Imágenes de páginas

Sublime and the ridiculous, 375.

tobacco, 485.
Submission, coy, 182.
Substance might be called, 177.
of his greatness, 149.

of ten thousand soldiers, 71.
of things hoped for, 575.
true, proves the, 282.
Substantial smile, one vast, 538.
Suburb of the life elysian, 533-
Success, not in mortals to com-
mand, 250.

things ili got had ever bad, 67.
with his surcease, go.
Successful soldier, 451.
Successive rise, 298.
Successors gone before him, 20.
Succour dawns from heaven, 450.
Such a questionable shape, 105.
apt and gracious words, 30.
as sleep o' nights, 83.
joy ambition finds, 181.
master such man, 7.
mistress such Nan, 7.
things to be, 523.
were the notes, 296.
Suck my last breath, 294.
forth my soul, 15.

Sucking dove, gently as any, 32.
Suckle fools, 126.

Suckled in a creed, 410.

Sudden thought strikes me, 398.
Suffer a sea change, 17.

and be strong, 531.
hope of all who, 525.
wet damnation, 145.
who breathes must, 241.
Sufferance, corporal, 24.
is the badge, 36.
Suffering, child of, 536.
ended with the day, 512.
learn in, 494-
sad humanity, 533-
tears to human, 408.
Sufferings, to each his, 328.
Sufficiency, an elegant, 308.

to be so moral, 28.

Sufficient to have stood, 180.

unto the day, 567.

Sugar o'er the devil himself, 110.
Suing long to bide, in, 12.
Suit lightly won, 447.

of sables, 113.,

the action to the word, 112.
Suits of woe, 101.

Sullen mind, musing in his, 10.

dame, our sulky, 385.
Sullenness against nature, 207.
Sum of all villanies, 312.

of more, giving thy, 39.

Summer, eternal, gilds them, 488.
friends, 155.
last rose of, 455.
life's a short, 318.
made glorious, 68.
of her age, 230.
of your youth, 325.

sweet as, 74-
thy eternal, 134-
Summer's cloud, like a, 95.
day, hath a, 163.
day, see in a, 32.
fantastic heat, 52.
noontide air, 175.
ripening breath, 78.

Summon from the shadowy past,


up remembrance, 134.
up the blood, 63.

Summons, so live that when thy,
comes, 513.

thee to Heaven or Hell, 92.
upon a fearful, 100.
Summum nec metuas diem, 191.
Sun, all except their, is set, 488.
as the dial to the, 218, 268.
bales unopened to the, 263.
beauty to the, 76.

candle to the, 267.
children of the, 268.

declines, wishes lengthen as
our, 265.

doubt that the, 108.
early rising, 159.

go down upon your wrath, 575.
goes round, 168.

grow dim with age, 251.
hail the rising, 338.

half in, 457-

impearls on every leaf, 186.
in his coming, 463.

in my dominion never sets, 464.
in the lap of Thetis, 216.
is a thief, 81.

loss of the, 306.

low descending, 601.

no new thing under the, 557.

of righteousness, 565.

of York, 68.

pleasant to behold the, 560.
pleasant the, 183.

reflecting upon the mud, 139.
round the setting, 422.
shall not smite thee, 551.
shine sweetly on my grave, 359.
snatches from the, 81.
tapers to the, 384.

that side the, is upon, 457.
the worshipped, 76.
to me as dark, 193.

Sun upon an Easter-day, 157.

upon the upland lawn, 334
walks under the midday, 196.
warms in the, 271.

which passeth through pollu-
tions, 139

world without a. 439.
worship to the garish, 79.
Sunbeam soiled by outward touch,

Sunbeams out of cucumbers, 246.

people the, 202.
Sunday from the week divide, 100.

shines no Sabbath day, 285.
Sunflower turns on her god, 455.
Sung ballads from a cart, 228.

from morn till night, 357-
Sunium's marbled steep, 488.
Sunlight drinketh dew, 517.
Sunnenshine, flies of estate and,


Sunny as her skies, 484.

hour fall off, 453-
openings, spots of, 492.
Suns, process of the, 519.
Sunset of life, 441.

Sunshine broken in the rill, 452.

in the shady place, 10.
of the breast, 328.
settles on its head, 345-
soul's calm, 274.

to the sunless land, 421.
Superfluous lags the veteran, 317.
Supped full with horrors, 98.
Supper, man made after, 61.

nourishment called, 29.
with such a woman, 303.
Supply, last and best, 278.
Support and raise, 170.
Surcease, success, with his, go.
Sure and certain hope, 580.
and firm-set earth, 92.
assurance double, 96.

it may be so in Denmark, 107.
Surely you'll grow double, 417.
Surer to prosper, 174.
Surety for a stranger, 553-
Surfeit reigns, crude, 197.
with too much, 35.

