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westward of a second red buoy. After passing the buoy, the wharves at Machiasport should be kept a little on the starboard bow for about 1/4 mile; then swing slowly eastward and keep the wharves a little on the port bow until in mid-channel abreast them. Small vessels often anchor in the channel for a distance of 1/2 mile southward of the wharves at Machiasport.

Above Machiasport.-The channel leads between shoals bare at low water on each side, and is unmarked except by private stakes, which are in position only a part of the time. Local knowledge is necessary to carry the best water, but strangers in small craft should have no trouble in going to Machias on a rising tide with the aid of the chart.


(chart 304) form a large bight in the coast between Libby Islands and Head Harbor Island, with Roque Island and numerous smaller islands in the middle. The bays unite northward of Roque Island and form a good anchorage, with depths of 31⁄44 to 6 fathoms (6.9 to 11 m.), good holding ground.

Englishman Bay, eastward of Roque Island, has numerous dangers before reaching the anchorage northward of Roque Island, but the channel is marked by buoys, is broad and easily followed in the daytime in clear weather. The principal entrance to the bay from eastward is between Scabby Islands on the east and The Brothers on the west, and affords a straight course to Shoppee Island, above which is the anchorage. The bay may be entered from Machias Bay through Foster Channel. Vessels from westward, bound to the anchorage at the head of Englishman Bay or to Chandler River, usually pass through Chandler Bay. Foster Channel and the adjacent islands are described on page 67.

Scabby Islands, on the eastern side of the main entrance to Englishman Bay, are grass-covered. A mound on the larger Scabby Island is the most prominent mark in approaching Foster Channel from westward.

Scabby Island Ledge, awash at low water, lies 250 yards southwestward of the southwest end of Scabby Island.

Codhead Ledge, 11⁄2 miles northwestward of Scabby Islands, is awash at low water and marked by a red buoy on its western side. Shag Ledge, % mile eastward of Codhead Ledge, has a low grasscovered islet on its western end. The northeast end of the ledge is covered only at high water, and the south end shelves off to 13 feet (4 m.).

Pierson Ledge, northward of Shag Ledge, is a rock bare at low water.

Hickey Island, in the entrance of Little Kennebec Bay, has a rock awash at low water 250 yards eastward of it. The northern end of the island is wooded.

Little Kennebec Bay is an anchorage westward of Machias Bay, and makes northward from the eastern part of Englishman Bay; it is of no commercial importance, and is frequented mostly by fishermen. There is good anchorage in 12 to 40 feet (3.7 to 12.2 m.) of water, soft bottom and well sheltered, inside of Sea Wall Point, but it is seldom used, being so near Machias Bay and Starboard Cove, which are much easier of access and better anchorages. There is a small fish wharf at Bare Cove. Chart 303 or 304 is the best guide for entering.

The Brothers, on the western side of the main entrance to Englishman Bay, consist of a string of grassy islands, with rocky shores.

Green Island, northward of The Brothers, is grassy. Green Island Ledge, partly bare at low water, extends 1/4 mile eastward from the island and is marked by a red buoy. A ledge awash at high water extends 200 yards westward from Green Island.

Pulpit Rock, 1 mile westward of The Brothers, is a bare rocky islet. Its southern and eastern sides should be given a berth of 100 yards.

Halifax Island is grass covered on top, with rocky sides, and has a prominent mound at its western end. The islands westward are partly wooded.

A rock bare at low water lies 350 yards southeastward of the southeast end of Halifax Island. The bottom is uneven between Halifax and Green Islands, and this passage should not be used by vessels of over 17 feet (5.2 m.) draft.

A rock, covered well at high water, lies 350 yards southward of Double Shot Island. Shag Rock, lying 1/4 mile eastward of Double Shot Island, is high and bare.

Roque Island Harbor is formed on the north and west by Roque Island, and on the south by Great Spruce Island and the islands extending eastward to Halifax Island. It affords shelter from all winds, but is used only by small local vessels. The holding ground is not good except in spots, the entrances to the harbor are generally foul, and it should be avoided by strangers. The best entrance is from eastward, passing north of Halifax Island.

To enter, pass 3 mile northward of Halifax Island on a 253° true (W. 14 N. mag.) course, heading for the south end of Lakeman Island until Halifax Island is passed, and then keep near the middle of the harbor. Or, coming from northward in Englishman Bay, steer 149° true (S. by E. mag.), with the western side of Shoppee Island (wooded) in range with the western side of Pond Cove Island astern, which leads clear between unmarked spots in Englishman Bay to the entrance of the harbor. The best anchorage is in the western or northwestern part of the harbor where the bottom is soft.

