Imágenes de páginas

[Not. Dig.] [C. Th.]

[C. I.]

[C. I.]

[Cass. Var.] [Lydus.] [Pet. Patr.]

[(Maurice) Strat.]

[Takt. Usp.]

[Ibn Khurd.]

[Kudâma] [Bas.]



Saec. V.

Notitia Dignitatum, ed. Seeck, 1876.

Codex Theodosianus, ed Mommsen, 1905.
Novellae Theodosii II, &c., ed. Meyer, 1905.
Codex Iustinianus (see below).

Saec. VI.

Codex Iustinianus, ed. Krüger, 1884.

Iustiniani Novellae, ed. Zachariä von Lingenthal, 1881.
Iustini II, Tiberii II, Mauricii Novellae, in Zachariä
v. Lingenthal, Ius Graeco-Romanum, Pars III, 1857.
Cassiodorus Senator, Variae, ed. Mommsen, 1894.
Ioannes Lydus, De Magistratibus, ed. Wünsch, 1903.
Petrus Patricius, Catastasis, fragments in Const. Porph.
De Cerimoniis i, cc. 84-95; cp. also ib. pp. 497-8 (see

Pseudo-Maurice, Strategikon, ed. Scheffer, 1664.

Saec. VII.

Descriptions of ceremonies in reign of Heraclius, in Const.
Porph. De Cerimoniis ii, cc. 27–30 (see below).

'Diva iussio Iustiniani Augusti [II]. . . in confirmationem
sextae synodi Constantinopolitanae' [A. D: 687], Mansi,
Concilia, xi. 737.

Saec. VIII.

Leo III and Constantine, Eclogu, ed. Monferratus, 1889.
Some descriptions of ceremonies, in Const. Porph. De
Cerimoniis, esp. i. 43 and 44.

Saec. IX.

Τακτικὸν ἐν ἐπιτόμῳ γενόμενον ἐπὶ Μιχαὴλ . . . καὶ Θεοδώρας . . .
ed. Th. Uspenski, in Izviestiia russkago arkheologicheskago
instituta v Konstantinopolie, iii. 109, sqq. 1898.
Ibn Khurdâdhbah, Kitab al-Masûlik wa 'l-Mamâlik, ed. De
Goeje, in Bibl. Geogr. Arab. vi, 1889 (pp. 76–85).
Kudâma ibn Ja'far, ibid. (pp. 196–9).

Basilicorum libri lx, vols. i-vi, ed. Heimbach, 1833-70 ;
vol. vii, ed. Ferrini and Mercati, 1897.



[Leo, Tact.] [Phil.]


[περὶ ταξ.]
[De adm. imp.]


[Anon. Vári]

Epanagoge legis Basilii et Leonis et Alexandri, ed. Zacharia v. L., 1852.

ó πрóxεipos vóμos (of Basil I), ed. Zachariä v. L., 1837. Leonis VI Novellae, in Zachariä v. L., Ius Graeco-Romanum, iii (see above).

Leo VI, Tactica, in Migne, P. G., vol. 107.

Philotheos, Klétorologion.

Ceremonies. Many of the ceremonies described in Const.
Porph. De Cer., date from the ninth century.

Description of Triumph of Theophilus, Const. Porph. Tepì
Tây Baσiλik@v raέeidiwv, 503 sqq. (see below).
Description of Triumph of Basil I, ibid. 498 sqq.

Leo VI. Tò éπaρɣɩкòv Bißλíov (le livre du Préfet), ed.
Nicole, 1893.

Saec. X.

Constantine Porphyrogennetos, De Cerimoniis, ed. Bekker [vol. i], Bonn, 1829.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Romani I et Constantini VII Novellae; in Zachariä v. L.,
Ius Graeco-Romanum, iii (see above).

Incerti scriptoris Byzantini saec. X liber de re militari, ed.
Vári, 1901.

Nicephorus Phocas, Στρατηγικὴ ἔκθεσις καὶ σύνταξις, ed.
Kulakovski, in Zapiski of St. Petersburg Academy, viiie
sér. viii. 9, 1908.

To this list must be added the Acta Conciliorum (esp. of the 6th, 7th, and 8th General Councils), which are cited from Mansi's collection; and the seals which begin in the sixth century and become more numerous and important afterwards.1

[Sig.] [Mél.]



Schlumberger, Sigillographie de l'Empire byzantin, 1884.
Schlumberger, Mélanges d'archéologie byzantine, première
série, 1895.

