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498. AFFIRMING, with a judicial oath, is expressed by lifting up the right hand and eyes towards heaven; if conscience be applied to, by laying the right hand upon the breast exactly upon the heart; the voice low and solemn, the words slow and deliberate; but when the affirmation is mixed with rage or resentment, the voice is more open and loud, the words quicker,

Laconics. I have seen the floucer--wither. ing on the stalk, and its bright leaves-spread on the ground. I looked again; it sprung forth afresh; its stem was crowed with new buds, and its sweetness filled the air. I have seen the sun set in the west, and the shades of night shut in the wide horizon: there was no color or shape. nor beauty, nor music; gloom and darkness brooded around. I looked! the sun broke forth agam upoa the east, and gilded the mountain-tops: the lark rose-to meet him from her low nest, and the shades of darkness flea away. I have seen the insect, being come to its full size, languish, and re


and the countenance has all the confidence of a fuse to eat: it spun itses: a tomb, and was shroudstrong and peremptory assertion.

Notes. The Duke had reproached Lord Thurlow with his plebeian extraction and his recent admission to the peerage. He rose from the woolsack and advanced slowly to the place from which the chancellor addresses the house, then fixing his eye on the Duke (in the words of a spectator,) "with the look of Jove when he has grasped the thunder," spoke as follows:

My Lords-I am amazed; yes my Lords. I am amazed at his grace's speech. The noble duke cannot look before him. behind him, or on either side of him, without seeing some noble peer, who owes his seat in this house to his successful exertions, in the profession to which I belong. Does he not feel that it is as honorable. to owe it to these, as to being the accident of an accident? To all these noble lords, the language of the noble duke is as applicable, and as insulting, as it is to myself. But I don't fear to meet it single and alone. No one venerates the peerage more than I do-but, my lords, I must say, that the peerage solicited me,-not I the peerage.

Nay inore,-I can say, and will say, that as a peer of parliament.-as speaker of this right honorable house, as keeper of the great seal.-as guardian of his majesty's conscience,-as lord high chancellor of England-nay, even in that character alone, in which the noble duke would think it an affront to be considered-but which

character none can deny me-as a MAN. I am, at this time, as much respected, as the proudest peer I now look down upon.

A man of sovereign parts he is esteem'd! Well fitted in the arts, glorious in arms; Nothing becomes him ill, that he would well. The only soil of his fair virtue's gloss, (If virtue's gloss will stain with any soil,) Is a sharp wit match'd with too blunt a will: [wills Whose edge hath power to cut, whose will still It should none spare that come within his power. Anecdote. Butler, Bishop of Durham, and author of the Analogy, being applied to for a charitable subscription, asked his steward what money he had in his house; the steward informed him there were five hundred pounds. "Five hundred pounds!" said the bishop; "what a shame for a bishop to have such a sum in his possession!" And he ordered it all to be given to the poor immediately.

Bold with joy, Forth from his lonely hiding-place, Portentous sight!) the owlet Atheism, Sa ling on obscure wings athwart the noon, Drops his blue-fringed lids, and holds them close, Ani, hooting at the glorious sun in heaven, Cries out," Where is it?"

The world is still deceived by ornament.

ed in the silken cone: it lay without feet, or shape, or power to move. I looked again: it had burst its tomb; it was full of life, and sailed on colored wings through the soft air; it rejoiced in its new being.

Varieties. 1. Many a young lady can chatter in French or Italian, thrum the piano, and paint a little, and yet be ignorant of housekeeping, and not know how even to make a loaf of bread, roast a piece of meat, or make a palatable soup. 2. It is a false idea to think of elevating woman to her right position of intelligence and influence in society, without making her thoroughly and practically acquainted with the details of domestic life. 3. It is wrong for either men or women, to bury themselves in their everyday avocation, to the neglect of intellectual and moral culture, and the social amenities of life: but it is still worse to give exclusive attention to the latter, and utterly neglect the former; because, in the former are involved our first and most important duties. 4. Neglected duties never bring happiness: even the best of society would fail to delight, if enjoyed at the expense of human duties. 5. That which is our duty should always take precedence: otherwise, no effort to obtain happiness can be successful.

