Imágenes de páginas

rade; the surgeons and infirmary corps will take
care of him; do you go forward and
Fifth. Don't break ranks to plunder; if we
whip the enemy, all he has will be ours; if not,
the spoils will be of no benefit to us. Plunder-
ers and stragglers will be put to death on the
spot. File-closers are especially charged with
this duty. The cavalry in rear will likewise at-
tend to it.

Remember that the enemy you engage has no feeling of mercy or kindness toward you. His ranks are made up of Pin Indians, free negroes, Southern tories, Kansas Jayhawkers, and hired Dutch cut-throats.

These bloody ruffians have invaded your country, stolen and destroyed your property, murdered your neighbors, outraged your women, driven your children from their homes, and defiled the graves of your kindred. If each man of you will do what I have urged upon you, we will utterly destroy them. We can do this; we must do it; our country will be ruined if we


A just God will strengthen our arms and give us a glorious victory.


Major-General Commanding.

Doc. 61.



Third Illinois Cavalry,........Lieut. Col. Ruggles,........ 200
Second Wisconsin Cavalry,....Lieut.-Col. Sterling,... 225


The last-named were placed under command of Colonel Thomas Stephens, Second Wisconsin cavalry.

As soon as possible after landing, I took up my line of march for the interior, and went into camp for the night, about eight miles from the Mississippi River. I took with me no baggage or tents of any kind, and about three days' rations. I broke camp at daylight on Friday, and marched thirty-five miles on that day to the west bank of the Tallahatchie River, just below its junction with the Coldwater. During this day's march we captured several rebel pickets. We found that reports of our landing had preceded us, and the impression prevailed that we were approaching in great force. From the negroes that we met we learned that there was a force of rebel cavalry encamped at the mouth of Coldwater, and that a large party of negroes had been collected near there to blockade the road

and throw up fortifications. Wishing to surprise them, if possible, I delayed the column slightly, so as not to arrive at the river until after nightfall. As we approached the ferry where they were supposed to be encamped, I ordered Capt. Walker, who commanded the detachment of First Indiana cavalry, to dismount a party of his men and throw them forward as quietly as possible to the bank of the river, and at the same time to detach his horses from his small guns and have his men run them quietly forward by hand, and we soon came in sight of their camp} fires on the opposite bank of the river, and could CAPTAIN: I have the honor to report in regard distinctly see large numbers of soldiers moving to the operations of the forces placed under my around them. They were laughing, talking, singcommand, in connection with the expedition into ing, and enjoying themselves right merrily. Capt. Mississippi, that the force was embarked and Walker immediately brought his guns to bear at sailed from Helena at about two o'clock P.M. on a distance of about three hundred yards, and Thursday, November twenty-seventh. The emopened out with all force at once, while the disbarkation was delayed several hours in conse-mounted men poured a volley into them from the quence of insufficient transportation, and negli- river bank. The enemy fled with the utmost gence on the part of the Quartermaster in not precipitation, leaving many horses and arms having the boats, which had been long in port, properly coaled and in readiness. In consequence I was not able to make my landing at Delta, and disembark the cavalry forces which composed my

command till after dark.

The force I had with me was one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five strong, and consisted of detachments from the following regiments, namely:

[blocks in formation]



upon the ground. The next day, five of them, very seriously wounded, were found in houses by the road-side, and the negroes reported that they had three killed during the engagement.

I encamped for the night on the banks of Tallahatchie River. The river at this point is deep and sluggish, and is about one hundred and with one ferry-boat forty or fifty feet in length. twenty yards across. We here found a ferry, No. Men. It was my intention to bridge the river during 800 the night, and for that purpose I took along with me five thousand feet of inch pine lumber, and 200 five small boats sent from Memphis, but an examination of the boats proved them to be leaky and worthless, and we had to delay operations till morning. Being convinced that the means furnished for bridging were wholly inadequate, I despatched partics up the Coldwater, and down the Tallahatchie to hunt for boats. They found two large flats up the Coldwater, but they found 92 the river full of snags, and it was not until nearly


1,050 The above I formed into one brigade under the command of Colonel Hale Wilson, of the Fifth Illinois cavalry.