Panchenko, Katalog molybdobullov [in the collection of the
Russian Arch. Institute at Cple.], in the Izviestiia of the
Institute, viii. 199 sqq. (1903), ix. 342 sqq. (1904), xiii.
78 sqq. (1908).

[Konstantopulos] Konstantopulos, Bugarriakà poλvßdóßovλλa [in the National Numismatic Museum of Athens], in the Journal international d'archéologie numismatique, vols. ix and x, 1906, 1907.

The chronicles and other literary sources need not be enumerated here. The historians and chroniclers are cited from the Bonu texts (Cont. Th. =Theophanes

The collections of Egyptian Papyri (Pap. Brit. Mus., B. G. U., Oxyrhynchus, &c.) are occasionally useful for illustration.

Continuatus; Gen.


Genesius), except Procopius, ed. Haury, Theophylactus Simocatta, ed. De Boor, Nicephorus Patriarcha, ed. De Boor, (Theoph. =) Theophanes, ed. De Boor, or where otherwise specified. Evagrius is cited from the ed. of Parmentier and Bidez; the fragments of Menander, &c., from Müller, F. H. G. iv.



Godofredus, Codex Theodosianus (Commentary), 1736–45.
Böcking, Notitia Dignitatum (Commentary), 1839-53.
Karlowa, Römische Rechtsgeschichte, vol. i, 1885.

Schiller, Geschichte der römischen Kaiserzeit, vol. ii, Chap. I,

Mommsen, Ostgotische Studien, in Neues Archiv, xiv, 1888.
Mommsen, Ephemeris Epigraphica, v. 1884.

Aussaresses, L'armée byzantine à la fin du vie siècle, 1909.
Gelzer (M.), Studien zur byzantinischen Verwaltung Aegyp-
tens, 1909.

Bury, Magistri scriniorum, ἀντιγραφῆς and ῥεφερενδάριοι, in
Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 1910.

Diehl, L'administration byzantine dans l'exarchat de Ravenne,

Hartmann, Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der byzantinischen
Verwaltung in Italien, 1889.

Diehl, L'Afrique byzantine, 1896.




Ducange, Glossarium ad scriptores mediae et infimae
Graecitatis, 2 vols., 1688. (Compare also his commen-
taries on works which he edited in the Paris Corpus.)
Reiske, Commentarii ad Const. Porph. de Cerimoniis = Const.
Porph., vol. ii, ed. Bonn.

Rambaud, L'empire grec au dixième siècle, 1870.

Zachariä von Lingenthal, Geschichte des griechisch-römischen
Rechts, ed. 3, 1892.

Bieliaev, Byzantina: ocherki, materialy i zamietki po vizan-
tiiskim drevnostiam, i, 1891; ii, 1893.

[Uspenski, Tabel] Uspenski, Vizantiskaia tabel o rangakh, in Izv. russk, arkh.

Instituta v Kplie, iii, 1898.

Uspenski, Konstantinopol skii Eparkh, ibid., iv, 2, 1899.

Uspenski, Voennoe ustroistvo vizantiiskoi imperii, ibid., vi, i, 1900.

Panchenko, Βασιλικὸς Πιστικός, ibid. vii, 1902.

Uspenski, Partii tsirka i dimy v Kplie, in Vizuntiiski
Vremennik, i, 1894.

Kulakovski, Drung i drungari, ibid., ix, 1902.

Kulakovski, Vizantiiskii lager kontsa, X vieka, ibid., x, 1903.
Mitard, Note sur la fonction d'éк проσάжоν тâv deμátwv, in
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, xii, 592-4, 1903.

Bury, The Ceremonial Book of Constantine Porphyrogennetos,
in English Historical Review, xxii, April and July, 1907.
Vogt, Basile Ter, 1908.


(On the organization, &c., of the Themes.)

Diehl, L'origine du régime des Thèmes dans l' Empire byzantin, 1896.

Gelzer, Die Genesis der byzantinischen Themenverfassung, in
Abhandlungen der kön, sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissen-
schaften, Phil.-Hist. Cl., xviii, 1899.

Brooks, Arabic Lists of the Byzantine Themes, in Journal of
Hellenic Studies, xxi, 1901.

Kulakovski, K voprosy ob imeni i istorii themy ‘ Opsikii', in
Vizantiiski Vremennik, xi, 1904.

(On titles of honour.)

Hirschfeld, Die Rangtitel der römischen Kaiserzeit, in
Sitzungsberichte der Berliner Akademie, 1901, 579 sqq.
Koch, Die byzantinischen Beamtentitel von 400 bis 700, 1903.

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