Sociedades Secretas. . .: Y Cómo Afectan Nuestras Vidas en la Actualidad

Hay House, 2009 M04 15 - 249 páginas
"Las investigaciones de Sylvia, combinadas con la sorprendente comunicación que mantiene con su guía espiritual Francine, dejan translucir cómo muchas de estas organizaciones encubiertas afectan las vidas de cada uno de nosotros diariamente. Nos comparte su conocimiento sobre conspiraciones, encubrimientos, información malintencionada y manipulación del poder por parte de estos grupos tanto en el pasado como en el presente, y la forma como pueden afectarnos ahora y en el futuro"--Page 4 of cover.

Acerca del autor (2009)

Sylvia Browne was born Sylvia Shoemaker on October 19, 1936. She had a graduate degree in English and worked for 18 years as a Catholic school teacher. She trained as a hypnotist and trance medium. She was a self-proclaimed psychic who claimed to be able to see into the past, the future and the afterlife. She appeared on several TV shows including The Montel Williams Show, Larry King Live, Unsolved Mysteries, and Haunted Lives. During her lifetime, she published more than 40 books including Journey of the Soul, Making Contact with the Other Side, Adventures of a Psychic, Secrets and Mysteries of the World, If You Could See What I See, Insight, and End of Days. She died on November 20, 2013 at the age of 77.

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