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For more than thirty-five years, United States engineers have tested every new principle and development in the science of heating. Working with the best of laboratory equipment, they have increasingly sought ways and means to extract more heat energy from fuel and increase the general efficiency of United States products.

As a result of this exact and painstak
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We shall be glad to send you an illustrated booklet which fully explains the modern idea in house heating


General Offices. Detroit. Michigan

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Volume 141

Senator La Follette the Second


HE heir to Wisconsin enters upon his heritage.

The State of "Fighting Bob" La Follette has placed the Senatorial toga upon the shoulders of his son. The country knows enough of this young man to believe that he will attempt to carry out the policies of his father. It remains. to be seen whether he will maintain his father's power over the great State of Wisconsin and how far his youth and health will compensate for the experience and the battle-wise mind of the father who played so dramatic a rôle in the life of the Nation.

With the National policies of Senator La Follette The Outlook did not always find itself in sympathy; but it can wish for the son the same courage and devotion to his task which gave the father a distinctive place in American history.

NOTHING remains now but to salvage

the sunken hull of the S-51. Hope that survivors might still endure within this sunken casket has been abandoned.

Year by year when the flowers of Decoration Day are cast upon the waters the crew of the S-51 will be remembered among the men who have given their lives for their country.

A Multimillionaire Tax Collector


ELAWARE has a multimillionaire, Pierre S. du Pont, who has been deeply interested for several years in the schools of the State. By setting up and heavily endowing a school auxiliary association he has provided one-half the cost of new school-buildings constructed on the most modern plan, and substituted them for the old schoolhouses, many of them one-room rural ones. In doing this he has found out the defects of the school tax system, and at the last Legislature he presented a plan for raising enough to make every school adequate and fireproof. At present only half the schools are safe. The plan was lost by only a few votes, much to the disappointment of the better class of Delawareans.

October 14, 1925

The politicians rejoiced, but they have rejoiced too soon. A deadlock arose this summer over the appointment of the State Tax Collector, and the Governor

A Philadelphia traffic cop. The white belt is for protection against autos, the pistol against bandits

has just ended it by asking Mr. du Pont to take the position himself. He has accepted, and will assume the office, with its salary of $4,000 a year. As he is thoroughly familiar with the situation, and has one of the best business heads in the country, there are bound to be interesting developments in the collection of both the State tax and the income tax

Number 7

-to which, by the way, Mr. du Pont happens to be the largest contributor.

The State income tax in Delaware goes to schools and roads, and the new incumbent's first cousin, Senator Coleman du Pont, is the leading exponent of good roads in the State, having given a road that cost millions of dollars, stretching from one end of Delaware to the other. It will be a case of expert knowledge both in school matters and road building, and of business genius applied to collecting taxes, which up until now have never been satisfactorily gathered. There is much tax evasion in Delaware, which the methods so far in use have not been able to overcome. Both factions in the Republican Party, who are responsible for the deadlock, are said to be satisfied by the new appointment, and it is considered an absolutely non-political one, though Mr. du Pont happens to be a Republican. If he succeeds in collecting the taxes, the school system of Delaware will become one of the best in the country, if not the best. The eyes of educators all over the country have been on Mr. du Pont for some time, and this will increase the interest felt in his plans and methods.

Philadelphia's Police



HEN General Smedley Butler, of the Marine Corps, was put at the head of the Philadelphia police force, he introduced drastic measures in dealing with all lawbreakers, including illegal sellers of liquor. He was not bold enough to believe that he could make the Quaker City "bone dry" without full co-operation from citizens and courts. This he has not had. Philadelphia is very far from being dry. Yet competent judges assert that there has been improvement, that liquor is harder to get than before General Butler took charge, and that there are fewer "speak-easies."

The trouble has not been with the police force. It has improved notably under General Butler's command; it is described as military in appearance, efficient, obedient, and quick in action. As compared with the records of two years ago, there has been marked de thefts and crimes of vio' marked increase in the num


Even in bootlegging there were 6,080 arrests in the first eight months of this year as compared with 1,413 in the year previous. The police did their part, but, unfortunately, the magistrates dismissed or very lightly fined in 1925 47 per cent, as compared with only 21 per cent in 1923. This year, moreover, there have been less than three and a half per cent of actual convictions. The case is put in a nutshell by a correspondent of The Outlook, who writes us: "You can have as honest and efficient a police force as you please, but you will not get anywhere if magistrates will not enforce the law and large numbers of jurymen dismiss case after case with broad grins, as was witnessed by a Philadelphia subscriber to The Outlook a month or so ago."

It seems probable, but not certain, that General Butler will retire at the end of the year, although our interviewer represents him as saying, "I am willing to continue the fight against crooks and for a clean city." In any case, Philadelphia owes him gratitude for stalwart and straight-from-the-shoulder police methods, and notably for his war against bandits and auto thieves, in which his military measures have had remarkable results.