Surge may sweep, 470.

whose liquid resolves, 81.
Surgery, honour no skill in, 59.
past all, 126.

Surgeslash the sounding shore, 282.
Surpasses or subdues mankind,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

on still St. Mary's lake, 412.
Swan-like let me sing, 488.
Swashing outside, 39.
Sway, above this sceptred, 37.
impious men bear, 251.
of magic, 407.
required with gentle, 182.
Swear an eternal friendship, 398.
not by the moon, 78.

to the truth of a song, 242.
Sweareth to his own hurt, 546.
Sweat but for promotion, 40.
for duty, 40.

of thy face, 540.

under a weary life, 111.
Swell the soul to rage, 221.
Sweep on greasy citizens, 39.
Sweeping whirlwind's sway, 331.
Sweeps a room, who, 155.
Sweet and bitter fancy, 43.
and musical, 31.

and virtuous soul, 155.
and voluble, 30.

are the uses of adversity, 39.
as English air, 520.

as summer, 74.
as the primrose, 346.
as year by year, 503.
attractive grace, 181.
Auburn loveliest village, 344-
bells jangled out of tune, 112.
childish days, 402.
counsel, we took. 548.
creation of some heart, 474.
day so cool so calm, 155.
days and roses, 155.
discourse, Sydneian showers
of, 163.

every, its sour, 598.

far less, to live with them, 455.
food of sweetly uttered knowl-
edge, 14.
girl-graduates, 5.20.

influences of Pleiades, 545-
is every sound, 521.

is pleasure after pain, 220.

Sweet is revenge to women, 486.
is the breath of morn, 183.
little cherub, 379.
nothing half so, 455.
Phosphor bring the day, 154.
poison for the age's tooth, 49.
repast and calm repose, 335.
shady side of Pall Mall, 381.
so coldly, so deadly fair, 477.
south, like the, 46.
spring full of sweet days, 155.
sweet swan of Avon, 145.
the lily grows, how, 460.
the moonlight sleeps, 38.
the pleasure, 220.

to know there is an eye will
mark, 486.

truly the light is, 560.
Sweete smels al around, 10.
Sweeten my imagination, 122.

this little hand, 97.

Sweeter for thee despairing, 390.
pains of love be, 229.

than the lids of Juno's eyes,

thy voice, 521.
Sweetest garland to the sweetest
maid, 300.

thing that ever grew, 401.
Sweetly she bade me adieu, 327.
uttered knowledge, 14.
Sweetner of life, 307.
Sweetness and light, 246.
linked, 202.

loathe the taste of, 57.
on the desert air, 333-
wanton, through the breast,


Sweets compacted lie, 155.
feast of nectar'd, 197.

of Burn-hill meadow, 412.
of forgetfulness, 359.
to the sweet, 118.
wilderness of, 185.
Swell bosom with thy fraught, 129.
music with its voluptuous,

[blocks in formation]

Swim before my sight, 293.
naughty night to, 121.
sink or, 462.

to yonder point, 82.
Swimmer in his agony, 487.
Swims or sinks, 179.
Swine, pearl for carnal, 216.
pearls before, 567.
Swinged the dragon, 49.
Swinges the scaly horror, 204.
Swinish multitude, 354-
Swoop, one fell, 97.
Sword against nation, 561.

edge sharper than the, 133.
famous by my, 169.
glued to my scabbard, 146.
has laid him low, 440.
I with, will open, 21.

pen mightier than the, 505.
take away the, 505.
the deputed, 23

Swords into ploughshares, 561.
sheathed their, 63.
twenty of their, 77.
Sworn twelve, 22.
Sydneian showers, 163.
Syene Meroe Nilotic isle, 192.
Syllable men's names, 195.

of recorded time, 98.
Syllables govern the world, 152.
these equal, 281.
Sylvia in the night, 19.
Sympathetic tears, source of, 329.
Syrups, drowsy, of the world,


Systems into ruin hurled, 269.

Table of my memory, 107.

on a roar, set the, 118.
Tables my tables, 107.
Table-talk, serve for, 37.
Tackle trim, 193.
Tail, eel of science by the, 291.
horror of his folded, 204.
monstrous, our cat's got, 244.
of Rhyme, dock the, 536.
Tailor lown, he called the, 126.
Tailor's news, swallowing a, 51.
Take a bond of fate, 96.

any shape but that, 95.
away the sword, 505.
each man's censure, 104.
heed lest he fall, 574-
her up tenderly, 506.
him for all in all, 102.
mine ease in mine inn, 57.
my walks abroad, 254-
no note of time, 261.

O boatman thrice thy fee, 500.
O take those lips away, 24.

Take physic pomp, 121.

some savage woman, 519.
the good the gods provide
thee, 221.

the prisoned soul, 195.
time enough, 305.

ye each a shell, 294.

