Imágenes de páginas

But me no buts.

Fielding, Rape upon Rape, Act ii. Sc. 2. Aaron
Hill, Snake in the Grass, Sc. 1.

Play me no plays.

Foote, The Knight, Act ii.

Clerk me no clerks.

Scott, Ivanhoe, Ch. 20.

Diamond me no diamonds! prize me no prizes. Tennyson, Idyls of the King, Elaine.


AARON'S serpent, 272.
Abashed the devil stood, 184.
Abdiel, the seraph, 186.
Abide with me, 503.
Abodes, blessed, 270.
Abou Ben Adhem, 492.
Abound, sin and death, 438.
Above all Greek, 289.

all Roman fame, 289.
any Greek, 226.

that which is written, 573.
the reach, 405.

the smoke and stir, 194.
the vulgar flight, 341.

Abra was ready, 241.
Abraham's bosom, 70.

Abridgment of all that is pleasant

in man, 347-

Abroad, schoolmaster is, 504.
Absence makes the heart grow
fonder, 502.

Absent from him I roam, 438.

in body, 573-

Absolute rule, 181.
sway, 238.

the knave is, 117.

Abstracts and brief chronicles, 109.
Abundance of the heart, 567.
Abuse, stumbling on, 78.
Abusing the king's English, 20,
Abyss, into this wild, 178.
Abyssinian maid, 434.
Academe, grove of, 192.

Academes that nourish all the

world, 31.

Accept a miracle, 268.
Accepted time, 575.
Accident of an accident, 371.
Accidents by flood and field, 124.
Accommodated, excellent to be, 61.
Accomplishment of verse, 422.
According to the appearance, 571.
to knowledge, 572.
Account, beggarly, 80.

sent to my, 107.
Accoutred as I was, 82.
Accuse not nature, 188.
Achilles' tomb, 489.
wrath, 298.

Aching void, 368.

Acorns, oaks from little, 393.
Acquaintance, auld, 388.

upon better, 20.

Acre of his neighbour's corn, 402.
Acres, over whose, walked, 54.
Act and know, does both, 219.
to the swelling, 89.
well your part, 274.
Acting of a dreadful thing, 83.
when off the stage, 348.
Action and counteraction, 352.
faithful in, 279.

how like an angel in, 109.
in the tented field, 123.

is transitory, 401.
lose the name of, 111.
makes fine the, 155.

no noble, done, 601.
of the tiger, 63.
pious, 110.

suit the, to the word, 112.
vice dignified by, 78.
Actions, of my living, 74.

of the just, 160.

of the last age, 164.
virtuous, 230.
Actor, condemn not the, 23.
well graced, 53.
Actors, these our, 18.
Acts being seven ages, 41.
illustrious, 169.

little nameless, 406.
nobly does well, 262.
our angels are, 147.

the best who thinks most, 516.
those graceful, 188.
unremembered, 406.
Ada sole daughter, 470.
Adage, cat i' the, 91.
Adam dolve and Eve span, 589.
the goodliest man, 182.
the offending, 62.
Adamant, cased in, 416.
Adam's fall we sinned all, 600.
Add to golden numbers, 165.

to these retired leisure, 202.
wings to thy speed, 177.
Adder, stingeth like an, 555.

Adding fuel to the flame, 194.

insult to injury, 584.
Addison, days and nights to, 320.
Adds a precious seeing, 30.
Adieu my native shore, 468.

so sweetly she bade me, 327.
Adjunct, learning is but an, 30.
Adore the hand that gives the
blow, 239..

Admiration of virtue, 207.
of weak minds, 191.

season your, 102.
Admire, where none, 324.
Admired, all who saw, 384.
disorder, 95.

Admit impediments, 135.

Admitted to that equal sky, 270.
Adored through fear, 364.
Adores and burns, 271.

Adorn a tale, 317.

nothing he did not, 319.
the cottage might, 346.
Adorned amply in her husband's

eye, 400.

whatever he spoke upon, 319.
Adorning with so much art, 167.
Adorns and cheers the way, 349.
Adulteries of art, 144.

Advantage, were nailed for our, 54.
Adversary had written a book, 545-
the devil, 578.