Sixth Missouri Cavalry,. .Major Harkins,.
Fifth Kansas Cavalry,........ Lieut.-Col. Jenkins,.
Tenth Illinois Cavalry,........Capt. Anderson,...

No. Men.



four o'clock P.M. that they succeeded in getting them down. By half-past four P.M. I had the bridge completed, and by six o'clock P.M. I had my entire force of cavalry on the eastern bank of the river. My design then was to march my force as rapidly as possible to the rear of the rebel army, and destroy his telegraphic and railway communications. To do the latter the most effectively, I thought it best to march directly on Grenada, knowing that there were two important railroad bridges across the Yallabusha River, the one on the Mississippi Central, and the other on the Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad.

form cars. We here learned that information of our coming had preceded us by several hours, and that the evening previous one thousand one hundred infantry had come down the road from Panola to Grenada. At Hardy Station the road we travelled crossed the railroad and passed down between the Mississippi and Tennessee and Mississippi Central Railroad. Passing down the road toward Grenada for about two miles, we heard from the negroes that trains of cars were running all night down the Central Railroad toward Gre nada loaded with soldiers. Being in a perfect trap between the two railroads, in a low and densely The distance to make to reach Grenada was fif wooded bottom, with no knowledge in regard to ty-six miles, but by pushing hard I deemed it possi- roads, and knowing that they had had time to ble to reach there by daylight next morning. Af- send ample forces from Abbeville, I deemed it ter proceeding nearly east, along the Yockna Creek too hazardous to proceed further in that direction. about eleven miles, the road forks, one road going I here detailed Major Birge, of the Ninth Illinois to Panola, the other to Charleston and Grenada. cavalry, with one hundred men, armed with carA few yards from the forks of the road, on the bines, crowbars and axes, and directed him to Panola road, is a ferry across the Yockna, and cross the country through the woods and cane. the head of my column turned down the Panola brakes until they should strike the Central Mis road to the ferry to water their horses. They sissippi Railroad, and then destroy the telegraph were at once fired upon by a heavy rebel picket. and all the bridges they could find. They sucMajor Hawkins, of the Sixth Missouri, immediately cessfully performed the service, destroying the telbrought his small howitzers to bear, and we soon egraph, tearing up the rail-track, and burning one silenced the enemy and drove him away. We af- small bridge, being the only one they could find, terward learned that they were the pickets of a they having an uninterrupted view of the track cavalry force of three hundred, who were encamp- for a long distance each way. While thus emed six miles up the Panola road, who, on hearing ployed, a train of cars loaded with soldiers came our guns, supposed we were bound for Panola, slowly up the track from toward Grenada, apparand they returned to that point. After leaving ently feeling their way, to find out where we this point we were several times fired upon by were. They fell back on discovering Major Birge the pickets of the enemy, which compelled us to and party. Major Birge having done all the damfeel our way during the night. At daylight I age to the railroad he could, fell back to the main found myself at Preston, a little town sixteen column. By this time it was nearly night; my miles from Grenada. When I arrived here I horses and men were too thoroughly tired out, found that it would be impossible for me to reach and my knowledge of the country was too limited Hardy Station, the first station on the Mississippi to justify me in perilling my whole force by venand Tennessee Railroads, in time to intercept the turing further, and I accordingly fell back for up-train, which I ascertained usually left at eight about fifteen miles and encamped for the night. A.M. I detached Captain A. M. Sherman, Second Before doing so I hesitated as to the route I should Wisconsin cavalry, with two hundred men of the take on my return. I was at the point where the Second Wisconsin and Fifth Illinois cavalry, to main road from Abbeville and Coffeeville intercross over to the Mississippi and Tennessee Rail- sected the road I passed down upon, about five road at Garner Station, which was only four miles miles from Grenada. I felt the importance of distant, and destroy the telegraph and such bridges striking Coffeeville, and destroying some bridges as he could find, and if possible to capture the that I heard of there, and from there fall back via train. He burnt one bridge over one hundred Oakland, on the Mississippi and Tennessee Road. feet long, and cut the telegraph. He was also in- Coffeeville was thirteen miles off, and Oakland structed on leaving Garner Station to cross through thirty; but, on reflection, I determined not to do the woods to the Mississippi Central, distance of so. Had I taken the other road, the result might nine miles in an air-line, and hunt for and destroy have proved disastrous. Sunday night a force of bridges and cut the telegraph. This last, from five thousand rebel cavalry came into Oakland in the character of the country to be passed over, he pursuit of me, with two field-pieces. After feedfound would be impracticable. The train from ing and resting for a short time, they proceeded Grenada did not come up with the remainder of on to Grenada and Coffeeville. Had I taken the the column; I passed on down to Grenada. About other road, viá Coffeeville, and the only other one nine o'clock A.M., my horses being thoroughly by which we could return, we should have enjaded, I found it necessary to stop and feed and countered this force. As we should have had to rest them, which I did for about two hours; I go into camp from sheer exhaustion soon after then pressed on to Hardy Station; about half a mile below the station I found a bridge about one hundred feet in length, which I burned, and destroyed several hundred yards of telegraph-wire, and burned one passenger, one box, and ten plat

