Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

Annihilate space and time, 290.
Annihilating all that 's made, 219.
Anointed, rail on the Lord's, 70.

[ocr errors]

sovereign of sighs, 30.
Another and a better world, 396.
and the same, 425, 603.
man's doxy, 595..

morn risen on mid-noon, 425.
Another's sword laid him low, 440.
woe, feel, 295-

Answer a fool according to his
folly, 556.

echoes, answer, 520.
him ye owls, 292.

soft, turneth away wrath, 553.
ye evening tapers, 536.
Answers till a husband cools, 278.
Antagonist is our helper, 354.
Anthem, pealing, 332.
Anthems, singing of, 60.
Anthropophagi, 124.
Antic, old father, 54.
Antidote, bane and, 251.

sweet oblivious, 98.

Antique towers, 328.

world, service of the 40.
Antiquity, little skill in, 28o.

Antres vast and deserts idle, 124.
Anything but history, 253.

owe no man, 573.
what is worth in, 216.

Ape, like an angry, 23.
Apes humility, 432.

Apollo from his shrine, 204.
Apollo's laurel bough, 16.

lute, musical as, 31.
Apollos watered, 573.
Apostles fled, she when, 495.
shrank, 495.

twelve he taught, 2.
Apostolic blows and knocks, 213.
Apothecary, I do remember an,


Apparel, every true man's, 25.
fashion wears out, 27.
oft proclaims the man, 104.
Apparitions, blushing, 27.

seen and gone, 238.
Appear the immortals, 433-
Appearance, judge not by, 571.
Appetite, breakfast with, 72.

cloy the hungry edge of, 52.
comes with eating, 6.
digestion wait on, 95.

grown by what it fed on, 102.
may sicken and so die, 46.
Applaud thee to the very echo, 98.
Apple of his eye, 541, 546

rotten at the heart, 36.
Apples, choice in rotten, 44.
of gold, 556.

swim, how we, 306.
Appliance, desperate, 116.
Appliances and means, 61.
Application, bearings of this ob-
servation lays in the, 538.
Apply our hearts unto wisdom,

Apprehension, death most in, 24.
how like a god, 109.
of the good, 52.

Approach of even or morn, 179.
Approbation from Sir Hubert, 394-
Approved good masters, 123.
Approving Heaven, 308.
April day, uncertain glory of, 19.
June and November, 587.
of her prime, 134.
proud-pied, 135.

when men wo0, 43.
with his shoures, 1.
Aprons, with greasy, 132.
Apt alliteration, 357.

and gracious words, 30.
Arabia breathes from yonder box,


Arabie the blest, 181.

Arabs, fold their tents like, 532.

Araby's daughter, 452.

Arbitress, moon sits, 173.

Arborett with painted blossoms,


Arcades ambo, 489.
Arch, triumphal, 442.
Archangel ruined, 172.
Archer, insatiate, 261.

little meant, 450.
Architect of his own fortunes, 582.
Arctic sky, Ophiucus in the, 177.
Are you good men, 27.
Argue not against heaven, 206.

though vanquished, 346.
Argues yourselves unknown, 184.


Arguing, owned his skill in, 346.
Argument for a week, 55.
for lack of, 63.

height of this great, 170.
knock-down, 230.
staple of his, 31.

Arguments use wagers, for, 216.
Ariosto of the North, 473.
Aristocracy, shade of, 465.
Aristotle and his philosophie, 2.
Ark, hand upon the, 361.
rolls of Noah's, 222.
Arm-chair, old, 537.

Arm the obdured breast, 176.
Armed at all points, 102.
doubly, 251.

so strong in honesty, 87.
with his primer, 504.
with resolution, 248.

Armies, embattled, clad in iron,


swore terribly, 326.
whole have sunk, 176.
Arminian clergy, 323.
Armour against fate, 160.

is his honest thought, 141.
Armourers, accomplishing the
knights, 64.

Arms against a sea of troubles, 110.
and the man I sing, 227.
imparadised in another's, 182.
lord of folded, 30.

man at, 140.

my soul's in, 249.
nurse of, 343.

on armour clashing, 186.
our bruised, 68.
seeming, 224.

take your last embrace, 81.

Army, hum of either, 63.

of martyrs, 578.

with banners, 561.

Aromatic pain, 270.

Art is too precise, 159.
made tongue-tied, 135-

may err, 225.
nature is but, 271.
nature lost in, 340.
of God, 266.

preservative of all arts, 585.
reach of, 280.
so vast is, 280.
to blot, 289.
with curious, 357.
with so much, 67.
Artaxerxes' throne, 192.
Artery, each petty, 105.
Article, snuffed out by an, 490.
Artificer, unwashed, 51.
Artless jealousy, 117.

Arts in which the wise excel, 235-
mother of, 192.

of peace, inglorious, 219.
which I loved, 166.
with lenient, 287.
As good as a play, 592.

he thinketh in his heart, 555-
it fell upon a day, 134, 143.
Ashen cold is fire yreken, 3.
Ashbourn, down thy hill, 398.
Ashes, beauty for, 564.

from his, violet he made, 522.
of his fathers, 511.
of Wickliffe, 415.
to ashes, 580.

