The absolute power of alienation shall not be suspended by any limitation or condition whatever, for a longer period than during the continuance of not more than two lives in being at the creation of the estate, except in the single case mentioned in... The Commercial Year Book - Página 5931898Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | New York (State) - 1828 - 1180 páginas
...Estates in such Property. § 1. The absolute ownership of personal property shall not be suspended by any limitation or condition whatever, for a longer period than during the continuance, and until the termination, of not more than two lives in being at the date of the instrument containing... | |
 | 1843 - 514 páginas
...York, (Revised Statutes, vol. 1, p. 723,) that the absolute power of alienation shall not be suspended by any limitation or condition whatever, for a longer...lives in being at the creation of the estate, except in the single case of the minority of the persons to whom the first remainder is limited. It is also... | |
 | New York (State) - 1829 - 826 páginas
...nature of the contingency on which it is limited, be such that the remainder must vest in interest, during the continuance of not more than two lives in being at the creation of such remainder, or upon the termination thereof. .5 2 1 . No estate for life, shall be limited as a... | |
 | James Kent - 1830 - 556 páginas
...the nature of the contingency on which it is limited be such that the remainder must vest in interest during the continuance of not more than two lives in being at the creation of such remainder, or upon the termination thereof.0 No estate for life can be limited as a remainder... | |
 | New York (State). Court of Chancery, William T. McCoun - 1837 - 754 páginas
...and took effect, provide " that the absolute ownership of personal property shall not be suspended by any limitation or condition whatever for a longer period than during the continuance and until the determination of not more than two lives in being at the date of the instrument containing... | |
 | T. M. Lalor - 1837 - 760 páginas
...and took effect, provide " that the absolute ownership of personal property shall not be suspended by any limitation or condition whatever for a longer period than during the continuance and until the determination of not more than two lives in being at the date of the instrument containing... | |
 | William Burge - 1838 - 910 páginas
...nature of the contingency on which it is limited be such, that the remainder must vest in interest during the continuance of not more than two lives in being at the creation of such remainder, or upon the termination thereof, (rf) No estate for life can be limited as a remainder... | |
 | William Blackstone - 1838 - 910 páginas
...•whom an absolute fee in possession ran be conveyed. Such suspension cannot be for a longer period than two lives in being at the creation of the estate, except only that a contingent remainder in fee may be created on a prior remainder in fee, to take effect... | |
 | New York (State). Supreme Court, John Lansing Wendell - 1846 - 722 páginas
...void in its creation, which is so limited that the absolute power of alienation may be suspended for more than two lives in being at the creation of the estate. The lives must be designated, and life must in some form enter into the limitation. No absolute term,... | |
 | Benjamin Franklin Hall - 1847 - 480 páginas
...nature of the contingency on which it is limited be such that the remainder must vest in interest, during the continuance of not more than two lives, in being at the creation of such remainder, or upon the termination thereof. Estates for life cannot be limited on a term of years,... | |
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