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Rolls and Discs


NE reason why the phonograph
has not been more popular in
the past is that it has always re-
mained aloof-has made its reproduc-
tions only in miniature. This has been
true even when it has caught tone-quality
to perfection. And as a result there has
been little emotional appeal in phono-
graph music. We have not felt "carried
away" by recordings of music that has
swept concert audiences off their feet.

But the improved phonograph no longer
sounds far away. And perhaps its great-
est contribution to recorded music is that
it can produce enough volume-volume
all the way down to the bass-to make a
climax by a symphony orchestra truly

In addition to the Orthophonic Vic-
trola, another improved type of talking-
machine has been announced, which
achieves similar results through electri-
cal amplification by radio tubes. The
Brunswick Panatrope and the Victor
Electrola are the two examples of this
type. Both, we understand, use the
same equipment, which is built by the
General Electric Company. We have
been able to hear only the Panatrope;
it seemed to surpass slightly even the
Orthophonic Victrola in clarity and free-
dom from foreign sounds. But any dif-
ference between the two types is infini-
tesimal as compared with the difference
between the Orthophonic and the old-
style machines. The electrically repro-
ducing machines are also much higher
in price.

Phonograph Records

Played by Symphony Orchestra conducted by
Sir Hamilton Harty. In six parts, on three
records. Columbia.

Only recently has this "zoölogical fan-
tasy" been heard in public, for it was not
allowed to be published until after the
composer's death. It is a delightful ex-
ample of that rarity in music-humor.
There is on the whole so little humor in
music that the great public-meaning, of
course, neither you nor I, but the rest of
them-has not been properly educated in
its appreciation. It was pathetic to see
the majority of a concert audience sitting
in grim solemnity throughout Honegger's
"Pacific 231," which was quite evidently
to be taken in light vein. "Le Carnaval
des Animaux" is broad humor, but also
a musicianly work that commands re-
spect. Sometimes it has haunting beauty
-as in "The Cuckoo," where a back-
ground of two pianos weaves an accom-

The Outlook for

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Two whimsical and episodic piano pieces which well illustrate the playful and fertile imagination of Debussy. Godowsky's performance brings these it is a pleasure to hear the piano so well qualities out in strong high-lights. And recorded that it really sounds like a piano. The sharp, barking bass of "Minstrels" is the best piano reproduction we have heard.

TROUBLE I'VE SEEN (White). Played by
Albert Spalding. Brunswick.

Albert Spalding ranks extremely high as a violinist. Even to those claiming to be Kreisler fans it will seem that this American musician is stepping dangergraph record and one thing undeniable ously on Kreisler's toes. This phonoabout phonograph records is that they are cold and harsh judges of musicianship-furnishes another witness to his mastery over his instrument, his fullness of tone, and excellent shading of expression. "Guitarre" impetuously sweeps through the whole range of the violin. simple and melodious-but not trashy. On the other hand, the Negro melody is

QUARTET IN C MAJOR-Emperor Quartet

(Haydn). Played by the London String Quartet. In six parts, on three records. Columbia.

The string quartet form reveals Haydn at his best, and the "Emperor" is as fine as any of his quartets. In the second movement, which consists of variations on the familiar "Austrian Hymn," the four instruments are handled with exquisite perfection. Haydn never seems transcendent-but therefore the limitations of chamber music and of recording detract less from him than might otherwise be true. The London Quartet gives a careful performance.

QUARTET IN G MINOR (Grieg). Played by the New York String Quartet. In two parts, on one record. Brunswick.

Sometimes Grieg attempts to be symphonic in his chamber music, which tends to make the string quartet seem puny and ineffective. But when he fits his style of writing to the medium, his music succeeds in attaining loveliness. Most of the G Minor Quartet can claim this success. It is reproduced with excellent balance and the rich, full tone which is so desirable in chamber music


In writing to the above advertisers, please mention The Outlook

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As the soil nour

ishes the treeroots the gums nourish the teeth. And as the tree decays if you bare the tree-roots, so do the teeth decay if the gums shrink down from the tooth-base.

