AMELIA for 24. What kind, how ob formed 723. AMERCEMENTS. Rules concerning 356. APPAMATTOX RIVER. Act for opening and extending to Pocahuntas APPEALS How granted from high court of Of decedents' estates; how far APPRENTICES Orphans bound; covenants in APPROPRIATION Of revenue 55, 323, &c. 417,781 ARMS. Sce Militia, and pa. 12, 16, ARMY. Delegates and senators, when sent, without leave; adjourn- Of honds &c. allowed 359. Act establishing courts of assize Negligence of; motions against ditors' office to be conducted AUGUSTA. Pendleton county formed out of County of Accomack authorised 36, 472, 473. New taxes im- to levy money for 636. Special and common, how ta- ATTORNMENT Of tenants unnecessary; and to Duties of the 3 auditors defined BAIRD'S TOWN tablished 718. BALLAST. BANK NOTES, 166. BATH. Further time allowed to improve lots in the town of 214. BEALLSBOROUGH Town of, in Nelson county, Ken 4 tucky, established 631. BENNETT, WM. Lands of Nansemond tribe of Indians sold to Wm. Bennett, 386. BEVERLEY, HARRY George Taylor and James Madison discharged from trust, in relation to lands of Harry Beverley 219. BIGAMY Defined, and how punished 691, BILLS OF EXCHANGE Inland, how protested 358. BINGHAM, ROSCOW COLE Escheat of estate of, for defect of blood, released 693. BOND When copy evidence 739. BOONESBOROUGH. Act establishing town of, in Kentucky, explained 603. BOTETOURT. Part of Rockbridge county, added to Botetourt 74. Botetourt seminary incorporated 201. Style of corporation; corpo rate powers 202.1 BOURBON County, formed from Fayette 89. Court day altered 474. Divided and Mason formed 658. BRITISH DEBTS. Acts preventing recovery of, repealed;--suspension of this act 528. Monies paid into loan office on account of, how far to be reimbursed 529. BRITISH SUBJECTS. Act prohibiting intercourse with repealed 265. BROKERAGE What allowed 338. BRUNSWICK. Part of Brunswick county added to Greensville 596. CABELLSBURG Town of, in Amherst county, established 229. CALLED COURT. See Criminals, and pa. 340. Act appointing trustees to regulate making slopes for pas. sage of fish in county of Bedford, extended to Campbell CAMPBELL TOWN established 225. CAPIAS AD RESPONDENDUM. Against whom it may issue in CAMPBELL. 604. district courts 739: Proceedings on, in county courts 35, 471. CERTIORARI. Rules in granting 752. CETIFICATES. 370. In Bourbon county, Kentucky, established 608. CHEVIS, DAVID. Trustees to convey a tract of land of Charlotte Dalton to David Chevis 226. CHICKAHOMINY. Provision for clearing and extending navigating of Chickahominy river 382. ČITIZENS. Who deemed citizens; aliens how naturalized; registry of 261. When eligible to office, who ineligible; merchants becoming citizens, when entitled to privileges; artizans, and mechanics, privileges of 262.Expatriation how exercised; act of 1779 repealed; who prohibited from migrating to or becoming citizens of this commonwealth 263. Proceedings against such prohibited persons; incapacity to sue 264. All other persons permitted; protection to whom extended; probibiting intercourse with British subjects repeal act ed 265. Receivable in taxes 95. Rule in issuing warrants for interest on certificates; auditor not to renew lost certificates 280. Town of, in Harrison county What certificates receivable in taxes and duties 418, 422, See high court of chancery. Court day of, altered 606. In Berkeley county established A 5 CLARKSBURG established 208. CLERKS Of courts, how their fees collected 92, 590. What clerks may be appointed by governor and council 131. New taxes imposed on clerks of courts 264. Courts equally divided, in appointment of, high sheriff to divide 507. When clerks to deliver their tickets to CONTRACTS What not good; unless in writ ing 160. CONVENTION. Deputies appointed to conven tion at Philadelphia, for revising the federal constitution 256. Convention called to consider it 462. Appropriation for 645. CONVEYANCES So much of act for protection (Of lands, to be by deed; when of commerce &c. as gives sub jects of foreign state more summary remedy in our and where recorded; marriage contracts 154. Proof of deeds courts, repealed 527. COMMISSIONERS Of the revenue; see taxes. Their appointment and duty 243 to 254. How their fees collected 590. In chancery, how appointed 767. COMPOSITION In Northern neck, 113, 239. Of judgment, equal to release of errors 750. CONGRESS. Provision for appointing delegates to congress 26, 243.Representatives to, under the new constitution, how chosen 653. Credentials of senators to 714. CONSPIRATORS Defined; how punished 334. CONSTITUTION. Deputies appointed to convention, at Philadelphia, for revising the federal constitution 256. Convention called to consider it 462. CONTINUANCE In district courts 735. Of bond, when evidence 739. COPY 30. CORPORATIONS. Power of, to provide for poor 577. Officers of, incapable of acting as justices, in the county 642. Jurisdiction of corporation courts limited;right of suffrage in 643. Of |