No. 27. DUTIES ON THE STAPLE OR PRINCIPAL PRODUCTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES. PRODUCTIONS OF THE SEA. COUNTRIES. CURED FISH. United States fishery. 17 per cent. ad valorem 48 cents per gross centre, or 123 pounds Codfish and herring, dried and salted, $2 00 30-100 per ton of 352 lbs. Free Herrings, smoked and dried, $1 45 60-100 per 1,000 5 per cent. on a valuation, and per cent. to the consulado. Codfish, 20 per cent. on fixed value of $4 64 per box or bale 10 per cent on a fixed official valuation Codfish, 30 per cent. on a valuation of $4 per 101 lbs. 12 oz. Free $2 00 30-100 per ton, against U. S. fishery. $1 45 60-100 per ton, against U. S. fishery. Same Same Free : Not specified. Denmark - Herrings, 50 cents per barrel; other fish, dried and salted, 33 cents per Same 100 pounds. Dried and salted, 44 61-100 cents per 110 13-100 pounds; herrings Same and all other sorts, pickled, 53 4-7 cents per barrel. 220 527 Herrings, salted, $1 per barrel; codfish, 90 cents per 221 pounds In Hamburg, per cent.; in Bremen, & per cent.; in Lubec, per cent. 3-10 of a cent per pound. Smoked herrings, 54 71-100 cents per 900; salt fish not denominated, Italy $2 per 112 Roman pounds, (77 pounds avoirdupois) Same Mexico Cod, and dry fish of all kinds, $4 per 101 lbs. 12 oz. Same ... .... None. None. Muscat No tariff in the Department. Netherlands Prohibited Free. cent. additional on the amount of duties. In national vessels, $6 25 per 101 lbs. 12 oz.; in foreign vessels, 5 per Same 884 pounds. Dried or salted, 99 2-10 cents per 884 pounds; smoked, $1 98 4-10 per Same Herrings, 68 29 100 cents per Prussian cwt., viz: 113 381-1000 lbs. Salted herrings, except English and Dutch, per barrel of 325 pounds, 50 6-10 cents; English and Dutch, $2 11 per barrel; smoked, 23 cents per 100; other fish, salted, smoked, pickled, or cured, except herring, anchovies, and pilchards, about 8 cents per pound. Cod, direct from the fisheries of Europe and America, under Spanish flag, 30 per cent.; under foreign flag, 40 per cent. on a fixed value of $4 per 101 pounds; from all other places, under Spanish flag, 45, and under foreign flag 55, per cent. on the same valuation; additional consumption duty, one-fourth of the amount of tariff duty. In Spanish vessels, 24 78-100 per cent.; in foreign vessels, 35 8-100 Same None. per cent., on a fixed value of $3 50 per 101 lbs. 12 oz.; additional In national vessels, 49 cents per 101 lbs. 12 oz.; in foreign vessels, 70 Same Salted cod or ling, 99 384-1000 cents per barrel; dried or smoked do Same None. 13 56-100 cents per 18 lbs. 12 oz.; herrings, salted, 26 112-1000 cents dues 24 per cent. on an official valuation. per barrel; additional convoy duty 5 per cent. on imports, and town Texas 15 per cent. ad valorem Same 5 per cent. additional in CURED FISH-continued. United States fishery. National fishery. 3 per cent. importation duty, and 2 per cent. for privilege of selling. Same by the importer. The latter duty paid by the $4 80 per cantaro of 196 pounds Cod, 2 cents per pound; mackerel, 3 cents per pound, with 2 per cent. additional at Laguira, and 4 per cent. at other ports on total amount of duties paid; and a further addition of 10 per cent. on the total amount, under the law of July, 1841. Free 39 7-10 cts. per 22 gals. against U. S. fishery. Bolivia 5 per cent. on a valuation, and per cent. to the consulado. Brazil 48 per cent. on a valuation of $90 48 per 132 gallons Same None. 10 per cent. on a fixed official valuation Whale oil, 10 per cent. on a valuation of 32 cents per gallon; sperma- Free ceti, 10 per cent. on valuation of 63 cents per gallon. Same China Not specified. Denmark $1 10 per 40 gallons Same None. Sleswick and Holstein Spermaceti, free; all other, $1 11 59-100 per 110 13-100 pounds Same None. Ecuador. France $11 51.92-100 per 220 pounds 24 cents per tun $127 44 per tun. East India possessions Prohibited. Greece 10 per cent. ad valorem Same 7 cents per gallon; (10 per cent additional in United States vessels) In Hamburg, & per cent.; & per cent. in Bremen; in Lubec, per ct. 50 cents per 112 Roman pounds, (77 pounds avoirdupois) Mexico : $1 50 per 101 lbs. 12 oz. Same .. : None. one-third of the amount of tariff duty. East India possessions. New Granada In national vessels, 18 per cent; in foreign vessels, 23 per cent. on a home valuation. Same None. Peru 30 per cent. on a valuation. Portugal Common, 39 6-10 cents per 22 pounds; spermaceti, 79 3-10 cents per Same 22 pounds. None. Prussia $1 13 82-100 per Prussian cwt. of 113 381-1000 pounds Same None. No tariff in the Department. Spain Under Spanish flag, 15 per cent. on a fixed value of $1 20 per 3 gal- Same lons; under foreign flag, a third more; additional consumption duty, None. In Spanish vessels 20 21-100 per cent., in foreign vessels 28 1-100 Same per cent., on a fixed value of $2 per 34 gallons; additional, 1 per None. cent. "balanza," and one-seventh as war subsidy. In national vessels 84 cents, in foreign vessels 124 cents, per 2 gallons; Same additional, 1 per cent. "balanza;" & per cent. "consulado." None. Sweden 10 per cent. ad valorem; additional, convoy duty, 10 per cent. on im- Same ports; town dues, 24 per cent, on an official valuation. None. Texas 30 cents per gallon, (spermaceti) Same 5 per cent. additional, 1 a per cent., import duty, per (paid importer) |