This condition is common. It is known as Pyorrhea. Four out of five people who are over forty suffer from it. Ordinary tooth-pastes will not prevent it.

Forhan's Preparation does prevent it if used in time and used con sistently. So Forhan's protects the tooth at the tooth-base which is

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Where to find it?

Try The Outlook's Classified Advertising Section Pages 535, 536

for such music suggests the salon rather than a huge auditorium.

FLYING DUTCHMAN OVERTURE (Wagner). Played by the New York Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Willem Mengelberg. In two parts, on one record.



A distinguished performance, well reproduced. The tones of individual instruments are delicate and clear-even to the rumbling of the kettledrums. The overture represents Wagner in a manner in some ways quite unlike that of his later operas. A symphonic style is apparent at times we catch even traces of Beethoven. But, again, those agitated, mysterious passages give Wagner away.

FANTAISIE IMPROMPTU (Chopin), CAPRICE (On airs de ba let from the opera "Alceste). Played by Harold Bauer. Victor.

From the lightning sweep of melody in its opening through a contrasting section of contemplative wistfulness back to the brilliancy with which it started, the "Fantaisie" moves masterfully under the guidance of Mr. Bauer. The "Caprice" forms quite a contrast. It is a simple minuet, with a shimmering, delicate accompaniment-played with a remarkable singing tone.

SYMPHONY IN G MAJOR-Surprise Symphony (Haydn). Played by the New Queen's Hall Orchestra conducted by Sir Henry J. Wood. In five parts, on three records. Columbia.

Papa Haydn's little joke, which gives the symphony its name that unexpected crashing chord in the andante movement -fails utterly in the record. The reason for that is in the limitations of mechanical recording, which allows far less difference between very soft and very loud passages than does the concert stage. But in spite of that disappointment the symphony has many enjoyable features. In some ways extremely old-fashioned, it succeeds in being for the most part startlingly modern and fresh.

Piano Rolls

THE RING OF THE NIBELUNG-Excerpts from Das Rheingold, Die Walküre, Siegfried, and Die Götterdämmerung, together with separate recordings of leading motives from The Ring (Wagner). Played by Ralph Leopold. On twelve rolls. Duo-Art.

These twelve rolls of music from the four Wagner music-dramas comprising "The Ring" may be obtained separately, but they are really parts of a unit. Mr. Leopold, noted for his Wagnerian lecture-recitals, has skillfully blended the excerpts into continuous "movements." His result is a severe test for Wagner; for the trappings and finery of an operahouse stage, the rich and colorful instrumentation of the Wagner orchestra, the blaring brasses and delcate violin harmonics have been removed. Wagner stands bare. And he suffers considerably from the piano's lack of contrasting tone-colors. It may be heresy to say it, but in more than one spot he sounds like


At night time when the soldiers sleep, the sentry stands guard. It is his duty to watch-to see that all is well. To be on his guard for anything unusual which might indicate danger.

You need a sentry-A HEALTH SENTRY. A sentry who will warn you of the first signs of symptoms of disease.

Without a sentry your health's enemy-DISEASE can creep on you, unsuspected.

Let us be your HEALTH SENTRY. Let us keep guard on your health and watch for the "Danger Signal."

In our laboratories we watch the state of your health as revealed by urinalysis. Our scientific "Sentry Duty" enables us to warn you of impending danger.

Our sentry duty is RELIABLE.

Mail coupon for interesting brochure "THE SPAN OF LIFE" which will be sent to you free.

Get your Health Sentry Now.

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In writing to the above advertisers, please mention The Outlook

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Four in the Family

3-in-One Oil is packed four ways that everybody may have his "pet" size—1-oz., 3-oz. or 1⁄2 pt. bottles or 3-oz. Handy Oil Cans. You'll suit yourself, of course, but here's a friendly tip: The 1⁄2 pt. bottle is most economical. Contains more oil for your money. You'll need a good supply when you see the great number of uses shown in the unique Dictionary, wrapped around every bottle of

The High

3-in-One Quality Oil

Lubricates all light mechanisms in home or office; tools, hinges, bolts, locks, small motors, typewriters, dictating and calcu lating machines, etc.

