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which, says the San Salvadorean authority we shall presently quote, "the British have no quarrel,”By this no quarrel," as if they had not a quarrel with all Central America of a very portentous kind,-forbidding it to import any munitions of war; by which is evident that every vessel, entering the ports of these three Republics, is subject to British search, inspection, and embargo. We quote again from the New-York Herald of February 11th :

Now there are, in the mass, only two nations whose vessels trade with Central America, viz. the British and our own. By this quasi "blockade," ours are utterly excluded, the British only admitted. Will it be believed, when we seriously think of it, that American vessels are actually, at this present day, driven from American waters by British cruisers? It seems almost incredible such could be; yet it is the naked truth: and our Administration looks on and will not even answer whether or no it knows that such things are. Again; until the proposed shipcanal can be completed, no possible intercourse can be had, by our people, with the Central American Republics save by seacoast and shipping, under the ordinary comity of nations. But here the British Government step in, and declare, (as per letter above quoted,)" We will permit no canal or other means of transit to be built or established until our claims on Central America are acknowledged; and until then we will blockade the whole coast, keeping out American ships, and letting in our own ;" and our Government stands by, and beholds the blockade extending day after day, and mile after mile, over the whole coast on both oceans, to the utter ruin of our trade, to the deep injury of our citizens, and to the utter dishonor of the American name; and it will not move!

We leave our readers to invent a phrase black enough to designate our dishonor. With reference to the British, the question is easily solved. A blockade, like all other means of coercion recognized by nations, is subject to the laws of nations. The British, granting that they were justified in using it in the present instance, are compelled by the laws of nations to preserve it against all alike. But they have themselves broken the blockade, thereby rendering it null and void by the law of nations. Should they, after so breaking it, interfere with any American or other shipping for the purpose of preventing them from entering the ports so pretended to be kept in blockade, they are guilty of piracy, and should be hanged from their own yardarms as pirates. If a Secretary of State knows the laws of nations, he should know that.

"We published, in July last, an intercepted letter from Pavon, Chatfield's secretary, to the Servile ations against San Salvador and Honduras, for leaders, in which he tells them to push their operthe British squadron will soon be on the coast to assist them. We have now an example of the manner in which this assistance is rendered. A vessel anchors in the port of Honduras, with which State England has no quarrel, when the English commander forbids it from discharging its cargo, because it will be prejudicial to English interests,' and threatens a blockade if he is not obeyed." And this letter in proof:

(From the Gaceta del Salvador, Dec. 20.) COMMANDANCY OF LA UNION, Dec. 7, 1850. To the Minister of War of San Salvador :

SIR-At six o'clock on the afternoon of the 3d instant, the English steamer of war, Gorgon, came to anchor in the bay of Chiquirin, and yesterday left again for Acajubla. To-day, arrived the lieutenant of the Champion, who is now here. He states that the commander of the blockading force has prohibited the merchant vessel Tyson, anchored in the port of Tigre, from unloading eighteen tons of powder which it has on board, belonging to the Messrs. Tejada, of Grenada, Nicaragua. He has also informed the commandant of the Tigre, that if he permits the smallest quantity of the powder to be sent ashore, or to go into the interior, at the ports of Chismugo or Brea, he shall immediately blockade all the ports of Honduras on the Gulf of Fonseca.

I have esteemed it my duty to give you information of these proceedings, for the knowledge of the Government. (Signed) J. CACERES, Commandant.

"By the above note," continues this San Salvadorean editor, "and another which has come directly from the port of Brea, in the State of Honduras, we learn that Mr. English Consul Chatfield has prohibited merchants from discharging their cargo in that State, threatening her ports with blockade if such discharge is permitted. This most iniquitous and irregular proceeding is founded on the extravagant pretext, 'that the introduction of pow der in that State is prejudicial to the interests of her Britannic Majesty!""

But this blockade extends farther: it extends to Nicaragua, forbidding the Government of that State to import any thing which may enable them to resist British or other Of course it is; nothing can possibly be aggression; it extends to Honduras, with of more prejudice to the interests of her

Britannic Majesty, in that quarter, than "the introduction of powder." Her Britannic Majesty cannot bear "powder."

