Imágenes de páginas

Small sands the mountain, 283.
service is true service, 456.
things, day of, 631.
things with great, 666.
vices do appear, 127.
Smallest worm will turn, 73.
Small-knowing soul, 34.
Smart for it, 620.

girls that are so, 259.
Smarts so little as a fool, 302.

this dog, 333.
Smell a rat, 226, 677.

ancient and fish-like, 23.
flower of sweetest, 446.
of bread and butter, 529.
of the lamp, 651.

to a turf of fresh earth, 221.
the blood of British man, 127.
villanous, 26.
Smelleth the battle afar off, 613.
Smells to heaven, 20.

wooingly, heaven's breath, 97.
Smels sweete al around, 14.
Smile and be a villain, 113.

and tear, betwixt a, 519.
backward with a, 278.
because it makes us, 535.
brightly, 549.

calm thou mayst, 411.
could be moved to, 90.
from partial beauty, 481.
ghastly, 190.
good man's, 372.

if we do meet again, 94.
in her eye, 566.
in pain, 282.

make the learned, 297.
on her lips, 490.
social, 361.

tear followed by a, 399.
that glowed, 200.
that was childlike, 598.
to those who hate, 528.
vain tribute of a, 487.
vast substantial, 588.
we would aspire to, 79.
Smiled all around thee, 411.
when a sabbath appeared, 400.
Smiles at the drawn dagger, 266.
from reason flow, 201.
his emptiness betray, 303.
Jupiter on Juno, 194.
of joy, 501.

of other maidens, 551.

robb'd that, 130.
seldom he, 90.

the clouds away, 524.
welcome ever, 79.
wreathed, 213.
Smiling at grief, 53

Smiling in her tears, 482.
Smith stand with his hammer, 57.
Smoke and stir, 206.

awful guide in, 493.

that so gracefully curled, 502.
Smoking flax, 629.

Smooth at a distance, 172.

runs the water, 72.

the bed of death, 303.
Smoother than butter, 616.
Smoothing the raven-down, 207.
Smooth-lipped shell, 459.
Smoothness, torrent's, 485.
Smote the chord of Self, 580.
Snail, creeping like, 47.
Snails, feet like, 167.
Snake, scotched the, 101.

wounded, 298.
Snapper-up of trifles, 55.
Snatch a fearful joy, 353.

a grace, 296.
Sneer, laughing devil in his, 525.
teach the rest to, 302.
Snore upon the flint, 138.
Snow, chaste as unsunned, 138.
December, 58.

hide those hills of, 29.
mockery king of, 60.
pure as, 117.

rosebuds filled with, 146.
their winding sheet, 484.
Snow-fall in the river, 419.
Snow-flakes, as still as, 537-
Snow-white ram, 461.
Snuff, only took, 375.

rather than live in, 17.
Snuffed out by an article, 535.
Snug as a bug, 336.

little Island, 544.

So much to do, 585.

sad so tender, 351.
wise so young, 76.
Soaks up the rain, 177.
Soap, invisible, 555.
Sober as a judge, 677.
certainty, 208.

go to bed, 155.
in your diet, 321.

second thoughts, 247.
Soberness, truth and, 639.
Society my glittering bride, 459.
one polished horde, 536.
ornament to, 469.
solder of, 326.

solitude is best, 201.

where none intrudes, 520.

Society's chief joys, 397..

Socrates whom well inspired, 204.
Sofa, wheel round the, 392.
Soft answer, 620.

Soft as her clime, 529.

as young, 279.
eyes looked love, 516.
impeachment, 414.
is the music, 446.
is the strain, 298.
the zephyr blows, 356.
Softening into shade, 329.
Softly bodied forth, 519.
Soil, grows on mortal, 212.
not in this, 209.

thus leave thee native, 202.
where first they trod, 542.
Soiled with all ignoble use, 586.
Soils, rich to be weeded, 143.
Solar walk or milky way, 286.
Sold him a bargain, 35.

to slavery, 129.
Soldat heureux, 494-
Solder of society, 326.
Soldier among sovereigns, 342.
and afeard, 104.

armed with resolution, 263.
ask the brave, 497.
blasphemy in the, 28.
full of strange oaths, 47.
himself have been a, 62.
let the, be abroad, 543.
relish him more in the, 131.
successful, 494-

thou more than, 496.
Soldier's pole is fallen, 21, 137.
sepulchre, 484.

virtue, ambition the, 137.
Soldiers bore dead bodies, 61.

substance of ten thousand, 77.
Sole daughter of his voice, 201.
judge of truth, 288.

