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Pierced with a sharp remorse for guilt,
Disdains the costly poverty of heratombs,
And offers the best sacrifice-itself.
Blest tears-of soul-felt-penitence!
In whose benign, redeeming flow-
Is felt the first,-the only sense-

Of guiltless joy-that guilt can know.
Go, maiden, werp-the tears of woe,
By beauty to repentance given,
Though bitterly-on earth they flow,

Shall turn to fragrant bulm-in Heaven! 538. SECURITY-diminishes the pass ons; the mind, when left to itself. immediately languishes; and, in order to preserve its ardor, must be every moment supported by a new flow of passion. For the same reason, despair, though contrary to security, has a like influence.

539. RAILLERY, in sport, without real animosi ty, puts on the aspect of cheerfulness, and someumes a kind of simple laughter--and the tone of voice is sprightly. With contempt or disgust, it casts a look asquint from time to time, at the object, and quits the cheerful aspect. for one mixed between an affected grin and sourness: the upper lip is drawn up with a smile of disdain: the arms somet mes set a-km o on the hips, and the right hand now and then thrown out towards the object, as if they were going to strike one a backhanded blow; voce rather loud, arch and meaning; sentences short, express ons satirical, with mock-praise occasionally intermixed.

You have done that, which you should be sorry for.
There is no terror, Cassius, in your threats;
For I am arm'd so strong in honesty,
That they pass by me as the idle wind,
Which I respect not. I did send to you,
For certain sums of gold, which you denied me;
For I can raise no money by vile means.
No-Cassius, I had rather coin my heart,
And drop my blood for drachmas, than to wring-
From the hard hands of peasants, their vile trash,
By any indirection. I did send

To you for gold-to pay my legions;

Which you denied me; was that done, like Cassius?

Should I have answered Caius Cassius thus
When Marcus Brutus-grows so covetous,
To lock such rascal-counters from his friends,
Be ready-gods, with all your thunderbolts,
DASH him to pieces!

Anecdote. A young gentleman, (the son of his Majesty's printer, who had the patent for publishing Gibbon's works,) made his appearance, at an assembly, dressed in green and gold. Being a new fuce, and extremely elegant, though he was not overstocked with sense, he attracted much attention, and a general murmur prevailed, to know who he was. A lady replied, loud enough to be heard by the stranger, "Oh! don't you know him? It is young Gibbon, bound in calf, and git; but not lettered."

Seeing Right. He, only, sees well, who sees the whole, in the parts, and the parts, ir. the whole. I know but three classes of men; those who see the whole, those who see but a purt, and those who see both together.

Varieties. 1. He, who lives well, and believes aright, will be saved; but he, who does not live well, and believe aright, cannot be saved. 2. Let times be ever so good, if you are slothful, you will be in want: but let times be ever so bad, if you are diligent in the performance of duty, you will prosper. 3. The reptile, in human form, should be avoided with great care. 4. If the sun is to be seen by its own light, must not the truth be seen in like manner? The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head, than the most superficial dec lamation; as a feather and a guinea will fall with equal velocity, in a vacuum. 5. As light-has no color, water--no taste, and air-no odor, so, knowledge should be equally pure, and without admixture. 6. We should have a glorious conflagration, if all, who cannot put fire into their books, would consent to put their books into the fire. 7. The union of truth and goodness-is like that of water and fire, which nothing can resist.

As up the tower of knowledge slow we rise,
How wide and fair the opening prospect lies!
But while the view expands, the path grows steeper,
The steps more slippery, and the chasin's deeper:
Then why climb on? Not for the prospect's beauty,
Not for the triumph, but because 'tis duty.
What thing is love, which naught can countervail

Naught save itself, ev'n such a thing is love.
And worldly wealth in worth as far doth fail,
As lowest earth doth yield to heav'n above.
Divine is love, and scorneth worldly pelf,
And can be bought with nothing but with sel
We see but half the causes of our deeda,
Seeking them wholly in the outer life,
And heedless of the encircling spirit-world,
Which, tho' unseen, is felt, and sows in us
All gems of pure, and world-wide purposes.
O fortune! thou canst not divide

Our bodies so, but that our hearts are tied,
And we can love by letters still, and gifts,
And dreams.