We have now gone over the affairs of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, San Salvador, and Honduras. To complete the picture of Central America, and its entire territory, we have only to describe the state of affairs in Guatemala.

can Government in this case we shall now determine. Having summed up such evidence as we deem sufficient, keeping back far more for the present, that we may not encumber the reader, we shall now quote authorities in point.


From the instructions given by this This is the peculiar residence of Mr. Chat- American statesman, who had a foreign polfield. He has purchased, bribed, split up, icy, and carried it out, to Mr. Anderson, and now rules this quasi Republic. It is the Minister to Colombia, under date May 27th, radiating centre of all British intrigues in 1823, we take the following extracts; showCentral America. The party, or persons in ing the position which the United States have his pay, are highly aristocratic,-when did taken, and have now to take with reference you know a slave, a fool, or a scoundrel that to all States on either continent, the princiwas not?—and are called, by the decent Re-ples which should guide in this matter the publicans of that part of the world, Serviles; policy of the Republic, and the regard we an admirable name, and one much needed should pay to European opinion as to our to designate a new party which is about for conduct. the first time publicly, though for too long in private, to come before this country and get a President made out of it; the party of the Serviles or "the fogies." They rule Guatemala, or rather England rules that republic through them, and the influence of England there is thus described by the above San Salvadorean editor: speaking of the proceedings with reference to Honduras and San Salvador, this poor San Salvadorean thus writes one might fairly fancy he were writing of Republics of a somewhat more north-counteract the efforts which, it cannot be doubted, ern meridian:

Who does not see beneath this shallow pretext the design of revolutionizing these States? Who does not see in these proceedings the spirit of hatred and revenge which animates this officer against San Salvador? And who so blind as not to discover the rancor which animates the servile anarchists of Guatemala? It seems," continues the editor, “a statement almost ridiculous, yet it is nevertheless true, that the forces of Great Britain are under the orders of the military oligarchy of Guatemala. *** It is the melancholy truth that this faction has induced this officer to blockade our

ports, obstructing our industry, and destroying our revenues, in order that it can, with some prospect of success, invade our territories, and crush the regenerating spirit of nationality."

Thus now we have established beyond doubt that the British Government occupies half of Nicaragua, governs Guatemala, and blockades the rest of all Central America; but we have not yet established the fact that we have a Government, or any thing but the mere pretense of one.

Extract from the Instructions of JOHN QUINCY ADAMS to MR. ANDERSON, appointed Minister to Colombia, May 27, 1823.


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independence in America.
"We have constantly favored the standard of
ness must be its own reward; but in the establish-
ment of our future political and commercial rela-
tions with the new Republics of America, it will
be necessary to recur often to the principles in
which they originated; they will serve to mark
the boundaries of the rights which we may justly
claim in our future relations with them, and to

European negotiations will continue to make in
the furtherance of their monarchical and monopo-
the South American Continent opens to the whole
lizing contemplations. The emancipation of
Union will be called, in the discharge of its duties
race of man prospects of futurity, in which this
to posterity, to take a conspicuous and leading
part. It involves all that is precious in hope, and
all that is desirable in existence, to the countless
millions of our fellow-creatures which, in the pro-
gressive revolution of time, this hemisphere is
destined to rear and maintain.

"That the fabric of our social connections with our Southern neighbors may rise, in the lapse of years, with a grandeur and harmony of proportions corresponding with the magnificence of the means placed by Providence in our power, and in that of our descendants, its foundations must be laid in principles of politics and morals new and elder world, but coextensive with the surface of the distasteful to the thrones and dominions of the globe, and lasting as the changes of time."

