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cious; and Lucy Wodehouse had never upon Carlingford, though it was the least seen anything so brilliant as the appearance comfortable side of the carriage, and put they presented when they returned shortly down her veil to shield her eyes from the after, reposing upon beds of white satin in dust, or perhaps from the inspection of her cases of velvet," Ridiculous things," as fellow-travellers and once more the familiar Miss Leonora informed her," for a parson's thought returned to her, of what a different wife." woman she would have been, had she come to her first experiences of life with the courage and confidence of twenty or even of five-andtwenty, which was the age Mrs. Morgan dwelt upon most kindly. And then she thought with a thrill of vivid kindness and a touch of tender envy of Lucy Wodehouse, who would now have no possible occasion to wait those ten years.



It was some time after this-for, not to speak of ecclesiastical matters, a removal, even when the furniture is left behind and there are only books and rare ferns and old china to convey from one house to another, is a matter which involves delays,-when Mr. Wentworth went to the railway station with Mrs. Morgan to see her off finally, her husband having gone to London with the intention of As for Mr. Wentworth, he who was a joining her in the new house. Naturally, it priest, and knew more about Carlingford was not without serious thoughts that the than any other man in the place, could not Rector's wife left the place in which she help thinking, as he turned back, of people had made her first beginning of active life, there to whom these six months had not so successfully as she had hoped. She duced alterations far more terrible than any could not help recalling, as she went along that had befallen the rector's wife,-people the familiar road, the hopes so vivid as to from whom the light of life had died out, be almost certainties with which she had and to whom all the world was changed. He into Carlingford. The long waiting knew of men who had been cheerful enough was then over, and the much-expected era had when Mr. Morgan came to Carlingford, who arrived and existence had seemed to be opening now did not care what became of them; and in all its fulness and strength before the two of women who would be glad to lay down who had looked forward to it so long. It was their heads and hide them from the mocking not much more than six months ago; but Mrs. light of day. He knew it, and it touched his Morgan had made a great many discoveries his heart with the tenderest pity of life, the in the mean time. She had found out the compassiou of happiness; and he knew too wonderful difference between anticipation that the path upon which he was about to set and reality; and that life, even to a happy out led through the same glooms, and was no woman married after long patience to the ideal career. But perhaps because Mr. man of her choice, was not the smooth road it Wentworth was young-perhaps because he looked, but a rough path enough; cut into dan- was possessed by that delicate sprite more gerous ruts, through which generations of dainty than any Ariel who puts rosy girdles men and women followed each other without round the world while his time of triumph ever being able to mend the way, She was lasts, it is certain that the new rector of Carnot so sure as she used to be of a great many lingford turned back into Grange Lane withimportant matters which it is a wonderful out the least shadow upon his mind or timidconsolation to be certain of-but, notwith-ity in his thoughts. He was now in his own standing, had to go on as if she had no doubts, though the clouds of a defeat, in which certainly, no honor, though a good deal of the prestige of inexperience had been lost, were still looming behind. She gave a little sigh as she shook Mr. Wentworth's hand at parting. "A great many things have happened in six months," she said-" one never could have anticipated so many changes in what looks so short a period of one's life "and as the train which she had watched so often rushed past that bit of new wall on which the Virginian creeper was beginning to grow luxuriantly, which screened the railway from the rectory windows, there were tears in Mrs. Morgan's eyes. Only six months and so much had happened!-what might not happen in all those months, in all those years of life which scarcely looked so hopeful as of old? She preferred turning her back

domains, an independent monarch, as little inclined to divide his power as any autocrat; and Mr. Wentworth came into his kingdom without any doubts of his success in it, or capability for its government. He had first a little journey to make to bring back Lucy from that temporary and reluctant separation from the district which propriety had made needful; but in the mean time, Mr. Wentworth trod with firm foot the streets of his parish, secure that no parson nor priest should tithe or toll in his dominions, and a great deal more sure than even Mr. Morgan had been, that henceforth no unauthorized evangelization should take place in any portion of his territory. This sentiment, perhaps, was the principal difference perceptible by the community in general between the new rector of Carlingford and the late Perpetual Curate of St. Roque's.

