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11. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Judicial Administration and Legal Reform to take notice of all proposed changes in the law, and to recommend such as may be in their opinion entitled to the favorable influence of the Association; and, further, to observe the working of the judicial system of the State, to collect information with reference thereto, and to recommend such action as they may deem advisable.


12. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Legal Education to examine and report upon any proposed changes in the system of legal education and of admission to the practice of the profession in the State of West Virginia.


13. The Committee on Grievances shall receive all complaints which may be made in matters affecting the interests of the legal profession, the practice of the law. and administration of justice, and report the same to the Association with such recommendations as they may deem advisable.

The proceedings of this committee shall be deemed confidential and kept secret, except so far as reports of the same shall be necessarily and officially made to the Association.


14. The Committee on Legal Biography shall provide for the preservation among the archives of the Association of suitable written or printed memorials of the lives and characters of deceased members of the West Virginia Bar.


15. The Secretary shall keep a record and conduct the correspondence of the Association and perform the usual duties of such office.


16. The Treasurer shall collect, and by order of the Executive Council disburse, all funds of the Association, and keep regular accounts, which at all times shall be open to the inspection of any member or members of the Executive Council.


17. This Association shall meet annually at Parkersburg or such other place and at such time as shall be fixed at each session of the Association. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to mail to each member a written or printed notice of the time and place of each annual or special meeting at least four weeks in advance of each meeting. Those present at such a meeting shall constitute a quorum.


18. The admission fee will in all cases be five dollars. The annual dues of members shall be three dollars, to be paid yearly on or before the first day of the annual meeting of the Association, and no person shall be qualified to exercise any privilege of membership who is in default.


19. This constitution may be altered or amended at any annual meeting on the recommendation of the Executive Council, by a vote of the majority of the members present, or without such recommendation by a vote of two-thirds of the members present.


20. Any member may be expelled by a majority vote of this Association at any annual meeting.




1. The Executive Council, at its first meeting after each annual meeting of the Association, shall select some person to make an address at the next annual meeting, on the life and service of any deceased members of the bench or bar of West Virginia of eminence, or other subjects; and also not exceeding five members of the Association to read papers. 2. The order of business at the annual meeting shall be as follows:

a. Annual address of the President.

b. Report of Committee on Admissions and election of members.

c. Report of the Secretary.

d. Report of the Treasurer.

e. Report of Standing Committees:

Executive Council.

On Judicial Administration and Legal Reform.
On Legal Education.

On Grievances.

On Legal Biography.

f. Report of Special Committees.

g. The Nomination of Officers.

h. The Appointment of Standing Committees:

i. Miscellaneous Business.

j. The Election of Officers.

The address to be delivered by a person invited by the Executive Council, shall be at the morning session of the second day of the annual meeting, and the reading of papers by the members appointed by the Executive Council shall be on the same day, unless the Executive Council shall designate some other time for the address and reading of papers. After the reading of each paper an opportunity shall be given for discussion on the topic of the paper.

The Executive Council shall publish at least four weeks in advance of each annual meeting a statement of the name of the person who is to deliver the annual address, and the names of those who are to read papers, and the subject of each; and the Secretary shall forthwith transmit a copy to each member.

3. No person taking part in a discussion shall speak more than ten minutes at a time or more than twice on one subject.

A stenographer shall be employed at each annual meeting.

4. At any of the meetings of the Association, members of the bar of any foreign country or of any State other than West Virginia, who are not members of the Association, may be admitted to the privilege of the floor during such meeting.

5. All papers read before the Association shall be lodged with the Secretary. The annual address of the President, the report of committees and all proceedings of the annual meetings shall be printed; but no other address made or papers read or presented shall be printed, except by order of the Executive Council. Extra copies of reports, addresses, and papers read before the Association may be printed for the use of their authors, not exceeding one hundred copies to each of such authors. The Executive Council, as a committee on publication, shall meet within one month after each annual meeting, at such time and place as the Chairman shall appoint.

6. The term of office of all officers including the Executive Council, elected at an annual meeting, shall commence at the adjournment of such meeting; but the term of office of the members of the several committees appointed by the President shall commence immediately on their appointment.

7. Each committee shall elect its officers, whose term of office shall commence on their election and continue until

the appointment of a new committee; and each standing committee shall continue until its successor shall be appointed.

8. All standing committees shall meet on the day preceding each annual meeting at the place where the same is to be held, at such hour as the respective chairmen shall designate.

9. Special meetings of any committee shall be held at such times and places as the chairman thereof may appoint. Reasonable notice shall be given by him to each member by mail.

10. The Treasurer's report shall be examined and audited annually, before its presentation to the Association, by two members to be appointed by the chairman of the Executive Council.

11. No resolution complimentary to an officer or member for any service performed, paper read or address delivered shall be considered by the Association.

12. Any charges of unprofessional conduct against any member of the Association, if made in writing and signed by the person preferring them, shall be investigated by the Committee on Grievances, who shall recommend to the Association such action as they may deem proper, but no action shall be taken by said committee or this Association without due notice to and the service of the charges upon the accused.

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