Imágenes de páginas


Why, madam?

CLEO. That I might sleep out this great gap of


[blocks in formation]


What's your highness' pleasure?

CLEO. Not now to hear thee sing; I take no


In aught an eunuch has: 'Tis well for thee,
That, being unseminar'd, thy freer thoughts
May not fly forth of Egypt. Hast thou affections?

MAR. Yes, gracious madam.

CLEO. Indeed?

MAR. Not in deed, madam; for I can do nothing

But what in deed is honest to be done:

So, in Webster's Dutchess of Malfy, 1623: "Come violent death,

" Serve for mandragora, and make me sleep."


Gerard, in his Herbal, says of the mandragoras: "Dioscorides doth particularly set downe many faculties hereof, of which notwithstanding there be none proper unto it, save those that depend upon the drowsie and sleeping power thereof."

In Adlington's Apuleius (of which the epistle is dated 1566) reprinted 1639, 4to. bl. l. p. 187, Lib. X: "I gave him no poyson, but a doling drink of mandragoras, which is of such force, that it will cause any man to sleepe, as though he were dead." PERCY.

See also Pliny's Natural History, by Holland, 1601, and Plutarch's Morals, 1602, p. 19. RITSON.


O, treason!] Old copy, coldly and unmetrically-
O, 'tis treason! STEEVENS.

O Charmian,

Yet have I fierce affections, and think,
What Venus did with Mars.


Where think'st thou he is now? Stands he, or sits he? Or does he walk? or is he on his horse?

O happy horse, to bear the weight of Antony!

Do bravely, horse! for wot'st thou whom thou


The demi-Atlas of this earth, the arm
And burgonet of men. He's speaking now,
Or murmuring, Where's my serpent of old Nile?
For so he calls me; Now I feed myself
With most delicious poison: -Think on me,
That am with Phœbus' amorous pinches black,
And wrinkled deep in time? Broad-fronted Cæsar,
When thou wast here above the ground, I was
A morsel for a monarch: and great Pompey
Would stand, and make his eyes grow in my brow;

• And burgonet of men.] A burgonet is a kind of helmet. So, in King Henry VI:

" This day I'll wear aloft my burgonet."

Again, in The Birth of Merlin, 1662;



"This, by the gods and my good sword, I'll set
" In bloody lines upon thy burgonet." STEEVENS.

- delicious poison:) Hence, perhaps, Pope's Eloisa:
" Still drink delicious poison from thine eye."


Broad-fronted Cæsar,] Mr. Seward is of opinion, that the poet wrote bald-fronted Cæsar. The compound epithet-broad-fronted, occurs, however, in the tenth Book of Chapman's version of the Iliad:

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a heifer most select,

"That never yet was tam'd with yoke, broad-fronted,

one year old." STEEVENS.

- Broad-fronted, in allusion to Cæsar's baldness.


There would he anchor his aspect, and die
With looking on his life.



Sovereign of Egypt, hail!

CLEO. How much unlike art thou Mark Antony!
Yet, coming from him, that great medicine hath
With his tinct gilded thee.-
How goes it with my brave Mark Antony?

ALEX. Last thing he did, dear queen,
He kiss'd, the last of many doubled kisses,-
This orient pearl;-His speech sticks in my heart.

CLEO. Mine ear must pluck it thence.


Good friend, quoth he,

Say, the firm Roman to great Egypt sends
This treasure of an oyster; at whose foot
To mend the petty present, I will piece

Her opulent throne with kingdoms; All the east,

5- anchor his aspect,] So, in Measure for Measure:


" Whilst my invention, hearing not my tongue,

"Anchors on Isabel."


-that great medicine hath

With his tinct gilded thee.] Alluding to the philosopher's stone, which, by its touch, converts base metal into gold. The alchemists call the matter, whatever it be, by which they perform transmutation, a medicine. JOHNSON.

Thus Chapman, in his Shadow of Night, 1594:

"O then, thou great elixir of all treasures."

