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Bow Street (Westminster).

S. I. S.


H. E.


and figured on the tomb of Thomas Teasdale in Glympton Church, Oxfordshire.

Visiting the church, I sketched the arms from the tomb. I took the shield to be, Argent a chevron between three garbs sable, but on referring to the 'History of Glympton,' written by Canon Barnett, and printed by the Oxford Record Society in 1923 for its members I found that the Teasdale monument and shield give A chevron between three pineapples vert. Lysons spells the name "Teasdale," and says that Thomas Teasdale was the first scholar on the Roysse foundation of Abingdon School, and by his will left £5,000 to Baliol College, Oxford, for scholars to be chosen, by Christ's Hospital, from Abingdon School. This is recorded on the Glympton monument. His birthplace is given Sandeforde Deaneley in Berkshire, which 13 evidently meant for Stanford Dyngley, but so far as I know (and I used to go there often) there is no memorial of Teasdale or record of


IN BOW STREET, WESTMINSTER. R. A. the family there. There is also Sandford,

Not recorded in Williamson. Mr. W. Gilbert's specimen reads:


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= A bunch of grapes.

R. A. G.

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near Abingdon. His baptism is given as 1547, and his death as 1610.

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The shield was sent to me to identify, and without knowing the point at issue, I was able at once to say that her maiden name was Stone, a family who bore the arms, Sable three fleurdelis or; on a chief of the second two bars gemell of the first. Burke gives these arms as of Gloucestershire, and, curiously, the Harleian Visitation of that county, gives a pedigree of Stone, with totally different shield. The name Stone was fairly common in Berkshire, but another coat-of-arms was granted to the Stone family of Berkshire. Still, as I have found the Heralds were not averse to granting a new shield of arms, without troubling to find out if the


family had ever been armigerous, it is quite

possible that in Maude Teasdale's case no need arose for any coat-of-arms, till she put up the monument to her husband in Glympton Church in 1610, and that the artist who designed the tomb apportioned to her this peculiar shield, said also to have been borne by a family of the same name living in Kent. However, these arms on the tomb decide the fact that Thomas Teasdale had only one wife, and that her maiden name was Stone. She was doubtless of the same family as beth Stone, wife of William Wheate, who bonght Glympton in 1633. Burke gives another different coat-of-arms for Teasdale, so that the tomb presents a rather interesting 'Parish' and 'Church' libraries already mentioned in 'N. & Q.' 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th

Readers' Queries.


series of heraldic puzzles.




1. MULGRAVE HOUSE, FULHAM.-This interesting house, in the Hurlingham Polo grounds at the east ern end of Ranelagh Gardens, has recently been demolished, the building materials being sold by auction on 1 Dec., 1927. Until the reign of George II its site was market gardens. On 7 Oct., 1740, the Bishop of London granted to the King's Printer nine acres of ground on a building lease. Amongst its other residents were Sir Francis Gosling, Earl of Rochford, Sir John Jervis, Viscount Ranelagh, and Signor Mario and his wife (1858-63).

2. SPITAL-SQUARE, E.---The quaint seventeenth century Huguenot houses, 22, 23, 25, in this square, are to disappear for an extension of Spitalfields Market. They have for a long time been used as

tailors' workshops.

They contain pine-panelled rooms (1699), and some beautiful plaster ceilings decorated with mythological subjects.


PETS. The estimation in which eminent people hold animals is a rather interesting topic. (I am not thinking of the melancholy passion for cats sometimes evinced by the deranged). In the number of the Journal of the Friends' Historical Society which was noticed in 'Memorabilia,' at cliii. 451, I noticed (p. 20) an account of John Morton of Philadelphia (d. 1828), who was president of the Bank of America, and can therefore not be suspected of any want of balance. "He had," the account states, "for pets three hens and a rooster, of which he was very fond. He took care of them himself and they returned his affection, knew his place of business and his hours, and when the time came for him to return home, they would march to meet him. It was a common sight in the neighborhood to see the old gentleman, in this Quaker costume of the day, followed by his four pets, one by one solemnly walking along from the Bank to his home on Front


F. R.


bond executed by Roger Wade


In the Muniment Room at Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire, there is preserved an interesting document dated 29 Aug., 1316, 10 Edw. II, being a defeasance of a "crowdplayer," in favour of Warren de l'Isle, in respect of a sum of £120 which had been lent by Roger Wade to Warren de l'Isle, and the document has attached a very interesting seal of Roger Wade which seal represents the earliest authentic representation of the Welsh cruth, or fiddle.

A short article on this seal was written and printed by Mr. EDWARD HERON-ALLEN in 1895, and apparently published in The Violin Times, and he gives the following particulars of the above-mentioned Roger Wade and Warren de l'Isle :

This Roger Wade must have been a bard or musician of some note in the neighbourhood of Berkeley Castle, i.e., close to the border of South Wales, which was the home of the instrument whose connection with which he proudly perpetrates upon his seal, in spite of the fact that Edward I had shortly before this issued an Act of Parliament prohibiting the Welsh bards from pursuing their profession in Wales. and had further ordained a general massacre of that body. Nevertheless I find no record of him among the musicians enumerated by Edward Jones, though the connection of the Lords de l'Isle and Dudley with Wales finds mention among his profuse ana.