Solemn creed, sapping a, 518.
fop, 397-

sneer, 518.
temples, 23.

Sole-sitting by the shores, 438.
Solid flesh would melt, 108.

happiness we prize, 334.
men of Boston, 412.
pudding, 307.

Solitary shriek, 532.

Solitude, bird in the, 526.

bliss of, 440.

he makes a, 524.

how passing sweet is, 396.
least alone in, 517.

sometimes is best society, 201.
where are the charms, 400.
Some are born great, 54.

asked how pearls grow, 167.
asked me where, 167.
books to be tasted, 142.
natural tears, 203.

Some said John print it, 245.
say no evil thing, 208.
three ages since, 34.
undone widow, 153.

we've left behind us, 499.
Somebody to hew and hack, 225.
Something after death, 116.
better than his dog, 580.
dangerous in me, 124.
in a flying horse, 444.
in a huge balloon, 444-
rich and strange, 22.
the heart must have, 577.
too much of this, 119.
wicked this way comes, 103.
Sometimes counsel take, 300.
Son, a wise, 620.

and foe, 190.

every wise man's, 52.
happy for that, 74.
of Adam and Eve, 257.
of his own works, 11.

of parents, 397-
two-legg'd thing a, 235.

Song, burden of some merry, 304.
burthen of his, 387.
careless, 364.

charms the sense, 188.
for our banner, 565.
govern thou my, 198.
it may turn out a, 421.
metre of an antique, 139.
mighty orb of, 458.
moralize my song, 13.
moralized his song, 303.
no sorrow in thy, 409.
of Percy and Douglass, 19.
one immortal, 235.
satire be my, 511.
swallow-flights of, 585.
truth of a, 257.

wanted many an idle, 301.
what they teach in, 539.

Songes make and wel endite, 1.
Songs, had my book of, 25.

turned to holy psalms, 147.

Sonne, up rose the, 3.
Sonorous metal, 184.
Sons of Belial, 184.
of Columbia, 506.
of Edward, 76.
of night, 497;

of reason valour, 330.
of the morning, 504.

of their great sires, 315.
Sooner lost and won, 53.
Soothe the savage breast, 271.
Soothed his soul to pleasures, 233-

with the sound, 233.
Sophisters, age of, 382.

Sophocles, mad if I am not, 563.
Sophonisba, O, 330.
Soprano basso, 529.
Sore labour's bath, 100.
Sorrow, bread in, ate, 577.

calls no time that's gone, 156.
down thy climbing, 126.
earth has no, 501.
fade, 474-
fail not for, 570.
give, words, 104.
hang, 159.

hath 'scaped this, 140.
her rent is, 163.
in, steep, 421.
in thy song, 409.
is held intrusive, 567.
is in vain, 156.

is unknown, where, 400.
more in, than in anger, 109.
nae, there John, 429.
never comes too late, 354.
night of, 173.

now melt into, 523.

of the meanest thing, 441.
parting is such sweet, 85.
path of, 400.

pine with feare and, 15.
resembles, 575.,

returned with the morn, 485.
rooted, 105.
some natural, 447.
sphere of our, 540.
to the grave, 608.
under the load of, 33.
wear a golden, 78.
why should, 549
Sorrowing, goeth a, 8.
Sorrow's crown of sorrow, 581.

keenest wind, 446.
Sorrows and darkness, 505.

come not single spies, 122.
here I and, sit, 56.
of a poor old man, 413.
of death, 614.
remembered, 551.
transient, 440.

Sort, deadlier, 226.

smiles in such a, 90.

Sorts of prosperity, all, 262.
Sots, what can ennoble, 290.
Soul above buttons, 427.

as if his eager, 222.
blind his, 583.

body form doth take of the, 15.
bruised with adversity, 30.
catch my flying, 310.

cement of the, 326

cold waters to a thirsty, 623.
cordial to the, 221.

