3596 PRINTED BY A. J. VALPY, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. MING, DUBLIN-AND ALL OTHER CONTENTS OF NO. XXXVI. I. On the Necessity and best mode of striking off part of the National II. The Rev. W. L. Bowles's Answer to Lord Byron's Letter on the con- III. On the Criminal Jurisprudence of the Country, with Draft of a New IV. Capt. Broughton's Letter to the Board of Agriculture. [Original.] V. Letter to the Board of Trade. [Original.] VI. Cornaro's Rules for attaining Long Life, and correcting a bad Consti- VII. Observations on the Copy-Right Bill, VIII. On the Corn Question. [Original.] IX. On Marriage and Divorce. [Original.] X. A Protest against Lord Byron's immolation of Gray, Cowper and Campbell at the shrine of Pope. XI. An Account of the Public Funded Debt, 5th January, 1820. 1. The Coronation Sermon. By Edward, Ld. Archbp. of York. II. The Piedmontese Revolution. By Count Santa-Rosa, Ex-Minister. [Exclusively translated for the Pamphleteer.] III. Letters of the Emperor Joseph II. to several of the most distin- IV. On the Criminal Jurisprudence of the Country, with Draft of a New V. Cornaro's Rules for attaining a Long Life, and correcting a bad Con- 1. VI. A Vindication of the People from the charge of Blasphemy, and a VIII. On the tendency of the Education Bill to degrade Grammar A CONTENTS OF NO. ΧΧΧΙΧ. 1 I. The STATE of the NATION, at the commence- ment of the year 1822. Considered under the Four Departments of the Finance-Foreign Relations- Home Department-Colonies and Board of Trade, PAGE. II. The RETURN to NATURE; or, a Defence of the VEGETABLE REGIMEN: with some account of an experiment made during three or four years in the III. A LETTER to the Rev. W. L. BOWLES, in Reply to his LETTER to THOMAS CAMPBELL, Esq. and to his two Letters to the Right Hon. Lord BYRON; containing a Vindication of their Defence of the POE- TICAL CHARACTER of Pope, and an Inquiry into the nature of Poetical Images, and of the characteris- |