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II. And be it further enacted, That the money arisang by the sale of the said glebe, shall be by the said trustees laid out, and applied towards purchasing a more convenient glebe, for the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the said parish.


An act establishing several new ferries in the county of Ohio.

[Passed the 26 h of December 1788]

New ferries

I. BE it enacted by the General Assembly. That public ferries shall be constantly kept at the following established in places, and the rates for passing the same as followeth, the county of that is to say: From the land of George Cox, in the Ohio. county of Ohio, across Ohio river, to the opposite shore, the price for a man sixpence, and for a horse the same; from the land of John Jones, in the county of Ohio, across Ohio river, to the opposite shore, the price for a man six pence, and for a horse the same; from the land of Van Swearingen, in the county of Ohio, across Ohio river, to the opposite shore, the price for a man sixpence, and for a horse the same; from the land of Absolum Wells, in the county of Ohio, across Ohio river, to the opposite shore, the price for a man sixpence, and for a horse the same; from the land of Reason Pomphrey, in the county of Ohio, across Ohio river, to the opposite shore, the price for a man sixpence, and for a horse the same; and from the land of Jonas Menser, in the said county of Ohio, across Ohio river to the opposite shore, the price for a man sixpence, and for a horse the same. And for the transportation of wheel carriages, tobacco, cattle, and other beasts, at the places aforesaid, the ferrykeepers may demand and take the following rates, that is to say: For every coach, chariot, or waggon, and the driver thereof, the same as for six horses; for every cart, or four wheel chaise, and the driver thereof, the same as for four horses; for every two wheel chaise, VOL. XII.

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or chair, the same as for two horses; for every hogshead of tobacco, as for one horse; for every head of neat cattle, as for one horse; for every sheep, goat, or lamb, one fifth part of the ferriage for one horse, and for every hog, one fourth part of the ferriage for one horse, and no more. If the ferry keeper at any of the said places shall presume to demand or receive from any person, or persons, greater ates than is hereby allowed for the carriage or terrage of any thing, he shall for every such offence, forfeit and pay to the party grieved, the ferriages demanded or received, and ten shillings, to be recovered with costs before a justice of peace of the county where such offence shall be committed.

City of Rich. mond allow

ed a representative, in

the house of delegates.


An act allowing the city of Richmond, a representative in the house of delegates.

[Passed the 22d of December, 1788.]

I. WHEREAS it is provided by the constitution of government, that the privilege of representation in the house of delegates, may be extended to such cities and boroughs, as should thereafter be allowed particular representation in the legislature: And whereas, application hath been made to the present general assembly, by the inhabitants of the city of Richmond, to extend to them this high privilege, which it is judged reasonable and expedient so to do: Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, That the freeholders of the said city, shall be entitled to assemble at the courthouse, or other place of holding courts in the said city, auuually, on their court day, in the month of April, and then and there elect one discreet and proper person, being a freeholder, and who shall have bona fide resided within the said city for twelve months, last preceding, as a delegate to represent the said city in the house of delegates. The said election shall be held and conducted by the serjeant of the

said city, for the time being, under the rules, restrictions, and penalties prescribed by law, in the election of members to the general assembly: Provided always, that no freeholder of the said city shall be entitled to vote in right of such freehold, at any county election of delegates to the general assembly.


An act for dividing the county of Amelia.

[Passed the 22d of December, 1788]

and Notro

way formed.

1. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That Amelia coun from and after the first day of May next, the county of ty divided Amelia shall be divided into two distinct counties, that is to say, all that part of the said county lying south of a line to begin at a place called Well's bridge, on Namozene creek, which divides the said county, from the county of Dinwiddie, thence running through the said county of Amelia, so as to strike the line of Prince Edward county, five miles west of a place called Ward's ford, on Appamattox river, shall be one distinct county, and called and known by the name of Nottoway, and the residue of the said county shall retain the name of Amelia. A court for the said county of Nottoway, shall be held by the justices thereof, on the first Thursday in every month, after the said division shall take place, in such manner as is provided by law for other counties, and shall be by their commissions directed. The justices to be named in the commission of the peace for the said county of Nottoway, shall meet at the new house of Peter Stainback, in the said county, upon the first court day after the said division shall take place, and having taken the oaths prescribed by law, and administered the oath of office to, and taken bond of the sheriff according to law, proceed to appoint and qualify a clerk, and fix upon a place for holding courts in the said county, at, or as near the centre thereof, as the situation and convenience will

admit of, and thenceforth the said court shall proceed to erect the necessary public buildings at such place, and until such buildings be compleated, to appoint any place for holding courts, as they may think proper.-Provided always, that the appointment of a place for holding courts, and of a clerk, shall not be made unless a majority of the justices of the said county be present; where such majority shall have been prevented from attending by bad weather, or their being at the time out of the county, in such cases the appointment shall be postponed until some court day, when a majority shall be present. The governor, with the advice of the council, shall appoint a person to be first sheriff of the said county, who shall continue in office during the term, and upon the same conditions, as by law appointed for other sheriffs. It shall be lawful for the sheriff of the said county of Amelia, to collect and make distress for any public dues, or officers fees, which shall remain unpaid by the inhabitants thereof, at the time such division shall take place, and shall be accountable for the same, in like manner as if this act had not been made. And that the court of the said county of Amelia, shall have jurisdiction of all actions and suits depending before them, at the time of the said division, and shall try and determine the same, issue process, and award execution thereon. In all elections of a senator the said county of Nottoway shall be of the same district, as the said county of Amelia. The court of the said county of Amelia, shall, as soon as may be, after the said division. fix on a place for holding courts, at, or as near the centre thereof, as the situation and convenience will admit of; and thenceforth proceed to erect the necessary public buildings at such place, and until such buildings be compleated, to hold courts at any place they may think proper.


An act to amend an act intituled, An act appointing commissioners to receive subscriptions for opening a road from the falls of the Great Kanawa to Lexington in Fayette county, and for appropriating cerLain public taxes to open the same.

[Passed the 26th of December, 1788.]

sioners, for o

1. WHEREAS the time given by law to receive Act appointsubscriptions for the purpose of opening a road from ng commis the falls of the Kanawa, to Lexington in Kentucky, pen gawad hath been found too short for the purpose thereof, Be from the falls it enacted by the General Assembly, that the said act of the Great intituled "An act for appointing commissioners to re- Lexington, ceive subscriptions for opening the said road, shall in Kentucky, continue and be in force until the thirty first day of amended. December, in the year one thousand seven hundred

and ninety one.

II. And be it further enacted, That Levi Todd, James Trotter, Henry Lee, John M'Dowell, John Hawkins, James Garrard, George Clendinen, Willia a Clendinen, and Henry Banks, gentlemen, be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners, to receive subscriptions for the purpose aforesaid, who shall and may receive subscriptions agreeable to the mode and for the purposes therein prescribed.

III. And whereas it is represented to the present general assembly, that the great public utility which will arise from opening a communication with the Kentucky district by means of the aforesaid road, will be considerably retarded and prevented by the slow and uncertain means of receiving a sufficient fund by subscription.

IV. And whereas considerable taxes have become due from the proprietors of the lands through which the said road will pass, when it was impossible for them to derive any benefit therefrom, from their remote situation and the frequent inroads of hostile Indians, and

Kanawha to

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