Cleans and Polishes furniture, fixtures, woodwork, floors, linoleum, enameled surfaces.

Prevents Rust and Tarnish on all metals.
Try on your razor blades.

You don't have to hunt for 3-in-One. It
is sold at all good stores. Look for the
Big Red "One" on the label.
FREE-Request both on a postal card.
sample and Dictionary of

THREE-IN-ONE OIL CO., 130 LE. William St., New York, N. Y.
Factories: Rahway, N. J., and Montreal

Why not run down to


commonplace movie music. Yet in other places, notably in "Siegfried" and the fire music from "Die Walküre," there are remarkably fine effects. Of course, when the true Wagnerite hears these rolls he can fill in the gaps, the orchestral brilliance, and the illusion of a stage setting with his imagination. For him this is a notable group of recordings.

SONATA IN B MINOR, Opus 58 (Chopin). Played by Benno Moisewitsch. On four rolls. Ampico.

The first movement has already been available, but the last three are new. There is a scherzo, with ripples and sparkling bubbles of tone, a largo of motionless quiet but melancholy beauty, and a presto of continuous intensity and a breadth and personality that reminds us of Schumann. The sonata is played with the contrast it deserves.


By the Way

UCTION shops on the Great White Way in New York City are paying rentals as high as $30,000 per year. How do they do it? Some light may be shed on the mystery by the story of one man who recently bid $40 for a ring marked $120, and then took it to a jeweler for appraisal and, after paying the charge of a dollar, found that his possession was worth $20.

A cork from a whisky bottle is being exhibited in a New York club. It is stamped "Edinberg, Scotland." This leads one to believe that it came from a bottle which had been "cut" and that the "cutter" was of Hebrew extraction and a poor speller.

Mother-"You are at the foot of the

Florida this winter? spelling class again, are you?”

It's bigger and better than ever-for instance, there's a whole new city where only ocean grew before, and another where nothing more sociable than rattlesnakes foregathered just a few months ago.

Florida's really the thing this year, but it is going to do a rushing business a little later on, so you had better make your reservations early. Where would you like to stay? If there's anything you are doubtful about, ask We know all the old and the new, the luxurious-at-a-price and the comfortable-but-not-expensive places, and we'll tell you, if you ask us.


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Mother-"How did that happen?"
Boy-"Got too many z's in scissors."

San Francisco, California, can now boast the best-paid short-story writer in the country. The judge of a local police court there asked the prisoner at the bar what his occupation was. "A short-story writer," replied the prisoner. The detective, in stating his complaint against the man in the dock, bore out the prisoner's testimony by replying: "He certainly is a fiction writer. He wrote ten words on a check and collected one hundred and fifty dollars."

From the New York "Telegram:" "Well, Bunk has retired. He accumulated a big fortune last year."

"How come?"

"He put in junk shops at all important grade crossings."

In writing to the above advertisers, please mention The Outlook

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Hotels and Resorts

New York City

Hotel Webster

(Near 5th Avenue)

40 West 45th Street


North Carolina "Land of the Sky"

For a pleasurable Yuletide, visit this half-mile high mountain metropolis. Year 'round golf. A thousand miles of scenic highways. Gorgeous hotels and cozy inns. Excellent motor roads. Through Pullmans via Southern Railway.

For information, address


[blocks in formation]



Near Country Club. An all year guest house and tea room catering to the needs of those who desire the refined atmosphere and home cooking of a home rather than that of a large hotel. For reservations write Mrs. E. C. EHLE, 26 Edgemont Road, Asheville, N. C.

Tours and Travel


with Dr. H. H. Powers



with Dr. George H. Allen Limited party sails Jan. 16, 1926

Also tours to Palestine, Syria, Greece, and Italy, sailing January 16, and to Egypt, Sicily, North Africa, and Spain, sailing January 7, 1926. Write for illustrated booklet:

BUREAU OF UNIVERSITY TRAVEL 15 Boyd Street Newton, Mass.