The Warren de l'Isle who appears in this deed as borrower from the fiddler-usurer, was a person of considerable consequence, to judge by the accounts of him in Dugdale's 'Monasticon and Burke's 'Extinct Peerage.' He is described as "Warine de l'Isle, Baron d'Isle," son of Robert de l'Isle who was a son of Alice, daughter of Henry, a younger son of Warine Fitzgerald as the descent sheweth. Which Warine was in the Scottish wars, temp. Edward I and, in the beginning of Edward II, was constituted Governor of Windsor Castle and Warden of the Forest.


For some years subsequent to this period he was engaged in Scotland, but joining Thomas Earl of Lancaster against the Spencers, 1320-21, he was taken prisoner and hanged at York, with Lord Mowbray and several others. 1327 it was found that he died seized of the Manors of Bouden, Kingston and Fauflore in Berkshire, Mundiford in Norfolk and Kislingbury in Northamton, leaving a son Gerard, aged twenty-three and his wife Alice, sister and heiress of Henry Baron Teyes, surviving. His great-granddaughter and only surviving descendant married Thomas Lord Berkeley, ancestor of the Barons Fitzhardinge.

I should be glad of any further informa

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tion as to Roger Wade, and in what records 1 SIR
am likely to find further particulars about
him, also references to the Welsh Bards of
the period and their social standing. The
name Wade is undoubtedly an English name,
and can be traced back to early times in

Is it not unusual for a fiddler minstrel to possess a seal, and to be in a position to advance a large sum of money at such an early

date as 1316?

Newport, Mon.




ARCHIVES.----In an extract from The Times of Jan. 1, 1828, which was reproduced duced in that newspaper on Dec. 31 last, mention is made of five letters deposited in the archives of the Grenville family at Stowe, which establish beyond the possibility of doubt the real authorship of Junius." It is stated that this eminent individual" was

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BASKERVILLE, OF CROWSLEY PARK, In the pedigree, given by Burke in his 'County Families, Philip Baskerville married Agnes, daughter of John Hamlyn, Esq., co. Wilts. They had a son, who married, and he had a son, who also was named John. This John Baskerville was

buried at Malmesbury, having married a wife called Rebecca. The date of the death of the second John Baskerville was November, 1681. Can anyone help me to ascertain the names of the wives of these two John Baskervilles?


CURRANT JELLY, c. 1800. In a bundle of dinner bills about the year 1800, there is invariably an extra charge for currant jelly of 7s. 6d. Was jelly in more common use and more expensive at that time?

A. W. O.

"MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT," 1802.-In a document of 1802 a M.P. is described as above. Was that a common designation?

A. W. O.

LEY, BERKS. In the many MS. pedigrees relating to the founder of St. John's College, his mother, Mary, is said to be a daughter of John Kibblewhite of South Fawley, Berks, and one of her brothers, John of Mayden. Where is this place? Is it the name of a farm at Fawley ?

Recently I have come across the will of his mother, who married Thomas Everard of Reading, after the death of her first husband, William White; also the will of his sister Mary, who married first John Bridgman of Oxford and then William Mathew of the same city. Thomas Kibblewhite of Basildon, who died 1580, a son of John of Mayden, had a son John of Shinfield, Berks, living there 1586. Were the family at Shinfield living there for many years?

At the r requiem for Avice, the first wife of Sir Thomas, the chief mourner was Lady Laxton, and Master Roper led her. As her surname is unknown, does the fact of Lady Laxton performing this office suggest a close relationship?

I have seen it suggested that the canton, a lion rampant, in the arms, suggests she may have belonged to the Kendrick family of Berks. In the will of his mother, Mary Everard of Reading, dated 15 Sept., 1540, the name Watlington occurs.

A. STEPHENS DYER. 207, Kingston Road, Teddington.

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CAPT. HUDDLESTON, 46TH REGT. Particulars of the career of this officer "SALTERNS," PORTSEA ISLAND. are sought. In 1811 he was a witness at the Can anyone give details of the history of trial of Dr. Sheridan, in the King's Bench, the Salt Barn on the above Salterns? Dublin. C. Ror HUDLESTON,


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DR. PAULUS PIPER. I confess that I invoke the aid of 'N. & Q.' with some trepidation, as an ignorant beginner moving what seems clearly controversial matter.


am anxious to know what value is to be attached to that edition of the Libri Confraternitatum Sancti Galli Augiensis Fab

ariensis' and the Index thereto which were

brought out in 1884 by Dr. Paulus Piper, and have several times been brought before readers of 'N. & Q.' by MR. ALFRED ANSCOMBE. MR. ANSCOMBE avers that much light is thrown on names, and through personal names on place-names, by this Index, and he complains of neglect to use it on the part of the workers of the Place-name Society. It would be of real help if some reason could be rendered by some competent

person for or against taking account Piper's Index. The authority of Professors Mawer and Stenton necessarily weighs very heavy: but, while accepting it one would be grateful for guidance on the subject.