Takin' notes, chiel's amang ye,

Taking, what a, was he in, 21.
Tale, a plain, shall put you down,
adorn a, 317.


an honest, speeds best, 70.
as 't was said to me, 444.
every, condemns me, 70.
every shepherd tells his, 201.
hope tells a flattering, 497.
in every thing, 417.
't is an old, 446.
of Troy divine, 203.
round unvarnish'd, 123.
school-boy's, 469.

so sad so tender, 327.
tellen his, untrewe, 3.
that I relate, 368.
that is told, 549.
thereby hangs a, 40, 44.
told by an idiot, 99.
told his soft, 248.
twice-told, tedious as a, 50.
unfold, I could a, 106.
which holdeth children, 14.
who shall telle a, 3.
Talent, single, 318.
Tales, ancient, say true, 467.

play truant at his, 30.

that to me were so dear, 502.

Talk, greatly wise to, 262.
how he will, 237.

is of bullocks, 565.

of dreams, 77;

spent an hour's, withal, 29.

to conceal the mind, 267.

too much, 222.

who never think, 243.

Talking age, for. 344.

he will be, 27.

Talks as familiarly of roaring

lions, 47-

Tall oaks from little acorns, 393.
so, to reach the pole, 255.

Tally, score and, 67.

Tam was glorious, 385.
Tame villatic fowl, 194.

Tamer of the human breast, 329.
Tangled web we weave, 447.
Tangles of Neæra's hair, 199.
Tapers swim before my sight, 293.
to the sun, 384.

Tara's halls, harp through, 453-

Tarnished gold, black with, 395
Tarry at Jericho, 542.
Task is smoothly done, 198.
Task-master's eye, 205.
Taste, little more, 247.

never, who always drink, 243
not handle not, 575.
of death but once, 84.
of sweetness, 57.


your quality, 109.
whose mortal, 170.
Tastes of men, 337.
Tattered clothes, through, 122.
ensign down, tear her, 535.
Tatters, tear a passion to, 112.
Taught by that power, 348.
by time, 299

her dazzling fence, 198.
highly fed and lowly, 45-
men must be, 283.
the wheedling arts, 301.
us how to die, 300.
us how to live, 300.
Tax for being eminent, 247.

not you, you elements, 120.
Tea, sometimes take, 284.
Teach him how to live, 356.

in song, what they, 494.
me to feel another's woe, 295.
souls to souls can never, 526.
the rest to sneer, 286.
the young idea, 308.
thee safety, 50.

you more of man, 417.
Teaching by examples, 258.
Team of little atomies, 76.
Tear a passion to tatters, 112.
betwixt a smile and, 474-
drying up a single, 490.
each other's eyes, 254.
every woe can claim, 477.
for pity, he hath a, 62.
forgot as soon as shed, 328.
gave to misery all he had a,


her tattered ensign, 535.

in her eye, 447.

law which moulds a, 400.

man without a, 442.

one particular, 135.

some melodious, 199.

that flows for others' woes,


the groan the knell, 528.
Tears, baptized in, 373.

beguile her of her, 124.
big round, 39.

dim with childish, 418.
down Pluto's cheek, 203.
flattered to, 498.

Tears, fountain of sweet, 401.
from despair, 521.
idle tears, 521.
if you have, 36.
like Niobe all, 102.
moon into salt, 81.

must stop for every drop, 507.
nothing is here for, 194.
of bearded men, 447-
of boyhood's years, 457.
of the sky, 306.
of woe, 458.
smiling in her, 440.
some natural, 191.
source of sympathetic, 329.
such as angels weep, 172.
that speak, 330.

to human suffering, 408.
too deep for, 422.
wronged orphans', 146.

Teche, and gladly, 2.

Tedious as a twice-told tale, 50.
Teeth are set on edge, 564.

drunkard clasp his, 145.
skin of my, 545-

Tell all my bones, 547-

how the truth may be, 444-

it not in Gath, 542.

me the tales, 502.

sad stories, 53.

them they are men, 328.
truth and shame the Devil,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

man with a terrible name, 427.

Terror, have struck more, 71.

in your threats, 87.

Terrors, king of, 544.

Test, bring me to the, 116.

of truth, ridicule the, 596.
Testament as worldlings do, 39.

of bleeding war, 53
Tester I'll have in pouch, 20.
Testimony, law and the, 562.
Tetchy and wayward, 70.
Text, God takes a, 155.

rivulet of, 383.

Thais sits beside thee, 221.
Thames, no allaying, 161.
Than I to Hercules, 102.
Thank me no thanks, 613.

thee Jew, 38.

you, good sir, I owe you one,

Thanked, when I'm not, 314.
Thankless child, to have a, 120.
Thanks and use, 22.

even poor in, 109.
evermore, 52.

for this relief much, 100.
of millions yet to be, 528.
That ever I was born, 108.

[blocks in formation]
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