Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

302. Seeds not elsewhere provided for and carob beans, G. W. ...100 kilos.. .50 303. Hay, forage and bran, G. W.....

.100 kilos.. .15

304. Olive oil:


(a) In receptacles of earthenware, wood or tin, N. W.....100 kilos.. 5.00 (b) In bottles, N. W...

305. Other refined oils in bottles for table use, N. W

306. Alcohol

307. Methyl alcohol, N. W.

308. Whiskey, rum and gin in wood.



.kilo.. .08

[blocks in formation]

(a) Whiskey, rum, gin, cocktails, blackberry, and ginger brandy, in bottles, flasks, demijohns, and other similar receptacles..liter.. .35 (b) Brandies, liqueurs, cordials, and all compound spirits not specially mentioned, in wood..

liter.. 45

.liter.. .45 ..liter.. .85

(c) The same in bottles, flasks, demijohns, and other similar recep-
309. Wines, sparkling
310. Wines, still (fine):

(a) All white wines, including the so-called generous wines (vinos
generosos), and all red or white dessert or liqueur wines except
those mentioned in the next number, in casks, barrels and half

(b) The same in bottles, flasks, demijohns or other similar recepta-

311. Wines, still (common):

liter.. 0.40

(a) Common red wines such as vin ordinaire, vino comun and others
(red) of like quality, in casks, barrels and half barrels..liter.. .05
(b) The same in bottles, flasks, demijohns, or other similar recepta-

312. Beer, malt extract, and cider, natural or artificial, etc.:

(a) Malt liquor, malt extract and cider in casks.

liter.. .20

hectol.. 3.40 ..hectol.. 4.60

(b) Malt liquor, malt extract and cider in bottles... (c) Sweetened, flavored or aerated waters, ginger ale, root beer, and other nonalcoholic beverages not otherwise provided for, hectol. 1.00 313. Fruit juice, pure or with only sufficient sugar to preserve it.. .liter.. .06 314. Vinegar...

.liter.. .05


315. Canned or potted meats, such as beef, mutton, sausage, chicken, turkey, ham, bacon, and generally all meats preserved in cans or jars, when not exceeding in value $1 per dozen cans of the weight of one-tenth of a kilogram for each can, and not exceeding in value $1.75 per dozen cans of the weight of one-fifth of a kilogram for each can, N. W......kilo..$0.05 316. Canned or potted meats of the delicatessen class, including mince-meat, pate de fois gras, deviled ham, and generally all meats preserved in cans or jars, when exceeding in value $1 per one dozen cans of the weight of one-tenth of a kilogram for each can, and exceeding in value $1.75 per dozen cans of the weight of one-fifth of a kilogram for each can, N. W..

317. Salmon, cod and herring, in cans or jars, N. W.


(a) Other canned or potted fish, and sea food, such as sardines, oys-
ters, clams, and generally all sea products, preserved in cans or
jars, N.W.

.20 .035

..kilo.. .06


318. Canned and potted fish and sea food of the delicatessen class, such as anchovies, caviar, fish roe, and generally all fish or sea food preserved in cans or jars, not in use as ordinary food, N. W...... 319. Canned or potted soups of all kinds, including clam broth, N. W...kilo.. .075 320. Condensed or concentrated milk or cream, and canned vegetables of all kinds, such as tomatoes, corn, pease, beans, pumpkins, and generally vegetables preserved in cans or jars, N. W.

321. Pickled vegetables and fruits of all kinds:

(a) In stone or glass, N. W

(b) In wood, G. W

322. Canned or preserved fruits:

.kilo.. 025

.kilo.. .10

.100 kilos.. 2.00

(a) In wood; and those belonging to the class known as "Pie
Fruits," packed in water, in tin or glass, N. W........................kilo.. .02
(b) Others, in tin or glass, including those packed in syrups, known
as "Table Fruits," N. W....

