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special reasons, to be organized and received as a congregation of the Church, under the inspection of the Synod.

The Synod agreed that this Congregation be placed, as it is hereby placed, under the inspection and care of London Presbytery, with instructions to that Presbytery to attend to the interests thereof.

CHINIQUY.-Mr. Alexander F. Kemp, Convener of the Committee appointed last year to advise with Mr. Chiniquy, in all matters which might be of general interest to the cause of religion among the people associated with him in Illinois, gave in and read a report.

The Synod Resolved to receive the Report, and adopt the recommendation of the Convener, to leave the whole affairs of Mr. Chiniquy in the hands of London Presbytery with which he is connected.

FOREIGN MISSIONS.-1. That the Synod instruct the Foreign Mission Committee to take steps to establish a Mission among the American Indians, in the event of the Committee feeling that the funds warrant such steps.

2. That the Presbytery of Toronto with which Mr. Jamieson, of New Westminster, British Columbia, is connected, be directed to take steps to organize a Kirk Session in the congregation of New Westminster, and that so soon as three Kirk Sessions are constituted in British Columbia and Vancouver's Island, they be authorized to form a Presbytery.

3. That the Synod cordially approve the appointment of Mr. Duff as Missionary to British Columbia, and express its approbation of the liberal grant for the payment of his salary of £100 sterling guaranteed by the Free Church of Scotland, and its deep sense of the valuable services to the mission rendered by the late Dr. John Bonar, of Edinburgh.

4. That the success of the Red River Mission, and British Columbia Mission, as exhibited in the Report, calls for gratitude to Almighty God, and for continued prayer and liberality on the part of the Church.

HOME MISSIONS.-The Report was read and the Synod express satisfaction with the increased measure of energy and liberality shown by the Presbyteries and congregations of the Church, in reference to Home Missions. It was also

Resolved, That the salaries of Probationers, employed in Home Mission work, be three hundred dollars ($300) and board.

STATISTICS.-The Committee on Statistics reported Ministers, including Professors, 243; Ruling Elders, 1,450; Deacons, &c., 2,200; Churches, 340; Preaching Stations, 260; Communicants, 40,000; Total Contributions, $237,426 97.

The Synod adjourned to meet in Coté Street Church, Montreal, C. E., June 6, 1865.



Joint Clerks Rev. JOHN MCTAVISH, of Synod.





THE SYNOD met in St. Andrew's Church, Kingston, June 1, 1864, and was opened with a discourse by the retiring Moderator, Rev. JOHN CAMPBELL, from 2 Corinthians vi. 1: "We then as workers together with you, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain.'

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Rev. ALEXANDER WALKER was elected Moderator.

LOYAL ADDRESSES.-A Communication from the Secretary of State for the Colonies to the Governor-General of Canada was read, intimating that the Synod's Address of last year had "been submitted to Her Majesty, who was pleased to accept it very graciously, and was much gratified by the expressions it contained of loyalty to her Throne and Person."

There was also read an acknowledgment of receipt of the Synod's Address of last year to His Excellency the Governor-General.

Addresses to the Queen and the Governor-General were adopted by the Synod and ordered to be transmitted in the usual way.

SALE OF GLEBE LANDS.-The Synod heard a Petition of the Congregation of Clarke containing a proposal to sell their glebe and invest the proceeds, and there was read an Extract Minute of the Presbytery of Toronto bearing thereon. The Synod instructed the Presbytery to authorize the proposal according to the terms of their Extract, on condition that the grant of one hundred and fifty pounds from the Clergy Reserve Commissioners be inalienably secured.

HYMN-BOOK.-The report from the Committee to take such steps as they may consider meet in the preparation of a Hymn-Book. It was

Resolved, That the thanks of the Synod be given to the committee for their great diligence in preparing the hymn-book recently issued; and that the Synod reappoint the committee, and direct them to proceed with the work committed to their charge, and report to the next meeting of Synod.

FOREIGN MISSIONS.-This Committee recommend, That instead of instituting a Mission of our own to Beyrout, Ceylon, or British Columbia, this Church should circumscribe its energies to existing schemes, namely, the Home Mission, French Mission, and Bursary Scheme, which require a larger support than they have yet received; that the funds now on hand, applicable to a Jewish Mission and a Mission to British Columbia, be transmitted to the Parent Church in aid of their corresponding Schemes, the funds collected by Dr. Aiton to be expended in accordance with his wishes; and that Congregations be earnestly recommended to continue their contri


butions and prayers in behalf of the above Missions, and thereby show in some measure the gratitude which they feel to the Parent Church for its zeal, liberality, and kindness in times past, and their earnest desire that the bonds of affection between the two Churches may be drawn closer. It was

Resolved, That the moneys be in the mean time invested in good securities, to be applied for the respective Schemes for which they were collected, when the Synod shall see fit to enter energetically upon one or another of these Schemes, and that the recommendations of the Report be adopted with this amendment, That the Synod give the Foreign Mission Committee discretionary power in the transmission of funds to the Mission Committees of the Church of Scotland, and instruct them to solicit information from time to time from these Committees, as to the operations of the Schemes aided; and reappoint the Committee.

DECEASED MINISTERS.-The Synod adopted and placed upon record the following testimony concerning those who had died during the year.

The Very Reverend WILLIAM LEITCH, D.D., Principal of Queen's University and College, Kingston, having occurred since the last meeting of this Court, the Synod take the earliest opportunity of recording their sense of the loss thereby occasioned. By this dispensation, with which it hath pleased the All-wise Head of the Church so soon to afflict us, we are deprived of one to whose services we had reason to attach a very great value. His numerous accomplishments as a scholar and his eminent worth as a Christian imparted far more than ordinary weight to his personal character. In him both theological learning and natural science had a distinguished representative and an able expounder. Rare powers of observing and discriminating, exercised upon important practical questions, gave breadth to his views and force to his counsels, while the gift of lucid and effective expression seldom failed to secure consideration for his opinions. Whilst from his large and enlightened sympathies, the late Principal took a lively interest in the subjects of religion and education as bearing upon the welfare of mankind and the advancement of science, it is as a Minister of this Church, as a Member of this Court, and as Principal of Queen's University and Professor of Divinity during the last few years, that we, his brethren, are especially familiar with his name and acquainted with his career. In these several capacities he showed a zeal and an aptitude for work from which, it is believed much benefit has already flowed, and the influence of which it is hoped, may be felt among us for many days. This Synod, while lamenting his early departure, and sympathizing with his numerous friends here and with his bereaved relatives in Scotland, desire, with humble submission, to acknowledge the hand of God in this dispensation, and to pray that they may be enabled to reap therefrom the peaceable fruits of righteousness, and to learn the solemn lesson of the uncertainty of life and of the necessity of working while it is called to-day. The Synod hereby instruct their Clerk to transmit an Extract of this Minute to Miss Leitch. The following is taken from The Presbyterian Historical Almanac for 1863, published in that volume on the occasion of his being elected Moderator of the Synod:


'Dr. Leitch was born at Rothesay, in the island of Bute, Scotland, in the year 1814. He received the elements of his education at the Parish School of his native town, and completed his preparatory studies at the Grammar School of Greenock, under the superintendence of the distinguished scholar, Dr. Brown. In the year 1832, he entered the University of Glasgow, and in the year 1835, proceeded to the degree of B. A. In the following year he proceeded to the degree of M. A. In the year 1838, after a curriculum of four years in the Divinity Hall of Glasgow, he received his

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