Imágenes de páginas
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Maillie, Molly
Mang, among
Manteele, a mantle

Mar's year, the rebellion A.D.
Mark, marks, this and feve-
ral other nouns, which in
Englifb require an s to form
the plural, are in Scotch like
the words fheep, deer, the
fame in both numbers
Mask, to mafh, as malt, &c.
Mafkin-pat, a tea pot
Mafhlum, meflin, mixed corn
Maukin, a hare
Maun, must
Mavis, the thrush

Maw, to mow, mawin, mow-
Meere, a' mare

Mell, to meddle
Melancholius, mournful
Melvie, to foil with meal
Men, to mend

Menfe, good manners, deco


Menfelefs, ill-bred, rude, impudent

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Pang, to cram

Parritch, oatmeal pudding, a well known Scotch difh Parliamentin, at parliament Pat, did put; a pot

Pattle or Pettle, a ploughftaff

Paukie, cunning, fly
Paughty, proud, haughty
Pay't, paid, beat

Pech, to fetch the breath short as in an afthma.

Pechan, the crop, the ftomach

Peelin, peeling

Penfivelie, penfively

Pet, a domefticated sheep, &es

Pettle, to cherish; a ploughftaff

Phraife, fair fpeeches, flatte

ry; to flatter

Phraifin, flattery

Pickle, a fmall quantity

Pine, pain, uneasiness

Pit, to put

Plack, an old Scotch coin
Placklefs, pennylefs

Placad, a public proclamation
Platie, dimin. of plate
Plew or pleugh, a plow
Plifkie, a trick
Plumpit, did plump
Poortith, poverty

Pou, to pull

Pou't, did pull

Pouffie, a hare, or cat
Pouk, to pluck

Powther or pouther, powder
Pouthery, like powder
Pout, a poult, a chicken.
Pow, the head, the skull
Pownie, a little horfe
Prayin, praying
Pridefu', proud, faucy
Preen, a pin

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Raught, reached
Raw, a row
Rax, to ftretch
Ream, cream
Reave, to rob

Rede, counfel; to counsel
Red-wud, ftark-mad
Reck, to heed

Receivin, receiving
Ree, half drunk, fuddled
Reek, fmoke; to smoke, re
kin, smoking, reekit, smok-
ed, fmoky

Reeft, to ftand rettive

Reeftit, flood restive, funtod, › withered

Reft, torn, ragged
Refus't, refufe it

Remarkin, remarking
Remead, remedy

Requit, requital

Reftricked, restricted

Ridin, riding

Rig, a ridge

Rin, to run, to melt; rinnin, running

Rink, the courfe of the ftones,

a term in curling

Rip, a handful of unthreshed corn, &c.

Riskit, made a noife like the tearing of roots Roamin, roaming Rood, fands likewise for the plural roods

Roon, a fhred, a remnant
Roofe, to praise, to commend
Roun', round, in the circle of

Roupet, hoarfe, as with a cold
Rowte, to low, bellow
Rowtin, lowing
Rowth, plenty
Rowe, to roll, to wrap
Row't, rolled, wrapped

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Sel, felf, a body's fel, one's

felf alone Sell't, did fell

Sen', to fend, fen't, fend it
Servan', fervant

Sets, fets off, goes away
Settlin, fettling, 10,

get a fettlin, to be frighted into quietness Shaird, a fhred, fhard Shangan, a flick cleft at one end for putting the tail of a dog, &c. into, by way of mifchief, or to frighten him away

Shaver, a humorous wag, a barber

Shaw, to fhow; a small wood in a hollow place Sheen, bright shining Sheep-fhank, to think one's felf nae fheep-fbank, to be conceited Sherra-moor, Sheriff-moor, the famous battle fought in the Rebellion, A. D. 1715. Sheugh, a ditch, a trench Shill, thrill

Shog, a fhock

Scauld, to fcold, fraulding, Shoon, fhoes

Sax, fix

Scar, to scare


Scawl, a fcold

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Shool, a fhovel

Shootin, hooting

Shore, to offer, to threaten

Shor'd, offered

Scornfu', fcornful

Sconner, a loathing; to loathe Scraich, to fcream as a ben patridge, &c.

Scraichin, fcreaming
Screechin, fcreeching
Screed, to tear; a rent
Scrieve, to glide swiftly along
Scrieven, gleefomely, fwiftly
Scrimp, to fcant, ferimpet,
did ferimp, fcanty
Seed, did fee
Seezin, feizing

Shouther, the fhoulder

Sic, fuch

Sicker, fure, fteady

Sidelins, fidelong, flanting
Siller, filver, money
Simmer, fummer
'Sin', fince

Sin, a fon
Sinfu', finful

Sinkin', finking
Sittin, fitting

Skaith, to damage, to injure; injury

Skelpie limmer, a technical

term in female fcolding

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Skirl, to fhriek, to cry thrilly
Skirt, fhrieked, firling,
fhrieking, crying
Sklent, flant; to run afklent,
to deviate from truth, sklent
ed, ran, or hit in an ob
lique direction, sklentin,

Skriegh, a fcream; to fcream
Slade, did flide
Slae, floe

Slap, a gate, a breach in a fence
Slaw, flow

Slee. fly, fleeft, fyest
Sleekit, fleek
Sliddery, flippery

Slype, to fall over as a wet furrow, from the plaugh Slypet, fell

Sma', fmall:

Smeddum, duft, powder, mettle, fenfe Smiddy, fmithy

Smoor, to fmother, Smoor'd, fmothered

Smoutie, fmutty, obfcene, ugly
Smytrie, a numerous collection
of Small individuals
Snath, abufe, Billingsgate
Shaw, fnow; to faow, fnawie,
fnowy, fuaw-bros, melted

Sned, to lop, to cut off
Snell, bitter, biting
Sneehin, fnuff, facefbin-mill

Spick, the latchet of a dogr

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