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Facts and Figures Pertaining
to the Various Departments
of City Government, and Inci-
dental Information on Many
[Subjects of General Interest





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The thousands of details concerning the city of Detroit which this small volume is expected to contain, are, we hope all here and as many new features as it was considered practical to insert have been included in this issue.

The population statistics while but an incidental feature of the Manual, shows the present Greater Detroit to be a city of 614,486 persons and will indicate to any one who cares to figure the percentage of growth year by year, that we can fully expect to have a city of 1,000,000 inhabitants possibly within six years and

surely by 1921.

As new features of the Manual will be noticed the Street Railway settlement resolution, the Municipal Ownership Charter Amendment, the Civil Service Amendment, the New Primary Law in concise form, the Employers Liability Act, the New Congressional Districts, the act giving Detroit a chance to vote for a small Board of Education to be elected at large; the proposed Charter Amendments agreed upon by the Charter Commission, which include the proposition for one alderman from each ward at a salary of $2,500, or the alternative to be voted upon separately of 9 aldermen-at-large at $5,000 each; the non-partisan Preferential Ballot, doing away with the city primary elections; the abolishing of the Board of Estimates, the consolidation of certain departments, and many other proposed changes in the old charter.

Contrary to the established custom there will be no mailing list used in distributing the Manual. The number printed is 7,000 and any person who wants one can have it for the asking, either by sending a postal, a letter, a messenger or calling in person, and the first come will be first served until all are given out.

While the intent has been to print all the information considered worth while about the official city, many things may be thought of which we have overlooked and we can only ask that those who find this little handbook useful will send in any suggestions that they may have for making the next issue more complete and more useful.

Respectfully submitted,


City Clerk of Detroit.

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Assessors-John C. Nagel, Daniel L. Dilworth, John Kohler.

Asphalt Expert-Clarence Proctor.

Board of Fire Commissioners-President, Sanborn T. McGraw; Louis C. Katz, Thomas Bosquett, William T. Chittenden, Jr.

Board of City Election Canvassers-Richard Lindsay, City Clerk; Max C. Kooch, City Treasurer; Edward J. Jeffries, Police Justice.

Board of County Election Canvassers-Same as County Election Commission.

Board of Inspectors, Detroit House of Correction-Marvin Preston, President; Fred Postal, Jeremiah Dwyer, John D. Wiley.

Board of Library Commissioners-Hinton E. Spalding, President; Bernard Ginsburg, Vice-President; Divie B. Duffield, Clarence A. Black, Ralph Phelps, Jr., Paul R. Gray, Secretary.

Board of Rules, Boiler Inspection Dept.-Edward J. Burdick, William Sprenger, John H. Devisser, Charles A. Ellis.

Board of Trustees, Detroit Museum of Art-Bryant Walker, President; C. A. Black, Vice-President; Richard P. Joy, Treasurer.

Board of Water Commissioners-James Wilkie, President; Thomas F. Comerford, Emil Stroh, George Lane, James J. Brady.

Boiler Inspector-John C. McCabe.

Chief Accountant-Norbert V. Andries.

Circuit Court Commissioner-Samuel L. May, Henry M. Nicol.

City Clerk-Richard Lindsay.

City Controller-George Engel.

City Electrician and General Supt., Public Lighting Commission-Frank R. Mistersky.

City Engineer-Robert H. McCormick.

City Plan and Improvement Commission-Charles Moore, Chairman; T. Glenn Phillips, Secretary; Walter E. Campbell, Frederick T. Barcroft, Dr. Charles E. Pilcher, Dr. C. D. Aaron, Max Broock, John Bornman, Herman Darmstaetter, William T. Dust, George H. Fenkell, Robert McCormick.

City Photographer-Fred S. Quackenbush.

City Physicians-G. F. Lavin, M. D.; Frank Kilroy, M. D.; W. P. Melody, M. D.; G. D. Briggs, M. D.; David B. Downing, M. D.; Karl G. Dubpernell, M. D.; S. J. Przybylowski, M. D.

City Treasurer-Max C. Koch.


Service Commission-Charles G. Hirsch, President; George W. Barrus, James D. May, Henry J. Guthard.

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