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(cliii. 405, 480).

AS a pendant to Mr. ARCHIBALD SPARKE'S informing paper under this heading at the second reference, and as I note his omission of the subjoined, I may be permitted to add it to his list.

In August, 1910, I was in charge of Norton-cum-Lenchwick parish, 21⁄2 miles northwest of Evesham, during which time I wrote a history of the church, parish and parochial library, which was inserted in The Antiquary of May, June, and August, 1911, under the title of A Noteworthy Parish and Library.' Excerpts from the last instalment may be conveniently transferred to these columns,

which was commenced in this wise:-

I was poor when I came to the living; it cost me from time to time much money to purchase books; my successors, peradventure, may experience the same convenience; I will therefore, as much as in me lies, prevent it by bequeathing my library in the nature of an heirloom to the living.

The donor of the "heirloom" was the Rev.

Peter Cassy, M.A. (eleventh Vicar, 1726-1784). The books, ranging in size from portly folios to diminutive duodecimos, housed in an apartment in the old vicarage known as the Parish Room, rest on shelves arching the fireplace, and are surmounted by an inscription in gilt lettering, composed and placed thereon by the Rev. W. C. Boulter (sixteenth Vicar, 1891-1902): "Hos libros in usum su Successorum legavit Petrus Cassy, A.M, annos LVII hujus Parochiæ Vicarius, qui obiit A.D. MDCCLXXXIV."

In March, 1895, Mr. Boulter contributed a note in these columns (8 S. vii. 241) entitled: 'Peter Cassy's Books, at Norton,

near Evesham,' in which he states that

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I made my own inventory of this fascinating library, cataloguing some 360 volumes, the major part consisting of Anglican divinity of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, though agreeably varied by books of poetry, anatomy, medicine, travel, biography, etc. The following represent the cosmopolitan tastes of this collector:

1. An Essay Concerning the Humane Understanding. In four Books. By John Locke. London, MDCXC.

2. In Quatuor Evangelia Commentarius R. P. F. Nicolai Gorrani, Ordinis S. Dominici, Sacræ Theologiæ Professoris,

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Second Edition.

4. The Theory of the Earth. By Thomas Barnett. London, 1697.

5. The Art of Painting in Oyl. Impression. By John Smith, C.M.



stranger. If he were in his eighteenth year in March, 1719, he could not have been in his eighty-seventh year in October, 1784."

Of course not; he was in his eighty-fourth year, but then the ungrammatical author of this doubly inaccurate epitaph did not know Foster's 'Alumni Oxonienses,' as he ought to have done, and so learned that his victim had matriculated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, March 12, 1718/19, in his eighteenth year. J. B. McGoVERN, F.S.A. Scot., F.Ph.S.

Redgarth, Clothorn Road, Didsbury.


(clii. and cliii. passim; cliv. 11, 30). R. BERESFORD says he is unconvinced as to


of the Hall having been the balcony of the Banqueting House," to which the Scots

Commissioners referred in their letter to the Kirk of Scotland giving a short account of London, the King's execution. Although this letter was quoted in my first article, it may be well to repeat it here:

Noble Lon

6. Miscellanies. By the Right Lord, the late Marquess of Halifax. don. Printed for Matt. Gilliflower at the Spread Eagle in Westminster Hall, 1700. (A review appeared in 'N. & Q.' 9 S. ii. 339, of Miss Foxcroft's 'Life and Letters of Sir George Savile, Bart., first Marquis of Halifax).

Several of the books have been added to the collection by subsequent Vicars, such as Nos. 4, 6, 46, etc., presented by the Rev. Narcissus G. Batt, renowned for his vast erudition (Vicar, 1854-1891). Most of them contain the names of previous owners, generally University men. "Some," as Mr. Boulter says, "it would seem, never came into the possession of Mr. Cassy's successors, and others have gone astray since." He then gives a list of sixty-one missing volumes (cf. 8 S. vii. 242). Habent sua fata libelli.


Peter Cassy lies in Norton Church, beneath an oval slate mural tablet, surmounted by an urn in the north transept, with this inscripUnderneath is inhumed, the Remains of the Revd. Peter Cassy, A.M., an Exemplary Pattern of all that could adorn the Man; or the Christian. He died the 10th day of October, 1784. In the 87th year of his Age. Beloved and Revered."

"This inscription," adds Mr. Boulter, "with its bad grammar and its doubtful statement, must be the work of an inexpert

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Jo. Chaiselie

Ro. Blair.

The Commissioners who signed this letter were William, Earl of Lothian, Sir John This Robert Chaiselie, and Robert Blair. Blair who signed was probably the divine of that name who, in 1646, was appointed Moderator of the General Assembly, and who, when Cromwell visited Edinburgh in 1648, was one of the three divines sent to treat with him for a uniformity of religion in England.

If I might suggest a method of testing my opinion concerning the balcony, by observation, and supposed reconstruction of former conditions, I would propose to MR. BERESFORD that he should visit the Banqueting House and ascend to the landing outside the central doorway at the north end, through which the public now enter the Hall. Stand

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