The All-Europe Idea

To o the series of conferences by the Powers in Europe since the war is now added that of Locarno. In this small Swiss town on Lake Maggiore Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Belgium are trying to formulate a Quintuple Pact to secure the peace of Europe. It is hoped that this will be a mutual agreement to outlaw any of the contracting nations that shall violate its covenants. For France it is essential that such an agreement shall satisfy also Czechoslovakia and Poland.

With this renewal of effort for security in Europe there has now appeared a different proposal. This is to consolidate Europe against the rest of the world, and that means the United States. This new brand of proposed security is not military, but financial. Stresemann, Germany's Foreign Minister, meant that when, as quoted, he said that "Europe must be brought back to its equality with the rest of the world." The Outlook's editorial correspondent abroad, Mr. E. F. Baldwin, cables us from Locarno that one of Germany's chief hopes from the Conference is a favorable effect on

American loans and international aid in forming giant trusts. The correspondent of the New York "Evening Post" says that the new slogan, "The European Idea," is that Europe is to emerge from dependence on America. And Dr. Adolf Broun, a member of the German Reichstag, remarked at the Interparliamentary Union that the World War had robbed Europe of its predominance and it was imperative for the Continent to adopt a policy of economic solidarity.

It is of course quite possible that no direct hostility toward American interests is involved. Certainly there is no feeling of trepidation here, because it is realized that the Germans are dragging a false scent across the track in order to get something they very much want-the settlement in their favor of the Polish and Czechoslovak boundary.

Germany obviously encourages this beatific theory of a united financial union of nations that are debtors as against the creditor in hopes that it may lead to the grant of her demands to be freed from the engagements of the Versailles Treaty, freed from the charge of being the one great war criminal nation, and freed from opposition to her contentions as to the protection of the eastern boundary. France is not likely, however, to yield in the boundary question through any illusion as to what she might gain from a Europe-against-the-world attitude.

Reports from the early sessions of the Locarno meeting indicate that it is practically certain that Germany will be allowed to join the League of Nations (she seems to be making a virtue of her willingness to do what she has long wanted to do); that there will be no difficulty in adjusting the western (or Rhine) boundary frontier question; that the question of Germany's war guilt will be sidestepped as not essential; and that the eastern frontier security question (Poland and Czechoslovakia) will come last and give the most trouble.

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friendly sentiments towards both France and Belgium. She would like to protect them against another German attack.

"Beyond all, however, England wants to protect her own Channel ports and her capital. They are now in danger as they have never been before. For very many centuries the Channel has effectively separated England from militant Europe. But in these days of aerial propulsion the Channel separates no longer. Counting on French and Belgian friendship, England's natural military frontier has become the Rhine, not the Channel. So, in rejoinder to the French Government's request for an opinion as to what might be expected from England regarding security, there came a British offer of vital importance to France. England engages to guarantee the western Gerfrontier--that is to say, the Germano-Franco-Belgian border. With France, Belgium, and Germany she pledges a mutual guaranty. That means that in the case of an outbreak of unprovoked hostilities, England will make common cause with the people attacked and against the attackers. Neither the French nor the Belgian Government has objected to the mutuality of such a guaranty.


"But, as far as the other German frontiers are concerned, England will not engage herself to other military intervention than is found in her engagement in the League of Nations Covenant; she promises anew to fulfill this obligation. completely. Furthermore, England acknowledges the existence of treaties between France, on the one side, and Poland and Czechoslovakia, on the other, giving rights which these signatory Pow

ers cannot renounce.

"Frenchmen have not hidden their disappointment at the refusal of a guaranty, whether German or British, of the frontiers on the east and south of Germany. All the more, then, bound by treaties with Poland and Czechoslovakia, France demands that her right be not questioned to pass through the demilitarized Rhenish zone in case she should need to aid one or the other or both of her allies."

It is from this difference of view between France and England, thus described by Mr. E. F. Baldwin, that Germany hopes to profit at Locarno.

British Labor and Moscow

"England has shown a remarkable complacency towards Germany, inexplicable to those who do not see the plicable to those who do not see the Two nation-wide conventions in Britcommercial motive. At the same time, England has long had very sincerely

ain have shown the two methods which Russian Bolshevism has used in

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trying to capture British labor. The one method is direct; the other is indirect, or what in the United States has been called "boring from within."