Troy laid in, 236.

wonted fires live in our, 334-
Ask and it shall be given, 567.
death-beds, 262.

me no questions, 350.
not proud philosophy, 442.
the brave soldier, 454.
Askelon, in the streets of, 542.
Asking eye, 287.

Asks if this be joy, 346.
Asleep the houses seem, 410.

Arrayed for mutual slaughter, 414. Aspect grave, 175.

Arrest, strict in his, 119.

Arrow for the heart, 491.

over the house, 119.

Arrows, Cupid kills with, 27.

of light, swift-winged, 369.

Arrowy Rhone, 472.
Arsenal, shook the, 192.

Art, adorning with so much, 167.
adulteries of, 144.

a galling load, 388.
all the gloss of, 346.
elder days of, 533.
every walk of, 396.
her guilt to cover, 349.
is long and time is fleeting,


sweet of princes, 72.

Aspen, light quivering, 447.
Aspics' tongues, 129.
Ass, egregiously an, 126.

knoweth his master's crib, 561.
to write me down an, 28.
Assailant on the perched roests,

Assassination trammel up, 90.
Assay, make, 115.

so hard, 4.

Assayed, thrice he, 172.
Assembled souls, 167.
Assent with civil leer, 286.
Assemblies, masters of, 560.
Assert eternal Providence, 170

[blocks in formation]

the owlet, 432.

Avarice, good old-gentlemanly
vice, 487.

Avon, sweet swan of, 145.

to the Severn runs, 415.
Awake arise or be forever fallen,


my St. John, 269.
Awakes from the tomb, 359-
Awe-inspiring God, 423.
Awe of such a thing as I, 82.
the soul of Richard, 249.
Awful guide in smoke, 450.
volume, within that, 451.

Atheist half believes by night, Axe is laid unto the root, 570.

[blocks in formation]

man, 322.

Attain an English style. 320.
Attempt, and not the deed, 92.
by fearing to, 22.
the end, 160.

Attendance, to dance, 74-
Attention still as night, 175.

Attentive to his own applause, 287.
Attic bird trills, 192.
Atticus were he, 287.
Attire, wild in their, 88.
Attractive kinde of grace, 12.

metal more, 113.

Attribute to awe and majesty, 37.
Auburn, loveliest village, 344.
Audience, drew, 175.

fit, though few, 186.

Aught divine or holy, 173.
in malice, 130.

that ever I could read, 32.

Auld acquaintance, 388.

moon in her arms, 598.
nature swears, 389.

Aurora shows her bright'ning face,

Author, choose an, as you choose
a friend, 232.

for where is any, teaches such
beauty, 30.

Authority, a little brief, 23.

from others' books, 29.
tongue-tied by, 135.
Authors, most, steal their works,

Automaton, mechanized, 493.
Autumn, nodding o'er the plain,

many strokes with little, 67.
to grind, 465.

Ayont the twal, 389.

Azure brow, wrinkle on thine, 476.
main, from out the, 312.
realm, 331.

robe of night, 496.

Babbled of green fields, 63.
Babe, bent o'er her, 373.

she lost in infancy, 426.
Babel, stir of the great, 363.
Babes and sucklings, 546.
Baby figure, 174.
Babylon is fallen, 562.

learned and wise, 414
Bacchus ever fair, 220.

with pink eyne, 131.
Bachelor, I would die a, 26.
Back and side go bare, 9.

harness on our, 99.
on itself recoils, 189.
resounded death, 178.
thumps upon the, 370.
to the field, 441.

to thy punishment, 177.
Backing of your friends, 56.
plague upon such, 56.
Backward mutters, 198.
Bacon shined, 275.
Bad affright, 329.
begins, 116.

eminence, 174.
Bade me adieu, 327.

the world farewell, 439.
Badge, nobility's true, 75.

of all our tribe, 36.
Baffled oft is ever won, 477.
Bailey, unfortunate Miss, 392.
Baited with a dragon's tail, 592.
Balance, dust of the, 563.

of the old world, 398.
Balances, weighed in the, 564.
Baldric of the skies, 496.
Bales unopened to the sun, 263.
Ballad of Sir Patrick Spence, 434

[blocks in formation]

of a nation, 236.

to make all the, 236.
Balloon, something in a huge, 409.
Ballot-box, 492.

Balm from an anointed King, 53.
in Gilead, 564.

of hurt minds, 93.
Bands of Orion, 545.
Bane and antidote, 251.
of all genius, 493-

of all that dread the Devil, 403.
precious, 173.
Bang, many a, 214.
Banish plump Jack, 56.

strong potations, 381.
Bank and bush, o'er, 11.
and shoal of time, go.
I know a, 33.

moonlight sleeps upon this, 38.
of violets, 46.

Banner in the sky, 535.
star-spangled, 491.

Banners, army with, 561.

hang out our, 98.
Banquet-hall deserted, 457.
Banquet song and dance, 528.
Banquet's o'er, when the, 301.
Baptism o'er the flowers, 159.
Baptized in tears, 373.

