Imágenes de páginas

Hereticks bave always pretended


to the Name of Catholicks 117
Ceremonies of Baptifm, are ancien-
ter than the Nicene Creed 74.
Still used by the Neftorians 261.
By the Muscovites
Cerularius reviv'd the Greek
Schifm. I
Chriftians. The great Body of them,
from which all broke off, is the
Church in Communion with the
See of Rome
Church The Name left out of the
first Proteftant Bibles, and Con-
gregation put in its stead 140
TheChurch of Chrift upan Earth,is al-
ways uifible 169. And only in one
Communion 145. Is an unerring
Guide in Controverfies of Religion


[blocks in formation]

The Church in Communion with the
See of Rome, is allow'd by Pro-
teftants to bave been the true
Church for fome Ages 2. Defcribed
as an Illuftrious Society, by Dr.
Taylor to, and by Sr. Edwyn
Sandys 212. The Security of Con-
tinuing in her Communion 155,
Circle. Whether the Faith of Ca-
tholicks runs in a Circle 204
Commandments, impaffible to be,
kept, according to the first Pro-
teftants 139. Catholicks do not,
hide the fecond from the People 62
Communion, perfect under one
kind, according to the Greeks 13
C 111260
Communion with Proteftants, un
lan fuls
Communion of the true Church
neceffarily to be embraced 2, 20,


154, 155, 157, 159
How one Communion is the Church
of all Nations
Confeffin ufed by the Armenians
259. ly, the Greeks 258, 276. By
the Mufcovites
Confirmation used by the Greeks

Controverfies formerly decided by
the Church, renew'd by the Prote-
ftants 25, 256. None can ever
be ended by Proteftant Principles
198, 199, 244, 246. But may
eafily among Catholicks 246. All
cannot be decided, at once 253
Corrupting of the Fathers, wrong-
fully charg'd upon Catholicks 37
Dr Cofin's Scholaftical History of
the Canon of the Scripture, an-
(wer'd by Dr Walton 92. His
Forgeries in it
Councils, bow infallible 193, 247.
Mr L. Jays, There never was a
General Council 244. How Coun-
cils may, or may not be General,
without prejudicing the Faithful


219, 222


Creed of the Apostles, expreffes not
all Truths necessary to Salvation
69. Nor does any of the Ancient
Creeds 70... The Profeffing it, not
fufficient to make one a Member of
Chrift's Church 67, 150, 151.
Its Articles, according to Mr L.
are believ'd upon no Authority 96
Cyprian, of the Church being
only in one Communion 153. Of
Salvation being only to be found
in the Church
Difcipline,is effentially variable250
Difputes. See Controverfies.
Donatifts, not allow'd by the F4-
thers, to be Members of Chrifts
Church, tho' a numerous Sec‡ 151,
164, 167. Their Errors





Doubts in Faith, unallowable 46 | Fundamentals, not denied by Ro-
Education, no Argument of Truth
45. No Security for Salvation
83, 84, 85, 151


Elevation of the Hoft, in the Eaftern
Q. Elizabeth's Motive for fetting
up Proteftancy 6. She and her
Bishops broke off from the Church.
Ibid. She order'd Mass to be
faid, for ber Sifters Soul 7
England's Religion, for above Nine

bundred Years, was the Roman
Catholick 5, 269. The prefent
Church of England cannot justify
their Separation 21, 262,263.
See Articles
Ephefus. The Second Council there



Evidence of Fact, is not the Ground
of our Believing Scripture to be
the Word of God 89,91. Nothing
lefs, than undeniable Evidence
can juftify the Reformation 22,
231,262, 263. Ti established on
263, 264
Eufebius, falfely cited by Mr L. 90,
and by DrCofin 219. He doubt-
ed of fome parts of the New
Expofition instead of the Text, not
unufual in the Proteftant Bibles
Faith. An Implicit Faith must be
allow'd by all Christians 49. It
was firangely pratijed by the
Fafts of the Church, are of Obliga-
tion among the Greeks 13, 280,
and Mufcovites
Fathers, not corrupted by the Catho-
licks 36. They were all in one
Communion 148. And acknow-
ledged none to be in the Catholick
Church, but fuch as were in their
own Communion



man Catholicks, as Proteftants
confess 21. Not all contain❜d in
any of the ancient Creeds 69,70.
Not denied by fome, accounted


General Councils have all been in
the Communion of the Bishop of
Rome 4. And are therefore de-
nied to be fuch, by Mr L. 244.
See Councils.

God will not be a Father to him,

that has not the Church for his
Gratian vindicated 43. Veron's
Opinion of him
Greek Church helds with the Ro-
man against the Proteftants. rr,

12, 13, 25, 274 & feq.
Has the Publick Service in a Lan-
guage unknown to the Vulgar

II, 13, 40
The Greeks broke off from the La-

tins 126. Not upon Account of
the Pope's Supremacy 129,132
Grotius's Opinion of the Pope's Su



Hereticks have always pretended to
the Name of Catholick 113,
117, 209. And to be Reformers
of the Church's Faith 18.272 They
are admitted by Mr L. into the
Church 66. But excluded by other
Proteftants 67. And by the Holy
Fathers 150, 152, 155, 156,
164, 166, 167

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Holy Water, uled by the Armenians
261, by the Muscovites
Idolatry, according to the Book of
Homilies, had drown'd all Chri-
fendom for above 800 Years'
'Tis charged by Proteftants on all
the Chriftian Churches in the
World, that could pretend to An-


tiquity 256 But unjustly, ac | Judgment of the Church, to be_fol-
Learned Proteftants

cording to
257 Pref.


