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Tabular statement of deaths certified by the coroner during the year ending September 30, 1876.

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Franklin Building, November 18, 1876.

GENTLEMEN: The board of trustees, in response to your communication of the 6th ultimo, requesting "a detailed statement of the transactions of your department since your last report, with any recommendations you may think proper to make with the object of increasing the efficiency of the same; also, to furnish an estimate of the amount required for its support for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1878," has the honor to submit the following report and recommendations, with an estimate of the amounts that will be required for the support of the public schools in the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1878.

The number of youth of school-age (6 to 17 years, inclusive) in the District of Columbia, according to the United States census of 1870, was-white, 21,177; colored, 10,494; total, 31,671.

The whole number of pupils enrolled in the public schools for the school-year ending August 31, 1876, was-white, 12,953; colored, 6,676; total, 19,629.

The average number of pupils in daily attendance in the public schools for the school-year ending August 31, 1876, was







The number of teachers employed for the school-year ending August 31, 1876, was



In white schools....
In colored schools..



The total expenditures for the support of the public schools for the school year ending August 31, 1876, were $389,078.53.

The total payments for school purposes (including payments of debts due on account of expenses of previous years) were $405,828.53.

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For colored schools





Estimate of expenses for the support of the public schools for the fiscal year ending June 30,

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Total estimate of expenses of public schools of Washington, Georgetown, and the county.
Proportionate amount for schools for colored children of Washington and Georgetown..

Grand total..

..$290, 650 112, 750

403, 400

Your attention is specially called to the utter inadequacy, and, in many instances, the unfitness, of the accommodations provided in rented rooms for the white children of Washington. About 4,500 children are at the present time attending schools in these rented rooms. The expense for the rent, fitting up, and repair of these inferior accommodations is from $25,000 to $30,000 per annum. Six large plain and substantial school buildings, each containing twelve school-rooms, are required, in order to give the white schools of Washington accommodations equal to those now provided for the other public schools of the District of Columbia.

The accommodations for the colored schools of Washington and Georgetown, in the second school district, Washington City, are very inadequate. The board has been compelled to rent seven very inferior rooms, four of which have been condemned by the board of health as unfit for school purposes, and they must be abandoned at the end of the present school-year. The school-building in Georgetown is situated on an unpaved alley without any yard accommodation. It was erected of old barrack-lumber, for temporary use, and was much damaged by the severe wind-storms of the past year. This building must be replaced very soon.

The future prosperity and success of the colored schools of Washington and Georgetown will depend upon the faithful execution of the present laws of Congress, dividing and apportioning the school-fund, which, from practical experience, has been found to be just and equitable, and entirely satisfactory to all classes of citizens.

We therefore urgently recommend

First. That Congress be requested to make the necessary appropriation to pay the proportionate amount of school-fund (to wit, $20,346) due the colored schools upon expenditure of $50,865 for the erection of the Georgetown public-school building, to be expended in the erection of a school-building for colored children in said city.

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Second. That no change be made in the present laws of Congress dividing and apportioning the school-fund, but that the acts of Congress of June 25, 1864, and July 23, 1866, (vide chapter 12, sections 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, and 311 of the Revised Statutes of the United States,) relating to the District of Columbia, and the act of the legislative assembly of the District of Columbia approved June 23, 1873, shall remain in full force, as the basis of all future disbursements on account of schools. The United States have, from time to time, made most liberal donations of public lands to aid in establishing and sustaining common schools in all the Territories as they became States. The District of Columbia, the permanent seat of the Government, over which Congress exercises exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, has had no share in the distribution of these educational benefactions.

It would seem only just that the public schools of the District of Columbia should receive from the General Government equal benefactions with like schools in the States and Territories, either in the form of land donations or by some equivalent mode, and we respectfully ask you to invite the favorable attention of Congress to the subject.

The special reasons for asking Congress to aid in establishing and supporting a system of public schools for the District of Columbia may be briefly stated as follows:

First. About one-third of the school population is colored, composed largely of the "wards of the nation" who have come into the District since the beginning of the war. They add but little, if anything, to the school revenues.

Second. About 30 per cent. of the enrollment in the white schools is composed of children whose parents or guardians are in the employ of the United States Government, and the school revenues receive but little benefit from these residents.

Third. The United States Government is the owner of about one-half of all the real estate in the District of Columbia.

For a very full discussion of the propriety of Government aid to the public schools of the District of Columbia you are referred to the annual report of the public schools for 1873-174, pages 50 to 58.

