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[blocks in formation]

Mr. E. O. RANDALL, Columbus, 1896; Mr. A. H. SMYTHE, Columbus, 1896; Hon. CHAS. P. GRIFFIN, Toledo, 1897; Hon. A. ROBESON, Greenville, 1897; Hon. W. J. Gilmore, Columbus, 1898; Mr. ISRAEL WILLIAMS, Hamilton, 1898.

All communications concerning the society should be addressed to E. O. RANDALL, Secretary, Columbus, Ohio.

*Deceased April 23, 1895.

† Deceased July 14, 1895.


HE publication of Volume IV. is the fulfilment of a long


delayed promise by the Society. The last issue, Volume III., appeared in 1891 and the intention was to publish Volume IV. the following year, 1892. But the efforts of the Society at that time became engrossed in the work of co-operating with the World's Fair Commissioners of Ohio in making the State exhibit at the Columbian Exposition. That exhibition was made and was every way creditable to the Society and an honor to the State. The exhibition occupied the attention of the Society throughout the year 1893 and the extra tax upon the Secretary, Mr. Graham, during that time contributed largely to the failure of his health and the necessity of his relinquishing his office and seeking a home in the West in December, 1893.

The part accomplished by the Society in the World's Fair was fully reported by the Secretary and published in a separate volume by the Society last year (1894). This report is a valuable addition to the literature of the Society.

It was the original purpose of the Society to devote Volume IV. exclusively to the history of the various disputes concerning the boundary lines of Ohio-but it was finally decided to give the volume wider scope and include the memorials of the two presidents of the Society who died since the issue of Volume III., and also include other papers of permanent interest and value.

The matter touching upon the boundary lines of Ohio embraces the questions arising between Ohio and the states of

Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana and Michigan respectively. All of the material on these subjects was collected by the former Secretary, Mr. Graham, and is herewith published as it came into the hands of the present Secretary. A detailed account of the dispute or rather uncertainty concerning the Ohio and Pennsylvania line is omitted as it is not of such historical interest or value and may be dismissed in a few words.

In May 1878 an act was passed by the General Assembly of Ohio, authorizing the Governor of Ohio to appoint a commission to act in conjunction with a commission similarly appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania to examine "as to the true location of the monuments which mark the boundary line between the State of Ohio and the State of Pennsylvania, and in connection with said commission of the said State of Pennsylvania to replace any monuments that have been removed, or have become displaced or dilapidated, on the boundary line of said states." Section 8526-9 Revised Statutes of Ohio. This act was supplemented by the General Assembly, May 1879. Section 8526-13 Revised Statutes. In accordance with these enactments Governor Bishop appointed as such commission Messrs. Joseph M. Rickey, James Mackey and Henry B. Perkins. The commission on the part of Pennsylvania consisted of James Worrall, James. McCullough and William M. Walker.

This joint commission reported to the State in February, 1883, and in April following their report was recognized and legalized by the General Assembly-Volume 80 Ohio Laws 386. Section 8626-13 Revised Statutes. A complete history of these proceedings including reports of the surveyors, maps and charts etc. was published by the state, 1883, in a volume for distribution. One thousand copies were issued. It was therefore thought unnecessary for the Society to reprint even a digest of this report.

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