Still-let my song-a nobler note assume,
And sing the impressive force of SPRING on man:
Then, HEAVEN-and earth. as 11 contending-vu
To raise his being,-and serene-his soul.
Can he forbear-to join-the general smile
Of NATURE? Can fierce passions-vex his breast,
While every gale is peace, and every grove
Is melody?

The happiness-of human kind,
Consists-in rectitude of mind.-
A will-subdued to reason's sway,
And passions-practiced to obey:
An open-and a generous heart,
Refined from selfishness-and art;
Patience, which mocks-at fortune's power,
And wisdom-neither sad, nor sour.
Never forget our lores,-but alrenys cling
To the fixed hope-th't there will be a tune, -
When we can meet-unfetter'd-and be bless-
With the full happiness-of certain love.

A villain, when he most seems kind.
Is most to be suspected.

499. REVISION. Having gone thro', briefly, with the majo passions, and given illustrations of each, before dism ssing these important subjects, it may be useful to present the minor ones: occasionally alluding to the pri cipal ones. The accompanying engraving represents caim fortitude, discretion, benevolence. goodness, and nob Iity. Admiration may also be

commed with amazement: surprise, (which signifies--taken on a sudden.) may, for a moment, startle; astonishment may stupefy, and cause an entire suspension of the faculties; but AMAZEMENT has also a mixture of perturbation; as the word means to be in a maze, so as not to be able to collect one's self: there is no mnd that may not. at times, be thrown into amazement at the awful dispensations of Providence.


Remember March, the ides of MARCH remember! Dd not great Julius-bleed for JUSTICE' sake? What villain touch'd his body,-that did stab, And not for justice?

What! shall one of us,

That struck the foremost man-of all this world,
But for supporting robbers, shall we-now-
Contaminate our fingers with base bribes?
And sell the mighty space of our large honors,
For so much trash-as may be grasped thus?
I had rather be a dog, and bay the moon,
Than such a Ruinan.

Anecdote. Ethelwold, bishop of Winchester, in king Elgar's time, sold the gold and silver vessels belonging to the church, to relieve the poor, during a famine, saying: "There is no reason, that the senseless temples of God, should abound in riches, while his living temples ware perishing with hunger."


O happy they! the happiest of their kind!
Whom gentle stars unite, and in one fate
Their hearts, their fortunes, and their beings blend.
Tis not the coarser tie-of human laws,
Unnatural oft. and foreign to the mind,
That binds their peace, but harmony itself,
Attuning all their passions into love;
Where friendship-full, exerts her softest power,
Per cet esteem. enliven'd by desire
Ineffable, and sympathy of soul;
Thought. meeting thought, and will preventing will,
With boundless confulence: for nought but love
Can answer love, and render bliss secure.

Merit-seldom shows
Itself-bedecked in tinsel. or fine clothes;
But, hermit- ke. 'tis oftner us'd to fly,
And hide its beauties-in obscurity.
For places in the court, are but like beds-
In the hospital; where this man's head--lies
At that in's foot, and so, torrer and lower.

Laconics. 1. The idle-often delay till tomorrow, what ought to be done to-day. 2. Science is the scribe, and theology the interpreter of God's works. 3. Regret is unavailing, when a debt is contracted; tho' a little prudence, inight have prevented its being .ncurred. 4. A loud, or vehement mode of delivery, accompanied by a haughty action. may render an expression highly offensive, but which would be perfectly harmless, if pronounced properly. 5. Dishonesty chooses the most expeditious route; virtue the right one, though it be more circuitous. 6. Is the soul a mere vapor, a something without either essence or form? 7. Impressions, firmly fired in the mind, and long cher ished, are erased with great difficulty; how important. then, they should be good ones.

Difficulty-is a severe instructor, set ver us by the supreme ordinance of a parental guardian and legislator, who knows us better than we know ourselves, and he loves us better too. He, that wrestles with us, strengthens our nerves, and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. This amicable conflict with difficulty obliges us to an intimate acquaintance with our object, and compels us to consider it in all its relations. It will not suiler us to be superficial.



