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The State Bank of Illinois in account with the State of Illinois.

For amount deposited to the credit of the State, from 1st December 1838, to the 1st December, 1839,

For balance,

$85,065 53 142,550 61

By balance due the Bank on the 1st December, 1838,

By amount of warrants paid from 1st December, 1838, to 1st December, 1839, with interest on same,

$227,616 14


Dec. 1. By balance due the Bank this day, $142,550 61


Balance of redemption money in the treasury, on the 1st December, 1838, Amount received from 1st December, 1838, to 1st December, 1839,

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$2,029 35

[ocr errors]

337 27

Amount of redemption money, paid out from 1st December, 1838, to 1st December, 1839, Amount to balance,

$548 31 1,818 31

$2,366 62

Balance of redemption money in the treasury, on the 1st December, 1839,

$2,366 62

$1,818 31

Amount of warrants drawn upon the State Bank, from the 1st day of December, 1838, to the 1st day of December, 1839, for the current expenses of the State, and charged to the following accounts, viz:

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A statement of the amount drawn from the Treasury on account of the Contingent Fund, from December 1st, 1838, to December 1st, 1839.


To whom paid.


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To warrants to James M. Morse, in full, of his
contract for plastering and whitewashing the
Legislative Halls, and for fitting curtains, &c.
To warrants to James M. Morse, in full, for
cleaning floors and windows in State House,
sewing and laying down carpet, &c.
To warrants to William L. Graves, in full of
his account for shingling around stove pipes,
on roof of the State House,

To warrants to Benjamin O. Sidmore, in full,
for glazing lights in Legislative Halls,
To warrants to J. W. Curlee, in full of his ac-
count for repairs done on State House,

[blocks in formation]

$496 00

116 00

5 00

1 00

19 50

5 00


10 00

115 75



To warrants to Isaac Carel, in full, for making
box for conveying State bonds,

5 00

27 To warrants to Thomas Carlin, in full, for ex-
penses paid in transmitting State bonds from
St. Louis to Vandalia and back,

5 00

[blocks in formation]



July 5


Contingent Fund-Continued.

To whom paid.

To warrants to B. W. Thompson, L. Ginger,
B. F. Lce, R. Porter, H. Snyder, Wm. Red-
mond, D. Snyder, Peter Smith, E. Davis and
J. Lutt, in full, for their services in removing
Public Offices from Vandalia to Springfield,
To warrants to B. W. Thompson, in full, for
removing Office of Clerk of Supreme Court
from Vandalia to Springfield,

ugust 7 To warrants to Wm. Walters, in full, for haul-
ing two loads of State paper from Vandalia
to Springfield,

Sept. 12 To warrants to John Poussardin, in full, for four pine boxes furnished for packing books and papers of Secretary's office,


To warrants to John S. Roberts, in full, for
his services in removing Secretary's office,
To warrants to Philips & McDuff, in full, for
boxes, &c. furnished for removing Secreta-
ry's office,

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


533 33

24 00

100 00

4. 00


3 75

25 75

19 19

23 00

48 00

$2,090 52

A statement of the present condition of the School, College and Seminary Fund.


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