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choose others in the room of those so dead, or disabled, and the persons so chosen shall, to all intents and purposes, be vested with the same power and authority, as any one in this act particularly appointed.

IV. The purchasers of lots in the said town, so soon as they shall have built upon and saved the same, according to the conditions of their respective deeds of conveyance, shall then be entitled to, and have and enjoy, all the rights, privileges, and immunities, which the freeholders and inhabitants of other towns in this state, not incorporated, hold and enjoy.

V. If the purchaser of any lot, shall fail to build thereon, within the time before limited, the said trustees, or a majority of them, may thereupon enter into such lot, and sell the same again, and apply the money for the benefit of the inhabitants of the said town.

Salem acade.


An act for incorporating an academy, in the county of Nelson.

[Passed the 15th of November, 1788]

1. WHEREAS it is represented to this present general assembly, That many persons would make conmy, at Baird's siderable donations to the seminary of learning at the town, Nelson place called Baird's town, in the county of Nelson, County, Ken. was a law to pass for incorporating the same: Be it tucky, establlshed. therefore enacted, That from and after the passing of this act, the said seminary shall obtain the name of Salem Academy, and that John Caldwell, Andrew Hynes, Isaac Morrison, Tarab Templin, Matthew Walton, John Steele, Philp Philips, Walter Beall, George Harrison, James Baird, Joseph Barnet, James Morrison, James Allen, Cuthbert Harrison, and William Taylor, gentlemen, be, and they are hereby, constituted, a body politic and corporate, by the name of the trustees of Salem academy, and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and shall have power and capacity to purchase, receive, and possess lands and tenements,

goods and chattels, either in fee or any lesser estate therein, and the same to grant, let, sell, or assign, and to plead or be impleaded, prosecute and defend, all causes in law or equity.

II. The said trustees, or a majority of them, when assembled, shall have power to make such bye-laws and ordinances, as they shall think best for the good government of the said academy, and to perform and do any thing respecting the property vested therein; Provided such bye-laws and ordinances shall not be contrary to the laws and constitution of this commonwealth.

III. They shall choose a president and secretary out of their own body; and in case of vacancy by death, or otherwise, of any one or more of the said trustees, the same shall be supplied by a majority of the remaining trustees.


An act for establishing an inspection of tobacco, on the lands of Isaac Ruddle, in the county of Bourbon.

[Passed the 18th of November, 1788]


I. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That an inspection of tobacco shall be, and the same is hereby, warehouse in established on the lands of Isaac Ruddle, at the con- Bourbone fluence of Stoner's and Hinkson's forks of Licking county estab creek, in the county of Bourbon, to be called and known by the name of Ruddle's warehouse.

11. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for the said Isaac Ruddle, or any other person, to build any dwelling-house, or other house, in which fire shall be at any time used, within fifty yards of the said warehouse.

III. There shall be allowed and paid annually to each of the inspectors, at the said warehouse, the sum of thirty pounds for their salary. Provided always, that if the quantity of tobacco inspected at the said


warehouse, shall not be sufficient to pay the usual charges, and the inspectors salaries, the deficiency shall not be paid by the public.

IV. The court of the county of Bourbon, shall, as soon as the said warehouses are built, nominate four persons to execute the office of inspectors at the said warehouses, two of whom shall be commissioned as inspectors, and a third as additional inspector, in like manner as the inspectors at other warehouses within this commonwealth. The said inspectors shall enter into the same bonds, be subject to the penalties, and in all respects be governed by the rules and regulations prescribed by the laws now in force for regulating the inspection of tobacco, and the exportation thereof.

Further time


An act for giving further time to the owners of surveys to return the plats and certificates thereof into the land office.

[Passed the 21st of November, 1788]

1. WHEREAS the law authorizing the register of allowed to re- the land office, to receive into his office plats and certurn plats and certificates of tificates of surveys that have been or shall be made, survey to the will expire on the last day of December, one thousand

land office.

seven hundred and eighty-eight, and it is represented to this general assembly that many persons through unavoidable accidents have been prevented from returning their plats and certificates aforesaid, to the register of the land office, whereby their lands may be forfeited: For remedy whereof, Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the further time of two years, after the passing of this act, shall be allowed for returning the same, within which time the register of the land office, or his deputy, shall receive all plats and certificates of survey, although not returned within the time heretofore limited by law; and such lands shall

not be considered as forfeited, or liable to forfeiture, on that account.

II. And whereas by an act passed in the year, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six, intituled "An act for reviving, continuing, and amending an act, to revive and amend in part an act for giving further time to enter certificates for settlement rights, and for locating warrants upon pre-emption rights, and for other purposes," the owners of entries and surveys on the eastern waters were required to survey the said entries and return the said surveys on or before the first day of October, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight, and it is expedient that a further time should be allowed them to comply with the requisitions of the said act: Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, That so much of the said recited act, as relates to the entries and surveys of lands on the eastern waters, shall continue and be in force until the thirtyfirst day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety.


An act giving further time to the owners of entries on the western waters to survey the same.

[Passed the 21st of November, 1788.]

survey en

1. WHEREAS the act passed in the year of our Further time Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, in- allowed to tituled "An act to repeal an act, intituled an act con- tries for land cerning entries and surveys on the western waters, and on the wesfor other purposes," directed that owners of entries on tern waters. the western waters should appoint agents or attornies in each county where such entries were made, and notify such appointments to the principal surveyor of the county, by the first day of February, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and declared that on failure thereof such entries should be void.

II. And whereas by an act passed in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-six, it was declared that no entry should be forfeited under the above recited act, for and during the term of two years, which will expire during the present session of assembly, and it is expedient that the same should be further continued: Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, That the further time of two years, shall be allowed to the owners of entries on the western waters to comply with the requisitions of the above recited act, during which time no such entry shall be forfeited.


An act to alter the court day of the county of Madison, and for altering the court of quarter session, in the county of Pendleton.

[Passed the 21st of November, 1788.]

I. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, Thai Court day of the court for the county of Madison, shall, from and Madison, and after the first day of February next, be held on the first sion of Pen Tuesday in every month; any law to the contrary notdleton alter- withstanding. cd.

quarter ses

11. And be it further enacted, That the court of quarter session for the county of Pendleton, heretofore held in the month of November, shall, from and after the first day of May next, be held in the month of December annually; any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

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