Sleep-seldom visits sorrow;

When it does. it is a comforter. Why, on that brow, dwell sorrow and dismay, Where loves were wont to sport, and smiles to play With equal mind, what happens, let us hear, Nor joy, nor grieve too much, for things weyond our cara Thus, my fleet ng days, at last, Unheeded, s lently are passed, Calmly-shall I resign my breath, In life-unknown,-forgot-in death. Love-never reasons, but profusely gives; Gives, like a thoughtless prodigal. its all, And trembles thn, lest it has done too little Tho' all seems lost. 'tis impious-to despair; The tracks of Providence-like rivers-wind. Why shrinks the soul Back on herself, and startles at destruction? Tis the Divinity-that stirs with n us. Still raise-for good-the supplicating voice, But leave to HEAVEN the measure, and the chown Safe in His power, whose eye discerns afar The secret ambush of a specious prayer. Implore His aid; in His decisions rest; Secure-whate'er He gives, he gives the best. Yet, when the sense of sacred presence fires, And strong devotion-to the skies aspires. Pour forth thy fercors-for a healthful mind, Obedient passions, and a will resigned; For love, which scarce colle tive man can f); For patience, sovere gn o'er transmuted ill; For faith, that, panting for a happier seat, Counts death-k nd nature's signal of retreat: These goods--for man--the laws of heaven ordain, These goods lle grants, who grants the power to With these celestial ris/lom calins the mand. Igain, And makes the happiness-she does not find. Call it diversion. and the pill goes down,

it assumes somewhat of authority, as if fully convinced of wi at it pleads for and sometimes rises to great vehemence and energy of action: the voice clear, distinct, and firm as in confidence.

500. Arguing requires a cool, sedate, atten- Laconics. 1. To know-is one thing, to do ive aspect, and a close, slow, and emphatical is another. 2. Consider what is said, rather than accent, with much demonstration by the hand; who said it: and the consequence of the argument, rather than the consequence of him, who delivers it. 3. These proverbs, maxins, and laconics, are founded on the facts, that mankind are the same, and that the passions are the disturbing forces; the greater or less prevalence of which, give individuality to character. 4. If parents


Ay, but yet

Let us be keen, and rather cut a little,


Than fall and bruise to death. Alas! this gen-give their children au improper education, whose

Whom i would save, had a most noble father!

is the misfortune, and whose the crimes? 5. The Let but your honor know, (whom I believe greater your facilities are for acquiring knowlTo be most straight in virtue) whether, in edge. the greater shou d be your efforts: and geThe working of your own affections, [ing. nius-is the power-of making efforts. 6. The Had time cohered with place, or place with wish-world's unfavorable views of conduct and chaOr, that the resolute acting of your blood, [pose, racter, are as floating clouds, from which the Could have attain'd the effect of your own pur-brightest day is not free. 7. Never marry-but Whether you had not some time in your life, for love; and see that thou lovest only what is Err'd in this point, you consure now in him, lovely. And pull'd the law upon you.

591. AFFECTATION-displays itself in a thouand different gestures, airs, and looks, according to the character which the person affects. Affectation of learning-gives a stiff formality to the whole person: the words come stalking out with the pace of a funeral procession, and every sentence has the solemnity of an oracle. Affectation-of pity-turns up the goggling whites of the eye to heaven, as if the person was in a trance, and fixes them in that posture so long, that the brain of the beholder grows giddy: then comes up deep grumbling, a holy groan from the lower part of the thorax, but so tremendous in sound, and so long protracted, that you expect to see a goblin rise, like an exhalation from the solid earth: thus he begins to rock, from side to side, or backward and forward, like an aged pine on the side of a hill, when a brisk wind blows the hands are clasped together, and often lifted, and the head shaken with fool*sh vehemence; the tone of voice is canting, or a sing-song lullaby, not much removed from an Trish howl, and the words godly doggerel. APFECTATION OF BEAUTY, and killing-puts a fine woman, by turns, into all sorts of forms, appearances and attitudes, but amiable ones she undoes by art, or rather awkwardness, all that nature has done for her: for nature formed her almost an angel and she, with infinite pains makes herself a monkey: this species of affectation is easily imitated, or taken off in doing which, nike as many, and as ugly grimaces, motions and gestures, as can be made; and take car that nature never peeps out; thus you may represent coquettish affectation to the life.