In our judgment the order issued by you at the commencement of your administration, consolidating the then existing four school-boards and placing the affairs of all the public schools of the District of Columbia under the management of one board, has greatly benefited the schools. Increased economy and efficiency have resulted from it.

The powers of the board as now constituted are too limited, but it is not deemed advisable to discuss this subject until the question of a permanent government for the District of Columbia, now under consideration, shall have been disposed of. For a further detailed statement of the transactions of this department you are respectfully referred to annual report of the board and two superintendents for the school year 1875-76, herewith submitted.

Very respectfully,

JOHN H. BROOKS, Chairman Special Committee. W. W. CURTIS,

President Board of Trustees.







DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Washington, November 15, 1876. GENTLEMEN: I have the honor to transmit herewith the annual report of this board, and accompanying report of the chief engineer of the department, and of the superintendent fire-alarm telegraph. By order of the board.


Secretary District of Columbia Fire Department. The honorable COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.


Commissioners-Thomas P. Morgan, president; William R. Collins, vice-president; William B. Reed, secretary; Peter F. Bacon, Thomas L. Hume, Carter A. Stewart, James A. Tait.

Chief Engineer-Martin Cronin.

Assistant Chief Engineer-William O. Drew.
Fire-Alarm Telegraph:

Superintendent-Henry R. Miles.

Assistants-A. S. Richards and George H. Noyes.


On apparatus: Commissioners Collins and Bacon.
On accounts: Commissioners Bacon and Hume.
On buildings: Commissioners Hume and Collins.
On hose: Commissioners Stewart and Reed.

On horses: Commissioners Reed and Tait.

On rules and discipline: Commissioners Reed and Tait.
On supplies: Commissioners Bacon and Stewart.

On telegraph: Commissioners Tait and Collins.

Washington, D. C., November 15, 1876.

GENTLEMEN: The board of fire commissioners of this District have the honor to report the transactions in that department from the 15th of November, 1875, to the 15th of November, 1876, as follows:

The expenditures for the year aggregate a sum total of $92,169.27, being for salaries of officers and men, purchase of one new engine, 7,800 feet new hose, six new horses, the rebuilding of and repairs to engines, repairs to apparatus, supplies of all kinds, repairs to harness and new harness, repairs and new work on houses and stables, veterinary services, farriers' expenses, laundry expenses, forage, expenses fire-alarm telegraph, fuel, and gas.

The buildings occupied by the department are as follows, to wit: Office for commissioners and chief engineer, room 20 Columbia Building; cen

tral office, fire-alarm telegraph, No. 486 Louisiana avenue; five enginehouses and one truck-house.

The repairs to houses made during the year are as follows, to wit: Extensive repairs have been made to engine-house No. 2, and it is now in perfect condition and has all the improvements that are requisite. We respectfully recommend that the other houses be made to conform to the present improved condition of engine-house No. 2, as necessary for the greater efficiency of the different companies.

The engine-houses and truck-house are in thorough repair and preservation, and only need the improvements above recommended to make them perfect. The apparatus of the department consists of four secondclass "Amoskeag " steam fire-engines, one "Silsby" second-class rotary engine, one Clapp & Jones second-class engine, seven four-wheel hosecarriages, and one old-style hook-and-ladder truck, all of which has had proper care bestowed upon it, and been kept in the best order.


It being absolutely necessary that the apparatus should at all times be in the most perfect working order, equal to the work required and also ready for any emergency, to provide for this, the engines Nos. 1, 2, and 3, having been completely worn out, (see last annual report,) they have been thoroughly rebuilt and repaired by Mr. John McClelland, of this city, and are now in perfect order and condition.

The entire number of engines in use in the department are in good serviceable condition, and all proper measures have been had to keep them in repair and make necessary improvements.


The hose-carriages are in good condition.


The one old-style truck now in use is compelled to respond to all alarms of fire, and requires constant repairs to keep it serviceable. This is a necessary, almost indispensable, arm of the service, being in demand at nearly every fire that occurs, and we claim your attention to our suggestions hereinafter, for an increase in the number of trucks.


Seven thousand eight hundred feet of Walton hose were purchased this year, and it gives good satisfaction. The leather hose in use is in fair condition, but the gum hose is comparatively unserviceable. (See report of chief engineer.)


Six were purchased during the year, with the approval of your honorable board. Those in use with the different companies and the officers, and those held as reserve, amounting to 28, are in fair condition. Four of these horses are old and have been for a long time in service, and must be replaced.


Since our last yearly report no change has been made in the connec tions to fire-plugs, nor has the number of plugs been increased. This is

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