It is in rain, that we would coldly gaze-
On such as smile upon us; the heart-mu58
Leap kindly back-to kindness.

540. REPROVING puts on a stern aspect; toughens the voice, and is accompanied with gestures, not differing much from that of threatening, but not so lively; it is like reproach, (which see,)

but without the sourness and ill-nature.

ILLUSTRATION. What right have you, to waste your time, which is the state's; your health, which makes time worthful, and the life of goodness in you, which makes living all your acts? Answer me-what right have you to wrong yourself, and all the world? How comes it, Cassio, you are thus forgot; That you unlace your reputation thus, And spend your rich opinion--for the name, Of a night brawler? Give me answer to it

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victim; whose departure froin them tacitly calls in question the infallibility of their doc trines, and thereby wounds their self-love, which makes them care more for their party, than for the progress of truth. What is the character, business, peace and happiness of the supposed offender, to them, when bent on his destruction ? Alas! how unlike the conduct of the true christian! Thus is seen the rottenness of" profession, without principle."

Dead Languages. That man must have a strange value for words, when he can think it worth while to hazard the innocence and virtue of his son for a little Greek and Latin; whilst he should be laying the solid foundations of knowledge in his mind, and furnishing it with just rules to direct his future progress in life.-Locke.

Anecdote. Dandies. As lady Montague was walking through a public garden with a party, she was very much annoyed by an impertinent coxcomb, who was continually making some foolish observation. On approaching one of the temples, over which

And who shall plead against it? who shall say-there was a Latin inscription, she took ad-
To Power Almighty, thou hast done enough;
Or bid his dreadful rod of vengeance stay?
Wait then, with patience, till the circling hours
Shall bring the time-of thy appointed rest,
And lay thee down-in death.

Duties of Society. Every right produces a corresponding duty: hence, may be inferred the positive duty of society, to give every individual, born in its bosom, an adequate education. For if society as a right to the services of every one of its members, this right necessarily involves some duties; and what can that duty more directly be, than that society should give to all its children, such an education, as will fit them for the services it intends to exact from them in after life? And if parents are unable to give their children such an education, it is the duty of society to assist them; and if they are unwilling, society ought to take the place of parents, and perform the duty of the parents. No one can violate the laws of God, nor the government of the world, with impunity; and the more sacred the trust, the more ferrible will be the effects of a disregard of them. Each substance of a grief-hath twenty shadows, Which show like grief itself. but are not so: For sorrow's eye, glazed with blinding tears, Divides one thing entire-to many objects; Like perspectives, which, rightly gazed upon, Show nothing but confusion; eyed awry, Distinguish form.

vantage of it, to expose his ignorance, in the hope of putting him to silence. "Pray sir," said she,be kind enough to explain that inscription to us." "Madam," said he, with an affected air, "I really do not know what it means, for I see it is dog Latin." "How very extraordinary it is," said lady Mary, "that puppies should not understand their own language."


The lunatic, the lover, and the poet,
Are, of imagination, all compact:
One-sees more devils, than vast hell can hold;
That-is the maaman: the lover, all as frantic,
Sees Helen's beauty-in a brow of Egypt:
The poet's eye, in a fine frenzy rolling, [heaven
Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth ơ
And, as imagination bodies forth
The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen
Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing,
A local habitation, and a name.
Such tricks hath strong imagination;
That, if it would but apprehend some joy,
It comprehends some bringer of that joy;
Or, in the night, imagining some fear,
How easy is a bush-supposed a bear?
An honest soul-is like a ship at sea,
That sleeps at anchor-upon the occasion's calm;
But, when it rages, and the wind blows high,
She cuts her way-with skill and majesty.