If one may judge by these conventions, the indirect method is proving the more successful. At Scarborough there was the Trade Union Congress, which represented the industrial organization of labor. Expressed in terms of resolutions, the Congress there repudiated the whole of MacDonald's public policy. It rejected the Dawes Plan; it denounced the British Empire as a system of exploitation; it sought to develop a general committee into a Soviet cabinet, independent wholly of Parliament; it flirted with the vision of One Big Union and a general strike; and it tampered with the Amsterdam International, which is the bulwark in Europe of trade unions against Communist dictation from the Third International at Moscow. Virtually, Scarborough committed British Labor to the proposition that Amsterdam shall be absorbed by Moscow. While it suggested that the delegates did not know what they were doing, there can be no misunderstanding about what they actually


At Liverpool what assembled was a political caucus, and here Moscow's direct attack was in evidence. The frontal attack was delivered by the Communist Party, of which the only member in Parliament is Shapurji Saklatvala, the native of India who was prevented from entering the United States. The party numbers only about five thousand persons and in itself is not formidable. The Communists at the Liverpool caucus tried to reverse their expulsion last year from the Labor Party, but they were still by overwhelming vote excluded. Ramsay MacDonald retained control, and a split was, for the moment, avoided. But there is bitter criticism of the wealthy and titled persons now prominent in the Labor camp; and the fact that MacDonald has been thrown over by the trade unions reduces his leadership to a shadow. Expressed in personalities, there is here a duel between "the old gang," led by MacDonald, Clynes, Henderson, Snowden, and Thomas, and the "radicals," led by John Wheatly, of Glasgow. It must be remembered that these radicals are supported by the propaganda not merely of a theoretical Bolshevism but of the Government of a Great Power. Not only in Britain, but throughout Europe,

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what Russia is working for is the revolutionary strike; and in Britain, at any rate, there is in the industrial situation ample material for a conflagration. Each country subjected to Russian propaganda sees only its own industrial ills, and is not informed by the propagandists that in Russia unemployment is several times as severe as in any other country, and that in no other country is the standard of life so low as it is in Russia.

For the swing toward the Soviet which Labor outside of the influence of Parliament is showing the British Parliamentary leaders are not without responsibility. For years MacDonald and his colleagues had climbed to power by attacks on the capitalist system and promises to change it. They had brought rhetorical charges against Conservatives and Liberals, but on taking office they showed little evidence of their belief in what they had said. They were dined. They were photographed. They flaunted gold lace. Naturally, among the rank and file there is stern anger against "the moderates." It is not a matter for surprise that Girondists are being exchanged sometimes for Jacobins.

The Aims of the
Interparliamentary Union
THE Interparliamentary Union, meet-

ing in the United States for the second time since its organization, has been well described as a "parliament of parliaments." No better definition perhaps can be given. The present is the twenty-third Conference of the body, twenty-third Conference of the body, whose sessions have been held annually except as interrupted by the war. The previous gathering in this country, held at St. Louis in 1904, at the time of the World's Fair celebrating the peaceful acquisition of the Louisiana territory, adopted a resolution requesting President Roosevelt to call a second Hague Peace Conference, which was held in 1907.

International peace and co-operation among the nations may be said to be the outstanding aims of the Union. Governmental and official in personnel, and yet not having authority to commit any of the Governments represented, this organization has modified the thoughts of men in the past and seems destined to play an increasingly important part in the future. Through the exchange of views between the representatives of the various congresses of the world, legislative problems both of a national and

international character are approached more and more with the common interests of all the peoples at heart. For a generation it has stood for the principle of arbitration of disputes between nations, and its concern with the international problems of to-day is to bring about a better to-morrow.

Codification of international law, "with a view to defining the fundamental conditions of the régime of peace to be instituted between the nations," was the recommendation of the present Conference of the Interparliamentary Union, looking to the establishment of better relations among the various countries of the world, forty-one of which were represented with a total of nearly four hundred delegates at the meeting. Through its discussion of other questions, such as reduction of armaments and demilitarized zones, the problem of national minorities, economic, financial, and health problems, international production and transportation, passports, and customs, the Union aims to bring about that common understanding on a multitude of subjects which leads to diminution of differences between nations and to peaceful relations.

A non-partisan body, composed of parliamentarians from the legislative groups in various countries, the Interparliamentary Union occupies an intermediate position between official and unofficial bodies. It resembles the official institutions in that it is recruited from political bodies, the parliaments of the world; but it differs from them in that it has much greater freedom and its members speak without instructions. "The general political situation of the world" may be the phrase best used to describe the scope of the Union's interest and discussion. It concerns itself with the general problems with which the post-war world is faced; with economic, political, and social problems, with the development of international organizations and especially of peaceful means of settling conflicts between nations, and with the problem of its own evolution and what position it is to occupy in the international world.

At this year's Conference, for the first time, there have been represented a large number of the Latin-American nations, no less than fourteen of the twenty American republics outside of the United States having sent delegates from their national legislative assemblies. In a

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