THE SAME AUTHORITY, AGAIN-1826. Extract from President ADAMS's Message to Congress on the subject of the Panama Mission. "The late President of the United States, in his What should be the action of an Ameri- Message to Congress of the 2d of December, 1823,

while announcing the negotiation then pending with Russia, relating to the north-west coast of this continent, observed that the occasion of the discussions to which that incident had given rise, had been taken for asserting as a principle in which the rights and interests of the United States were involved, that the American continents, by the free and independent condition which they had assumed and maintained, were thenceforward not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European power. The principle had first been assumed in that negotiation with Russia. It rested upon a course of reasoning equally simple and conclusive. With the exception of the existing European colonies, which it was in no wise intended to disturb, the two continents consisted of several sovereign and independent nations, whose territories covered its whole surface. By this their independent condition, the United States enjoyed the right of commercial intercourse with every part of their possessions. To To attempt the establishment of a colony in those possessions would be to usurp, to the exclusion of others, a commercial intercourse which was the common possession of all. It could not be done without encroaching upon the existing rights of the United States."

Yet these existing rights have been encroached upon, nullified, and utterly disregarded, twenty-six years after the American Government took the position above described. The United States do not now, and have not since the British occupation of San Juan, and cannot have while a single British officer or gun remains in Central America, the enjoyment of "the right of commercial intercourse with every part of their possessions." An American citizen journeying from San Francisco to New Orleans, has now to pass through a British police office, be examined, mauled, disarmed, manipulated by Jamaica negroes, and passed or not passed, like a bale of goods, just as the Greytown British policeman Sambo pleases. Further; the "establishment of a colony," of which Mr. Adams speaks with such determined aversion, has not only been "attempted," but is actually now successful. But Mr. Adams is not the Government now-neither are his principles.

So much for JOHN QUINCY ADAMS; now for another authority even more respected.



HENRY CLAY, AGAIN-1820. We shall presently show evidence that Sir Henry Bulwer, a British Minister, rules our country more than we do. The very same state of affairs existed in 1820, when the British Government, desiring to extend its sway over the Southern American continent, managed to circumvent, surround, navigate, bewilder, humbug, subornate, and by some means or other-whether of money or assiduous flattery we do not know-use for its purposes the then Government in Washington. It is now publicly notorious that a British Minister manages every wire pulled in that same celebrated half-city, even to the bell-wires of the White House, and of Mr. Webster's hotel. of Mr. Webster's hotel. Upon an exactly similar occasion, Hon. Henry Clay, then in his prime of clear-headed and vigorous manhood, uttered these sentences, which, without the smallest anachronism, he might now repeat with remarkable effect:

"I deprecate this deference for foreign powers. A single expression of the British Minister to our present Secretary of State, I AM ASHAMED TO SAY, has moulded the policy of our Government towards have Bulwer.] Our institutions now make us free; South America. [Insert Central for South, and you but how long shall we continue so, if we mould our opinions on those of Europe? Let us break these commercial and political fetters; LET US NO LONGER WATCH THE NOD OF ANY EUROPEAN POLITICIAN; let us become real and true Americans, and place

ourselves at the head of the American system.


* There can be no doubt that Spanish America, whatever the form of government established in its various parts, will be animated by an American feeling, and guided by an American the new world, in contradistinction to that of Eupolicy. They will obey the laws of the system of rope."-Speech in Congress.

No, Mr. Clay, you may have been right there twenty-five years ago, but you are not now! The United States, the head of the new world, now obeys the dictates of Mr. Bulwer, but the Spanish Republics of Central America do not, and will not, obey the laws of Mr. Bulwer's system. They are true to Republicanism, but we are not. "Let us become real and true Americans" indeed! What outrageous nonsense to quote at this time of day. "Real and true Americans,"

"WE ARE," said Mr. Clay in 1818, thirty-quotha! three years ago, WE ARE THE NATURAL HEAD OF THE GREAT AMERICAN FAMILY." So we are still the head; but the brains have been left out this time-that is all.

We beg now to turn to the same authority over again. There has been no foreign policy in the country since Henry Clay gave up ruling it.

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แ REAL AND TRUE AMERICAN" CLAY OVER | America, Mr. E. G. Squier, and for the direc


Extract from Mr. CLAY's Letter of Instructions to Messrs. POINSETT and SERGEANT, Delegates from the United States to the Panama Congress.