Adversity, bruised with, 25.
crossed with, 19.
day of, 556, 558.
fortune's sharpe, 4.
of our friends, 210.

sweet are the uses of, 39.
Adversity's sweet milk, 80.
Afeard, soldier and, 97.
Affairs of men, tide in the, 87.
Affect, study what you most, 44.
Affection hateth nicer hands, 10.
Affections mild, 296.

run to waste, 475.
Affects to nod, 220.
Affirm that we say, 572.
Affliction tries our virtue, 337.
Affliction's heaviest shower, 410.

sons, 386.
Affrighted nature, 355,

Affront me, well-bred man will

not, 367.

Afraid, be not, it is I, 568.
Afric maps, 245.

Africa and golden joys, 62.
Afric's burning shore, 313.

sunny fountains, 461.
After death the doctor, 156.
life's fitful fever, 94.

the high Roman fashion, 132.

After-loss, drop in for an, 135.
Afternoon, custom in the, 106.
multitude call the, 31.

of her best days, 70.
After times, written to, 206.
Afterwards he taught, 2.
Against me, not with me, is, 570.
Agate-stone, no bigger than an, 76.
Age, ache, penury, 24.

actions of the last, 164.
beautiful is their old, 418.
be comfort to my, 39.
cannot wither her, 131.
cradle of reposing, 287.
dallies like the old, 47.
expect one of my, 393.
for talking, 344-
grow dim with, 251.
he was not of an, 145.
in a good old, 540.

in a green old, 229.

in every, in every clime, 295-
is as a lusty winter, 40.


grown so picked, 118.
is in, the wit is out, 27.
master spirits of this, 84.
of cards, 278.

of chivalry is gone, 353.
of ease, 344-

of gold, 204.

of sophisters, 353.
pomp of, 414.

pyramids doting with, 209.

serene and bright, 408.

shakes Athena's tower, 470.
smack of, 60.

soul of the, 145.

summer of her, 230.

that melts in unperceived de-

[blocks in formation]


old, 97.
thou art shamed, 83.

to come my own, 166.
too late, or cold, 189.
torrent of a downward, 309.
toys of, 273.

'twixt boy and youth, 446.
without a name, 450.

Aged bosom, plant of slow growth
in an, 322.

Ages, his acts being seven, 41.
alike all, 343.

famous to all, 207.
heir of all the, 519.
once in the flight of, 437-
the slumbering, 515.
three poets in three, 225.
through the, 519.

to the next, 139.

Ages, unborn, 331.

Age's tooth, 49.

Ale, size of pots of, 212.
Alexandrine, needless, 282.

Agony, all we know of, are thine, Algebra, tell what hour by, 212.


distrest, 407.

swimmer in his, 487.
Agree as angels do, 169.

on the stage, 383.
Agreement with hell, 563.
Aid of ornament, 309.
Aimed at duck or plover, 381.
Air a chartered libertine, 62.

and harmony express, 242.
around with beauty, 474-
be shook to, 74-
bird of the, 559.
bites shrewdly, 104.

burns frore, 176.

couriers of the, 91.

diviner, 408.

do not saw the, 112.
fairer than the evening, 15.
fills the silent, 426.
heaven's sweetest, 135.

hurtles in the darkened, 332.
into the murky, 190.

is full of farewells, 533.
love free as, 293.
melted into thin, 18.
mocking the, 51.
nipping, 104.

of delightful studies, 206.
of glory, 211.
recommends itself, 90.
scent the morning, 106.
summer's noontide, 175.
sweetness on the desert, 333.
to rain in the, 11.
to the troubled, 330.
trifles light as, 128.
with idle state, 330.
Airs from heaven, 105.
Airy hopes my children, 423.
nothing, a local habitation, 34.

purposes, 172.

