in the Imperial pleasure grounds.
Marriage certificates, and mixed marriages:
The case of Mr. Thompson and Miss Vetter;
views of the Department upon the points raised
by Mr. Denby in his number 737, of October 19,
to which this is a reply.
Claims against China by citizens of the United
States; approval by the Department of Mr.
Denby's suggestion as to the advisability of
obtaining from the Chinese Government a
comprehensive adjustment of such claims.
The Government of China would probably be
prompted to act in a spirit of comity by way of
reciprocating the attention paid by United

States Government to claims of Chinese sub-
jects in the United States; indemnity paid by
United States for losses of Chinese at Rock
Springs, Wyoming, and also for all other
losses suffered by Chinese subjects in the
United States. The latter provision inserted
in the treaty which China failed to ratify.
Catholic cathedral of North Peking consecrated
with great pomp and ceremony; attendance of
foreign ministers and their staffs, and of Chi-
nese officials. General remarks on the Roman
Catholic propaganda in China. Early mission-
aries: their checkered careers. Distribution of
missionary work. The consecration of the new
cathedral puts an end to a vexed question.
When the allied forces took Peking in 1860 the
French insisted upon the restoration of the
original sites for buildings formerly occupied
by Catholic churches, among them the old Psi
Tang, which stood on an eminence overlooking
the impezial palace grounds for a hundred
years. Chinese jealousy of lofty buildings led
to a compromise, by which the old site was sur-
rendered to the Emperor for 400,000 tals and a
fine tract of ground in the imperial city, but on
the plain; here the cathedral stands. Advantage
to all religious sects in China derived from the
settlement of the question.
Catholic cathedral: Measurements of cathedral
and site; form; architecture; ornamentation;
material; workmanship; cost and inscriptions;
museum; printing and engraving office; clock.
Incloses extract from the Chinese Times.
Taxation: In Peking, and other parts of China;
development of present method; arrangement
of districts; the tax upon arable land only;
var.ation in the tax; the method of its assess-
ment; no tax on houses or personal property in
city of Peking; lekin tax on merchandise; trans
fer tax on real estate, red and white deeds; li
cense fees. Military duty required of Chinese
subjects outside of Peking. Source of moneys
expended on public account in Peking. The bulk
of the people pay no taxes whatever, to which
state of affairs the permanence of the Govern-
ment and the tranquility of the people is due.




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