The Most Complete Line of Pads on the Market. BANNER Heavy Leather Back. MORRIS Medium Leather Back No Lameness, No Slipping, No Balling of Snow IMPROVED HELLER RASP with keen cutting, hard teeth. Made in all patterns New catalogue mailed free on application. HELLER BROTHERS COMPANY, Established in 1836. NEWARK, N. J. INTERNATIONAL HORSESHOERS' HU MONTHLY MAGAZINE HUBERT MARSHALL, EDITOR AND MANAGER PUBLISHED BY THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF JOURNEYMEN HORSESHOERS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. SUBSCRIPTIONS, PER ANNUM, Entered as Second-class Matter, Dec. 31, 1910, at the Postoffice at Cincinnati, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Vol. 15 CINCINNATI, OHIO, AUGUST, 1914 No. 8 ARTICLE XI. Initiation Fees and Dues. Section 1. Each local union shall establish an initiation fee of not less than $20.00, and each applicant for membership will be required to pay the same before he can be admitted into the union. Sec. 2. Each local union shall establish a monthly dues of not less than one dollar per member per month, of which twenty-five cents must be paid to the International Union for per capita tax. The same shall be paid in accordance with the by-laws of the local unions. Sec. 3. If a local union desires to increase the amount of initiation fees or dues, they will first notify the executive council of the International Union of the contemplated change, and if the executive council will sanction and endorse such action, the change may be made accordingly. Sec. 4. The executive council may grant special dispensations to any local union to reduce the amount of initiation fee when it appears to them that a reduction would be advisable. |