The activities of the organization in safeguarding the harbor are many. Recently the Exchange has been responsible for the proper care of water hydrants throughout the harbor. In earlier days, there were never enough hydrants nor was their location satisfactory; now, however, as a result of the coöperation between the City authorities and the Exchange, there are many more hydrants being installed and the tow boat owners, and the city too, are better served and protected. GENERAL WELFARE COMMON TO ALL The various committees of the New York Tow Boat Exchange are active in all matters affecting the maritime welfare of the Port of New York. Legislative matters and port development matters command their extended and careful attention. Their Grievance Committee, though, is likely their most effective, and has accomplished fine work. Since the New York Tow Boat Exchange has been established-only four years ago-many other cities have seen the wisdom of doing likewise; as a result, there are such organizations to be found on the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts of the country. That the Exchange has created confidence in itself during the brief period of its existence is further demonstrated by the fact that it enjoys the hearty coöperation of the following associations throughout the country: New York Boat Owners' Association. Lighterage Association of New York. New York Maritime Exchange. National Board of Steam Navigation. Texas-Gulf Tow & Steamboat Owners' Association of Port Arthur, Texas. Tug Boat Owners' Association of Baltimore, Md. Gulf Vessel Owners' Association of Port Ar thur, Tex. EDWARD E. BARRETT, Vessel Owners' and Captains' Association of Philadelphia, Pa. New England Barge & Towers' Association of Northwestern Tow Boat Owners' Association of Gulf Association of Vessel Owners of Galves- Tow Boat Owners' Association of Norfolk, Va. As one looks back upon what it has accom- CHARLES A. MASON, Winnie, NEWARK & NEW YORK TOW BOAT CO., CAPT. JAS. J. ABSLEY, GENERAL MANAGER |