Varieties. 1. What is the difference be tween acule and chronic disease? 2. It is folly for an eminent man to think of escap ing censure, and a weakness to be affected by it. 3. If we had it in our power to gratify every wish, we should soon feel a surfeit. 4. When anything below God-is the supreme object of our love, at some time or other, it will be an object of sorrow. 5. Truth-is its own witness, and fears not a free and impar tial examination; it seeks to be seen in its own resplendent brightness. 6. By confes sing our faults to others, we contribute very much towards putting them away, and con firming ourselves against them. 7. Which is worse-to worship the works of our own hand, or the creations of our own imagina

Too Common. Enry, hatred, malice, and uncharitableness. How melancholy and heart-rending-to reflect upon the vast number of professing christians-of all orders, who show, by their deeds, that they are under the influence of these infernal passions; altho' in their sabbath devotions, they may pray against them with their lips, and entreat their Maker to enable them to keep the law which says, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Let a man of one branch of the church, leave it, even from the best of motives, and join another, which happens to differ from it in religious belief, and how soon the air is rent with the political cry, "Shoot the deserter. Nothing seems too bad for the disaffected to say about their markedtions?

541. SCORN, is negligent anger: it insinuates therefore, by a voluntary slackness, or disarming of the nerves, a known, or concluded essence of all power in the united object, even to make the de

fence seem necessary: and the ur.braced muscles are assisted in this show of contemptuous disregard, by an affected smile upon the eye, because slack nerves, if at the same time the looks were also langaid, would too much resemble sorrow, or even fear; whereas, the purpose is disdain and insult: and tho' in more provoking serious cases, where scorn admits disturbance, it assumes some sense of anger, it must still retain the slack unguarded languor of the nerves, lest it should seem to have conceived impressions of some estimable and important weightiness, where its design is utter disregard and negligence.

Age, thou art shamed; Rome, thou hast lost the breed of noble bloods; When went there by an age, since the sun shone, But it was famed with more than one man? When could they say, till now, who talked of Rome, That her wide walls-encompassed but one man! 542. LANGUAGE OF FEELING. There is an original element in our natures, a connection between the senses, the mind and the heart, implanted by the Creator, for pure and noble purposes, which cannot be reasoned away. You cannot argue men out of their senses and feelings; and, after having wearied yourself and others, by talking about books and history, set your foot upon the spot, where some great and memorable exploit was achieved, especially, with those whom you claim kindred, and your heart swells within you. You do not now reason; you feel the inspiration of the place. Your cold philosophy vanishes, and you are ready to put off your shoes from your feet; for the place whereon you stand is holy. A language which letters cannot shape, which sounds cannot convey, speaks, not to the head, but to the heart; not to the understand ing, but to the affections.

The player's profession,-
Lies not in trick, or attitude, or start,
Nature's true knowledge is the only art,
The strong-felt passion bolts into his face;
The mind untouch'd, what is it but grimace!
To this one standard, make your just appeal,
Here lies the golden secret, learn to feel:
Or fool, or monarch, happy or distress'd,
No actor pleases that is not possess'd.
A single look more marks the internal woe,
Than all the windings of the lengthening oh!
Up to the face the quick sensation flies,
And darts its meaning from the speaking eyes;
Love, transport, madness, anger, scorn, despair,
And all the passions, all the soul is there.

Thoughts! what are they?
They are my constant friends;

Who, when harsh fate its dull brow bends,
Uncloud me with a smiling ray,

And, in the depth of midnight, force a day.

Anecdote. To a man of exalted mind, the forgiveness of injuries, is productive of more pleasure and satisfaction, than obtaining vengeance. The Roman emperor, Adrian, who was skilled in all the accomplishments of body and mind, one day seeing a person, who had injured him, in his former station, thus addressed him, "You are safe now; I am emperor.”

Braying. There are braying men in the world as well as braying asses; for, what's loud and senseless talking, huffing, and swearing, any other then a more fushimable way of braying?