..kilo.. .04

323. Preserved or brandied fruits in cordials or spirits of any kind containing more than 18 per cent of alcohol, such as brandied peaches, cherries preserved in maraschine and the like, whether put up in tin or glass, N. W.....

324. Canned breads of all kinds, N. W

.kilo.. .125 ..kilo.. 0.025


325. Canned cakes, puddings and sweetmeats not candied, such as plum pudding and the like, N. W

326. Saccharine, N. W

327. Flavoring extracts, N. W


.kilo.. 3.00

.kilo.. .25

328. Sauces and condiments for table use, put up in glass, such as caper, tomato and tabasco sauce, and the like, N. W...

...kilo.. .125

329. Nuts, dried, of all kinds in natural state, not otherwise provided for, N. W.

330. Chocolate:

.100 kilos.. 2.50

(a) In forms or lumps of more than two kilos for manufacturing pur-
poses, N. W...

(b) In cakes or powder for table use, but not made up into bon bons
or candy, N. W

...kilo.. .10


.kilo.. .25 ...kilo..

....kilo.. 331. Conserved or crystallized fruit or nuts, used as confectionery and sweetmeats, whether put up in paper, metal or glass, N. W

332. Confectionery, candies and sweetmeats of all kinds, N. W

Provided, that none of the articles classified under paragraphs 330, 331, and 332 shall pay a less rate of duty than 20 per cent ad valorem.


333. Eggs, salted or preserved, G. W

334 Cheese:

100 kilos.. 2.50

(a) Fine, in glass, stone or metal, not in use as common food, N. W.

(b) Other (common), G. W

335. Butter, N. W.....

336. Oleomargarine, butterine and all imitations of butter, N. W 337. Honey, molasses and sirup of cane, G. W

[blocks in formation]

CLASS XIII.-Miscellaneous.

338. Fans:

(a) With mountings of bamboo, reeds, or other woods, N. W..kilo.. .75
(b) With mountings of horn, bone, composition, or metal other than
gold and silver, N. W..............

kilo.. 2.50

(c) With mountings of tortoise shell, ivory or mother-of-pearl; also
fans of kid skin, silk tissue, or feathers, N. W..

.kilo.. 5.00

339. Combs:

.kilo.. 2.00

kilo.. 5.00

(a) Of horn or india rubber, N. W

(b) of tortoise shell or ivory, N. W.

(c) Others; shall be classified for duty according to their component


340. Trinkets and ornaments of all kinds, except those of gold or silver, or of gold and silver plate, or in which the predominant substance is amber, jet, tortoise shell, coral, ivory, meerschaum or mother-of-pearl, horn, bone, whalebone, celluloid or compositions imitating any of the materials herein mentioned, N. W

..kilo.. 1. 25

341. Amber, jet, tortoise shell, coral, ivory, meerschaum, mother-of-pearl: (a) Unwrought, N. W

.kilo.. 1.00

(b) Wrought, N. W.

.kilo.. 3.50

342. Horn, bone, whalebone, or celluloid, also compositions imitating these

[blocks in formation]

343. Walking sticks and sticks for umbrellas and parasols

Sword sticks shall pay the duty fixed for the swords they contain and shall, in addition, pay the duty for walking sticks.

Provided, that none of the articles classified under this paragraph shall pay a less rate of duty than 20 per centum ad valorem.

344. Hair, human, manufactured into articles of all kinds, or any shape, N. W., hectog

.kilo.. 1.00


345. Buttons of all kinds, other than gold or silver, or of gold or silver plate, N. W....

346. Cartridges, with or without projectiles or bullets, also primers and caps for such arms, N. W..

.kilo.. .30 .100 kilos.. .20

347. Tarpaulins, coated with sand for vans, N. W
348. Paper, felt, or other textile, prepared or coated with tar, pitch or similar
substances, for roofs and structural purposes, G. W

[blocks in formation]

350. Artificial flowers of all kinds, also artificial fruits, seeds, pistils, or buds of any material for the manufacture of flowers, N. W

351. Matches of wax, wood or cardboard, N. W.

.kilo.. $0.20

352. Caoutchouc and gutta-percha manufactured into any kind of article not otherwise provided for:

(a) Rubber hose and piston packing, N. W

(b) Hard rubber articles, not otherwise mentioned, N. W.
(c) Boots and shoes of rubber, N. W..

