The Seal of APPROVAL has been placed on Neverslip RED TIP Calks and Shoes by the horseowning public. The RED TIP on a Calk or Shoe has become known as a mark of quality, a safeguard against imitation, and a guarantee of service. The quality seeking customer comes to the quality dealing blacksmith. ARE YOU ONE? NOW is the time you should be prepared to meet the demands of your trade. If you have not ordered your supply of RED TIP Calks and Shoes, do it NOW. Send for Booklet U. RED NEVERSLIP MFG. CO. NEW BRUNSWICK, N. J. Montreal, Can. Steel Hind, Calked, Extra Light Hind NEVER SUP Nothing but PUDDLED IRON of the MADE BY THE BURDEN IRON COMPANY, TROY, N. Y. AUSABLE GUARANTEED HORSE NAILS STRICTLY HIGH GRADE Look for the Trade Mark on Each Box THE CURLEY SPRING BAR The only pad that fulfills the purpose for which the rubber was invented. Ask your dealer, or write to AIR-O-PAD COMPANY, Complete Visible Writing Smith Premier Complete Visible Writing means not only that the writing itself is visible, but that the operating machinery which produces the writing is also visible. Above all, it means that the keyboard is completely visible. Why? Because it is the only typewriter having a key for every character-hence the character printed by each key is always the same. This distinctive feature has won for the Smith Premier Typewriter a vast army of loyal users. Smith Premier Department Remington Typewriter Company Did You Get Our Profit-Sharing Catalog? Our system of selling gives the consumers better A 10 PER CENT DIVIDEND ON THE in the form of valuable and attractive premiums Jewelry-Furniture-Sporting Goods Try a Box of Hoopeston Brand Horse Nails You run no risk in doing this as we The sooner you start, the quicker you will com- A coupon in every five-pound box, and we will furnish anything from a farrier's rasp to a fully equipped blacksmith shop in return for the proper number of coupons. FULL PARTICULARS FOR THE ASKING. HOOPESTON HORSE NAIL COMPANY HOOPESTON, ILLINOIS. |