Varieties. 1. Idlers- should leave the industrious to their labor, and visit only those who are as idle as themselves. 2. There are some minds, which, like the buzzard's eye, can pass heedlessly over the beauties of nature, and see nothing but the carcuse, rotting in the corner. 3. He, is well constituted, who grieves not for what he has not, and rejoices for that he has. 4. True ease in writing, speaking and singing, comes from art, not chance. 6. When once a man falls, all will tread on him. 7. The action should always keep time with the emphasis and the voice: it should be the result of feeling, not of His words were fire, both light and heat! At once thought. With zeal they warmed us and convine'd with reaI had read and heard of eloquence before, How 't is despotic-takes the heart by storm, Where'er the ramparts, prejudice, or use, Environ it withal; how, 'fore its march, Stony resolves have given way like flax; How it can raise, or lay, the mighty surge Of popular commotion, as the wind, The wave that frets the sea-but, till to-day, I never proved its power. When he began, A thousand hearers pricked their ears to list. With each a different heart; when he left off, Each man could tell his neighbor's by his own. Rage-is the shortest passion of our souls. Like narrow books, that rise with sudden show', It swells in haste, and falls again as soon. Still, as it ebbs, the softer thoughts flow in, And the deceiver-love-supplies its place.


Virtue, the strength and beauty of the soul,
Is the best gift of Heav'n: a happiness-
That, even above the smiles and frowns of fate,
Exalts great nature's favorites: a wealth
That ne'er encumbers; nor to baser hands
Can be transferr'd. It is the only good-
Man justly boasts of, or can call his own
Riches-are oft by guilt and baseness earn'a.
But for one end, one much-neglected use,
Are riches worth our care; (for nature's wants
Are few, and without opulence supplied;)
This noble end is-to produce the soul:
To show the virtues in their fairest light;
And make humanity-the minister
Of bounteous Providence.

I stand-as one upon a rock,
Environ'd-with a wilderness of sea;
Who marks the waxing tide-grow wave by wave,
Expecting ever, when some env ous surge
Will, in his brinish bowels, swali no him.

543. SHAME-or a sense of appearing to a dis-
advantage, before one's fellow-creatures, turns
away the face from the beholders, covers it with
blushes, hangs the head, casts down the eyes.
draws down and contracts the eye-brows; either
strikes the person dumb, or, if he attempts to say
anything, in his own defence, causes his tongue to
faller, contounds his utterance, and puts him upon
making a thousand gestures and grimaces, to keep
himself in countenance: all which only heightens
his confusion and embarrassment.
Oh my dread Lord-

I should be guiltier-than my guiltiness,
To think I can live undiscernible,
When I perceive your grace, like power divine,
Hath looked upon my passes; then, good prince,
No longer session-hold upon my shame,
But let my trial-be my own confession;
Immediate sentence then, and sequent death,
Is all the grace I beg.

Hard Questions. In every step, which reason takes in demonstrative knowledge, must there be intuitive certainty? Does the power of intuitum, imply that of reasoning, when combined with the faculty of memory? In examining those processes of thought, which conduct the mind, by a series of consequences, from premises to a conclusion, is there any intellectual act whatever, which the joint operation of memory, and what is called intuition, does not sufficiently explain? What is the distinction between the elements of reasoning, and the principles of reasoning? If the elements of reasoning are employed to connect the concatenations in an argument; and if an argument could not be made without the elements of reasoning; does it follow, that the elements of reasoning imply the principles of reasoning? If, in every step which reason takes in demonstrative knowledge, there must be intuitive certainty, does this necessarily imply anything more, than that, without the intuitive power, we could not know when one link in the chain was completed?

Modesty in a man is never to be allowed as a good quality, but a weakness, if it suppresses lus virtue, and hides it from the world, when he has, at the same time, a mind to exert himself. A midest person seldom fails to gain the good-will of those he converses with, because nobody envies a man, who does not appear to be pleased with himself.

Miscellaneous. 1. It is a striking feature
in the present day, that men are more and
more inclined to bring old sayings and doings
to the test of questions, as these-what do
they mean and what for? and consequent-
ly, are beginning to awake from a long men-
tal sleep, and to assert their right to judge and
act for themselves. 2. Great hinderance to
good is often found in the want of energy in
the character, arising from an individual not
having accustomed himself to try and do his
best, on all occasions. 3. Whoever would
become a person of intelligence and prud-
ence, in any of the departments of life, must
early accustom himself and herself to look
for the meaning of his own and others' say-
ings; and consider well the end and object of
his own, and others' doings.
For often vice-provok'd to shame-
Borrows the color-of a virtuous deed:

Thus, libertines-are chaste, and misers-good,
A coward―valiant.