The principal dangers in Roque Island Harbor are a spot with 8 feet (2.4 m.) on it lying 1/4 mile off the middle of the north side of Great Spruce Island; and Seal Ledge, bare 3 feet (0.9 m.) at low water, lying 300 yards westward of the southern point at the eastern end of Roque Island.

The Thorofare, connecting the southwest side of Roque Island Harbor with Chandler Bay, has a depth of 9 feet (2.7 m.) in a narrow crooked channel.

The bottom is visible in the shoaler parts of the channel. The Thorofare is in constant use by small vessels with local knowledge. Directions. To pass through from eastward, enter in mid-channel between a rock on each side, bare a few feet at high water. Keep in mid-channel throughout the passage, except at a point 300 yards inside the eastern entrance, where the northwest side should be slightly favored to avoid a rock on the southeast side, bare at about half tide; and at the western entrance, where the wooded island on the north side should be favored, to avoid a shoal extending 250 yards northward from the point on the south side.

Shoppee Island is flat, and wooded except at the northwest end. A reef, on the outer end of which are rocks bare at low water only, extends northeastward from Roque Island to within 3 mile of Shoppee Island. It is marked by a black buoy at the end.

Roque Bluff is a post village on and eastward of Shoppee Point, on the northeast side of Englishman Bay. There is a wharf, in bad repair, with a depth of about 4 feet (1.2 m.) on the point southeastward of Pond Cove Island. The yellow bluffs at the mouth of Englishman River show up prominently from the southward.

Shorey Cove is a bight, with 8 to 13 feet (2.4 to 4 m.) of water, in the north shore of Roque Island. It is a good anchorage for small vessels, but is little used. There are no dangers if the southern and western shores of the cove be given a berth of over 300 yards.

Pond Cove, on the northeast side of Englishman Bay above Shoppee Point, has excellent anchorage westward or northwestward of Pond Cove Island, at a distance not greater than 11⁄2 mile, in 12 to 18 feet (3.7 to 5.5 m.), soft bottom. The entrance is westward of Pond Cove Island, between it and Little Ram Island, and is clear with the exception of a rock, bare at low water, lying 300 yards northeastward of Little Ram Island. The part of the cove northward of Pond Cove Island is shoal.

Chandler River, at the head of Englishman Bay, is very narrow and crooked to Jonesboro, a village at the head of navigation, about 311⁄2 miles above its mouth. The river is bare at low water at Jonesboro. The channel is unmarked, and strangers should not attempt to enter without a pilot. Vessels of 10-foot (3 m.) draft go up to it at high water. Twelve feet (3.7 m.) is the deepest draft entering the river. Provisions can be obtained at Jonesboro. Ice closes the river to its mouth from December to April.

Mason Bay, making westward at the head of Englishman Bay, has an unmarked channel with a depth of 13 feet (4.0 m.) into the entrance from southward, but is practically bare at low water and has many rocks inside the entrance. There is a small settlement on the south side just inside the entrance. Fish traps are numerous in the vicinity.

Chandler Bay is on the west side of Roque Island, and extends northward from Mark Island to Squire Point, the northwestern point of Roque Island, where it joins Englishman Bay. A good channel leads eastward of Ballast Island and around Squire Point into Englishman Bay and Chandler River. The principal dangers in this channel are buoyed, and it can be readily followed in the daytime in clear weather. This bay is the approach from westward to Chandler River and the anchorage in Englishman Bay, and is the one generally used by strangers. There is no anchorage in the bay until north of Roque Island. Vessels of 21-foot (6.4 m.) draft can safely pass up the bay, but the anchorage for vessels of this draft is limited to 11⁄2 mile square or less.

Black Ledge, a pinnacle bare at low water, lies on the western side of the approach to Chandler Bay from the sea, 1⁄4 mile eastward of Head Harbor Island.

Breaking Ledge, with 9 feet (2.7 m.) over it, lies 1/2 mile eastward from Head Harbor Island. It is marked by a black can buoy placed 200 yards eastward of the ledge.

Eastern Ledges are about 1/4 mile long east and west and lie 14 miles eastward (true) from Mark Island. At the easterly end is a rock bare at low water, and at its westerly end are two sunken rocks nearly awash at low water. A rock, covered near high water and nearly always marked by a breaker, lies 5% mile east-northeastward of Eastern Ledges.

Great Spruce Ledges lie close to the south side of Great Spruce Island. The southernmost rock is covered at high water.

Little Spruce Ledge, off the southwest side of Little Spruce Island, is partly bare at low water.

Ballast Island, on the western side of the main channel through Chandler Bay, is grassy; a black buoy marks the end of the ledge extending eastward from it.