leaving Coffeeville, they would, no doubt, have come upon us in camp; and, with more than double our number, and a perfect knowledge of the country, they would have had us at great disadvantage. On Monday morning 1 broke camp, four

miles beyond Charleston, and marched to Mitch- did, under the command of Lieut.-Col. Torrence, ell's Cross-Roads, twelve miles from the mouth of Iowa Thirtieth infantry. The roads were very the Coldwater, where we found that Gen. Hovey heavy, and the march was tedious. As we aphad sent forward to that point about one thou- proached Oakland, information was, that there sand two hundred infantry, with four field-pieces. was no enemy there, and had been none since I had scarcely arrived at Mitchell's Cross-Roads, Sunday night, but about one mile before reachwhen word came into camp that two companies ing town, the advance-guard from the First Indiaof infantry, sent out by Col. Spicely on the Pano-na came in sight of two or three rebel pickets. la road as a picket, were fighting, and in danger Each party fired, and the pickets fled, hotly purof being cut off. Without an instant's waiting, I sued. threw my force forward-Captain Walker, of the The road here was narrow, and the ground on First Indiana, with his little howitzers in front, and both sides covered with a dense growth of small Major Birge, of the Ninth Illinois cavalry, imme- saplings, with a fence on each side. The advance diately following. As soon as we came in sight immediately formed in line, so far as the nature of the enemy, Capt. Walker and Major Birge brought of the ground would admit. They found the rebels their guns into position, and a few well-directed dismounted, and drawn up in line in large force shots sent the enemy flying. The enemy was in a most advantageous position. The advance posted on the north side of the Yockna, a deep stood their ground manfully, and delivered their stream about one hundred and twenty-five feet fire with great coolness and precision. After dewide, crossed by a ferry. I immediately threw a livering their fire, the enemy charged upon them portion of Capt. Walker's command across the in great force, and the ground being such as to stream, who pursued them lively for a few miles, render it impossible for them to re-form, they were until further pursuit was useless. This force was compelled to fall back about two hundred yards, part of Stark's cavalry. Being now entirely out of to an opening where I was able to deploy to the rations, I sent in to the mouth of the Coldwater, right and left of the road. Supposing that this where the supply train was, for two days' rations, force was the large cavalry force that occupied to be sent out during the night, intending to march Oakland on Sunday night, I felt impelled to move early next morning, and endeavor to reach Coffee- with much caution, and beat up the woods as I ville. My men had their horses saddled up, and proceeded. This occupied some little time, we in in readiness at daylight, but no rations came. the mean-time having got our howitzers in position Owing to the breaking-down of wagons, they did and shelled the woods in all directions where an not come up so that the rations could be distrib-enemy seemed probable. Advancing with our lines uted before two o'clock P.M. This day, (Tuesday, Dec. 2,) it rained incessantly all day. Owing to the want of rations, not being able to march on Coffeeville, and knowing that the enemy were in considerable force at Panola, on the Tallahatchie, fourteen miles from my camp, where they had fortified to defend the crossing, and also at Belmont, seven miles further up the river, I concluded that I would go up there and reconnoitre, and, if possible, drive these forces away, so as to leave no force in my rear when I should move toward Coffeeville the following day. I left camp about two P.M., and rode rapidly to Panola. About one and a half miles before reaching the town, we came upon their camp, (apparently a very large one,) but we found nobody to receive us, they having fled the night before. I sent Major Birge with the Ninth Illinois cavalry forward, who took possession of the town, and captured a few prisoners. We also ascertained from negroes who had been at work on the fortifications at Belmont, that they abandoned their works there, and fled in great precipitation when they heard of our approach. After occupying Panola we returned, same night, to our camp near Mitchell's CrossRoads. I did not disturb the railroad at Panola, or burn any bridges, having rendered it useless to the rebels, and knowing we should want to use it very shortly. The next morning early I took up my line of march for Coffeeville via Oakland. I ordered Col. Spicely, who was in command of the advanced infantry and artillery force, to throw forward for my support as far as Oakland six hundred infantry, and two field-pieces, which he