And on this passage he has the following note: "The philosopher's stone, or philosophica medicina, is called the great Elixir, to which he here alludes." Thus, in The Chanones Yemannes Tale of Chaucer, Mr. Tyrwhitt's edit. v. 16,330:


the philosophre's stone,

"Elixir cleped, we seken fast eche on."

See Vol. IV. p. 169, n. 2. STEEVENS.

Say thou, shall call her mistress. So he nodded, And soberly did mount a termagant steed,

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-termagant steed,] Old copy-arm-gaunt; i. e. his steed worn lean and thin by much service in war. So, Fairfax: " His stall-worn steed the champion stout bestrode."


On this note Mr. Edwards has been very lavish of his pleasantry, and indeed has justly censured the misquotation of stallworn, for stall-worth, which means strong, but makes no attempt to explain the word in the play. Mr. Seward, in his preface to Beaumont and Fletcher, has very elaborately endeavoured to prove, that an arm-gaunt steed is a steed with lean shoulders. Arm is the Teutonick word for want, or poverty. Arm-gaunt may be therefore an old word, signifying, lean for want, ill fed. Edwards's observation, that a worn-out horse is not proper for Atlas to mount in battle, is impertinent; the horse here mentioned seems to be a post-horse, rather than a war-horse. Yet as arm-gaunt seems not intended to imply any defect, it perhaps means, a horse so slender that a man might clasp him, and therefore formed for expedition. Hanmer


-arm-girt steed. JOHNSON.

On this passage, which I believe to be corrupt, I have nothing satisfactory to propose. It is clear, that whatever epithet was used, it was intended as descriptive of a beautiful horse, such (we may presume) as our author has described in his Venus and Adonis.

Dr. Johnson must have looked into some early edition of Mr. Edwards's book, for in his seventh edition he has this note: " I have sometimes thought, that the meaning may possibly be, thin-shoulder'd, by a strange composition of Latin and English:gaunt quoad armos." MALONE.

I suppose there must be some error in the passage, and should amend it by reading:

And soberly did mount a termagant steed,

That neigh'd &c.

Termagant means furious. So Douglas, in Henry IV. is called the termagant Scot, an epithet that agrees well with the steed's neighing so high. Besides, by saying that Antony mounted composedly a horse of such mettle, Alexas presents Cleopatra with a flattering image of her hero, which his mounting slowly a jaded post-horse, would not have done. M. MASON.

Who neigh'd so high, that what I would have spoke Was beastly dumb'd by him.



What, was he sad, or merry? ALEX. Like to the time o'the year between the


Of hot and cold; he was nor sad, nor merry.

CLEO. O well-divided disposition!-Note him, Note him, good Charmian, 'tis the man; but note


He was not sad; for he would shine on those That make their looks by his: he was not merry; Which seem'd to tell them, his remembrance lay

When I first met with Mr. Mason's conjecture, I own I was startled at its boldness; but that I have since been reconciled to it, its appearance in the present text of Shakspeare will sufficiently prove.

It ought to be observed, in defence of this emendation, that the word termagaunt (originally the proper name of a clamorous Saracenical deity) did not, without passing through several gradations of meaning, become appropriated (as at present) to a turbulent female. I may add, that the sobriety displayed by Antony in mounting a steed of temper so opposite, reminds us of a similar contrast in Addison's celebrated comparison of the Angel:

"Calm and serene he drives the furious blast."

Let the critick who can furnish a conjecture nearer than termagaunt to the traces of the old reading arm-gaunt, or can make any change productive of sense more apposite and commodious, displace Mr. M. Mason's amendment, which, in my opinion, is to be numbered among the feliciter audentia of criticism, and meets at least with my own unequivocal approbation. STEEVENS.

Was beastly dumb'd by him.] The old copy has dumbe. The correction was made by Mr. Theobald. "Alexas means (says he) the horse made such a neighing, that if he had spoke, he could not have been heard."


The verb which Mr. Theobald would introduce, is found in Pericles, Prince of Tyre, 1609:

" Deep clerks she dumbs" &c. STEEVENS.

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