Imágenes de páginas
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a) le système employé doit être un système syntonisé;

b) la vistesse de transmission et de réception, dans les circonstances normales, ne doit pas être inférieure à 12 mots par minute, le mot étant compté à raison de 5 lettres;

c) la puissance transmise à l'appareil radiotélégraphique ne doit pas, dans les circonstances normales, dépasser un kilowatt. Une puissance supérieure à un kilowatt peut être employée si le navire se trouve dans la nécessité de correspondre à une distance [7] de plus de 300 kilomètres de la station côtière la plus rapprochée, ou si, par suite d'obstacles, la communication ne peut peut être réalisée qu'au moyen d'une augmentation de puissance.

3. Le service de la station de bord doit être assuré par un télégraphiste possesseur d'un certificat délivré par le Gouvernement dont dépend le navire. Ce certificat constate la valeur professionnelle du télégraphiste en ce qui concerne:

a) le réglage des appareils,

b) la transmission et la rèception auditive à une vitesse qui ne doit pas être inférieure à 20 mots per minute.

c) la connaissance des réglements applicables à l'échange des communications radiotélégraphiques.


4. En outre, le certificat constate que le Gouvernement soumis le télégraphiste à l'obligation due secret des correspond

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(a) The system employed shall be a syntonized system;

(b) The rate of transmission and reception, under normal conditions, shall not be less than twelve words a minute, words to be counted at the rate of five letters each;

(c) The power transmitted to the wireless telegraph apparatus shall not, under normal conditions, exceed one kilowatt. Power exceeding one kilowatt may be employed when the vessel finds it necessary to correspond while more than 300 kilometers distant from the nearest coastal station, or when, owing to obstructions, communication can be established only by means of an increase of power.

3. The service of the station on shipboard shall be carried on by a telegraph operator holding a certificate issued by the Government to which the vessel is subject. Such certificate shall attest the professional efficiency of the operator as regards:

(a) Adjustment of the appara


(b) Transmission and acoustic reception at the rate of not less than 20 words a minute;

(c) Knowledge of the regulations governing the exchange of wireless telegraph correspondence.

4. The certificate shall furthermore state that the Government has bound the operator to secrecy with regard to the correspondence.


If the management of the wireless telegraph service of a country has knowledge of any infraction of the Convention or of the Regulations committed in any of the stations authorized by it, it shall ascertain the facts and fix the responsibility.

In the case of stations on shipboard, if the operator is responsible for such infraction, the management of the wireless telegraph service shall take the necessary

le certificat. S'il est constaté que l'infraction résulte de l'état des appareils ou d'instructions données au télégraphiste, il est procédé de même à l'égard de la licence accordée au navire.

2. Dans le cas d'infractions réitérées à la charge du même navire, si les représentations faites à l'Administration dont dépend le navire par une autre Administration restent sans effet, celle-ci a la faculté, après en avoir donné avis, d'autoriser ses stations côtières à ne pas accepter les communications provenant du navire en cause. En cas de différend entre les deux Administrations, la question est soumise à un jugement arbitral à la demande de l'un des Gouvernements en cause. La procédure est celle indiquée à l'article 18 de la Convention.

measures and, if the necessity should arise, withdraw the certificate. If it is ascertained that the infraction is the result of the condition of the apparatus or of instructions given the operator, the same method shall be pursued with regard to the license issued to the vessel.

2. In cases of repeated infrac-Repeated infractions chargeable to the same vessel, if the representations made to the wireless telegraph management of the country to which the vessel is subject by that of another country remain without effect, the latter shall be at liberty, after giving due notice, to authorize its coastal stations not to accept communications proceeding from the vessel at fault. In case of disagreement between the managements of the wireless telegraph service of two countries, the question shall be submitted to arbitration at the request of either of the two Governments at issue. The procedure in such case shall be Ante, p. 100. the same as indicated in Article 18 of the Convention.

Arbitration of disagreements.

Hours of service of



1. Le service des stations côtières est, autant que possible, permanent, le jour et la nuit, sans interruption.

Toutefois certaines stations côtières peuvent avoir un service dedurée limitée. Chaque Administration fixe les heures de service.

2. Les stations côtières dont le service n'est point permanent ne peuvent prendre clôture avant d'avoir transmis tous leurs radiotélégrammes aux navires qui se trouvent dans leur rayon d'action et avant d'avoir reçu de ces navires tous les radiotélégrammes annoncés. Cette disposition est également applicable lorsque des navires signalent leur présence avant la cessation effective du travail.

61073°-62-2-PT 2- -32


1. The service of coastal stations shall, as far as possible, be constant, day and night, without interruption.

Constant service.

Certain coastal stations, how- Limited service. ever, may have a service of limited duration. The management of the wireless telegraph service of each country shall fix the hours of service.

2. The coastal stations whose service is not constant shall not close before having transmitted all their wireless telegrams to the vessels which are within their radius of action, nor before having received from such vessels all the wireless telegrams of which notice has been given. This provision is likewise applicable when vessels signal their presence before the actual cessation of work.

Completion of work by limited stations.

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If the route of a wireless telegram is partly over telegraph lines, or through wireless telegraph stations subject to a noncontracting Government, such telegram may be transmitted provided the managements of the wireless telegraph service to which such lines or stations are subject have declared that, if the occasion should arise, they will comply with such provisions of the Convention and of the Regulations as are indispensable to the regular transmission of wireless telegrams and that the payment of charges is insured.


1. Wireless telegrams shall show in the preamble that the service is "wireless" ("radio").

2. In the transmission of wireless telegrams of shipboard stations to coastal stations, the date and hour of posting may be omitted in the preamble.

Upon reforwarding a wireless telegram over the telegraph system, the coastal station shall show thereon its own name as the office of origin, followed by that of the vessel, and shall state, as the hour of posting, the hour when the telegram was received by it.

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