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POETRY.-The Poor Painter's Epitaph, 98. Over the Hillside, 98.

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From Fraser's Magazine.

his time. The earliest ancestors had, of THE TRANSCENDENTALISTS OF CONCORD. course, preached extreme Calvinism; but no Ir is now nearly thirty years since Ralph ray of liberalism that mitigated that shadow Waldo Emerson, having already startled the was without an Emerson standing for it. generation of young Americans from the When the time of Arminianism came, Emerdrowsiness which they had inherited, returned son's grandfather was in the van of its defrom his communion with Carlyle, Coleridge, fenders, and his father was one of the earliand Wordsworth, and came to his ancestral est to avow Unitarianism. Ralph Waldo home at Concord, Massachusetts, to be the certainly proved himself to be, if I may be Arthur of an intellectual Round Table. The allowed the phrase," a chip of the old block," little village of Concord is about twenty miles from Boston, just too far to be an inviting place of residence to those having business with the city. It had exactly the same number of inhabitants, according to the census of 1860, that it had in 1850,-about 1,200. It is known among the manufacturing towns around as Sleepy Hollow. Its visitors for fifty years had been only some young patriots who came occasionally to stand on the spot where the first physical resistance was made to the soldiers of George III. by his revolutionary colonies—

"By the rude bridge that arched the flood,

Their flag to April's breeze unfurled, Where once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard round the world." But within these thirty years there have been more pilgrims to Concord than were ever attracted by the little granite shaft and the submerged buttresses of the old bridge, which indicate the sacred spot; for in that time the seemingly sleepy little village has been the arena of a nobler revolution,-that against creeds and forms whose time had come to pass away, but which still aspired to grasp and wield in their skeleton hands the sceptre of the New World.

when he took Unitarianism, in the plaintive language of an old Boston clergyman, and carried it God knows where. Emerson thus inherited the accumulated culture and heresies of two hundred years, and is reverently regarded by his disciples as the consummate flower which the sturdy root and thorny stem of Puritanism existed to produce.

It is a part of the Boston creed that one who is born in that city does not need to be born again. Destiny gave this advantage to Emerson, May, 25th, 1803. He had the usual advantages, also, of a boy of good family, brought up in a city where, as I think, more careful attention is paid to the real education of children than in any other part of the world. So early as the age of fourteen he entered Harvard University, at Cambridge, where he was graduated in 1821. He had the much-sought distinction of being the classpoet on class-day. He did not take a very high rank in his class, though, during his college course, he had twice received a Bowdoin prize for dissertations, and once a Boylston prize for declamation. Amongst his companions he was distinguished for general literary attainments. After graduation, Emerson studied in the Divinity College at Cambridge, and Emerson stood, not only by gifts, but by at the same time taught school; this extra hereditary right, the representative of what- labor was undertaken for the purpose of edever new unfoldings of thought might be ucating, at Harvard, his younger brother possible under the new conditions of Ameri- Charles, who was by many at that time recan life. He was the eighth in regular suc-garded as intellectually superior to Ralph cession of a family line of clergymen, a most Waldo. This young man died soon after important fact in a country where the cler- graduation, leaving behind him a few regyman was at once the scholar and authentic markable manuscripts which were published spiritual guide in every community, and also in the Dial, as "Notes from the Journal of a paramount power behind every magistrate; a Scholar." In 1826, Emerson was 66 approand it is well known that the Puritans did bated" by the Middlesex Association of not fail to appreciate the sweets of power Ministers; but his health failing, he spent when they became the rulers instead of the the winter in Florida and South Carolina. ruled. But it is more interesting to know In 1829 he was ordained pastor of a church that these eight ministers of the family had of importance in Boston. He had been in each represented the most advanced phase of this position a year or two when, as the regwhat is called "New England Theology," in ular day for celebrating the Lord's Supper

