Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Volumen48

Metcalf and Company, 1913
Vol. 12 (from May 1876 to May 1877) includes: Researches in telephony / by A. Graham Bell.

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Página 774 - Statuary and casts of sculpture for use as models or for art educational purposes only; regalia and gems, where specially imported in good faith for the use and by order of any society incorporated or established solely for religious, philosophical, educational, scientific, or literary purposes, or for the encouragement of the fine arts, or for the use and by order of any college, academy, school, seminary of learning, orphan asylum, or public hospital in the United States, or any State or public...
Página 44 - THE wisest man could ask no more of Fate Than to be simple, modest, manly, true, Safe from the Many, honored by the Few ; To count as naught in World, or Church, or State, But inwardly in secret to be great...
Página 817 - Chap, ii.; chap. vi. art. 1; chap. ix. art. 1. CHAPTER IV OFFICERS ARTICLE 1. The Officers of the Academy shall be a President (who shall be Chairman of the Council), three Vice-Presidents (one from each Class), a Corresponding Secretary (who shall be Secretary of the Council), a Recording Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Librarian, all of whom shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Meeting, and shall hold their respective offices for one year, and until others are duly chosen and installed. There...
Página 774 - Works of art, collections in illustration of the progress of the arts, sciences, or manufactures, photographs, works in terra cotta, parían, pottery, or porcelain, antiquities and artistic copies thereof in metal or other material...
Página 774 - State or by any society or institution established for the encouragement of the arts, science, or education, or for a municipal corporation, and all like articles imported in good faith by any society or association, or for a municipal corporation for the purpose of erecting a public monument, and not intended for sale, nor for any other purpose than herein expressed...
Página 44 - Kings and ambitious noblemen have in other lands and other times been patrons of learned societies and have provided sumptuous accommodations for them. Our house is believed to be the only abode of a scientific society built by a member of the body and devoted to the unrestricted uses of his fellows. If Agassiz had lived to see the completion of this house, it is safe to say that neither his name not his features would have appeared upon these walls. What his singular modesty would have forbidden...
Página 35 - If we can say that we now know the physical and biological conditions of the great ocean basins in their broad general outlines — and I believe we can do so — the present state of our knowledge is due to the combined work and observations of a great many men belonging to many nationalities, but most probably more to the work and inspiration of Alexander Agassiz than to any other single man.
Página 774 - Treasury may prescribe, for the payment of lawful duties which may accrue should any of the articles aforesaid be sold, transferred, or used contrary to this provision, and such articles shall be subject, at any time, to examination and inspection by the proper officers of the customs : Provided, That the privileges of this and the preceding section shall not be allowed to associations or corporations engaged in or connected with business of a private or commercial character.
Página 713 - ... cum semel institerunt vestigia certa viai, sic alid ex alio per te tute ipse videre talibus in rebus poteris caecasque latebras insinuare omnis et verum protrahere inde. quod si pigraris paulumve recesseris ab re, 410 hoc tibi de plano possum promittere, Memmi : usque adeo largos haustus e fontibu...
Página 774 - Congress. 501. Books, maps, music, engravings, photographs, etchings, bound or unbound, and charts, which shall have been printed more than twenty years at the date of importation, and all hydrographic charts, and publications issued for their subscribers or exchanges by scientific and literary associations or academies, or publications of individuals for gratuitous private circulation, and public documents issued by foreign Governments.

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