"From the north-eastern limits of the United

States in North America, to Cape Horn in South America on the Atlantic Ocean, with one or two inconsiderable exceptions; and from the same Cape to the 51st degree of north latitude in North America, on the Pacific Ocean, WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTION, the whole coasts and countries belong to sovereign resident American powers. THERE IS, THEREFORE, NO CHASM WITHIN THE PRESCRIRED LIMITS, IN WHICH A NEW EUROPEAN COLONY COULD NOW BE INTRODUCED WITHOUT VIOLATING THE TERRITORIAL RIGHTS OF SOME AMERICAN STATE. AN ATTEMPT TO ACQUIRE SUCH A COLONY, AND BY ITS ESTABLISHMENT TO ACQUIRE SOVEREIGN RIGHTS FOR

tion of the latter, after an examination and exhibition of the British claims and aggressions there, written in the quiet and methodic manner usual to lawyers, the following passage occurs. It is the summing up or judgment of this gentleman on the entire evidence before him. We could wish it had a little more of the fire of a rhetorician, but, with many of our readers, its plain and mature style will be much more preferable than outlandish metaphor, and threadbare trope. It will be remembered, too, that on the conclusions in this passage the entire policy of General Taylor's cabinet in Central America was based:





But the British have since made a "chasm" on this very North American continent, and planted therein a new European colony, by violating the territorial rights of Nicaragua, an independent American Republic. Yet the "attempt to acquire such a colony, and by its establishment to acquire sovereign rights for a certain European power," viz.: England, has not been regarded as an croachment," but is quietly and coolly submitted to by the American nation. The American Executive has seen, and sees, day after day, this encroachment become a possession, then a colony, then an assumption of empire with boundaries, which "Her Majesty's Government proposes" to take and keep, and yet it will not move hand, foot or tongue.

We have now given the opinions, on the questions at issue, of two remarkable American statesmen, "real and true Americans" both. To conclude the list of authorities, it is now only necessary that we should refer to the opinions of Mr. Clayton, Secretary of State, at the time these transactions were first, of late, brought before the Executive. We quote his authority on two points, viz.: as to the right of the British to be in Central America; and as to his own belief and intention in framing the treaty with Mr. Bulwer, which he himself signed.


In the instructions, which we have already quoted, furnished by Mr. Clayton to the Chargé d'Affaires by him sent to Central

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Mosquito King, BUT REALLY AS HER OWN, ARE tions were repeatedly and SOLEMNLY ACKNOWLFOUNDED IN REPEATED USURPATIONS, which usurpaEDGED AND RELINQUISHED BY HER during the domination of Spain on the American continent. Since that domination has ceased, those claims could have had no other foundation for renewal than the ve supposed weakness or indifference of the Governments invested with the rights of Spain in that quarter. These claims certainly can derive no warrant from the indifference of the Government of Nicaragua, as the letters of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of that State to this Department, above adverted to, abundantly show.

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Against the AGGRESSIONS on her territory Nicaragua HAS FIRMLY STRUGGLED AND PROTESTED WITHOUT CEASING; and the feelings of her people the proclamation of her Supreme Director, on the may be judged from the impassioned language of 12th of November, 1848. The moment,' says he, has arrived for losing a country with ignominy, or for sacrificing with honor the dearest treasures to preserve it. As regards myself, if the power which menaces sets aside justice, I am firmly resolved to be entombed in the remains of Nicaragua, rather than survive its ruin.' The eloquent appeal of the Minister of Nicaragua," continued Mr. Clayton, "to his Government, is eviDISPOSITION OF AN INJURED PEOPLE to resist what dence, not less striking and impressive, of the they believed to be injustice and oppression. WILL OTHER NATIONS, INTERESTED IN A FREE PASSAGE TO AND FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN, BY THE WAY OF THE RIVER SAN JUAN AND LAKE NICARAGUA,




But it has not been answered in the negative; nor answered at all. The United States have "tamely," yes, very tamely, "allowed our interests to be thwarted by such pretensions of Great Britain," founded

Judgment by Default:




solely on "repeated usurpations;" "which | MEANS WILL SPEEDILY
usurpations were long ago repeatedly and
solemnly acknowledged and relinquished by
her "-England-and have been renewed
again, and are now in full swing.