Jews Converted, fubmitted their
private Judgment to the Autho
rity of Jefus Chrift
Images are respected by the Greeks


12, 13, 275.



By the Mufcovites 285, 286
Are not forbid to Chriftians 64
There can be no Idolatry to the I-
mages of Saints, fo long as Men
take them for Saints. Pref.
Images put for Idols, in the first
Proteftant Bibles
Inducements to the Catholick Re-
210, 212, 275
Indulgences beld by the Greeks 13
Infallibility of the Church, Stated
190. Where to be placed 242.
How to be found in Men natural-
ly Fallible
It bars not Examination 46. 'Tis
beld by the Greeks 12, 13, 103
Mr. L. denies it to the Apostles 78,
86. The Learned Proteftants grant
it to the Church in Neceffaries

[blocks in formation]

low'd 68, 194.


See Private


Juftification by Faith alone, con-
demn'd by the Greeks
Latitudinarianifm promoted by
Mr. L.




Law Suits cannot be prov'd allow-
able from clear Scripture
Mr. L's Faith 36. He is a Friend
to Hereticks and Diffenters 66.
244, 245. And yet, by bis Sy-
ftem, be condemns all Churches




His Miftakes 37,5 4, 59, 90, 91,
99, 101, 105, 130, 240, 242.
He Condemns & Contradicts him-
felf 30, 31, 46, 96, 98, 102,
185, 186. He misrepresents the
Catholicks. See Catholicks.
Lighted Candles, during the Di-
vine Service, ufed by the Arme-
Liturgy of the Church of England
differs very much from the Ca-
tholicks Publick Office 34. It
is not Orthodox
Luther, at first, flood alone, and
fet up a New Communion 14
Oppofed the Publick Doctrine,
both of the Latin and Greek
Church 10, 256, 285. Rejected
St. James's Epifle 89, 220 His
Reformation was not the Effect
of pure Zeal
Martyrs, only to be found in one
V. Mary, not Honour'd as God
60. Known to be a Saint by the
Church's Teftimony 227
Mafs, arder'd by 2. Elizabeth, to
be said for her Sifter's Soul 7.



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Miffion wanting in the Prote-
ftants 30 31. They should prove
it by Miracles 263 264
Monaftick Vows, Obligatory
according to the Greeks 13
Moravia, A famous Proteftant
Synod at Brin
Mother-Church, is the Roman
Catholick, especially in respect
of Proteftants


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Motives of Credibility. See In-Pilgrimages allow'd by the Greeks

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Pius V. broke not the Communi-

[blocks in formation]

Aerius was reckon'd among the
Hereticks, for denying them 265
Presbyterians Cafe, is that of all
Private Judgment, not oppofite to
Infallibility 47. How to be used
95. 'Tis abused by Proteftants
99. It ought to fubmit to Scri-
Pture 97 And to the Catholick
Church 97, 98. 194. 266.
Promises made to the Church not
all Conditional 76 185, How
to be diftinguifb'd
Propitiatory Sacrifice of the Mafs,
held by the Greeks

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[blocks in formation]

They cannot Communicate with
the Greeks 11 12 13 28 73
257 Nor with the Great Church
of Ru Tia,nor with the Churches
of Afia 258 261, nor with shofe
of Africa


They have renew'd Controverfies,
Long before decided 25. Their
Security groundless 29 212 262
267 268 288. They Condemn
tbemfelves, in Condemning the
Diffenters 31 197. Their Pra

ice and Principle inconfiftent

[blocks in formation]

Church; tho' they did not Op-
pofe the Fundamentals of Reli-
gion in the Proteftant Senfe,
Real Prefence afferted by the Lu-

Reason not to be laid afide 191
Nor yet to be our only Guide 192.
See Private Judgment.
Reformation, in what Senfe Law-
ful 33. The pretende Prote-
ftant Reformation cannot be ju-
ftified 22 255, nor be a fecuré
way of Salvation 255 266


Reformers of the Vifible Church's
Faith, have in all Ages been
accounted Hereticks 18. Tho'
they pretended Evidence
Religion not to be taken up by Edu-
cation 44. Pref. p. 5. The
True Religion admits of Exami-
nation, but not of Doubts 46
Reliques held in Veneration by the


Greeks 13. By the Muscovites
285. By the Armenians 261
Remnant of All Religions, wher
ther to be fav'd
Roman Catholicks are granted
by Proteftants, to be Members
of the True Church. p. 18. 267.
They are the great Body of Chri-
ftians, from which All broke off
117. They furpass the Prote
ftants in Number and Learning

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