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The quaintest and most interesting of all countries. Come while the old age customs prevail. Write, mentioning "Outlook to JAPAN HOTEL ASSOCIATION Care Traffic Dept. JAPANESE GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS TOKYO

for full information Rates for a single room without bath and with 3 meals, $5-6 in cities and popular resorts, $4-5 in the country


Conducted Parties. Independent Tours
MotorTours. Select Service. Lowest Rates
Feb. 20 & Mar. 31. 84 days. $1395, all expenses



New York

ALL-EUROPE $690 10 Countries

36 days $290, Holy Land $390, Round World $990 CHURCH TOURING GUILD, 238 Back Bay, Boston

In writing to the above advertisers, please mention The Outlook

Tours and Travel


Come, romp with the sun!

GLORIOUS stretches of open country await you in Tucson. Skies are blue. Days are invigorating beyond compare. Sparkling air, clean and dry, invites you to romp in the man-building sunshine.

Spring Days Now

Now is the time to come to Tucson. Lawns are green. Zinnias, roses and chrysanthemums are blooming in unrivaled glory. Here, indeed, is a land where winter is unknown.

Let Tucson be a wonderful adventure in new delights and interests for you! Throughout the sunny winter you can play golf, tennis, hunt, ride, live on a real cattle ranch, motor, or just loaf-all in the luxurious sunshine. Each winter hundreds come to Tucson and find relief from "nerves," asthma, overwork, pulmonary troubles, etc.

Fares Reduced

Excursion rates now effective via
Rock Island and Southern Pacific sys-
tems. Stop-overs granted on all tickets.
Special excursions to Mexico.

Send for book filled with interesting
photographs, telling of life in Tucson.
Mail the coupon today.

TUCSON Sunshine Climate Club ARIZONA

Tucson Sunshine-Climate Club, 501 Old Pueblo Bldg., Tucson, Ariz. Please send me your free book, "Man-Building in the Sunshine-Climate." Name.

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[blocks in formation]


WRITE for free samples of embossed at $2 or printed stationery at $1.50 per box. Thonsands of Outlook customers. Lewis, stationer. Troy, N. Y.

PERSONAL STATIONERY - Time to order Christmas boxes now. Using better paper and boxes, no change in price, $1. Hicks, Stationer, Macedon Center, N. Y.

AT Christmas, say it with PERSONAL STATIONERY. 200 single sheets, 100 envelopes, postpaid $1. White bond paper, blue ink. top center only. Cash with order. RUE PUBLISHING CO., DENTON, MD.



OLD MEXICO A Mart of the Unusual tendente, matrons, housekeepers, dietitians,

fare 6¢

BY trolley from El Paso-for

6¢ cost and 6 minutes ride -you can go to Old Mexico. This year come Southwest to El Paso and cross over to the "foreign country" while you are here.

Come to our modern city and then visit the gay Mexican resort, Juarez! -with its quaint scenic and historic attractions. Be sure not to miss Juarez -it is so different!

Ten days of "foreign travel"

Every day in El Paso gives you something new-something you have never done before. Bass fishing in Elephant Butte Dam... shirt-sleeve golf in midwinter... rugged mountains... New Year's dinner in the open air... a thousand unusual delights! See the wonderful Rio Grande Valley, Fort Bliss (1st Div. U. S. Cavalry), many other points of interest.

Come now to El Paso where Sunshine spends the Winter!

Write for free Booklet before you start. Railways allow free 10-day stopover. If you drive, Old Spanish Trail, Lee and Bankhead Highways, Southwestern and Ozark Trails all lead into El Paso. Mail the coupon.

El Paso

Gateway Club




501 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.,

El Paso, Texas.

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DIRECT FROM THE MAKERS SUITLENGTHS CUT TO ORDER AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICE $2.00 per Yd. Carriage Paid Patterns Free S.A.NEWALL & SONS, 127 Stornoway, Scotland State Shades Desired

cafeteria managers, companions, governesses, mothers' helpers. The Richards Bureau, 68 Barnes St., Providence.