Anecdote. A nobleman advised a bishop to make an addition to his house, of a new wing, in modern style. The prelate answered him, "The difference between your advice and that which the devil gave to our Saviour-is, that Satun advised Jesus to change stones into real, that the poor might be fed; and you desire me to turn the bread of the poor into stones.

A wise poor man,

Is like a sacred book that's never read:
To huself he lives, and to all else seema dead
This age thinks better of a gilded fool,
Than of a threadbar saint in wisdom's school.
Chee ful looks make every dish-a feast,
And 'tis that--CROWNS a welcome.

This World. What is the happiness that this world can give? Can it defend us from disasters? Can it preserve our hearts from grief, our eyes from tears, or our feet from falling 1 Can it prolong our comforts? Can it multiply our days? Can it redeem ourselves, or our friends from death? Can it soothe the king of terrors, or mitigate the agonies of the dying?


Three poets, in three distant ages born, Greece, Italy, and Eugland did adorn. The first in loftiness of thought surpassed; The next, in majesty; in both, the last. The force of nature could no further go; To make a third, she join'd the former two. Under a portrait of Milton-Dryden. The poetry of earth is never dead!When all the birds are faint with the hot sun, And hide in cooling trees, a voice will run, From hedge to hedge about the new-mown mead; That is the grasshopper's ;-he takes the lead In summer luxury ;-he has never done With his delights; for when tired out with fun He rests at ease beneath some pleasant weed The poetry of earth is ceasing never!

On a lone winter evening, when the frost
Has wro't a silence from the stove, there shr Ils
The cricket's song, in warmth increasing ever,
And seems to one, in drowsiness half lost,
The grasshopper's among some grassy hills.
Believe me, if all those endearing young charms,
Which I gaze on so fondly to-day, [arms,
Were to change by to-morrow, and fleet in my
Like fairy gifs fading away; [thou art,
Thon wouldst still be ador'd, as this moment
Let thy loveliness fade as it will,
And around the dear ruin each wish of my heart,
Would entwine itself verdantly still

It is not while beauty and youth are thy own,
And thy cheeks unprofan'd by a tear,
That the fervor and faith of a soul can be known,
To which time will but make thee more dear
Oh! the heat that has truly lov'd, never forgets,
But as truly loves on to the close;
As the sungower turns on her god, when he sets,
The same look which she turn'd when he rose

503. AUTHORITY-opens the countenance, but traws the eye-brows a little, so as to give the look an air of gravity.


Let them lay by their helmets and their spears,
And both return back to their chairs again:-
Withdraw from us,-and let the trumpet sound;
Draw near-

And list what, with our council, we have done.
For that our kingdom's earth-should not be soild,
With that dear blood which it hath foster'd;
And for our eyes-doth hate the dire aspect,
Of civil wounds, plough'd up with neighbor's swords:
Therefore, we banish you our territories:
You, cousin Hereford, upon pain of death,
Till twice five summers have enriched our fields,
Shall not regret our fair dominions,
But tread the stranger paths of banishment.

great, but by keeping his resolutions; no per son ever escaped contempt, who could not keep them.

Laconics. 1. Writing and printing serve aa clothing to our ideas, by which they become visi ble in forms, and permanent in duration; thus, painters speak of embodying the fleeting colore of beautiful flowers, by fixing them in some earth. ly substance. 2. When the pupil of our intellectual eyes becomeɛ adjusted to the darkness of er: 01, genuine truth dazzles and blinds us. 3. Habit can only get the better of habit; but beware of chang ing one bad habit for another. 4. The torch of improvement. is destined to pass from hand to hand; and what, tho' we do not see the order? 5 When nature is excited, she will put forth her f forts; if not in a right, in a wrong way. 6. Ca sent-is the essence of marriage, the ceremonies-its

504. Philosophers say, that man is a microcosm, or a little world, resembling in mi-form, and the duties-its uses. niature every part of the great; and, in our opinion, the body natural may be compared to the body politic; and if that be so, how can the Epicurean's opinion be true, that the universe was formed by a fortuitous concourse of atoms? which we will no more believe, than that the accidental jumbling of the lctters of the alphabet could fall by chance into a most ingenious and learned treatise of phi-they will avoid the former, and adhere to the latter. losophy.