Soul, crowd not on my, 356.
current of the, 358.
eloquence the, 188.
eye was in itself a, 524.
fiery, 234.
flow of, 304.
freed his, 338.

fret thy, with crosses, 15.
grapple them to thy, 110.
happy, that all the way, 173.
harrow up thy, 112.
has gone aloft, 410.
haughtiness of, 265.
hides a dark, 208.
human, take wing, 527.
I think nobly of the, 55.
intercourse from, 309.
iron entered into his, 647.
is dead that slumbers, 573.
is form, 15.

is his own, the subject's, 70.
is in arms, 264.

is wanting there, 522.
is with the saints, 473.
like an ample shield, 244.
like seasoned timber, 163.
lose his own, 635.
measured by my, 271.
meeting, 214.
merit wins the, 301.
most offending, 71.
of business, 324.

of goodness, 70.
of harmony, 214.
of music shed, 496.
of music slumbers, 434.
of Orpheus sing, 215.
of our grandam, 55.
of Richard, 77, 264.
of the age, 152.

of wit, brevity is the, 113.
overflowed the, 460.
palace of the, 514.
perdition catch my, 132.
prophetic, 112.

prospect of his, 32.

rapt, sitting, 214.

secured in her existence, 266.
sincere, 295.

small-knowing, 34.

so dead, man with, 488.
suck forth my, 20.
swell the, to rage, 234.
sweet and virtuous, 163.
take the prisoned, 207.
tell me my, 311.

that can be honest, 154.
that perished in his pride, 441
the body's guest, 16.

thou hast much goods, 637.

Soul through my lips, 579.

to dare the will to do, 491.
to keep, pray the Lord my,604.
tocsin of the, 534-
tumult of the, 443.

unction to your, 121.
under the ribs of death, 209.
uneasy and confin'd, 286.
unlettered, 34.

unto his captain Christ, 60.
was like a star, 449.
white as heaven, 157.
whiteness of his, 516.
who would force the, 452.
why shrinks the, 266.
within her eyes, 529.
Soul's calm sunshine, 290.
dark cottage, 179.
sincere desire, 479.

Soul-animating strains, 446.
Souls are ripened, 409.
as free, 524.
assembled, 174.
corporations have no, 10.
flight of common, 379.
jewel of their, 132.
made of fire, 284.

of fearful adversaries, 74.
reaches of our, 111.
such harmony in, 44.
sympathy with sounds, in, 394.
that try men's, 407.
that were forfeit once, 28.
to souls, 568.

two, with a single thought, 597.
we loved, 587.

whose sudden visitations, 568.
Sound an echo to the sense, 298.
and fury, 105.

born of murmuring, 440.
dirge-like, 444.

doleful, 270.

harmonious, 198.

harsh in, 81.

jarring, 190.

most melodious, 14.

of a knell, 400.

of hammer, 394.

of revelry by night, 515.

of the church-going bell, 400.
of thunder, 188.

of woman's praise, 563.

persuasive, 271.

same, is in my ears, 454.
soothed with the, 233.
sweet is every, 583.
the clarion, 494.
the loud timbrel, 50
the trumpet, 253.
uncertain, 641.

Sounded all the depths, 79.
Sounding brass, 641.

cataract, 442.

Sounds as a sullen bell, 67.
blowing martial, 184.
concord of sweet, 44.
melodious, on every side, 219
of music, 44.

rural, 390.

sympathy with, 394.

Sour, every sweet its, 602.
grapes, have eaten, 630.
lofty and, So.

misfortune's book, 87.
Source of all my bliss, 374-
of human offspring, 195.
of sympathetic tears, 354.
Sour-complexioned man, 161.
South and south-west side, 224.
full of the warm, 547-
like the sweet, 52.
Sovereign among soldiers, 342.
here lies our, 249.
law sits empress, 411.
of sighs and groans, 35.
o'er transmuted ill, 337.
reason, noble and most, 117.
when I forget my, 389.
Sovereignest thing on earth, 61.
Sovereigns, sceptred, 529.
Sow for him build for him, 441.
like to reap, as you, 229.
wrong, by the ear, 681.
Soweth, whatsoever a man, 642.
Space and time, annihilate but,306.
Spacious firmament on high, 267.
Spade a spade, call a, 651.
Spades emblems of untimely

graves, 393.
Spain's chivalry, 536.
Spake as a child, 641.

the seraph Abdiel, 198.
Span, less than a, 146.

life is but a, 604.
Spangled heavens, 267.
Spangling the wave, 493.
Spanish fleet canst not see, 415.
or neat's leather, 228.