extended, we entered the town just in time to get sight of the enemy. Col. Stephens, commanding the Second brigade, having deployed on the left, was first to enter the town, and as soon as he came in sight of the enemy, charged upon them, and drove them with great rapidity through the town and down the road to Coffeeville. We captured a number of prisoners, horses, and arms, and five thousand rounds of Minié ball-cartridges; and we found, at different houses in town, about a dozen so badly wounded that they could not be taken away-among them Captain Griffin of the First Texas Legion, whose arm was shattered by a pistol-ball. Some of their wounded were fatally so. I have to report no loss of men during the engagement, but about ten were wounded, only one of whom seriously so. The First Indiana lost eight or ten horses, which were killed during the engagement, and my body-guard had six horses killed, and Lieut. Myers, commanding the bodyguard, had his horse shot under him, and a bul let shot through his coat. I regret to have to report that, during the confusion that ensued when the enemy charged on the head of our column, and before the First Indiana could get their guns in position, one of them, which had been too far advanced to the front, was captured and borne off by the enemy. This is the only event of the ex pedition that I have cause to regret; and yet, knowing as I did, from personal observation, the determined character of the first onset of the enemy, I do not regard the event as surprising, or one for which the company to which the gun belonged as censurable. The conduct of Captain

Of the temper of both officers and men under my command I cannot speak in too high terms of praise. From the time of my landing at Delta to this time, my command has marched over two hundred miles. The weather for two days out of six has been most inclement, raining incessantly, without tents of any kind and not a too plentiful supply of rations. I have never heard a word of complaint or dissatisfaction. The health of the command has continued excellent. To my personal staff, who accompanied me on the expedition, Captain W. H. Morgan, A. A. General, Capt. John Whytuck and Captain G. W. Ring, I am under many obligations for efficient services. Respectfully yours, C. C. WASHBURN, Brigadier-General.


A.A. General.

Doc. 62.


BOLIVAR, TENN., Dec. 4, 1862.


