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Water, 12 to 18 per cent; silica, 4 to 30 per cent; manganese dioxide, 7 to 12 per cent; alumina, 3 to 12 per cent; ferric oxide, 22 to 36 per cent. There is good reason for believing that several mines operating in the Eastern States can produce pigments of this character if a little care be taken to select proper material underground and if appropriate equipment for saving it is installed.

Utah.-Hill describes as follows a deposit of manganiferous sandstone on the north slope of the La Sal Mountains, Utah:

About a mile north of Mesa post office a tunnel starts in at the base of the cliffs of the upper mesa. On the dump there is some manganese ore which is a replacement of slightly calcareous sandstone. Pyrolusite has replaced the lime and coated the quartz grains. Some of the ore is nearly pure manganese oxide. The tunnel is caved, but it is said that there is 10 feet of material similar to that seen on the dump.


Africa.-Manganese deposits have recently been noted in the province of Katanga, Belgian Congo. The most important have been observed in the valleys of upper Fungwe River adjacent to the Biano plateau. The ores are high grade and occur in relatively large deposits on the border of masses of biotite granite and norite, which are intruded into muscovite granite. The manganese minerals are thought to have been derived by the weathering of the minerals of the norite. These deposits may prove to have commercial value.

Less important deposits have been found in the southern part of Katanga. In these deposits the manganese minerals are interbedded with sedimentary rocks and are locally obscured by a mantel of iron



Australia.-Large deposits of high-grade manganese ores reported to have been developed 38 miles from the port of Colquhoun, Victoria, Australia, and preparations have been made to mine them. Bulgaria.-H. K. Scott has recently described two groups of deposits in Bulgaria. The more important are groups of thin lenses of wad in Tertiary clays in eastern Bulgaria, 2 miles from the Black Sea, and 7 miles south of the port of Varna. They appear to be related in origin to the important deposits of Tchiaturi (Caucasus). Minor deposits containing lenses of pyrolusite at the contact of andesite and limestone were noted 2 miles west of Jamboli.


Canada.-H. E. Kramm describes recent development of some small deposits of manganese ore 10 miles north of New Ross, Nova Scotia. Manganese minerals associated with ocher form veinlike deposits in granite. Exploitation to a depth of 160 feet has shown four distinct zones-a surface zone of hydrous and anhydrous iron oxides with small amounts of manganese minerals; a second zone in which pyrolusite and manganite occur in ocherous clay, the proportion of the latter mineral increasing downward; a third zone in which psilomelane and manganite predominate, though pyrolusite is present; and a fourth zone in which psilomelane is the most important

Hill J. M., Notes on the northern La Sal Mountains, Grand County, Utah: U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 531, p. 117, 1913.

Abstracted from Guillemain, C., On the knowledge of the ore deposits in the province of Katanga, Belgium Congo Colony: Zeitschr. prakt. Geologie, vol. 21, p. 333, 1913.

3 Notes in Iron and Coal Trades Rev., London, vol. 87, p. 52, 1913.

• Notes on some Bulgarian mineral deposits: Inst. Min. and Met. Bull. 103, 1913.

• The occurrence of manganese at New Ross, Nova Scotia: Canadian Min. Jour., vol. 33, p. 660, 1913.

mineral. Young notes the occurrence of quartz veins that contain pockets of manganese minerals in Ordovician slate on the south bank of Tetagouche River, New Brunswick.

Germany. There has appeared recently an exceptionally complete summary of the German manganese and manganiferous iron ore industry. The history of the industry; the character and output of each class of ore by mines and districts, 1907-1911; the name, location, and character of product of the metallurgical works using the ores; and finally a statement of imports and exports, 1900-1912, and of the prices of ores, 1907-1913, are all given in detail.

1 Young, G. A., The Bathhurst district: Canada Geol. Survey Mem. 18, p. 77, 1911.

2 Abstracted from Scheffer, The importance of manganese and manganiferous iron ores in German indus try: Glückauf, vol. 49, pp. 2056–2062, 2111-2123, 2151–2165, 1913.




"Secondary metals" are those recovered from scrap metal, sweepings, skimmings, drosses, etc., and are so called to distinguish them from the metals derived from ore, which are termed "primary metals." The distinction does not imply that secondary metals are of inferior quality. The reports to the Survey do not include the very large quantity of old iron and steel remelted, neither do they include the precious metals. In fact, while the data given in this statement cover a large field and form an essential addition to the reports on primary metals, the scope of the inquiry made by the Survey reveals only in a partial way the vast extent of the waste trade industry, which yearly becomes greater and better organized. The value of iron and steel reused probably exceeds that of remelted brass, and the value of the old rubber and paper stock utilized amounts annually to many millions of dollars. The Survey's inquiry was extended in 1913 to cover secondary aluminum, and the result appears to have justified the extra effort. The values given for the secondary metals are arbitrary and are based on the approximate average value of the primary metal for the year. While the junk dealer buys small and scattered quantities of scrap metals at low prices, which enable him to resell the material at a substantial profit regardless of the changing value of primary metal, the keen competition for large quantities of drosses and carefully sorted scrap metals results in good prices being paid for such waste materials. In fact, it appears that in 1913 the decline in metal prices and the slackened trade conditions, combined with sharp competition, raised comparative prices of scrap and drosses until the margin of the large jobbers, smelters, and refiners handling this material was too small to permit very profitable operation. Although the quantity of reclaimed metal compared favorably with that of former years, stocks of metal derived from scrap and drosses were much larger at the end of 1913 than in 1912. After remelting or refining, these secondary metals, selling at only slightly lower prices than new metal, displace an equivalent quantity of prímary metals and must be considered in any estimate of stocks available for consumption in any year. For a few purposes requiring especial purity of material it is necessary to employ primary or virgin pig metal, but as a general rule secondary metals can be used in whole or in part. In fact most foundries, in order to compete for business successfully, must and do use secondary material, at least in part, and hence they purchase scrap metal and remelt it with primary pig metal or with composition ingot. The secondary

smelters by handling large quantities of all kinds of scrap are able to classify their material so as to produce continuously alloy metals of uniform composition suitable for use in work of different classes. Such composition ingots are being purchased and used in increasing quantities by many foundries and other manufacturers in place of primary metals or mixtures of new and scrap metals. It is asserted that the use of properly made and suitable composition ingot is more economical and produces better and more uniform products than the use of virgin metals or of mixed scrap and virgin metals in making alloys.

