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No. I. THE WORLD, according to the ideas of Herodotus, who supposed its surface to be flat. This map explains his ideas of the relative positions of the countries and seas known to him; to face

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II. The same on a similar scale, but on a spherical projection; and with the countries in their just relative positions and proportions

III. EUXINE or WESTERN SCYTHIA; with the tribes or nations bordering on it: including the whole space between the rivers Teisse and Wolga; and between the Euxine sea and Moscow. This map is explanatory of the IV, V, and VIth Sections.

IV. Maps of the HELLESPONT and BOSPHORUS; shewing the positions of the BRIDGES of DARIUS and XERXES: explanatory of the latter part of Section VI. Also, Edrisi's idea of the situation of the rampart and country of GoG and MAGOG, referred to from Section VII.

V. The TWENTY SATRAPIES of DARIUS HYSTASPES, in Asia and Africa: including also Greece, Thrace, the two Scythias, and the country of the Issedones, to the borders of Serica. This map describes not






only the twenty Satrapies, but the extent of the
knowledge of Herodotus, eastward; and nearly
the whole tract known to him in Asia. It also
shews the relative positions, and the extent, of
the two Scythias; and in the description of the
latter, combines the ideas of the Russian and
Chinese geographers, with those of Sherefeddin
and Strahlenberg. It explains the whole of the
VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XIIth Sections, re-
specting Asia, the Eastern Scythians, and the
Satrapies; as also what relates to the tract be-
tween the two Scythias

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VI. The position of ANCIENT BABYLON, in respect of Seleucia, Ctesiphon, Bagdad, and other places in Babylonia and Mesopotamia: with the canals drawn from the Euphrates to the Tigris, in the narrow part of Babylonia. Also the elevation of the Tower of Belus, and the disposition of the public structures in Babylon

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