Walker throughout was worthy of all praise. Twenty-fourth Indiana, three hundred and sevenWhen at Oakland I was fifteen miles from Coffee- ty, Lieut.-Col. Barton; Twenty-eighth and Thirville. From prisoners captured, and from citizens, tieth Iowa, six hundred, Lieut.-Col. Torrence; I learned that the rebel army had fled from Abbe- Iowa battery, Captain Griffith; all under the comville, and were falling back rapidly via Water mand of Colonel Spicely of Indiana, an able and Valley and Coffeeville. I also learned that the efficient officer. cavalry force, which we encountered at Oakland, were Texas troops, about one thousand five hundred strong, and were part of a force which left Coffeeville that morning in pursuit of me; that it was divided into three different parties, each of about that number, and left on as many different routes. Concluding that they would all fall back on Coffeeville, and being satisfied that more or less force from Price's army was at Coffeeville, I deemed it highly important not to proceed further, as my whole force of infantry and cavalry did not exceed two thousand five hundred men. I bivouacked for the night on the public square at Oakland. Though near the enemy in large force, with the precaution I had taken I felt perfectly secure. I knew that the enemy was retreating on the road, not ten miles in an air-line from me, but I felt confident that he was in too great a hurry to move aside to fight me, particularly as they had received such exaggerated reports of my strength. I determined to remain here, and sent back for a portion of the remaining infantry to be sent up to my support, that I might proceed on to their line of retreat, and harass them as they passed, but about twelve o'clock at night I received a despatch from Gen. Hovey informing me that he had received despatches from Gen. Steele, stating that the object of the exhibition had been fully accomplished, and ordering us to return to Helena. I allowed my men to rest quietly at Oakland until morning, when I quietly and deliberately, but reluctantly, retired. The day I retired from Oakland it rained hard all day, and with the previous rains was calculated to excite just apprehensions that we could not get back to the Mississippi across the low alluvial bottom which we had passed over in going out. No person that has not passed over this road can have a just estimate of it in a wet time. For fifty miles from the Mississippi, or ten miles beyond the Tallahatchie, the land is an alluvial formation, filled with ponds, sloughs, and bayous, subject to annual overflow, and the roads are impassable as soon as the fall rains begin. In conclusion, I beg to say that the result of the expedition has, on the whole, been eminently successful. Had I possessed in advance the knowledge I now have, I could have done some things that I left undone; but my main object, which was to stampede the rebel army, could not have been more effectually accomplished. At no time except at Oakland, had I over one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five men, and then I had six hundred infantry and two field-pieces, which came up just at night. The impression prevailed wherever we went that we were the advance of a force of thirty thousand who were to cut off Price. The infantry, sent forward to my support, to Mitchell's Cross-Roads, consisted of the Eleventh Indiana, four hundred, Lieut.-Col. McCauley;

The General Commanding is advised that Rufus P. Neely, Clerk of the Hardeman County Court, late a colonel in the rebel army, and engaged in acts of war against the United States, still persists in treasonable language and acts-giving aid and comfort to armed enemies, and disturbing the peace of this post - he having taken an oath of allegiance to the pretended government of the confederate States, in violation of his oath of office-still adhering to such allegiance, and refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the United States.

On the night of November twenty-eighth, he was arrested and brought within the lines, and on that and the two succeeding nights, a party of mounted men, including two commissioned officers, was detailed to guard his premises, and capture guerrillas, who were prowling in the neighborhood, and were said to be entertained at his house.

While there, the party was assailed with abusive epithets, and compelled, while in the performance of duty, to listen to disloyal declarations and threats on the part of the wife and daughters of Mr. Neely. They state in writing, that Mrs. Neely acknowledged the fact of harboring Southern soldiers, and declared that she would give the last thing she had to help them-that the Federal army was a set of murderers and rogues "--that the oath was of no effect for a secessionist to take

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that she would go where she pleased, and would not take the oath—that "the Devil had telegraphed to Jeff Davis not to send him any more Yankees, for hell was already full of them, and he could not accommodate any more until he could

dig another pit to put them in," etc., etc. A daughter is reported as declaring that if she had her way, "all the Yankees should be put in prison, and fed on bread and water thirty days, if they lived so long" that "if old Abe Lincoln had been dead, and such a man as Jeff Davis in his place, this trouble would not have been" that "Lincoln and all such men ought to be dead"— that "old George Washington was a nasty, mean old scamp!"

[ocr errors]

The General Commanding regards with great charity, the harmless ebullitions of malevolence and spite, which, so far from being dangerous, only indicate sympathy with a wicked and failing cause. The patriotic officers and soldiers of the American army have been severely tried in this particular, and deserve great credit for the forbearance with which they have listened, without resenting. This may, however, be due to the fact that their forbearance has been taxed most severely, by those whose gentle sex claimed their homage, and whose social position, education, and supposed refinement of manners would appear to afford a guarantee against intentional and persistent rudeness.