We have already quoted Mr. Clayton as to the acts of the British in Central America. We shall now show that Mr. Clayton's intention in entering on the treaty with Sir H. L. Bulwer was to get rid of all cause of quarrel for or from those acts; to make terms with the British for the evacuation of Central America; and to restore, without war, to Nicaragua the territories usurped by Great Britain.



EDGED, AND NEVER CAN ACKNOWL EDGE, THE EXISTENCE OF ANY CLAIM OF SOVEREIGNTY IN THE MUSQUITO THE TITLE OF THE UNITED STATES TO KING, OR ANY OTHER INDIAN IN AMEROUR OWN TERRITORIES. Having always ICA. TO DO SO, WOULD BE TO DENY regarded an Indian title as a mere right of occupancy, we can never agree THAT SUCH A TITLE SHOULD BE TREATED OTHERWISE THAN AS A THING TO the country. Upon the ratification of the treaty, Great Britain WILL NO LONGER HAVE ANY INTEREST BE EXTINGUISHED at the will of the discoverer of To DENY THIS PRINCIPLE, WHICH SHE HAS RECOG NIZED IN EVERY OTHER CASE in common with us. In the New-York Herald of February CUPY, FORTIFY, NOR COLONIZE, OR EXERCISE DOMINION Her protectorate will be reduced to a shadow; 'Stat nominis umbra;' FOR SHE CAN NEITHER OC21st is published an extract from a dispatch OR CONTROL IN ANY PART OF THE MOSQUITO COAST of Mr. Clayton to the American Represen- OR CENTRAL AMERICA. To attempt to do either tative in Central America, apprising the lat- of those things, after the exchange of ratificater of this treaty, and of Mr. Clayton's intentions,* WOULD INEVITABLY PRODUCE A RUPTURE tions and designs in framing and ratifying party can occupy to protect, nor protect to WITH THE UNITED STATES. By the terms neither the same.


It is as follows:


DEPARTMENT OF STATE, WASHINGTON, May 7, 1850. It is proper that I should now inform you that I have negotiated a treaty with Sir Henry Bulwer, THE OBJECT OF WHICH is to secure the protection of the British Government to the Nicaraguan canal, and TO LIBERATE CENTRAL AMERICA FROM THE DOMINION OF ANY FOREIGN








I hope and believe that this treaty will prove equally honorable both to Great Britain and the United States, THE MORE ESPECIALLY AS IT SECURES

FORM FOREIGN AGGRESSION. All other nations that

shall navigate the canal will have to become guarantors of the neutrality of Central America and the Mosquito coast. The AGREEMENT is, " not to erect or maintain any fortifications commanding the canal, or in the vicinity thereof; nor to occupy, fortify, colonize, or assume, or exercise any dominion whatever over any part of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Mosquito coast, or Central America; nor to make use of any protection, or alliance, for any of these purposes."

Great Britain having thus far made an agreement with us for the great and philanthropic purpose of opening the ship communication through 10the Isthmus, it will now be most desirable immediately after the ratification of the treaty, on Bboth sides, that you friendly relations wit cultivate the most country, who will h energies and co-ope





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since the advent of Mr. Webster, Mr. ClayIn a speech delivered at Wilmington ton repeated yet more forcibly the above sentiments. But, as we have only quoted in this article official documents; as every speech is the mere verbal report of a third party; covers the whole ground, we forbear for the and as the official document last quoted present from further prolonging the evidence.

design, nor indeed is it necessary, to comment at any length. We shall merely recur Upon the last extract it is not our present to the fact that Mr. Clayton having assured himself that the above "agreement" was entered into by the British Government with equally good faith as his own, he entered into and concluded it on behalf of the stand in this position: that, having declared United States. The United States therefore certain claims of England, usurpations; and our Government, being of a pacific nature, having entered into a formal treaty for their abandonment by the same British power, it ovatal

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