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(HIS volume was undertaken at the solicitation of the


publishers, who wished a life of General Grant for the people. As an apology for errors and inadvertencies, I feel at liberty to say that circumstances have constrained me to write it with a hurried pen. The pages have been sent to the printer as fast as written; and, as they were electrotyped as fast as printed, I was prevented from revising them fully in proof-sheets.

There is no authority for the youth and childhood of Grant but his father: the son never consents to indulge in reminiscence respecting his early years, and uniformly refers biographers to the record for his career during manhood. In regard to the Mexican War, I have been favored with some material by Hon. Mr. Washburne, who has also furnished me with data respecting Grant's life on the frontiers. In the campaigns from Belmont to Chattanooga, I have followed, upon all disputable points, the authority of Gen. Adam Badeau, in his "Military History of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant." I have frequently in the text expressed my obligations to the careful researches of this gentleman; and I repeat my acknowledgments in this introduction. The telegrams, despatches, letters, of Gen. Grant, which


have been for the first time given to the public by this accomplished historian, I have freely used; because I have regarded them as Gen. Grant's own commentaries upon his own campaigns, written, like Cæsar's, in the field. In the Wilderness campaign I have relied upon manuscript reports, which were furnished me at headquarters, when I was investigating a question of legislation, by authority of the House of Representatives. I have also to express my acknowledgments to Charles J. Hoadly, Esq., of the State Library, for genealogical material; to Hon. J. Hammond Trumbull, Curator of the Watkinson Library, for facilitating my researches; to William N. Matson, Esq., for daily encouragement and aid; and to three steadfast assistants (whom I am only permitted to indicate), I am immeasurably indebted for lightening my labors and expediting my volume.

I make no professions to acquaintance with military science. I can only see such system and methods in battles. and campaigns, and of course can only describe such, as a civilian, who has only studied war in history, biography, and in Jomini's analysis of the campaigns of Napoleon and Frederick, may be permitted to discern. A full detail of all the military movements of Grant was incompatible with the limits of my volume; and I have selected for full description those which best served to illustrate his character as a general. I have, moreover, attempted to avoid cumulative illustration. In the chapter devoted to "Administrative Experience," my authority has been the official reports.

HARTFORD, April 28, 1868.


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West Point.-Martial Life. - Course of Study.- Recreation. - Grant's
Capability. First Examination. - Graduation. - Classmates. - In-
struction in Law. - Preparation for Civil Government. Garrison
Life.Jefferson Barracks. - Red River

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Monterey from the Heights.-Forts Teneria and Diablo. - Surrender
of Ampudia. Ordered to join Scott in the Advance upon Mexico.
-Grant's Enjoyment of the Campaign.- Vera Cruz. — Siege of. —







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New Field of Operations. - Frémont superseded by Halleck. Change
of Command over Grant; no Change of System. - Naval Service in
the West controlled by Halleck. -Annexation of Paducah to Grant's
Command. Inactivity of our Armies. - Procrastination. — Rebel
Strategic Line. - Left of the Line. - Right of the Line. - Centre of
the Line. Forts Henry and Donelson.― Plan of McClellan. -Of
Buell. ·Of Halleck. — Of Grant.-Asks Permission to Attack.—
Denied. Commentary. Admiral Foote asks Permission. - "For-
ward, Foote and Grant!". - Grant a Minute-Man. - Situation of Fort
Henry.― Description of Fort Henry. — Of Hieman. — Coup-de-Main
instead of Siege required. — Task of Foote. His Implements. —
Plan of Attack. His Attack. McClernand's Forces. - Difficult
Marches. — Effect of Enemy's Fire on the Fleet. - Tenacity of
Fleet. McClernand delayed by Mud.- Surrender of the Fort.
-Enemy in Retreat. - Saying of Napoleon.-Attack on Donelson
not intended by Halleck. — Grant's Promptness. - Halleck intent only
on the Defence of Henry. - Grant pushes on to Donelson. - Tele-
graphs to Halleck. - Halleck urges Defensive Operations. - Grant
for Offensive. Calendar. - Donelson invested. Troops stationed.



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