[blocks in formation]

354. Umbrellas and parasols:

353. Games and toys, except those of gold and silver, or of gold and silver plate, tortoise shell, ivory or mother-of-pearl, and of materials mentioned in Nos. 341 and 342, N. W

(d) All other articles, except hose of rubber and textile, N. W..kilo..
(e) Hose of textile and rubber, N. W.

[blocks in formation]






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(d) For children, embroidered or ornamented..

Provided, that none of the articles classified under paragraphs 354, 355, 356, and 357 shall pay a less rate of duty than 20 per cent ad valorem.

Photographic cameras and lenses:

358. Cameras of which the lenses are not removable or adjustable: made of wood or of metal, polished or covered with leather or imitation of leather; fitted for either plates or films, or for both; according to the largest area of plate coverable at one exposure:

(a) If such area be 20 square inches or less....

(b) More than 20 square inches and not more than 40.
(c) More than 40 square inches and not more than 80..
(d) More than 80 square inches ...

..each.. .25 ..each.. .50 .each.. 1.00

.each.. 2.00

359. The same articles made of wood or metal, painted, varnished, shellaced

or plain, and otherwise, as above indicated:



..each.. .06






· 15





[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

360. Cameras with removable or adjustable lenses, not including the lenses;
according to the largest area of plate or film, covered at one exposure:
(a) If such area be 20 square inches or less..

(b) More than 20 square inches and not more than 40..
(c) More than 40 square inches and not more than 80..
(d) More than 80 square inches and not more than 120.
(e) More than 120 square inches..

361. Single lenses for photographic apparatus

[blocks in formation]

362. Combination lenses for same are dutiable according to diameter; if such diameter be

[blocks in formation]

363. Tuns, pipes, casks, and other similar wooden receptacles of liquids, or of articles in liquid or in brine, imported separately, or in use as immediate containers of imported merchandise which is not dutiable on gross weight:

[blocks in formation]


365. On all other goods, wares, merchandise, and effects not otherwise enumerated or provided for, except crude materials..per cent ad valorem..

366. On crude materials not otherwise enumerated.....per cent ad valorem.. .10


SEC. 12. The following articles shall pay no duty on their importation into the Philippine Islands:

367. Natural mineral waters aerated, carbonated or not.

368. Trees, shoots, and plants; also moss in a natural or fresh state.

369. Copper, gold and silver ores.

370. All samples of the kind, in such quantity, and of such dimensions or construction as to render them unsalable or of no appreciable commercial value. 371. Articles of the growth, produce and manufacture of the Philippine Islands

exported to a foreign country and returned without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by any process of manufacture or other means, and upon which no drawback or bounty has been allowed.

372. Gold, silver, and platinum, in broken-up jewelry or table services, bars, sheets, coins, pieces, dust and scraps.

373. Gold, silver and platinum, in articles manufactured and stamped in the Philippine Islands.

374. Fresh fruits.

375. Fresh garden produce.

376. Fresh meat, except poultry and game; also ice.

377. Fresh eggs.

378. Fresh milk.

379. Diamonds and other precious stones in the rough, amounted.

380. Hand paintings in oil, water color, or pastel, and pen and ink drawings intended for use as works of art, and not as a part of decoration of any other merchandise, nor for use in the manufactures and industrial arts and sciences. 381. Lithographs, posters, calendars and folders for advertising purposes only, having no commercial value and designed for free public distribution. 382. (a) Spanish scientific, literary, and artistic works, not subversive of public order, imported under provisions of Article XIII of the treaty between Spain and the United States signed at Paris on the 10th day of December, 1898.

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