Bar my constant feet, 311.
Barbarians all at play, 475-
Barbaric pearl and gold, 174.
Barbarous dissonance, 197.
Barber and a collier fight, 314.
Bard here dwelt, 311.
Bare, back and side go, 9.
Bargain, hath sold him a, 30.
in the way of a, 57.
Barge, drag the slow, 371.
Bark and bite, 254.

attendant sail, 276.
drives on and on, 472.
is on the sea, 483.

is worse than his bite, 156.
perfidious, 200.

watch dog's honest, 486.
Barkis is willin', 538.
Barleycorn, John, 385.

Barren sceptre, 94.
Base envy withers, 308.

from its firm, 449.
in kind, 366.

is the slave that pays, 62.

uses we may return, 118.
who is here so, 85.

Baseless fabric of this vision, 18.

Bastard Latin, 484.

to the time, 49.
Bastards, nature's, 198.
Bastion fringed with fire, 522.
Bate a jot, 206.
Bated breath, 36.
Bathe in fiery flood, 24.
Bats and to the moles, 562.
Battalions, heaviest, 589.

sorrows come in, 117.
Battle and the breeze, 441.
division of a, 123.
feats of broil and, 123.
for the free, 528.

freedom's, once begun, 477.
front of, lour, 388.

how are the mighty fallen in,


in the lost, 446.

in the midst of the, 542.
not to the strong, 559.
perilous edge of, 171.
's lost and won, 88.
smellest afar off, 543-
Battled for the true, 523.
Battlements bore stars, 423.
Battles fought o'er again, 220.
sieges, fortunes, 124.

Battle's magnificently stern array,

Bauble, pleased with this, 273.
Bay deep-mouthed welcome, 486.
the moon, 87.

Be-all and the end-all, go.
Be blind to her faults, 241.

bold everywhere, 11.
England what she will, 357-
just and fear not, 73-
not afraid, it is I, 568.
not deceived, 574-

not overcome of evil, 573.
not the first to try the new,

not worldly-wise, 154.
of good cheer, 568.

or not to be, 110.
plain in dress, 303.

quiet and go angling, 154.

she fairer than the day, 151.
sober be vigilant, 578.
that blind bard, 436.
there a will, 384.

thou a spirit of health, 105.
thou familiar not vulgar, 103.
thy intents wicked, 105.

to her virtues very kind, 241.
wise to-day, 261.

wise with speed, 267.
wisely worldly, 154.
ye all of one mind, 577.

Be ye angry and sin not, 575.
Beach, there came to the, 441.
Beadle to a humorous sigh, 30.
Beadroll, Fame's eternall, 11.
Beads and prayer-books, 273.

pictures, rosaries, 218.
Beak from out my heart, 525.
Beam, full midday, 208.
Beams, candle throws his, 38.
orient, 183.

tricks his, 200.

Bear a charmed life, 99.
another's misfortunes, 297.
is to conquer, 442.
it calmly, 239.
like the Turk, 286.
pain to the, 511.
rugged Russian, 95.
the palm alone, 82.
those ills we have, 111.
to live, 274.

up and steer right onward, 206.
Bear-baiting, heathenish, 511.
Beard and hoary hair, 330.
of formal cut, 41.

the lion in his den, 447.
Bearded like the pard, 41.

men, tears of, 447.

Beards be grown, 542.
wag all, 7.

Bearings of this observation, 538.
Bears and lions growl, 254-

his blushing honours, 72.
Beast, familiar, to man, 20

righteous man regardeth, 553-
that wants discourse of rea-

[blocks in formation]

Beautiful for situation, 547.
is night, 426.
one was, 482.
thought, 474-
tyrant, 79.
young as, 263.
Beautifully blue, 489.
less, 242.

Beauty and her Chivalry, 470.
as could die, 144
a thing of, 498.

calls and glory shows, 237.
dedicate his to the sun, 76.
draws us with a single hair,

dwells in deep retreats, 402.
fatal gift of, 473.

fills the air around with, 474-
for ashes, 564.
grows familiar, 250.

hangs upon the cheek of
night, 77.

if she unmask her, 103.
immortal, 359

in a brow of Egypt, 34-
in his life, 130.

in naked, 309.

is its own excuse, 527.

is truth, 499.

lines where, lingers, 477.
making beautiful, 135.
music in the, 161.

of a thousand stars, 15.
of the good old cause, 413.
ornament of, 135.
she walks in, 481.
smile from partial, 439.
smiling in her tears, 440.

stands in the admiration, 191.

such as a woman's eye, 30.

thou art all, 244-

truly blent, 46.

waking or asleep, 184.

with my nails, 66.

Beauty's chain, 458.

ensign, 81.

heavenly ray, 479.

Beaux, where none are, 324

Became him like the leaving it.

nothing, 89.
Beckoning ghost, 296.

shadows, 195.

Beckons me away, 300.
Bed at Ware, 258.

by night, 346.

go sober to, 147:

of death, smooth the, 287.

of down, 125.

of honour, 215, 258.

up in my, 508.

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