It has so far proved impossible to separate the statistics for secondary metal recovered from clean scrap made in the ordinary course of manufacture from the statistics of metal recovered from drosses and ashes and from scrap or old metal that had entered the trade as manufactured articles and been discarded. An estimate is given of the clean copper and brass scrap on the basis of replies from the larger secondary smelters and refiners, but no classification made by many of the dealers or smelters is available.

The use of magnetic separators to free scrap from iron, the recovery of metal from cinders and molding sand, and the use of machines to briquet small scrap in order to reduce the losses in melting continued to increase. Dealers and jobbers in scrap metal realize the necessity of combining to insure better grading of waste metals and of more efficient methods of packing in order to obtain lower shipping rates. The large smelters and refiners of waste metals and drosses, many of whom conduct a business amounting to millions of dollars yearly, recognize the importance of proper separation and grading of metal wastes and of selling alloys of guaranteed composition, but the smaller manufacturers and metal buyers have not been as careful as they might have been in view of the undoubted fact that the larger portion of all waste material is collected by junk men and jobbers, who resell the material to the smelters, refiners, or manufacturers. The use of old metals has extended rapidly, and any cooperation that will remedy trade objections to the use of secondary metals in any branch of manufacturing, as well as any saving that lowers the cost of treating waste products, must result in a broader market and prices more nearly approaching those for primary metal. It is impracticable to segregate the statistics relating to the refining, remelting, and reuse of secondary metals according to States, but over 90 per cent of the refining and smelting of drosses and scrap metals in the United States is confined to the territory east of St. Louis and north of Ohio River. Reports were made by approximately 550 users of secondary material, of which about 150 were in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, 130 in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Maryland, and Massachusetts, and 150 in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan. Over 60 per cent of the secondary aluminum was reported from the States of Ohio, Illinois, and Michigan. Smelters and refiners in St. Louis, Chicago, Cincinnati, New York, and Philadelphia recovered over 80 per cent of the antimony in alloys. The larger portion of the secondary tin was refined by plants in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York. The recoveries of lead, zinc, and copper were more generally distributed. The greater number of the larger smelters or refiners of secondary metals are located at or near New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Tottenville (N. Y.), Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis,

Detroit, and Cleveland, though there are many large plants at other places.

The value of the "secondary metals," exclusive of gold, silver, platinum, and iron, recovered in the United States in 1913, was $72,845,000, compared with $77,396,000 in 1912.


The total quantity of secondary copper recovered in 1913, on the assumption that the brass remelted had an average copper content of 70 per cent, was 136,500 tons, of which 18,661 tons (about 4,000 tons more than in 1912) was recovered by plants refining primary metals and the remainder by plants treating only secondary materials. The copper produced by smelters of the latter class includes 36,716 tons of pig copper, 11,603 tons of copper in alloys other than brass, and 69,520 tons of copper in remelted brass. These figures indicate a decrease for 1913 of about 6,000 tons of pig copper and 1,500 tons of copper in brass and an increase of about 2,300 tons in alloys other than brass. At least 45,000 tons was recovered from clean scrap made in the course of manufacture of copper and brass ware, so that only about 91,500 tons was obtained from ashes, cinders, and scrap, or from material that had actually been used and discarded. The value of the copper, both as metal and in alloys, is computed at the average yearly price quoted for casting copper by the American Metal Market. According to the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, the exports of scrap brass fit only for remanufacture for the calendar year 1913 were 10,943 tons, and the imports were 3,395 tons. Many railways sell or turn in the larger portion of their brass and copper scrap and other metal waste to dealers in part payment for new material, but the reports received show that the railways utilized in their own shops and foundries over 12,670 tons of brass, in addition to 900 tons of copper and 2,828 tons of copper in alloys other than brass.

The production of copper from secondary sources in 1913 was equal to about 17 per cent of the refinery output of primary copper in the United States from all sources, or about 22.4 per cent of the primary copper smelted from domestic ore.


The secondary lead recovered in 1913 amounted to 72,834 tons or about 5,700 tons more than in 1912. The secondary lead recovered as pig lead increased about 2,800 tons, a normal increase in view of the fact that the average lead price was nearly the same in 1912 and 1913. The recovery of lead in alloys increased 2,900 tons compared with 1912. The increase of 2,800 tons of pig lead from secondary material was due wholly to the increased recoveries made by those regular smelters whose product is mainly primary metal. The increase reported to the Survey in the quantity of lead in alloys, much of which is derived from remelted babbitt and bearing metals, was doubtless due in part to a more careful canvass of the scrap-metal dealers, who not only act as brokers and middlemen but frequently remelt and sell babbitt, lead pipe, and spelter. Other important sources of secondary lead were old pipe, lead linings of acid tanks, and drosses from white-metal alloys. Regular smelters reported the

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