Imágenes de páginas

pany, the importing merchants, commercial agents, combine the temperate and torrid zones, page 462.

What nature has done for Mexico, the botany of Mexico, page 463;— products artificial and natural, pages 464 and 465;-yield of plantains, &c., per acre, when ripened, bread-fruit, page 466;-jatropha manihot, its uses, alligator pear, page 467;-its products, the mangostan and durion, custard apple, page 468;-the pulp, another of the bounties of nature, the cacao tree, page 469.

The fruit of the cacao tree, manner of putting it up, remunerated for growing it, page 470;-the coffee tree, and its fruit, its inflorescence, the date palm, the habits of it, page 471; firm flesh, its age, cocoanut tree, its habits and fruit, page 472;-product per acre, what causes enraptured delight in the tropics, support for 300 per square mile, capacities of certain Mexican States, other Mexican States, page 473;-extent of their surface, extent of the Central American States, air fumed, page 474;-South American States adapted to slave labor, extent of surface, Northern slave States becoming free States, area of the West India Islands, pages 475 and 476; their productive capacities, their marintime positions, page 476.

Peopled by Americans, when forests, &c., are cleared up and drained, further possessions in Mexico, home and field of the negroes, page 477, variation of climate, three climates in Mexico described, page 478;-equality of the seasons, three crops of corn per year, temperature in summer and winter, page 479.

Products capable of being grown, design of the earth, America not cultivated, pages 480 and 481;-one ruling race, could not exist as equals, page 481;-views of colors, experiments as to educating the negroes, the West Indies returning to a wild waste consequent upon abolishing slavery, pages 482 and 483.

No spur, his characteristics, facts patent at first view, page 483;-learn nothing by experience, high positions, war of races confirmed, page 484; freedom of the animals argued, intermediate link, war of races in Mexico, &c, page 485;-4,000,000 of slaves freed, the effect thereof, pictures before man, page 486.

Impoverish the whites, commercial exchange, this war continued for years, consequences to be considered, page 487;-expense of planting by free colored labor, cereals grown, machinery used, order of nature, page 488;-estates divided into small farms, the white population performing, dicate design, first and foremost, page 489;-book of nature as our guide, fixed pioneer labor, freedom of locomotion, page 490.

Restraint of apprentices or bound servants in the free States, how treated, page 491 and 492;-how a man feels his interest, page 492;-luxuries purchased by negroes, make account come out even, point at issue, page 493;-the negroes in a statu quo state except in contact with the whites,

the ruling race in Northern Africa, causes of improvements in the interior of Africa, page 494.

Men alone fall into idle habits, page 495;-Caucasian wanderers, order of God, test of such a declaration, lie on your lips, page 496;-no equal matches, nature poisoned, principles pervade, page 497;-privileged class, wages low, gates of the rich approached, submission to the will of a superior, custom gaining ground, page 498.

Mania for imitation, white servants dressed in livery, less disposed to adopt new isms, field of labor contrasted, page 499,-duty of parents, and of master and servant, wretchedness in the extreme, wages for peones, page 500.

Authority to enforce, must labor, depend on the rich, wages at low rates the more humanity, page 501;-mission of slavery, its march, apparent piety, no petition, page 502;-fruitful of no civil strife, petition by 3,000 clergymen, page 503;-advantages of slavery reciprocal, demand for slave labor, its mission of progress, lands drained, page 504;-natural law of progress, a broad field, a view of Cuba, page 505.

Perennial blooms, fixed labor, Coolie labor, Republic of Mexico, view thereof, page 506;-soil not found wanting, artesian wells feasible, fixed labor, narrow defiles, division into plateaus, page 507;-chain of mountains, conformation of Mexico, fixed form of government, genius arise, renew the journey of life, precious metals, page 508;-fixed labor necessary for the State, panarama view of Central America, page 509.

Requirements of commerce, a market furnished, islands of the Pacific, page 510;-& new empire, tides of civilization, a short and eásy passage to the Pacific, Titanic enterprise, page 511;-geographical position, barriers subside, theater of great events, facilities of transit, page 512;-continent widening, two great valleys, twice poured its flood, beauties of Cen. tral America, page 513.

Chain of the Cordilleras, the alluvions, trade winds, three marked centers, page 514;-the rivers, basin of Nicaraguan lakes, peculiarities of configuration, climate uniform, heat of the Pacific, page 515;-snow falling, San Salvador peopled, diversified surface, page 516;-part of Nicaragua, climate modified, degree of temperature obtained, Atlantic coast unhealthy, page 517.

Few squalid Indians, its lakes, the young can walk, page 518;-Central America abounding in, home of the negro, only mind that rises, where the ruling race live, page 519;-awake from slumber, death blow to prosperity, latitudinal communities not understanding each other, rooky dike, page 520.

Insensible ridge, winds of either ocean, increase of products, page 521; a spectecle truly grand, tropical abundance obtained, page 522;-wise discretion, slsve labor paying, cultivation of the spices, page 523;-the des

tiny of the negro, sectional prejudices, area of South America, page 524; its mountains, their heights, page 525.

Range striking off, the third system, mountains of Brazil, page 526;plains of South America, four different regions, page 527;-desert of Patagonia, principal rivers, page 528;-valley drained, other rivers, lakes, page 529,-climate in the Amazon basin, the base of the country, page 530; the prevailing rock, deposits in situ, forests various, page 531;— fruits abounding, tea cultivated, the home for the slave, progressive slavery, page 532.

Attainment of objects, idea of prosperity, yet in its pride, page 533;grades of beings, slavery will pass, its long home, false pretenders, page 534;-based on organic law, involved in mystery, wonder excited, description of a fly walking, page 535;--ascending scale of animated nature, order of creation proved, man last through design, page 536-God's de sign in water products, his consistency, which his color represents, page 537.