On pain of death.-no person be so bold
Or daring hardy, as to touch the lists,
Except the marshal, and such officers
Appointed to direct these fair designs.


Let fancy-lead,
And be it ours-to fellow, and admire,
As well we may, the graces infinite
Of nature. Lay aside the sweet resource
That winter needs, and inay at will obtain,
Of authors, chaste and good, and let us read
The living page, whose every character
Delights, and gives us wisdom. Not a tree,
A plant, a leaf, a blossom, but contains
A fotio volume, may read, and read,
And read again, and still find something new,
Something to please, and something to instruct,
E'en in the noisome weed.

Physiological Ignorance-is undoubtedly, the most abundant source of our sufferings: every person, accustomed to the sick, must have heard them deplore their ignorance—of the neces sary consequences of those practices, by which their health has been destroyed: and when men shall be deeply convinced, that the eternal lates of Nature have connected pain and decrepitude with one mode of life, and health and rigor with another,

It is strange, however, to observe, that the gener ality of mankind do not seem to bestow a single thought on the preservation of their health, till it is too late to reap any benefit from their conviction. If knowledge of this kind were generally diffused, people would cease to imagine, that the human constitution was so badly contrived, that a state of general health could be overset by every trifle; for instance, by a little cold; or that the recovery of it lay concealed in a few drops, or a pill. Did they better understand the nature of chronic dis eases, and the causes which produce them, they could not be so unreasonable us to think, that they might live as they choose, with impunity: or did they know anything of medicine, they would soon be convinced. that though fits of pain have been relieved, and sickness cured, for a time, the re-establishment of health-depends on very different powers and principles.

Anecdote. Eat Bacon. Dr. Watson, late bishop of Lunduff, was enthusiastically at-Tis doing wrong-creates such doubts. These tached to the writings of Lord Bacon; and Render us jealous, and destroy our peace. Though wisdom-wake, considered, that no one, desirous of acquiring real sound knowledge, could read the works Suspicion sleeps at wisdom's gate, and to simplicity Resigns her charge; while goodness thinks no il of that great man too often, or with too much Where no ill seems. care and attention. It was frequently remarked by him-"If a man wishes to become wise, he should eat Baron."

Making Resolutions. Never form a resolution that is not a good one; and, when once formed, never break it. If you form a resolution, and then break it, you set yourself a bad example, and you are very likely to follow it. A person may get the habit of breaking his resolutions; this is as bad to the character and mind, as an incurable disease to the body. No person can become

"Tis god-like magnanimity-to keep,
When most provoked, our reason calm, and clear
Christianity-depends on fact;
Religion-is not theory, but act.
Amid thy bowers-the tyrant's hand is seen,
And desolation-reddens all thy green.
No: there is none-no ruler of the stars;
Regardful of my miseries,--saith despair.
Calm, and serene, he sees approaching death,
As the safe port, the peaceful, silent share,
Where he may rest-life's tedious voyage o'er.

505. BUFFOONERY-assumes a sly, arch. leerLaconics. 1. Every net of apparent dis07 mg gravity; nor must it qu't the serous aspect. der and destruct on, is, when contemplated aright, though all should spl their s des: which comand taking in an immeasural le lapse of ages, the mand of countenance is somewhat difficult, but not so hard to acquire, as to restrain the contrary most perfect order, wisdom, and lore. 2. As it resympathy-that of weeping when others weep. spects the history of our race, scarcely the first Examples will suggest themselves. COMMANDING hour of man has yet passed over our heads; why requires a peremp ory ar, a severe and stern look: then do we speak of partiality? 3. In turning the hand is held out. and moved towards the person to whom the order is given, with the palm our eyes to the regions of darkness, in the history upwards, and sometimes it is accompanied with of man, as well as to those of light, we are ina's.gnificant nod of the head to the person adduced to reflect upon our ignorance, as well as up

dress'd. If the command be absolute, and to a
person unwilling to obey, the rght hand is extend-
ed and projected forcibly towards him.
We were not born to sue, but to command;

Which, since we cannot do, to make you friends,
Be ready-as your lives shall answer it,
At Coventry, upon St. Lambert's day ;
There shall your swords—and lances ARBITRATE
The sweding difference of your settled hate;
Since we cannot stay you. you shall see
Justice-decide the vietor's chivalry.
Lord Marshal-command our officers at arms,
Be ready-to direct these home alarms.

