Imágenes de páginas
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By return mail after June 5th to 10th, or money refunded.
Bred from my superior breeder; for business, gentle; no bet-
ter hustler; bees just roll houey in; three-banded; Northern
bred; hardy and vigorous; winter well; not inclined to
swarm; bred from best leather-colored, long-tongued, red-
clover strains. Untested, $1.00; six, $5.00; dozen, $9.00. Select
untested, $1.25; six, $6.00; dozen, $11.00. Satisfaction guaran-
L. F. MILLER, previously of Brookville and Rey-
noldsville, Pa., a queen specialist for 15 years, is agent and
breeder for E. A. Miller. Send all orders to

I. F. MILLER, Rt. 2, Oil City, Pa,

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Early shipments of comb honey in small or carload shipments.

We have a good market for choice honey, and can use large quantities if the color is nice and white, and the flavor is not too pronounced.

Our trade likes the white clover best, but we can use other flavors.

Write us at once even though your crop is not ready.

Tell us what price you want, and a complete description of package used in shipping. You will get a prompt answer.

E. W. PEIRCE 126 W. Main St. Zanesville, Ohio

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Untested Italian Queen-Bees

6 Queens for $4.50; 3 for $2.50; 1 for 90 cts.

We usually begin mailing queens in May, and continue thereafter on the plan of "first come first served.' The price of one of our Untested Queens alone is 90 cents, or with the old American Bee Journal for one year-both for $1.60. Three queens (without Journal) would be $2.50, or 6 for $4.50. Full instructions for introducing sent with each Queen, being printed on the underside of the address-card on the malling-cage. You can not do better than to get one or more of our fine Standard-bred Queens.

American Bee Journal,

Hamilton, Illinois


OODS ordered now will reach you in time for your first swarms. More and more are our customers adopting the plan of ordering early.

Yes, we will ship at once, and send Root's Goods only, and at their prices. Save time and freight charges by ordering at Root's Headquarters in Michigan.

M. H. Hunt & Son

General Agents


Lansing, Mich.

Opposite Lake Shore Depot



Comb and ....
Extracted Honey

We offer this year a very com-
plete line of cartons for comb
honey-any size or color, with
any desired printing. Bottles,
jars, and cans for extracted
honey with capacity ranging
from that of a tumbler to a
barrel. Special attention is
directed to our assortment of
Friction-top Pails and to tin
cans of 1, 1, 5 gallon capacity.

Get full information,
prices, and samples.

The A. I. Root Company

Medina, Ohio

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We are now ready to fill all orders promptly for our Threebanded and Golden Italian queens. Our queens are bred strictly for honey-gathering qualities. Untested, each, $1.00, or six for $5.00, or $9.00 a dozen. Tested, $1.25 each, or six for $6.50. or $12.00 per dozen. Select tested. $1.50 each. Breeders. the very best, $5.00 each. Write for special prices on lots of 50 to 100 queens. Will replace all dead queens that are dead on arrival, and returned in the cage we mailed them in. 25 years

a queen-breeder. Send all orders to J. W. TAYLOR & SON, BEEVILLE, BEE CO., TEXAS

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148 W. Superior St., Chicago, III. Send for catalog. ENOUGH SAID.


Now's the time to improve your strains. Put in pure Italian bees. They are harder workers; less inclined to sting, and easier to handle. Get

Blanke's Bee Book

It gives descriptions of our fine line of bees and bee supplies. Also contains much information useful to bee-raisers and beginners. A book you should keep around. It is FREE.


Blanke Bldg., St. Louis, Mo.

W. H. Laws

is now mailing queens every day except Sunday. These queens are going to almost every State in the Union. A statement in public print says, "The postoffice at Beeville has probably cancelled more stamps on queencages than any other postoffice in the world." Whether this is true or not, it is true that Laws' queens are giving eminent satisfaction, and old customers are continually renewing their orders.

I am breeding but the one strain of three-banded Red-clover Stock Italians. A square deal and good queens are all that I can promise. I shall be pleased to have your order, which will be filled in rotation; however, I can also take care of rush orders.

Prices: Single queen, $1.00; six for $5.00; 100, $75.00.

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At the following prices: Untested, 90c each; 12 for $9.00; $65.00 for 100. Tested, $1.00; IMPERIAL-ROYAL AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION

12 for $10.00; $75.00 for 100. I have some

fine breeders for $5.00 each.

Ljubljana, Carniola (Krain), Austria

Exports only pure Carniolan Alpine bees. Write for booklet and price list.

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Insist on "Old Rell


The best and able"Bingham Smokers,ELP GLEANING
lowest-priced for sale by all dealers in BEE SMOKER

double-wall bee-keepers' supplies.
hive on the mar-
ket. This hive

has % material in the outer wall, and is not cheaply made of material as are some other hives on the market. Send for circular showing 12 large Illustrations. It will pay to investigate.

For over 30 years the standard in all countries. The smoker with a valve in the bellows, direct draft, bent cap, inverted bellows, and soot-burning device.

Smoker engine, 4-inch, each, $1.25; mail, $1.50. Doctor, 31⁄2-inch, each, .85; mail, $1.10. Conqueror, 3-inch, each, .75; mail, $1.00. Little Wonder, 2-inch, each, .50; mail, .65. Honey-knife, 70; mail, .80.

Manufactured only by

A. G. WOODMAN CO., Grand Rapids, Mich.

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"If goods are wanted quick, send to Pouder."
(Twenty-third year.)


For the benefit of readers who do not have my catalog at hand I wish to submit prices on articles that are in urgent demand at present. Any of these goods can be forwarded the same day order reaches me, and my catalog will be included with the goods.

Beeway Sections: 100


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A grade, $.80; B grade, $ .70

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Plain sections, 25 cents less per 1000.

Thin super foundation: 1 lb., 66c; 5 lbs., 64c; 10 lbs. 62c.

Medium brood foundation: 1 lb., 59c; 5 lbs., 57c: 10 lbs., 55c.
Foundation can be mailed, when urgent, at 25c per pound extra.
Hoffman brood-frames: 10 for 35c, or $3.00 per 100.

Standard Root smoker: 85c, or by mail for 28c extra.

No. 2 veil, with silk face, 60с.

See my catalog for other necessary articles required in the bee-yard. The list of hives and supers is especially interesting, and distance should not be considered when placing your orders here, when quality and prompt service are considered. Notice what a friend in South America has to say after securing several shipments from this house.

DEAR MR. POUDER:-I am very glad to inform you that the goods have
arrived in perfect order, and I beg to express my gratification to you, dear
Mr. Pouder, and to The A. I. Root Co. for your and their care in filling my
last order. The goods are all o. k., and it is like you.

Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.

Perhaps the above helps to explain why nearly all bee supplies used

by our most successful beekeepers are of the make handled by this house. I buy beeswax, cash or trade. My catalog of bee supplies is free.


Indianapolis, Ind.

859 Massachusetts Ave.

New Stock

We already have received a large well-assorted stock of fine supplies for the coming season. We carry no dead or out-of-date stock in our warehouse. You can be sure of getting fresh, clean stock if you order of us.

CATALOGS: Our new catalogs are now ready. Those who have received them say they are the finest Lee-supply catalogs ever put out. If you have not already received a copy, send for it.

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