Man rules, wars cease, Divinity not conquered, a debt of gratitude, page 538;-labor saps, perform servile labor, acting up to its injunctions, page 539;-deeds good, opposed to the order of creation, D. S. Dickinson's view of Abolitionists, page 540;-correct portrait, speaks volumes, design in the first walks of life, page 541.

Invite obedience to the commands of God, pause and reason, plead for our action, shall pause, page 542;-reason ascend her throne, repel that foreign invader, correct American feeling, page 543;-privileges granted, progress of slavery, its regulating itself, sound and logical judgements page 544.

Are within your reach, the doctrine of our forefathers, relapse into barbarism, page 545;--devotion to the order of creation, slavery in general of the colored races, origins of these races, page 546;-fire burns, &c., apple originated, woody forests, &c., page 547;-seen by the most common understanding, ever ready to play into the hands of, the Agrarian law, page 548-could have persecuted, a right to what? man deviating from organic law, page 549.

Creed handed down, extract from President Lincoln's Sept. Proclamations, page 560;-proclamation of Sept. 24th, 1862, orders of the Secretary of War, page 561;-Judge Curtis on the President's proclamation and the orders, pages 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576.

The doctrine of this article, features of the Republican Chicago Platform of 1860, pages 577, 578, 579, 580, 581;-considered as to its constitutional bearing, portions of the constitution quoted to show how the Platform conflicts with it, page 581;-amendments to the constitution, extracts analyzed, their application, page 582;-apportionment determined, right

goes, no clause applied, warrant infringement, means of protecting it, bear pro rata, page 583.

Slavery in the States, traffic legal, spirit of the clause, guard all interests alike, escape of slaves, old as the constitution, legislate slavery out of Territories, ten dollars per head paid on negroes imported, page 584;prejudice any claims, Republican Platform viewed, did not emanate from the people, platform compared with the clauses quoted, page 585;-the purpose of the platform, dim star rising, normal condition of this Continent, page 586.

Not of Pilgrim Rocks, the heart of the Continent, no right to legislate slavery out of the Territories, no point gained, page 587;-man could not subdue the earth, slavery not natural in no respect but as the order of nature indicates, the Declaration of Independence, equal fellowship not in tended, negroes not citizens, pages 588 and 589.

Object of clause 1, right not questioned, prospective citizenship, a negro allowed to vote, political advantages, no negro can vote in a slave State, page 590;-nothing contradictory, look at individual acts, not come up to it, principles known, recorded acts telling, appeal to our God, peace to crown the order of creation, page 591.

Oath to support the constitution, act of perjury, American citizens, instil into minds, paralyze our wantonness, must submit to natural law, page 592;-natural rights to defend, plumb his position, manuel of defence, repetitions extenuated, page 593;-entitled to consideration, what will our countrymen choose? effects seen, war of races, no choice except that dietated, page 594;-form of servitude, guilty of atheism, future pilots, supposed age of reason, page 595.

Persecution of Copernicus, and of Galileo particularly for the genius he displayed, pages 596 and 597;-history reviewed, Plymouth Rock, page 597;-how a man feels in New England, missionaries sent there, men detested, order of creation detested, fanaticism caractured, page 598;-order of production, design to rotate, an inceptive beginning, page 599;-consequence of planting, procreation the same, what is gained by unity, when it ends, page 600.

That ylelded to, intelligence consists, Republicans, &c., are atheists, United States flag, page 601;-Greeley's plan of educating the North in 1841, Bate's opinion of negro citizenship, 602 and 603;-liberal principles of the constitution, &c., philosophy of reasoning, page 603;-design in our five senses, purpose of the ocean, of volcanoes, less guarded ones, world wags, great workmanship, page 604 ;-presented to inquisitive pub. lic, a long farewell, restoration of peace, page 605.



In the month of February, 1863, this work appeared from the Louisville Press; and among intelligent men, who look back to the great organic law to see in it the organic causes which, in all ages, have given rise to effects, it has received a liberal patronage. This system of treating of slavery is novel, and it is unlike that of other authors upon the same subject. The work is divided into three parts: The first part treats of the intelligence and progress of Americans: of the American colonies; of their choice of laborers; of their natural discernment of the physical condition of those destined to serve them in obedience to organic law; of the introduction of Africans by the Dutch as slaves; of the Indian lands being common property to the new Discoverers; of the motives of those forming settlements in America; of the Divine Right of the Europeans to the wild lands of America, though inhabited by Indians; of slavery in the old countries; of the slavery of the colored races as being natural; of the treatment of slaves; of the missionary spirit of the slave-holders; of the imitation of slaves, in point of religious culture, to their masters; of constitutional law, and of the interpretation of constitutional terms; of the President's September Proclamation; of its effects being likened to the merciless Raid of the Blacks of San Domingo in the year 1791.

The second part treats naturally, physiologically, ethnologically, and organically, of all subordiate and inferior organized bodies to man, both in the inanimate and animate kingdom, showing that all matter before the order of creation was begun, was nothing but chaos; thereby proving the design of God as he advanced class by class in the order of his creation. Seeds and the growth from them were creatad before animals were, which would necessarily have to feed on them. Therefore, inanimates are inferior to animates.

In the creation there is a link between the vegetable and the animal creation, as in the sensitive plant and the polypus. From the latter to man, the Caucasian Ruler, we trace through the natural sciences the formstion of distinct classes made out of matter, with powers of reproduction, resembling themselves, rising step by step in their physiognomies till we

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