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by the General Assembly, That from and after the first Jay of March next, no person being a member of any corporation court, court of hustings, or cominon-council of any city, town or borough within this commonwealth, shall while a member of such corporation court, court of hustings or common-council be capable of acting as a justice of any county court.

II. And be in further enacted, That from and after Jurisdiction of corporathe said first day of March next, the respective corpo- tion courts liration courts, or courts of hustings, of any city, town mited. or borough, shall have jurisdiction only in suits or controversies instituted between the respective inhabitants or citizens of such city, town or borough, and hetween one or more of the inhabitants or citizens of such city, town or borough, and any person or persons not an inhabitant or inhabitants of this commonwealth, and in either case, only where the contract hath been made, or the cause of action hath accrued within such city, town or borough; and in all such suits and controversies, their respective jurisdictions shall not be limited to any particular sum, but shall be co-extensive with the jurisdiction of the county courts.

III. Provided nevertheless, That nothing in this act Proviso. contained, shall be construed to prejudice or in any manner affect, any suit now pending, or which may be instituted in any such corporation court, or court of hustings, before the said first day of March next, nor to prejudice, or in any manner affect the charters of the city of Williamsburg, and borough of Norfolk, or either of them.

IV. And whereas it is contrary to the true principles Right of of representation, that a freehold estate in any particu- suffrage in lar place should enable the possessor to vote in the corporations. elections of different and distinct places. Be it enacted, That in any city, town or borough, which at any time hereafter, shall obtain and enjoy the privilege of sending, in its own right, a representative to the house of delegates of this commonwealth, the freeholders thereof shall be, and they are hereby declared incapable of voting in the election of delegates for any county, in virtue or right of their respective freehold estates within any such city, town or borough.

V. And be it further enacted, That so much of any and every law as is contrary to this act shall be, and is hereby repealed.




Edmund Ran-At the Public Buildings in the City of

dolph, esq. governor.

Richmond, on Monday the twenty

third of June in the year of our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and
eighty-eight, and in the twelfth year
of the commonwealth.

ing district Court sus pended.


An act to suspend the operation of
the act, entituled An act establishing
district courts.*

Act establish. I. BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That
the operation of the act intituled " An act establishing
district courts," be, and the same is hereby suspend-
ed, until the first day of January one thousand seven
hundred and eighty-nine, and in the mean time, the
General Court, High Court of Chancery, and Court
of Appeals, shall proceed in all things in like manner
as if the said act had never passed: Provided, That
nothing in this act contained shall be construed to sus-
pend the functions of the additional judges of the gen-
eral court, appointed under the said recited act "Es-
tablishing district courts."

• This was a special session of the legislature, called imme diately after the adjournment of the convention, which adopted the federal constitution The laws were originally printed on a single sheet of paper, but they were soon so generally lost, that the acts of this session have been copied from the rolls.






An act to continue the act intituled An act authorising the treasurer to receive specie into the treasury by weight.

BE it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Act authorie act intituled "An act authorising the treasurer to re-ing treasurer ceive specie into the public treasury by weight," which to receive will expire at the end of the present session, shall con- specie by tinue and be in force from and after the expiration ther continuweight, fur. thereof for one year, and from thence until the end of ed. the next session of assembly.


An act to make good the appropriations of money for the maintenance of scouts and rangers; the pay of the members of the convention, and of the general assembly.

Appropria tion forscouts

of the gene.

WHEREAS by an act of the last session of assembly, intituled "An act concerning the convention to and rangers, be held in June," a sum not exceeding eight thousand the member pounds was directed to be reserved in the treasury for of the con. the purpose of defraying the expences of the said con- vention, and vention, and that such sum should be made good from ral assembly. the funds appropriated to the support of civil government, or in case of deficiency therein, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury; and those funds from various causes not being at present productive of specie, more particularly on account of the collections being made in tobacco, which cannot now be converted into money without the public's sustaining great

loss. And whereas the surplus of the money arising from the various funds appropriated to the payment of the interest on the military debt, constitutes one of the most productive sources of the revenue appropriated for the support of civil government, and it appears that a considerable sum may be drawn therefrom, and a sufficient balance left in the treasury for the payment of the said interest: Be it therefore enacted by the General Assembly, That the treasurer shall be empowered and required to draw the sum of six thousand pounds from the funds appropriated to the payment of the interest on the military debt, and to replace the same if it should be necessary from the first sales of tobacco, or the first money received into the funds appropriated for the support of civil government. The said six thousand pounds shall in the first place be applied to make good the votes of the last assembly for the pay and other expences of scouts and rangers on the western frontier, and in the next place to the payment of the expences of the convention, which commenced in the city of Richmond on the second of June; and if any balance, after making the same good, shall remain in the treasury, it shall be applied to the payment of the expences of the present general assembly.


An act to authorise the governor to

issue certain grants.

Governor au- WHEREAS sundry surveys have been made in thorised to different parts of this commonwealth, which include in issue grants, the general courses thereof sundry smaller tracts of with reserva prior claimants, and which in the certificates granted claims inclu. by the surveyors of the respective counties are reserved ded in the to such claimants. And the governor or chief magistrate is not authorised by law to issue grants upon such certificates of surveys, For remedy whereof Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That it shall and may


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be lawful for the governor to issue grants with reservation of claims to lands included within such surveys, any thing in any law to the contrary notwithstanding.

Copies from the Roll,


J. PLEASANTS, JR. Keeper of the Rolls.

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March 1st, 1810.

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