The following directions are for a draft of 17 feet (5.2 m.) or less to the anchorage northward of Roque Island. Vessels bound from eastward usually go to the anchorage through Englishman Bay, and if bound from westward usually enter through Chandler Bay. The bottom is rocky and uneven and has not been closely examined, and there are many unmarked shoals. For these reasons, caution is


Through Englishman Bay.-Pass about midway between The Brothers and Scabby Islands and steer 307° true (NW. by N. mag.) for Shoppee Island (flat, with scattered trees) until nearly up to it, passing well eastward of a black buoy 7% mile south-southeastward of Shoppee Island. Pass about 300 yards westward of Shoppee Island and select anchorage above it or in Pond or Shorey Coves.

If entering through Foster Channel (see p. 67), from the black buoy at the western end steer 275° true (NW. by W. 34 W. mag.) for 17% miles to a position 200 yards southward of the red buoy marking Codhead Ledge, then 291° true (NW. % W. mag.) for 21⁄2 miles, and pass 300 yards westward of Shoppee Island.

Through Chandler Bay.-If entering from eastward, follow the directions on page 40 for approaching the eastern end of Moosabec Reach until northward of Mark Island; or, if bound from westward through Moosabec Reach, follow the directions on page 53 until northward of Mark Island. Then bring the western end of Mark Island astern on a 348° true (N. 34 E. mag.) course, and pass about 250 yards eastward of the black buoy eastward of Ballast Ísland and the same distance westward of Roque Island Ledge red buoy. From this buoy, steer 38° true (NE. by E. % E. mag.) for Little Ram Island, and pass about 250 yards southeastward of Great Bar black buoy. Select anchorage anywhere northward of Roque Island or in Pond or Shorey Coves, taking care to avoid the shoal on the western side northward of Great Bar.


Moosabec Reach. This thoroughfare (chart 304) is the narrow passage west of Chandler Bay, leading between the mainland on the north, and the group of islands between Chandler Bay and Pleasant Bay on the south. Mark Island, heavily wooded, is the prominent guide to the eastern entrance, and Nash Island Lighthouse to the western entrance. This passage is an important thoroughfare and is

much used by vessels of 12 feet (3.7 m.) or less draft in the daytime; a draft of 23 feet (7 m.) can be taken through at high water. Sailing vessels of over 12-foot (3.7 m.) draft are advised to take a pilot. The eastern entrance has been straightened and dredged to a width of 300 feet and a depth of 14 feet (4.3 m.). It is well buoyed and can readily be followed in the daytime in clear weather, but strangers should not attempt to pass through at night.

Pilots can sometimes be had at the eastern entrance by sending to Kelley Point, and at the western entrance by sending to either Cape Split Harbor or Tabbott Narrows, or from local fishing boats. The channel westward of the dredged channel has a least width of 300 yards in several places before reaching Tabbott Narrows, but it is straight, and the most prominent dangers are marked by buoys or spindles. Vessels headed off by the wind or caught in a fog while passing through the Reach anchor anywhere in the channel where the bottom is soft. Ice obstructs navigation during January and February. The mean rise and fall of tides is 112 feet (3.5 m.).

Directions from eastward and westward are given on pages 40 and 53. Approaching from southward, steer for the eastern end of Mark Island on a 304° true (NW. 34 N. mag.) course, which will lead between Breaking Ledge and the dangers near Eastern Ledges, and pass eastward and northward of Mark Island, giving it a berth of over 200 yards.

Jonesport is a fishing town on the north shore of Moosabec Reach, about 2 miles westward of Kelley Point. There is telephone communication and a highway to points east and west. The depths at the ends of the cannery and steamer wharves are about 15 feet (4.6 m.) at low water. On approaching the town the two brick stacks of the fish factories are prominent. Gasoline and provisions are available, and there are machine shops where repairs to gasoline engines can be made. There is no regular steamer service, but considerable quantities of lobsters and fish are shipped. There are no hotel accommodations available at Jonesport.

The Tidal Currents have considerable velocity in the dredged channel, particularly at the light on the stone jetty which extends northwestward from Nova Rocks. The current floods to the eastward and ebbs to the westward.

Beal Island, on the south side of the Moosabec Reach opposite Jonesport, has a village (Beal post office) at its northern end. The main wharf, on the north side, has a depth of 8 feet (2.4 m.) at the end; the wharves in a cove on the west side are bare at low water.

Indian River and West River, making northward at the western end of Moosabec Reach, have crooked unmarked channels fringed by rocks, and are frequented only by local fishermen. There are no landings except for small craft at high water.

The following is a description of the islands adjacent to the usual route bound westward from Moosabec Reach through Tabbott Narrows. Pomp Island is grassy and has a single clump of trees. Hardwood Island is wooded, and has a house on the north end and a quarry on the south end. A 13-foot (4 m.) shoal is reported to exist in mid-channel between this island and Fessenden Ledge. Shabbit Island Ledge has a small spot bare at high water. Shabbit Island is low and wooded in the center. Sheep Island, on the

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