That holy Shame, which ne'er forgets

What clear renown--it used to wear;
Whose blush remains, when Virtue sets,
To show her sunshine-has been there.

A flush, [cheek,
(As shame, deep shame, had once burnt on her
Then linger'd there forever) look'd like health
Odering hope, vain hope, to the pale lip;
Like the rich crimson-of the evening sky,
Brightest-when night is coming.
Wise men-ne'er sit and wail their loss,
But cheerly seek how to redress their harms,
What tho' the mast-be now blown over-board,
The cable broke, the holding anchor lost,
And half our sailors swallow'd in the flood?

Gone to be married; gone to swear a peace!
False blood to false blood joined! Gone to be friends!
Shall Lewis have Blanch? and Blanch these pro-Yet lives our pilot still: Is 't meet, that he
It is not so: thou hast mis-spoke, mis-heard? [vinces?
Be well advised, tell o'er thy tale again:
It cannot be thou dost but say 'tis so;
What dost thou mean by shaking of thy head?
What means that hand-upon that breast of thine?
Why holds thine eye-that lamentable rheum,
Like a proud river-peering o'er his bounds?
Be there sad sighs-confirmers of thy words?
Then speak again; not all thy former tale,
But this one word-whether thy tale be true?

Should leave the helm, and, like a fearful lad,
With tearful eyes, add water to the sea,
And give more strength to that which hath too much;
Whiles, in his moan, the ship splits on the rock.
Which industry-and courage-might have sav'd?

Varieties. 1. It is wrong to affront angbody; and he who does it, must expect to be paid in his own coin. 2. Many persons, in easy circumstances, often ruin themselves, by attempting to vie with the rich. 3. Do not the works of God, as well as his Word-teach Anecdote. To Cure Sore Eyes. "Good-lessons of wisdom? 4. Everything tends to morning, landlord," said a man the other produce its likeness; the idle make their as day, as he stepped into a tavern to get some-sociates idle; the libertine-corrupts the inthing to drink. Good-morning, sir," replied mine host; "how do you do?" "Oh, I don't know," said the man, raising his goggles, and wiping away the rheum; "I'm plagued most to death with these ere pesky sore eyes. I wish you'd tell me how to cure 'em." "Willingly," said the merry host. "Wear your goggles over your mouth, wash your eyes in Brandy, and I'll warrant a cure."

Vice-oft is hid in virtue's fair disguise,
And, in her honor'd form-escapes inquiring eyes.

nocent; the quarrelsome-create broils;
gamesters-make gamesters, and thieves,-
thieves. 5. Are thinking and motion-all
the actions of which we can conceive? think.
ing-being an act of the mind, as motion is
of matter? 6. Which invention is more im
portant, that of the mariner's compass, or the
art of printing? 7. When we truly love
God, we shall also love one another.

The real patriot-bears his private wrongs,
Rather than right them-at the public cost.

545. SUSPICION: JEALOUSY. Fear of another's endeavoring to prevent our attainment of the dered good, raises our SUSPICION; and suspicion of his having obtained, or likely to obtain it, raises, or consitutes JEALOUSY. Jealousy between the sexes-s a ferment of love, haired, hope, fear, shrune, anxiety grief, pity, suspicion, envy, pride, rage, cruelty, vengeance, sadness, and every other tormenting passion, which can agitate the buman mind. Therefore, to express it well, one should know how to represent all these passons by turns, and often several of them together: it shows itself by restlessness, peevishness, thoughtfulness, anxiety, and absence of mind. Sometimes it bursts out into piteous complaints and werp ng: then a gleam of hope, that all is yet well, lights up the countenance into a momentary smile: immediately the face, clouded with general gloom, shows the mind over-cast again with horrid suspicions, and frightful imaginations; thus The jealous-is a prey to the most tormenting feelings, and is alternately tantalized with hope, and plunged into despair.

No, my dear, you must not sit; for I intend to make you stand, this evening, as long as you made lady B- remain in the same position.

Laconic. There is no difference between knowledge and temperance; for he, who knows what is good, and embraces it, who knows what is bad, and avoids it, is learned and temperate. But they, who know very well what ought to be done, and yet do quite otherwise, are ignorant and stupid.