It is not the desire or duty of officers in command, to take account of indecent and treasonable language, unless uttered under such circumstances as to do harm, or to affect the efficiency of the service. In the case under consideration, the officers and soldiers of the United States were on duty-obeying orders, and entitled to protection; not only from molestation, but from insult. The General Commanding will not impose upon his men disagreeable duties, and require of them, in addition, to submit to needless humiliation from public enemies, even though persons called ladies, are the offenders.

The avowal of treasonable acts and intentions, the coarse and disrespectful terms in which the President of the United States, and the army of which he is Commander-in-Chief, are spoken of, as before recited, are so often heard, and have been so long tolerated under the very shadow of our flag, as to excite no surprise-scarcely rebuke.

But it is not so it shall not be so, when the venerated name of WASHINGTON is profaned. Among all nations, civilized and savage-in all languages--by high and low-by the good, the noble, the brave, and gentle-even by the drunkard, the ruffian, and the traitor, the memory of Washington is held in reverence. To the men and women of America, his name is expressive of all that is brave and magnanimous in war, and good and wise in statesmanship, and is spoken with something of that reverential awe which is felt when pronouncing that of the Saviour of mankind.

A case is here presented-the first within memory, in which this universal sentiment of the Christian world has been set at defiance. It af fords another striking evidence of the destructive and demoralizing influence of that political heresy which seeks the overthrow of that benignant government, and the dishonor of the sacred flag which the valor and wisdom of Washington gave


The General Commanding feels no delicate reserve in expressing his abhorrence of such language, whenever and by whomsoever spoken. Let the man who dares to utter it, die the death of a traitor, and the roof-tree beneath which woman shall revile the memory of Washington, tumble in swift ruin to the ground.

In consideration of the matters here stated, it is ordered as follows:

First. The Provost-Marshal will release Rufus P. Neely, late colonel in the rebel army, from close custody, and remand him to his plantation outside the picket-lines of this post.

Second. The Provost-Marshal will also revoke any permits heretofore given to said Neely, his wife, and his daughter, Miss Kate Neely, to pass within the picket-lines of this post, and will absolutely exclude them therefrom, until further orders.

Third. Said Rufus P. Neely is debarred from holding the office, or performing any of the duties of Clerk of Hardeman County.

The foregoing order, and the occasion of it, seem to invite reference to other matters of a like nature, worthy of consideration at the present time.

Like all other monstrous violations of divine and human law, the treasonable military usurpation, which has brought such suffering and woe upon the good people of Tennessee, is coming to an end. Their benign civil government, which has been wrested from them, and their constitution and laws, which have been perverted, to their hurt, are about to be restored. The Constitution and laws of the United States, so fruitful of blessings, begin again to be felt, in their influence upon a people glad to claim their protection.

The rebel armies which have desolated their homes, and plundered them of their substance, have been expelled, never to return. The robber and murderers who yet infest the neighborhood in guerrilla bands, are alone left to torment the people. Even they are relinquishing their cowardly work, and following the flight of the armies they have disgraced.

Hundreds of young men, who have been de luded from their homes, are coming back, clothed in their right mind. Many a wife and mother, to-day rejoice over the return of loved ones, long absent, encountering suffering, dangers, and death in a wicked cause. Many mourn the uncertain fate of those yet absent, and listen anxiously to the whispering of each breeze which passes over the tide of battle. Yet other thousands rest in unknown graves, and the eyes that weep for them will wait for their coming in vain. The traitors who seduced them, are their murderers.

The people of West-Tennessee are, or may be, free again. They are already, practically, repudiating the spurious "Southern Confederacy," and denying the authority of those ordinances and acts, which the late Governor Harris and a perjured Legislature imposed upon them. They recognize Tennessee to be, what she has never for a moment ceased to be, one of the United States. They stand by the Constitution and code

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