EARN $110 to $250 monthly, expenses paid, as railway traffic inspector. We secure position for you after completion of 3 months' home study course or money refunded. Excellent opportunities. Write for free booklet OM-27. Standard Business Training Institu

Florida Citrus Fruit direct to Consumer tion, Buffalo, N. Y.

Trial quarter box oranges or grapefruit $2.50, or tangerines $3.25; delivery charges paid East of Mississippi River. Season price list on request. S. L. MITCHILL, Mount Dora, Fla.

Miss Horton's SCOTCH CAKE


Always an acceptable gift. Keeps well and ships well. 3-lb. cake, $3.55, prepaid. 612 Lake Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. A unique and fascinating cake.


Beautiful Paisley shawl. Scarlet center. Excellent condition. Price $50. 4,595, Outlook.

Enjoy Whiffs from the Maine Woods

Fir balsampillows,cretonne covered, 12"x14", $1 postpaid. Mrs. Wallace Weston, Madison, Me.


CHRISTMAS cards-Original and artistic designs, beautifully hand colored, excellent quality. Box of 12 assorted cards, $1. The Card Shop, Marlboro, Mass.

GOVERNESS for Detroit. Young Protestant with French, piano, and physical care, to teach when traveling. References in this position required. Best salary. R. D. Chapin, Hudson Motor Car Company, Detroit, Mich.

HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN AND WOMEN. Nation-wide demand for highsalaried men and women. Past experience unnecessary. We train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities. Big pay, fine living, interesting work, quick advancement permanent. Write for free book, "YOUR BIG OPPORTUNITY." Lewis Hotel Training Schools, Suite Z-5842, Washington, D. C.


CAPABLE, refined woman wishes position as companion (would travel), secretary, housekeeper. 6,538, Outlook.

COMPANIONS- Several exceptional women available for positions requiring culture, tact, and background. Executive Service Corporation (Agency), 1515 Pershing Square Building, New York.


COMPANION to elderly lady, older children. Capable household management. Cheerful, adaptable; intellectual interests, 6,552, Outlook.

CULTURED young lady as social secretary or companion. References exchanged. 6,517, Outlook.

GRADUATE nurse as nurse-companion to semi-invalid or elderly lady. 6,550, Outlook.

HEADMASTER of a New York junior school would go to California as companion FOR EXPENSES. To start December 19; return January 5. 6,548, Outlook.

NURSE, capable, refined, desires position with invalid. Excellent recommendations. Willing to travel or go country. 6,549, Outlook.

REFINED gentlewoman desires position as companion or home manager. References. Address A. R. B., 3723 N. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa.

SEVERAL trained and experienced religious workers for better-class positions. Executive Service Corporation (Agency), 1515 Pershing Square Building, New York.

TEACHER for invalid or backward child; particularly well fitted. 6,553, Outlook. TEACHER-Southern gentlewoman wishes position. College training, successful experience. Exceptional references. 6,551, Outlook.



TO young women desiring training in the care of obstetrical patients a six months' nurses' aid course is offered by the Lying-In Hospital. 307 Second Ave.. New York. Aids are provided with maintenance and given a monthly allowance of $10. For further particulars address Directress of Nurses.

UNUSUALLY comfortable accommodations offered a nervous or convalescent patient in doctor's own home. Finest medical attention, under own physician's direction if desired. Further particulars and references furnished on request. S. Mary Ives, M.D., 230 Washington St., Middletown, Conn.

A family of three desire to spend a month or more this winter on a plantation in South Carolina or Georgia. Reasonably good shooting and horseback riding required, also comfort and good Southern cooking. Write, stating terms and giving references. Answer S. T. B., 6,545, Outlook.

LADIES-Let Patricia Dix help you with that next club or study paper. Information upon request. Rates reasonable. 6,298, Outlook.

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When you want to find a choice site for a home or a bungalow for a season or property of any kindturn to Real Estate, Classified.

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