Spare Fast, 214.

my aching sight, 356.
the rod, 228, 677.
Spared a better man, 66.
Spark, human, is left, 309.
illustrious, 397.

of heavenly flame, 311.
of that immortal fire, 523.
vocal, instinct with music, 438
Sparkled was exhal'd, 280.
Sparkling with a brook, 537.
Sparks fly upward, as the, 611.

Sparks of fire, 167.

of fury, 322.
Sparrow, caters for the, 45.
fall of a, 125.

fall or hero perish, 285.
Speak by the card, 123.
daggers to her, 120.
if any, 92.

in public on the stage, 428.
it profanely, not to, 118.
let him now, 646.

low if you speak love, 30.
me fair in death, 43.
more in a minute, 86.

of me as I am, 136.

right on, 93.

something good, 164.

too coldly, 501.

Spent them not in toys, 177.
what we, 605.

Sperit, never drink no, 594.
Sphere of our sorrow, 540.
two stars in one, 66.
Sphere-descended maid, 366.
Spheres, shake the, 233.
music of the, 674.

stars shot madly from, 37.
start from their, 112.
Spice of life, 392.

Spick and span new, 677.
Spicy nut-brown ale, 213.
Spider, like a subtle, 286.
Spider's touch, 286.

Spiders, lately had two, 263.
Spies come not single, 122.

Spin, toil not neither do they, 633.

Speaker, Mr., shall we shut the Spins, Lord Fanny, 304.

door, 332.

no other, 80.

Speaking things they ought not,

thought him still, 199.
Spear, Ithuriel with his, 196.

to equal the tallest pine, 183.
Spears into pruning-hooks, 628.
Special providence, 125.

wonder, without our, 102.

Spectacle of human happiness, 467.
Spectacles of Books, 244.

on nose, 48.

Spectatum veniunt, 3.
Spectre-doubts, dispel ye, 482.
Speculation in those eyes, 102.
Speech be always with grace, 642.

day unto day uttereth, 614.
is divine, 677.
is silvern, 677.
is truth, 489.

poetry of, 519.

rude am I in my, 129.
thought deeper than, 568.
thought is, 489.

to conceal thoughts, 657.
true use of, 283, 379.
wed itself with, 584.

Speeches, men's charitable, 146.
Speed, add wings to thy, 189.
be wise with, 283.
the going guest, 304.
the parting guest, 315.
the soft intercourse, 309.
to-day, 15.

Speke he never so rudely, 3.
Spell, trance or breathed, 216.
Spells, lime-twigs of his, 209.
Spend another such a night, 75.
to, to give to want, 15.
Spenser, a little nearer, 174.

Spinsters and knitters, 53.
Spires whose silent finger, 460.

ye distant, 353.

Spirit, Brutus will start a, 89.
chased, are with more, 41.
clear, doth raise, 211.
Creator drew his, 240.
ditties of no tone, 548.
extravagant and erring, 107.
fairer, 317.
giveth life, 641.

hies to his confine, 107.
holiday-rejoicing, 468.
humble tranquil, 176.
ill, have so fair a house, 23.
independence, 367.

is willing, 636.

meek and quiet, 644.
motions of his, 44.

no, dare stir abroad, 107.

of a youth, 137.

of health, 111.

of heaviness, 630.

of liberty, 381.

of man is divine, 523.
of my dream, 527.
of self-sacrifice, 455.
of wine, 132.
of youth, 140.
one of the. 592.

or more welcome shade, 317.
pard-like, 539.
present in, 640.
rest perturbed, 113
shall return unto God, 627.
strongest and fiercest, 186.
that fought in heaven, 186.
the accusing, 350.
the least erected, 185.
thy father's, III.

to bathe in fiery floods, 28.

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