"The American Scholar," on "Transcen

returned, he announced to his congregation that he must decline to administer it. He dentalism," and kindred subjects. The exgave as his reason, that he thought the Qua- citement was very great. He spoke to the kers right in thinking that the Lord's Supper young men around him with an emphasis was an inward communion, which was only that deprived them of sleep. He brought sensualized by the presentation of outward the age to the bar of judgment. "Our age," symbols. This wrought such an agitation he cried, "is retrospective. It builds the amongst his fellow-ministers that he resigned sepulchres of the fathers. It writes biograhis pulpit. About this time, also, his spir- phics, histories, and criticism. The foreits were much depressed by the loss of his going generations beheld God and nature face wife, a beautiful and superior woman, whom to face; we through their eyes. Why he married in September, 1830, and lost in should not we, also, enjoy our original relaless than five months thereafter. He then tion to the universe? Why should not we visited Europe, where he had important have a poetry and philosophy of insight, interviews with Landor, Coleridge, Words- and not of tradition, and a religion by revelaworth, and more particularly with Thomas tion to us, and not the history of theirs? Carlyle, whose genius he was perhaps one Embosomed for a season in nature, whose of the first to recognize. He travelled far, floods of life stream around and through us, and by a private carriage, to find Craigen- and invite us, by the powers they supply, to puttock, amid its "desolate heathery hills, action proportioned to nature, why should where the lonely scholar nourished his we grope among the dry bones of the past, mighty heart." Many will remember his ac- or put the living generation into masquerade count of this visit. 66 We went out," he says, out of its faded wardrobe? The sun shines "to walk over long hills, and looked at Criffel, to-day also. There is more wool and flax in then without his cap, and down into Words-the fields. There are new lands, new men, worth's country. There we sat down and new thoughts. Let us demand our own talked of the immortality of the soul. It works and laws and worship." Of course was not Carlyle's fault that we talked on a religious teacher could not go on in this that topic; for he had the natural disinclination of every nimble spirit to bruise itself against walls, and did not like to place himself where no step can be taken. But he was honest and true, and cognizant of the subtle links that bind ages together, and saw how every event affects the future. 'Christ died on the tree: that built Dunscone kirk yonder that brought you and me together. Time has only a relative exis


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strain without producing a panic in the churches. This came, and culminated in a formal condemnation of his doctrines by the Faculty of the Divinity College (Unitarian), upon his delivery of the celebrated address before the graduating class of that institution in 1838. That address was an era in the religious history of New England: it created a new school of Unitarianism, and planted the germ of an American philosophy. Theodore Parker was, as yet, a comparatively On his return from Europe in the winter unknown inquirer when he heard it; to him of 1833, Emerson began his career as a lec- it was a crystallizing touch as to many others. turer, and really created the Lyceum system In his private journal was found the followof America. The successive subjects upon ing entry: Sunday, July 15th, 1838. which he lectured during the next few years Proceeded to Cambridge to hear the valedicindicate the direction of his studies: "Wa-tory sermon by Mr. Emerson. In this he Italy" (2); " The Relation of Man surpassed himself as much as he surpasses to the Globe" (3); "Michael Angelo;" others in the general way. I shall give no .. Miiton ; "Luther;" George Fox;" abstract. So beautiful, so just, so true, and terribly sublime was his picture of the faults of the church in its present position. My soul is roused, and this week I shall write the long meditated sermons on the state of the church and the duties of these times."



"Edmund Burke."


In the year 1835, Mr. Emerson was a second time married, and went to reside in Concord. In the same year he began to be known as one who was giving new views to the people. Large and anxious crowds at- From this time Concord became a trantended his lectures on "The Times," on scendental Mecca, and was visited by all

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