Varieties. 1. What is the difference be

3. True

tween possessing the good things of life, and
enjoying them? 2. In our intercourse with
others, we should ascertain what they wish
to hear; not what we wish to sau.
politeness may be cherished in the hovel, as
well as in the palace; and the most taltered
clothing, cannot conceal its charms. 4. Is
not true religion-eternally the same, what-
ever may be the conduct of its professors?
5. Humility-learns the lessons from itself;
while it never scurns the instructions of oth-
ers. 6. Beauty-gains nothing, and home-
tiness-loses much, by gerdy attire. 7.
Music-tends to harmonize and melodize
the affections and thoughts, as well as to an-
imate, and lubricate the inventive faculties.
8. Everything that originates in order, is
truth, which manifests itself by virtue of its
inherent light. 9. The groves and the woods
are the musical aca lemies of the singing
birds. 10. Time and space are confined to


Who finds the heifer dead, and bleeding fresh, And sees fast by a butcher with an axe. But will suspect, 'twas he that made the slaughter? Who finds the partridge in the puttock's nest, But may imagine how the bird was dead, Although the kite soar with unbloodied beak? 546. HANDS, FEET AND ARMS. Observe accurately, the different positions of the feet, hands, arms, &c. of the oratorical and poetical engravings, and that of the passions; and study out the various causes, or subjects, and states of thoughts and feelings, prompt-As Nature and Garrick were talking one day, ing them; and, in imitating them, there will often be suggested to you the appropriIt chanced they had words, and fell out; ate feeling and thought. Each engraving Dame Reason would fan have prevented a fray, should be made a particular subject of study; But could not, for both were so stout. and there is more matter on a page of en- Says Garrick, I honor you, madam, 'tis true, grarings, than on any printed page; but, in And with pride, to your laws, I submit; speaking, never think about making gestures; let them be the result of unrestrained feel. But Shakspeare paints stronger and better than you, ing, and they will be more likely to be right: guard, sedulously against all affectation, and do nothing you do not feel and think. If these hints and suggestions are not of use to you, more would be of but little service; and to illustrate every one, and many more, you will find an abundance of examples in the work; which is designed for those who think.

Would he were fatter; but I fear him not:
Yes, if my name were liable to fear,

I do not know the man, I should avoid

So soon as th's spare He reads much;
He is a great observer, and he looks
Quite through the deeds of men.

He loves no plays; he hears no music;
Seldom he smiles; and smiles in such a sort,
As if he mocked himself, and scorned his spirit,
That could be moved to smile at anything.
Such men as he, be never at heart's ease,
Whilst they behold a greater than themselves,
And therefore, are they very dangerous.

Anecdote. Queen Caroline, having observed that her daughter, the princess, had made one of the ladies about her, stand a long time, while the princess was talking to Eer, on some trifling subject, was resolved to give her a suitable reprimand. Therefore, when the princess came, in the evening, to read to her mother, as usual, and was drawing a chair to sit down, the queen said to her,

All critics of taste will admit.
How! Shakspeare paint better and stronger than 1,
(Cries Nature, quite touch'd to the soul;)
Not a word in his volumes I ever could see,
But what from my records he stole.
And thou, wicked thief-nay, the story I'll tell,
Whenever I paint, or I draw,

My pencils you fileh, and my colors you steal,
For which thou shalt suffer the law;
And when on the stage, in full lustre you shine,
To me all the praise shall be given:
The toil shall be yours, and the honor be mine,
So Nature and Garrick are even.
Foul jealousy, that turnest love divine

To joyless dread, and mak'st the loving heart
With hateful thoughts to languish and to pine,
And feed itself with self-consuming smart,
Of all the passions in the mind, thou vilest æ ̃....
O, let him far be banished away,

And in his stend let love forever dowell;
Sweet love, that doth his golden wings embay
In Blessed nectar, and pure pleasure's well,
Untroubled of vile fear or bitter fell.
The soul of man-
Createth its own destiny of power;
And, as the trial,-is intense here,

His being-hath a nobler strength in heaven.
O marriage! marriage! what a curse-ie thing,
Where hands, alone, consent--and hearts--abhor

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