Sile ce, ye winds,

That make outrageous war upon the ocean: And thon, old ocean! lull thy Loisterous waves; Ye wavering elements. be hushed as death, While I impose my dread commands on hell; And thou, profoundest hell whose dreadful sway Is given to me by tate and demi-gorgon- [gions; Hear. hear my powerful vo ce, thro' all thy reAnd from thy gloomy caverns thunder the reply. Begone forever leave this happy sphere: For perjur'd lovers have no mans.ons here. Look round the habitable world, how few Know their own good, or, knowing it, pursae. Happiness-does not consist so much in outward circumstances and personal gratifications, as in the inward feelings. There can be no true enjoyment of that, which is not honestly obtained; for a sense of guilt infuses into it a hiller ingredient, which makes it nauseous. What pleasure can the drunkard have in his cups, when he knows, that every drop he swallows, is so much dishomestly taken from his wife and children; and, that, to sufisf his brutal propensity, they are deprived of the necessaries of life?

Anecdote. Dr. Franklin. The following epitaph, was written by himself, many years previous to his death: "The body of Benjamin Franklin, Printer, (like the cover of an old book, its contents torn out, and stripp'd of its lettering and gilding,) lies here food for worms; yet the work itself shall not be lost; for it will, (as he believed,) appear once more in a new and more beautiful edition, corrected and amended by the Author." He is a parricide to his mother's name. And with an impious hand murthers her fame, That wrongs the praise of women. that dares write Libels on saints, or with foul ink requite The milk they fent us.

None think the great unhappy, but the great.

on our knowledge. 4. The natural history of man, is of more importance them that of all animals, vegetables, and minerals; and, in master ng the former, we receive a key to unlock the mysteries of the latter. 5 Some professors of religion boast of the'r ignorance of science; and some wouldbe philosophers. treat with contempt, all truths, that are not mathematical, and derived from facts: which show the greatest folly?

Effects of Success. If you would revenge yourself on those who have slighted you, be successful; it is a bitter satire on their want of judgment, to show that you can do without them,-a gulling round-to the self-love-of proud, inflated people; but you must reckon on their hatred, as they will never forgive you.


They never fail, who die
In a good cause; the block may soak their gore
Their heads-inay sodden in the sun, their limbs,
Be strung to city-gates, and castle-walls;
But still, their spirits-walk aload. Though years
Elapse, and others--share as dark a doom,
They but augment the deep swelling thought,
Which overpowers all others. and conduct
The world at last-to FREEDOM.

The ocean,when it rolls aloud,
The tempest-bursting from the cloud,
In one uninterrupted peal!
When darkness-sits around the sky,
And shadowy forms-go trooping by;

And everlasting mountains reel,
All, ALL of this-is FREEDOM'S song-
Tis pealed,-'tis pealed-ETERNALLY.
JOY kneels, at morning's rosy prime,

In worship to the rising sun;
But Sorrow loves the calmer time,
When the day-god his course has run:
When Night is in her shadowy car,
Pale Sorrow wakes while Joy doth sleep,
And. guided by the evening star,

She wanders forth to muse and weep.
Joy loves to cull the summiner flower,
And wreath it round his happy brow;
But when the dark autumnal hour

Hath Inid the leaf and blossom low;
When the frail bud hath lost its worth,

And Joy hath dash'd it from his crest,
Then Sorrow takes it from the earth,

To wither on her wither'd breast.
Oi. Liberty, thou goddess, heavenly bright,
Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight
Eteraad pleasures in thy presence reign
And smiling plenty loads thy wanton train

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