[blocks in formation]

Alike all ages, 343.

fantastic, 281.
All above is grace, 226.
around thee smiled, 380.
below is strength, 226.
chance direction, 271.
cry, and no wool, 214.
discord, harmony, 271.
Europe rings, 205.
flesh is grass, 563.
in all, take him for, 102.
in the Downs, 302.

is lost save honour, 590.
is not gold that glitters, 602.
is not lost, 170.

men are created equal, 376.
men are liars, 550.

men have their price, 253.
men's wisdom, 601.
my pretty chickens, 97.

my sins remembered, 111.
of death to die, 437.
of one mind, 577:

on a rock reclined, 301.
on earth and all in heaven, 255.
other things give place, 303.
passions, all delights, 432.
places shall be hell, 15.
silent, and all damned, 409.
sorts of prosperity, 247.
that a man hath, 543-
that men held wise, 167.
the way to heaven, 163.
things are pure, 576.
things that are, 147.
things to all men, 574-
things work together, 572.
thoughts, all passions, 432.
thy ends, thy country's, 73.
was light, 290.

was lost, 189.

we know or dream, 528.
Allegory, headstrong as an, 382.
Alliances, entangling, 377.
Allies, thou hast great, 412.
Alliteration's artful aid, 357-
Allured to brighter worlds, 345.
Almanacs of the last year, 164.
Almighty dollar, 465.

Almighty's orders to perform, 252.
Alms, old age's, 140.

when thou doest, 566.

Aloft, cherub that sits up, 379.
Alone, all, all alone, 430.
I did it, 75:

least in solitude, 472.

man should not be, 540.

Alone, never less, 399.

on a wide wide sea, 430.
that worn-out word, 505.
with his glory, 499.
with noble thoughts, 14.
Alp, many a fiery, 177.
Alph the sacred river, 434-
Alpha and Omega, 578.
Alps on Alps arise, 280.

perched on, 265.
Alraschid, Haroun, 517.
Altars, strike for your, 528.
Altar-stairs, world's, 523.
Alteration finds, 135.

Alway, I would not live, 544

Am I not a man and brother? 591.
Amaranthine flower, 410.
Amaryllis in the shade, 199.
Amazed the rustics gazed, 346.
Amazing brightness, 236.

Ambassador is an honest man
sent to lie abroad, 141.

Amber mellow rich, 485.
snuff-box, 285.

straws in, 286.

whose foam is, 164.
Amber-dropping hair, 198.
Ambition finds such joy, 181.
fling away, 72.

heart's supreme, 324.
loves to slide, 222.
low, 269.

lowly laid, 444.

made of sterner stuff, 85.

of a private man, 361.
the soldier's virtue, 131.
to reign is worth, 171.
vaulting, 91.
Ambition's ladder, 83.
Ambrosial curls, 298.

Amen stuck in my throat, 92.
Amend your ways, 564.
American, die an, 464.

if I were an, 323.

Amicably if they can, 397.
Amice gray, 192.

Amid severest woe, 328.

the melancholy main, 310.
Ammiral, mast of some great, 171.
Among the untrodden ways, 402.
them, not of them, 473.

Amorous causes, springs from, 284.
delay, 182.

descant sung, 182.
fond and billing, 218.
Amphitryon, true, 230.
Ample room and verge, 331.
Ampler ether, 408.
Amuck, to run, 288.

Anarch, great, 293.

Anarchy, digest of, 352.
eternal, 178.

Anatomy, a mere, 25.
Ancestors of nature, 178.

that come after him, 20.
Anchorite, saintship of an, 468.
Anchors, great, 69.

Ancient and fish-like smell, 18.
grudge I bear him, 35.
fandmark, 555.

tales say true, 467.
Ancients of the earth, 520.

Angel, consideration like an, 62.
dropped from the clouds, 58.
ended, 187.

guardian, presiding, 399.
hovering, 195.

how like an, 109.
ministering, 447.
motion like an, 38.
recording, 326.

she drew down an, 221.
whiteness, 27.
with a smile, 188.
Angelical, fiend, 79.
Angels, agree as, 169.

and ministers of grace, 104.
are bright still, 97.
are painted fair, 236.
could no more, 262.
enjoy such liberty, 161.
fear to tread, 283.
fell by that sin, 72.
holy, guard thy bed, 255.
in brighter dreams, 211.
laugh too, 537-

listen when she speaks, 234-
lower than the, 546.

make the, weep, 23.

men would be, 270.

ne'er like, till our passion dies,

our acts are, 147.

plead like, trumpet-tongued,

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